After seeing Mo Yi agree, the pink fairy didn't bother about this matter, and she didn't use the bow and arrow she put down, but used other moves. So in the eyes of everyone, the pink fairy turned green, and her long pink hair suddenly turned green, Became Miss Green Goblin.

This is exactly how she tried her best to borrow the power of treasure recognition.

The Herrscher of Wind, Wen Tiandi, has the strongest physical shield and spear, as well as the dexterity and agility of the wind. It is not easy to attack the opponent physically, unless it is like the sky fire strike that Mo Yi is about to use. Flying bricks with great strength, no matter how much blood you have or how thick your armor is, it will directly inflict damage and kill you.

Physical attacks are difficult to use, so Aili chooses to use mental attacks, and the Herrscher of Knowledge power is perfect for her.

As for Emperor Wen Tian at this moment, it can only be said that his condition is not good.

My drill can break through the sky——

"Tianyuan breakthrough!"

Riding on Krishna, holding a drill in his hand... The Tianyuan Goose of the Black Abyss and White Flowers once again launched a fatal blow at Emperor Wen Tian.

Next to her, there was Xin Yan Chong Chong who was stepping on the dragon, borrowing Mr. Ya's Kurigara. She kicked Beibei Long II hard, and the Xin Yan sword in her hand ignited a flame that seemed to never stop, pointing at the dragon in the air. Wendy once again struck with an all-burning slash.

"The flames burn forever!"

“It’s useless, it’s useless, it’s useless~~”

Emperor Wen Tian finally realized the seriousness of the problem. It turned out that he was really being beaten by a group of Herrschers. He opened his hands and created an absolutely impenetrable wind shield to block the two attacks.

Even if I, Emperor Wen, have to resist the White Flowers of Black Abyss with my left hand and hold the Xinyan Great Sword with my right hand, I, Emperor Wen, will still be invincible against the Collapse of the World——

On the top of the collapse, proud of the world, with me, Wendy, there will be heaven. The truly strong never believe in whitewashing.JPG!

Then Walter Duck found a good opportunity and once again used the infinite golden revolving claw bullet that combined man and car, and the golden spear stabbed Emperor Wen Tian who was blocking the attacks of Tianyuan Goose and Firefly with his left and right hands.

"This move again——"

Emperor Wen Tian also discovered Yaya's despicable attack when someone was in danger. Last time, if she hadn't been clever, when the claw bullet of infinite golden rotation penetrated her shield, she controlled the body's clothes made of Honkai energy to take off, and guided the The claw bullet, which would not disappear until the object it hit was shattered into nothingness, was deflected. She had probably already sent it.

Not long ago, Emperor Wen Tian was really frightened. He wanted to get Yaya's nail attack, which seemed to have the most trashy special effects, but it had the strongest penetration ability.

The infinite golden revolving claw bullet has infinite energy. Once it hits the target, it will use an endless spiral force to tear the object into nothingness and then it will stop. That's why Yaya said, she She likes to fight autistic enemies the most. In front of her, any defense is useless. Even the defenses of the time and space system and the causal system may be broken through after taking some time, let alone Emperor Wen Tian's absolute defense at the physical level. Yes.

"The same trick will not work on me!"

Emperor Wen Tian looked at the 'golden claw bullets' that quickly pierced her multiple shields, and his body rose unreasonably towards the sky.

She is the Herrscher of Wind. She will not only stand still and take damage from skills. As the Emperor of Wind, the entire sky is her domain. She can move at will without any reason. A single round of short-distance movement can be regarded as the Law of the Sky. No one can compare to her, Emperor Wen Tian.

What? Is this an escape?

Is it possible to make a strategic retreat and escape?

She didn't say that she had to stand still and take everyone's attacks. Couldn't she still dodge? There is no such thing in this world. How can fighting be such an inconvenience?

Unfortunately, everyone who had simulated this battle many times had already guessed Emperor Wen Tian's possible reaction.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Mr. Ya and Cooking Po held the power of thunder and used unlimited swords at Emperor Wen Tian from both directions. They immediately blocked the two escape directions Wendy could choose. It didn't take long, as long as they stopped him In the blink of an eye, Ducky's cavalry revolving claw bullets would penetrate her defense, and at the same time, the attacks from Dull Goose and Chongchong would hit her face.

Theresa, who chose to stand next to Mo Yi as the mascot because her legs were too short to keep up with the rhythm, said excitedly:


Theresa: No, I'm not a mascot. I'm staying behind to protect Mo Yi's output. If Mo Yi hits the highest output in the end, it's also closely related to her support... Yes, this one is Mo Yi and I were killing each other randomly.

"You've been fooled, this is my, Wendy's, line of attack!"

