Chongchong: Mo Yi, you told me before that you should make good use of your only power. Now just watch me carefully.

Of course, Kiana did not perform a fat dance for Mo Yi, but opened a huge imaginary door in the sky, and then slowly used a battleship full of technology from it.

"Times have changed, Herrscher of a Thousand!"

We still rely on the human wave tactic, right?

I will directly crush it with high technology now!

"This is?"

The Herrscher of Thousands was immediately confused.

It was able to suppress Chongchong and others by relying on the constant flow of puppet tactics that could be continuously 'produced', coupled with the special attack on the Herrscher, and the fact that everyone only had a foothold in dominating the theater.

But after Chongchong directly transferred the Hyperion, her advantage no longer existed. In terms of single-round combat power, it was really difficult for her to deal with the Hyperion.

Other Herrschers, such as the Cooking Woman, can easily deal with and sink a warship like the Hyperion, but the Thousand Herrschers, who only have power and no material damage, cannot deal with a warship like the Hyperion. high tech.

So what Chongchong said, "Times have changed," is indeed true.

The Hyperion, which had been prepared for a long time, arrived in the sky above the Dominion Theater and immediately launched various firepower covering bombings on the Dominion Theater according to the original plan. The main gun that could counter the waves of Leilu was also charged and prepared. The domination theater was sunk by artillery fire.

The Herrscher of Thousands: "The Theater of Dominance, my Theater of Dominance!!"

Stop, this is not a duel at all!

PS: Xier Chapter (72):

No matter how loudly Hei Xixia and Xi'er quarreled, they could only stay under the bed and squat silently to avoid being discovered by Bronya who opened the door and walked in.

Mo Yi helplessly looked at Xi'er who rolled under the bed, then looked up in the direction of the open door. A duck wearing a Homu pattern nightgown slowly walked in.


Mo Yi pretended that he had just woken up and found out that Bronya had come in. After all, it was difficult to explain to the other party that he found Xi'er in his room. As we all know, Xi'er is the most important person in Yaya. Mo Yi was almost killed last night. YaYa was kicked out of the house. If the other party found Xi'er in his room tonight, Mo Yi would have to consider whether he could withstand the other party's silk stocking assassination technique.

Of course, Mo Yi didn't know that the duck last night and the duck tonight were no longer the same duck. Facing Bronya alone would indeed be very dangerous, but they were two different dangers.

"You forgot to lock the door."

Bronya Mo De explained emotionally, then put the key projected by the power of reason deep into the trousers of her nightgown and explained.

Mo Yi: "..."

Ah, yes, yes, you are willing to explain to me, can I not be moved?

"Um...what's the reason you came to see me?"

Yaya walked up to Mo Yi, then crossed his legs and sat on the edge of the bed, staring at Mo Yi with his light gray eyes, and after a while he said lightly:

"Mo Yi, I'm here to negotiate terms."

Mo Yi: "???"

"Can I not talk about it?"

Bronya had quietly moved to Mo Yi's side, leaned very close, and said decisively:

"No, you must choose my partner!"

Chapter 271: Insect of Destruction: It hurts, it hurts too much

"The road to victory has been opened... Herrscher of Thousands, you lost."

After Hyperion joined the battlefield, the puppets who had the numerical advantage immediately felt the pain of being suppressed by human fire, especially when the Hyperion's main gun bombarded them with full firepower, and they were dominated by floating in the imaginary space. In the theater, even the ceiling was blown away.

After a desperate struggle, the Herrscher doll of a thousand people was gradually killed by the people who gathered. Mo Yi also took advantage of it. Of course, he only used his control power. He also produced MVP-level output.

Other dolls use silk threads to interfere and control others, but Mo Yi directly uses it like the "Thread Fruit" in One Piece, turning countless absent silk threads into sharp blades, easily cutting through the doll's skin.

Or, condense countless silk threads into a huge spear, and shoot it directly with the unparalleled version.

"I won't lose. You can't defeat the darkness in people's hearts!"

The last Thousand Herrscher doll fell to the ground, looked at Mo Yi, Chong Chong, Theresa and others sternly, and retorted loudly:

"Human malice may be temporarily overcome, but as long as there is darkness in this world, we will come back here again and again."

"Take your bad breath to hell!"

After Chongchong made a complaint, he fired an ordinary Honkai energy bullet, which opened his mind and made him unable to speak harshly anymore.

"It's over~"

Chongchong looked at the domination theater that was beginning to fall apart and said with a sigh:

"Let's go back."

When she said this, the person she was subconsciously looking at was Mo Yi, who was also looking up at the dominating theater.

Then I was thinking about how to explain Mo Yi's matter to my aunt and the others later. After all, Mo Yi can be regarded as the Herrscher of Thousands. She is willing to believe it 100%, but it is difficult to tell other people in the base. , Chongchong himself feels the same way.

