Damn you, Xi'er, for using your status as a 'girlfriend' to oppress me.

"What's so great about this, Bronya is Mo Yi's wife who actually held a wedding."

Bronya retorted with a milky voice:

"You will regret it, Xi'er!"

The meaning of this is very obvious. I won’t be able to benefit from your Xi’er in the future unless I return the top position to her, Bronya!

Xi'er: "..."

Now that things have happened, you still dare to be harsh?

Xi'er, I am really angry. I will confiscate your motorcycle, Sister Bronya, tomorrow. It is Xi'er's heavy-duty bunny. How can you pick up girls without a car?

Chapter 287: Mo Yi: Zhongyan Chongchong, do you, the Herrscher, wear safety pants?

"Hi? ~ Did you miss me?"

As soon as Mo Yi entered the paradise of the past, a pink fairy jumped out of the grass, hugged Mo Yi from behind, and said happily:

"A beautiful day starts with an encounter."

Mo Yi: "..."

"I'm thinking about it, I'm thinking about it..."


Hearing Mo Yi's answer, the pink fairy puffed her face in dissatisfaction and muttered unhappily in Mo Yi's ear.

"I'm angry, huh."

Mo Yi: Aili, your next sentence is, I won’t give you a little pink fairy, right?

"I miss you a little late today, but I thought of you seven or eight times every day before."

Mo Yi started talking nonsense seriously.

The pink fairy didn't care about Mo Yi's artistic processing. What she cared about was that the other party would give in and say nice things because of her anger.

"Seven or eight times is a bit too much, just three times a day is fine~"

The pink fairy released her arms around Mo Yi, walked around to the front, turned around and bent down again, looked at Mo Yi, stretched out her fingers and said reluctantly:

"It's not good if you delay doing the right thing."

"Every time I think of the ultimate invincible giant EM's cute Ellie, it only makes me more energetic when doing things, so I won't delay my work, so you can rest assured."

Mo Yi appropriated Yibo Chongchong's exclusive nickname, I believe the other party will not care.


The pink fairy laughed happily. Mo Yi's offensive could only be said to be extremely effective.

"In that case, you are allowed to think about me as gorgeous as a flying flower a few more times every day."

As soon as Mo Yi finished dealing with the Herrscher of Thousands, he rushed back to the Paradise of the Past without stopping, because the Herrscher of Corrosion was on Mr. Ya at this time. Although according to Mo Yi's instructions to the pink fairy, the other party should take Mr. Ya away. Always stay somewhere and don't let the other person wander around, especially to do dangerous things.

In the plot, Mr. Ya took the Herrscher of Corrosion to challenge Qianjie, and then the Herrscher of Corrosion felt the fear of being killed by Qianjie at any time from a first-person perspective, which gave her, who was originally like a baby, the desire to live. Obsession', this is the beginning of the other party beginning to erode the paradise of the past.

"Mo Yi, here I come?~"

Just when the pink fairy wanted to hang out with Mo Yi for a while, Memory Ai Li suddenly jumped out from another bush and stood directly in front of the pink fairy. She took Mo Yi's hand and said with a smile:

"Did you miss me?"

Pink Fairy: "···"

At this moment, the pink fairy had already felt in advance what it would be like to meet Aili Luya after she is resurrected in the future. What a painful realization this is!

"Fake, eat my fairy flying kick!"

The pink fairy just flew up with a fairy kick, and Memory Ellie had long been wary of her other self. With her agile footsteps, she successfully avoided the opponent's fairy kick.

After the two of them had been fighting for a while, Mo Yi stopped the two pink goblins. After all, there was still business to do——

"Mo Yi, I'll take you to find Ya Yi."

With the two Aili pulling him away quickly, Mo Yi quickly reached Mr. Ya, who had been temporarily 'under house arrest' in the lobby for half a day.

The other party was relieved when Mo Yi came. After Mr. Ya went to the Domination Theater to show off his skills, he returned to the Paradise of the Past, preparing to find Qianjie to have some heartfelt words so that the other party could earn gold coins as soon as possible. Unfortunately, As soon as she came out, she was surrounded by two pink fairies, asking her to stay here and wait for Mo Yi to come back.

Alicia didn't know the reason. Anyway, Mo Yi said so, so just do it.

Mr. Ya had no choice but to stay here, wait for Mo Yi to come back, and then ask him about the reason.

"Mr. Mo Yi——"

After seeing Mo Yi, Mr. Ya walked up and prepared to ask about Kiana's situation. Since the other party was back, it meant that the Thousand Herrscher matter had been resolved.

The next second, Mr. Ya felt a brief stinging sensation like an injection in his lower abdomen. He looked down and saw that Mo Yi was holding a tachi (Ksitigarbha Yuhun) in his hand, and the end of the blade was already It sank into her belly.