Wendy's voice suddenly appeared in another direction in the sky, and the 'Emperor Wen Tian' who was standing there to withstand everyone's attacks exploded and disappeared like a deflated balloon with Yaya's piercing claw bullet.

As a result, everyone could only quickly withdraw their attacks to prevent their own people from attacking their own people.

"It's an illusion of light refracted by air currents!"

This move had only been seen used by Emperor Wen Tian once in the simulation, but it was the first time everyone recognized it. He used the control of the air to create an illusion similar to Haishichen Tower. However, Emperor Wen Tian liked to attack forcefully, so there was basically no need to do this. little trick.

At this moment, it was this little trick that successfully saved her life and even found an opportunity to launch a counterattack!

"Strong wind, surrender to me!"

Emperor Wen Tian used all his power, preparing to stir up the air of the entire past paradise and create a doomsday storm that could crush and shatter the entire world;;.

"Isn't this okay?~"

As the master of the Paradise of the Past, Emperor Wen Tian naturally couldn't hide Alicia's little tricks. Alicia had already been staring at her, and the spiritual shock wave of the combination of the power of the Herrscher of Knowledge and the power of the Herrscher of Origin was perfect. Hit her with anticipation.

The power of consciousness can make Emperor Wen Tian fall into a temporary state of mental loss, while the power of origin can cut off her control of the power. Simply put, Kang removes her effect, silences her for a round, and then adds the power of consciousness. That is the combat phase plus a one-round blockade.

In the past, only my mother could stop others from playing Yu-Gi-Oh, but now there is a pink fairy. This does not grant any effects or advance to the battle level, which is equivalent to directly depriving the right of playing Yu-Gi-Oh.

"Now, the formula for victory has been completed!"

Naturally, Mo Yi would not miss this good opportunity. He raised the fully charged five-core Sky Fire Tribulation in his hand and unleashed a powerful attack on Emperor Wen Tian.

"Pegasus, gain freedom here and run towards the endless future. This is the world I have opened up, my future -"

Others have their own lines when using the sword of pure love. Siegfried's "In order to protect the one you love, you are willing to sacrifice your life to launch an awesome attack", Kevin's "This time I will put my life into the gun" "Just for one person" and Otto's "Karen, live on", Mo Yi naturally has to have his own characteristics, otherwise wouldn't it be inferior in comparison?

"Sky Fire Future Slash!"

This is the Skyfire attack that Future Emperor Mo Yi will use to open up the future. The effect is to push the enemy over. If you survive this awesome attack of mine and are still alive, then you will be my new friend who will never let you down.

Under Mo Yi's perfect control, Sky Fire Future Slash successfully hit Emperor Wen Tian who was forcibly controlled by the pink goblin——

Emperor Wen Tian: At that moment, I only saw endless light and heat. That blazing temperature made me feel like I was back in my mother's arms.JPG!

Twenty minutes later.

Emperor Wen Tian slowly opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the grass. There was no pain in his body as he had imagined... She understood, was this going to heaven?

This can only be said that Emperor Wen Tian is very weak. She is going to destroy the human world. She still thinks about such a good thing as being able to go to heaven after death?

In fact, she was lying in the paradise of the past at this time. Only the paradise of the pink fairy could recover so quickly after experiencing Mo Yi's sky fire nuclear explosion.

"you're awake--"

Emperor Wen Tian suddenly heard a man's voice, and then saw the crowd surrounding her. The person talking to her was naturally Mo Yi, who was still holding the five-core sky fire annihilation in his hand. In order to make himself look kinder, Mo Yi Yi did not point the Sky Fire Tribulation at Wendy, but planted it on the ground to enhance his persuasiveness.

"You're not hurt, are you?"

It's a pity that Wendy lost the relevant memory. At the moment when Mo Yi's Sky Fire Future Slash was focused head-on, thanks to Firefly's use of Absolute Time and Space Break, she was saved from the nuclear explosion from being burned to a ripe state in an instant, and then the idiot used it again. The ability to recite the "Remnant Light of the Saint" and the cook's horse charm were able to successfully prevent her from dying and return to her original appearance.

Of course, it's not her original appearance. While she was asleep, everyone had helped Wendy take out the Herrscher core from her body, and at the same time sealed her space-time singularity, so that she would not be able to act like this when she was extremely angry. Like the cooking lady, she forced herself to regenerate a Herrscher core in her body and live out a second life or something.

If the other party performs well in the labor camp later, Mo Yi doesn't mind returning the Herrscher Core to the other party. Anyway, he already has a Desire Gem in his hand and doesn't need the core of the same power.

You're not hurt, are you? You're not hurt, are you...

God is not injured!

At this moment, under the gaze of many Herrschers, Mo Yi's 'words of concern' repeatedly sounded in Emperor Wen Tian's mind. Finally, looking at Mo Yi's five-core Skyfire sword inserted beside him, Wendy nodded, her voice a little... Xiaodi said:

"I'm not hurt, thank you for your concern."