Seeing that the Domination Theater looked like it was about to be finished, even if everyone wanted to continue research, they could only quickly walk into the Hyperion and prepare to leave. If they stayed here, they might fall into the abyss with the Domination Theater. In the bottomless imaginary number space, it is really impossible to leave at that time.

"Mo Yi, what are you still looking at? It's time to leave -"

"No, the matter is not over yet, the Thousand Herrscher has not been truly defeated yet."

Seeing Kiana extending her hand towards him, Mo Yi twisted his head and refused.

"What, you mean?"

Kiana's blue eyes instantly enlarged, she stared at Mo Yi, and shouted loudly:

"Come with me, you guy!"

After Mo Yi said this, Kiana finally thought of one thing, that is, the Herrscher of Thousands has not been defeated yet, because there is still a 'doll', and the other person is standing in front of her, right in front of her. Mo Yi.

So if you want to truly defeat the Herrscher of Thousands, there is still one step left, and that is——

Kiana: Don’t do this kind of thing, Kouya.JPG!

"No, I can't leave with you."

"If you keep doing this, I'll get angry!"

Chongchong thought that Mo Yi stayed here to commit suicide, so she was naturally very angry. If this was the case, what was the purpose of what she had done before?

"So what if you become the Herrscher of Thousands? I am not also the Herrscher of the Sky, Bronya is the Herrscher of Reason, and Mei is also the Herrscher of Thunder, but we are still warriors fighting for humanity. Power The source is never the most important thing. What matters is that what really determines good and evil should be the direction in which the power is used, you idiot!"

Hearing Chong Chong say this, Mo Yi was very relieved. It seemed that the other party understood this truth, but his mentality could not be changed before. Now that things happened to other people, Chong Chong understood.

In this way, Mo Yi has fulfilled Mr. Ya's request. Chong Chong who wants to understand this, at least mentally, is no longer afraid of the Herrscher's personality.

"You're overthinking, that's not what I meant."

Mo Yi looked at the crumbling Domination Theater and his friends who were waiting for Chongchong to pass, and said:

"After becoming a member of the Herrschers of Thousands, I knew that the doll was not the real Herrscher of Thousands. Even the domination theater in front of me was just a manifestation of power, and it did not understand its essence. The real Herrscher of Thousands It hasn’t appeared yet, it’s still looking at us from a secret place.”

Mo Yi is not lying. The Herrscher of Thousands and the Herrscher of Corrosion exist in completely different ways from the previous Herrschers. The Herrscher of Corrosion is the invisible ultimate virus, while the Herrscher of Thousands in this era is A conglomeration of malice in the human heart.

In the plot, Chongchong and others killed all the puppets and destroyed the domination theater, but it was also useless. The opponent soon appeared again, and the broken puppets were resurrected again, until Chongchong evolved into the Law of Fire. It was only then that he used the great sword of Xinyan transformed from the belief in his heart to kill his true form, the Thousand Herrscher·The Crowd...

Well, it’s not actually killing, because the imaginary singularity belonging to the power of the Herrscher of Thousands is still floating in the high latitude space. The other party is just restarting the game and using human maliciousness to create new dolls and dominate the theater. .

In the end, it was Otto who used his clone to attract the 'Imaginary Singularity', and then killed himself one more time, and then he was able to truly eliminate the Thousand Herrscher.

Mo Yi, who became a member of the Herrscher of Thousands, realized this after all this time. Even if he killed all the other puppets, he would not be able to become the true and only Herrscher of Thousands.

Mo Yi definitely can't accept this. Isn't this an unspoken rule?

It was too dark. Mo Yi would not accept this kind of thing. Since the other party would not give it to him, Mo Yi chose to grab what belonged to him with his own hands.

"As long as the opponent is not eliminated, the Herrscher of Thousands will be resurrected again and again, and the last way to solve it is for me, the only puppet, to become the real Herrscher of Thousands."

"What's the price?"

Kiana was always criticized for being a Paramecium, but once she took the initiative to think about it, her IQ was no match for her. She was ready to harm the Herrscher, and she instantly thought of the possible endings that Mo Yi would face. Like her, there would only be two choices in the end. In the end, he becomes an apostle of the Honkai Impact or becomes an apostle completely.

"Lessons that are not accompanied by pain are meaningless. Because if people don't sacrifice something, they can't gain anything. But when you endure this kind of pain and overcome it, you will gain nothing. A tough heart for anything, yes, a tough heart of steel—"

Mo Yi stretched out his thumb, pointed at his heart, and said with a smile:

"Of course I am not saying that sacrifice must be made, or that sacrifice must be taken for granted, but Kiana, some things must be done by certain people. Just like at this moment, I am that person..."

"So I also want to be cool once in a while, be the protagonist who saves the world, and say it handsomely. This is my mission."

"Besides, isn't there you? If I fail, you will be the one to defeat me then. This is the way to completely defeat the Herrscher of Thousands."