Mr. Ya’s eyes were full of shock and confusion...

Could it be that he was going to die here like this? But why...why did the other party want to kill him?


"Longing is the farthest distance from understanding, Mei."

Mo Yi said indifferently.

The pink goblins and memories around them also realized that this situation was too weird. Coupled with Mo Yi's words, they suspected that Mo Yi was controlled by something, so they prepared to take action. They first subdued Mo Yi and then took Mr. Ya with him. Go find Snake. After all, this is a stabbing. For the Herrscher and the Fusion Warrior, it is really not a serious injury, and it is not fatal injuries such as the heart and brain.

"Ahem, I was just joking to relieve Mr. Ya's nervousness——"

This is a lie, just Mo Yi's bad taste. After all, the cook at home is not easy to tease, so other people's Mei Yi does not need to be carefully cared for. Even touching it will make her feel distressed.

Mo Yi took out the Ksitigarbha Yuhun and complained to Mr. Ya who looked like he was about to take the dog off his leash:

"The surgery was a success and you are now a clean Herrscher again."


After being reminded by Mo Yi, Mr. Ya realized that it was different. He touched the location of the wound with his hand. Except that there was an extra hole in the clothes, there was no wound at all. If it weren't for the 'bud hole' on the clothes, Mr. Ya would have thought it was a wound. It was just an illusion.

"What's going on?!"

After being teased like this, Mr. Ya's tone naturally became tougher. After staying in the Paradise of the Past for so long, Mr. Ya's temper was getting worse and worse. After all, the Riddler and Qi Pa per capita originally had a good tone towards Mo Yi. Of course it didn't fall off.

"Listen to me slowly——"

Facing Mr. Ya's, Pink Fairy's and Memory Ellie's "tortured confession" looks, Mo Yi raised his hands to show that he would not go crazy, and then explained.

"The newly born Herrscher of Corrosion in this world is attached to you, Mr. Mead, and I just used the Key of Corrosion - Jizo Yuhun created from the core of Herrscher of Corrosion to destroy it."

After Mo Yi came to this world, he never escaped from Ksitigarbha Yuhun and Miss Faded Fairy, so as not to be noticed by the Honkai Consciousness, in order to take him by surprise and eliminate the undeveloped Herrscher of Corrosion with one blow.

The Herrscher of Corrosion is essentially the 'ultimate virus with self-awareness'. It is said to be easy to kill, but it is also difficult to kill. As long as the virus is eliminated before it has time to infect the second person, The Herrscher of Corrosion is even easier to deal with than an Emperor-level Honkai Beast.

After Ksitigarbha's soul pierced into Mei's body, Miss Faded Fairy easily absorbed the opponent into her body with the same type of ability as the opponent, and then devoured him and gained the opponent's power, so Miss Faded Fairy and Mo With one glance, Yi becomes the Herrscher of Corrosion in this world. In this way, the world will pass the test of the Herrscher of Corrosion. After all, Miss Faded Fairy cannot resist Mo Yi. If Mo Yi wants to lock her up, I will lock up Xiao Hei. Room.

Even because Mo Yi was locked up in a small dark room for a short period of time, the other party finally came out to breathe free air, but he did not dare to jump out and make crazy remarks and talk obediently, and obeyed Mo Yi's words obediently.

Mo Yi: This kind of faded fairy lady is a good faded fairy. Seeing that you have performed well recently, I won't be able to give you the right to move freely every day in the future.

After all, pink fairy + faded fairy + green fairy, Mo Yi simply cannot refuse this kind of happiness o( ̄ヘ ̄o#).

Mr. Ya: “…”

After listening to Mo Yi's explanation, Mr. Ya also woke up and said that he always had a strange feeling that someone was peeking at him from behind. He didn't expect that the Herrscher of Corrosion was clinging to him while he was connected to the Herrscher chat group. If we let the other party act in a virtual world like the Paradise of the Past...

Mr. Ya has already thought of the terrible situation.

As for Mo Yi's surprise attack on her, it was also to kill her with one strike and reduce the possibility of mistakes. She could understand this. After all, the Herrscher of Corrosion was on her body, and it was a virus itself. In a place like the Paradise of the Past, she could kill her in an instant. Hiding in other places and trying to find each other again is simply harder than finding a needle in a haystack.

After Mr. Ya was in a daze for a few seconds, he naturally chose to forgive Mo Yi, and even thanked Mo Yi for the knife he had just done.

"Thank you, Mr. Mo Yi."

"You're welcome, I hope I didn't scare you just now~"

Mo Yi waved his hand to show that he didn't have to worry about it and said with a smile:

"Mr. Ya, why do you still call me 'Mr. Mo Yi'? Just call me by my first name, otherwise it will feel weird."