Mo Yi: Yes, uncle, I like polite children best.

"As long as you're not hurt——"

Mo Yi looked at Emperor Wen Tian with great satisfaction and said with a smile:

"I have said before, Wendy, your power is too dangerous and must be sealed."

Wendy: "..."

Wendy looked at the Herrschers around and nodded heartily, saying that Big Brother Mo Yi was right. As long as he said it, it was right. If you have any questions, please refer to 'Big Brother is Right' 'This principle.

"But you don't have to worry, because your power has been sealed. Do you feel that the air is full of freedom now?"

Mo Yi stretched out his hand to touch Emperor Wen Tian's head and said with a smile:

"Yes, Wendy, you are free now!"

Wendy: "..."

Okay, I'm free.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Wendy finally knelt directly in front of Theresa and said loudly with tears on her face:

"Teacher Theresa, I want to be a Valkyrie!"

From then on, there was one less invincible Emperor Wen in the world, and one more S-class Valkyrie Wendy who fought for all the good things in the world.

Congratulations! Congratulations! Kuuya!匩


After the Emperor Wen incident ended, the world was successfully saved once again, and St. Freya Academy temporarily returned to its previous quiet atmosphere.

Of course, Mo Yi's journey is far from over. Not to mention the far side, he will soon go back to the parallel world where Ellie and others in the memory are. After all, the Herrscher of Corrosion has not been eliminated. If left alone, the other party will have great potential. He might sneak in along the gap between the two worlds and turn Mo Yi's world into a 'Resident Evil' world or something.

Although now even zombies can play the heroine of light novels, and with the XP up, zombies are no problem, but Mo Yi doesn't have such a strong taste yet, so naturally he will prevent this kind of desperate future.

As the saying goes, anyone who invades the territory of our world will be attacked and destroyed.JPG!

Now that Mo Yi is leaving again, Mr. Ya has to go back with him. Even though it has only been a few days, she is very reluctant to leave here. Here, she seems to have returned to the original St. Freya Academy.

Unfortunately, there is no going back.

"Mo Yi, come on ヾ(?°?°?)ノ?, come back early."

On the occasion of parting, 'Kiana', who is very clingy these days, specially came to Mo Yi's room, pressed Mr. Ya's grilled chicken wings, and had a casual life talk with Mo Yi.

"There are still people I love here, and I can't stay away for too long."

Mo Yi smiled and replied.

"Yes, there are many people here who you love and who love you..."

'Kiana', who was wearing a long-lost orange-white coat and double braids, looked at Mo Yi faintly and muttered, but her voice became quieter and quieter, and it was almost impossible to hear what was behind -

Firefly: So is this the reason why you ran away after playing with me, Mo Yi?

"Sad and sad autumn is not suitable for you Kiana~~"

Mo Yi stretched out his hand to touch Chong Chong's head and said with a smile:

"Besides, I'll see you soon."

"Yeah, we'll see you soon -"

Chongchong pushed Mo Yi away and touched his head, with some emotions in his eyes that Mo Yi couldn't understand, and complained:

"You touched my head after taking the grilled chicken wings. It's hard to wash your long hair."

"What does it matter? Don't you have the ability to gourd baby?"

Mo Yi stretched out his hand to Chong Chong without blushing and said:

"By the way, give me a spray of water to wash my hands."

"Don't squirt, get out (ノ`Д)ノ~"

After saying that, Kiana pushed Mo Yi's hand away, stood up and left.

Firefly: Slipping away, Moyi must be pestering her to spray water to wash her hands. She can't spray water, but she can spray fire. It's better to go back and see if Chong Chong wakes up after eating the sleepy roasted chicken wings.

Mo Yi: "..."

If you don’t spray, don’t spray. You don’t have to just sneak away, right?

It seems that I haven’t done anything to Chongchong recently?

Why did he feel that the other party disrespected him more and more, and was not even willing to call him husband, but now he is even unwilling to spit on him or wash his hands.


"Mei Yi, Mr. Mea, you two will continue to train here in Paradise——"

Mo Yi, the pink fairy, the cook and Mr. Ya returned to the paradise of the past and saw the heroes who had been summoned by the pink fairy not long ago to resist the final blow.


The cook is a typical good woman from the East. Unless something goes against her principles, she will obediently obey Mo Yi's words.

And after seeing Chong Chong complete the upgrade, the cook once again felt a sense of urgency——

Kiana, how far do you want to leave me? JPG!

So the cook also wants to become stronger. Since Mo Yi said that she can get a new Pava in the Paradise of the Past, she naturally has to work hard and become stronger, so that she can help Mo Yi.

"I'll leave them to you to take care of, Ellie."

"no problem--"

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