"Someone must sit on the Frozen Throne. Why can't I be the one to become the Meow Meow King?"

Mo Yi finally said something that Chong Chong probably didn't understand.

Mo Yi: It’s almost time to go back to your own world to fight the dungeon of Emperor Wen Tian. If I go back with Chongchong, it will be even more troublesome to escape.

Of course, Mo Yi didn't say it. He didn't have 100% confidence in finding out the hidden essence of the Herrscher of Thousands. He should at least be able to restrain the Herrscher of Thousands and prevent the other party from acting as wantonly as before. , traveling around the world causing trouble.

When the Herrscher of Thousands leaves the imaginary space to cause trouble, remember to consider that there is a second or fifth boy who is always watching behind him, looking for every opportunity to sneak attack and seize its power.

"I also understand the principles of saving the world, but you teach me how to endure all this——"

Chongchong instantly returned to the rooftop where she was beaten by the cook. However, when faced with a similar choice in Taixu Mountain, she chose to break the seal and pull Fu Hua back. This time, she did the same thing. After all, she is the body Aren't you a paramecium that reacts faster than your brain can think?

Idiots should be more willful, otherwise they will have to pay the price of being called "idiot" for so long.

"I can't accept the victory that comes with sacrifice!"

Chongchong rushed towards Mo Yi in an instant and used the Friendly Face-breaking Fist on Mo Yi, preparing to wake him up and then drag him back to the Hyperion.

Theresa, Xi'er and Fu Hua, who were already on the ship, saw that the two of them were still lingering there, and felt that something was wrong. So Xi'er and Fu Hua came over again, ready to see what was going on, but they hadn't come over yet. , saw Chong Chong about to attack Mo Yi.

"Come back with me, don't always take everything on yourself and just be a cool guy!"

Chongchong: Even if I break your legs, I will take you back today.JPG!

"There is no reason to stop a man from running towards the sea -"

It's a pity that Mo Yi is not the Immortal Fu Hua who has been fully favored and can easily avoid Chong Chong's friendship-breaking punch.

It is the turn of the physical condition. Mo Yi is still full of health. Chongchong entered the Domination Theater twice in a row to fight with the Herrscher of Thousands of People on this day. He was deprived of his power and endured the Herrscher of Thousands of People's wanton use of power. The price of coming, not long ago, was to transfer a behemoth like the Hyperion in one go. To be honest, even with Kaslana's physique, she has not fainted on the ground from exhaustion. She relies solely on her willpower to hold on. Once she returns, In reality, I'm afraid she would have to fall into bed and sleep for three days and three nights before she could get up.

After dodging Chong Chong's friendship-breaking punch, Mo Yi appeared as a Titan and took the powerful version of the Herrscher's Sword, easily hitting Chong Chong on the back of his neck.

"You saved everyone in Tianqiong City, and this time it's up to me to show off your strength -"

By the time Kiana reacted, she had been hit by the Herrscher's knife. Her body, which she had been holding on to with willpower, instantly softened under the influence of the power of dominance, and was caught by Mo Yi's hands.

"Sorry, this is the last time, Kiana."

Mo Yi glanced at Shenzhou Tablet and Xi'er who had already run to his side. He handed Chongchong, which had lost its ability to resist, to Xi'er, and then turned around and walked away.

"Mr. Mo Yi, what are you going to do here?"

Fu Hua and Mo Yi in front of them were not anxious. Everything they knew was from Chong Chong and Xi'er. When they saw Mo Yi handing Chong Chong directly to Xi'er, it didn't look like they were betraying each other. Judging from the atmosphere among the people, you can probably guess what the plot is. Not long ago, she did the same thing in Taixu Mountain, but was stopped by Chongchong.

So she asked subconsciously.

Mo Yi: "..."

Oops, the DNA has moved.

Stepping on the southern sky, shattering the sky.

"The Herrscher of Thousands is still alive, now is the best chance to defeat him."

Fu Hua: "..."

Sure enough, it was similar to what he thought. As for why Mo Yi said this, others have become members of the Herrscher of Thousands. Is there anyone who understands Herrscher of Thousands better than him?

Since the other party said that the Herrscher of Thousands has not been defeated yet, then the Herrscher of Thousands must not have a dog belt. Just like when she and Chongchong defeated the Herrscher of Consciousness, it does not mean that the Herrscher of Consciousness was defeated. , the other party can come back at any time, so she chose to sacrifice herself to seal the other party at that time.

Now, Mo Yi is probably making the same choice as himself.

Fu Hua, who had been saved by Kiana, wanted to stop Mo Yi, but she had no such position. After all, she was still such a person. If necessary, she would still stand up and sacrifice herself. (Man-made collapse warning.JPG!)

"What if you never come back...?"

Fu Hua adjusted his glasses and looked at Mo Yi seriously.

"Then I'll never come back—"

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