Mr. Ya: “…”

Why do you call yourself "Mr. Mo Yi"? Don't you have any B skills yourself?

After I came here, I didn’t even drop the name ‘Yayi’. Everyone called me Mr. Ya, which made me look like some domineering female CEO.

In terms of favorability, Mr. Ya's favorability towards Mo Yi naturally exceeds the level that requires a respectful title. But when he sees Mo Yi asking the cook to make Ya's clothes, Mr. Ya always feels uncomfortable in his heart. Comfortable, keeping the title of 'Mr. Mo Yi' is a small revenge in Mr. Ya's heart.

But now that Mo Yi said this, Mr. Ya couldn't hold on. He looked away slightly, and his tone was not as strong as usual, and he said softly:

"Okay~ Mo Yi."

After hearing Mr. Ya's change of words, Mo Yi nodded with satisfaction, and then reported to the other party about Chong Chong. After listening to Mo Yi's slightly artistic description, Mr. Ya was very satisfied -

Now, does Kiana finally understand how he felt when he beat her on the rooftop?

Idiots who always force themselves should learn to trust others more and learn to smile happily.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ya couldn't help but smile expectantly, thinking that after finishing the cram school in the Paradise of the Past as soon as possible, he would find an opportunity to meet Kiana...

Then Mr. Ya saw the dilapidated insect that had changed a lot.

Mr. Ya: Thank you, Mo Yi.JPG!

"Ellie, let's hold a banquet today."

Mo Yi suggested to the memory Ai Li next to him.

"The reason is to celebrate the successful elimination of Herrscher of Thousands and Herrscher of Corrosion."

In the previous civilization, the Herrscher of Thousands and the Herrscher of Corrosion caused huge trauma to human civilization. Now that they can be easily solved, it is naturally a happy event worth celebrating.

Of course, even if there is not enough reason, Memory Ellie will agree to hold a party. She likes everyone to get together and have fun.

Usually I can't find an excuse, but now Mo Yi has given me a reason, and I won't miss it.

Despite the various coquettish and rogue operations of the memory, everyone still participated in the banquet obediently. Qianjie cooked barbecue for everyone with a look of disgust. In his words, he just saw that so many guys came to help him. I just came here to try the food, so don't think too much about it. Defeating the Herrscher or something, there's nothing to celebrate, it's just useless and boring, I don't know what to say.

Of course, there will never be a lack of laughter and excitement when Alicia is around, not to mention that there are two pink fairies present, which can only be said to be a bit too lively.

Finally, at the suggestion of the pink fairy, everyone raised their glasses and had a drink together:

"May time stay here forever, may this world be as brilliant as gold~"

This is Eden’s prayer, why not the prayer of everyone present?

No matter what conflicts and positions everyone present has, at least today we are just friends who can sit together and enjoy the banquet. Even Qianjie resisted the urge to have a bad mouth when facing Mr. Ya.

"Hey~What are you thinking about?"

Mo Yi was standing in a corner at this time, looking at the scenery of the Paradise of the Past. A pink fairy lady quietly walked up behind Mo Yi, and then slapped Mo Yi on the shoulder hard to scare Mo Yi.

Naturally, Mo Yi couldn't be frightened. After all, the invincible Qi Qi Maomao was Mo Yi's best view from behind. No one had ever been able to sneak attack Mo Yi from behind.

"After arriving in the paradise, I didn't even have time to slow down and appreciate it..."


The pink fairy guessed what was going on as soon as she heard it, and knew that Mo Yi was preparing to leave here, just like in her world, after completing certain things, she went to other places without stopping. After all, Alicia, who first met each other, still Waiting for him to wake up.

Thinking of this, the pink fairy felt a little envious. Of course, she was only a little envious. Alicia asked Mo Yi to run all the way, but she, the pink fairy, could accompany him on this long journey.

"Are you leaving?"

"Uh(⊙o⊙)...I knew I couldn't hide it from you."

After solving the Herrscher of Corrosion, Mo Yi's main mission in this parallel world is over, and there is no point in staying here. Of course, the cook has not completed the side mission, and the other party will probably have to stay here for a while. There is no need to worry at home. Without her to cook, Anna is temporarily responsible for everyone's food issues.

The next game mission to save the pink fairy lady has not appeared yet, but Mo Yi wants to use this free time to complete another commitment——

Another new game ‘Summon of the Seven Saints’.

Mo Yi still felt uneasy about letting Nasida deal with Xumi by herself. Although the other party was a bit sinister, she was still too soft-hearted after all. People who are soft-hearted will always suffer. This world is so unreasonable and not gentle. .

"Speaking of which, I also miss Nasita?~"

The pink fairy leaned next to Mo Yi naturally, and then put her head on Mo Yi's shoulder more vigorously. This was how the other party missed Nasida.

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