Mo Yi pushed back a little and said:

"I have actually become boyfriend and girlfriend with Xi'er."

Chapter 301: Mo Yi: Answer me, Nasida!!

Teyvat continent, Rice Wife.

"The summons of the Seven Saints has been started. Congratulations on becoming the selected summoner. Please find your 'familiar' as soon as possible and join the battle. The winner will get the corresponding wish-making opportunity based on points..."

"Relevant questions can be asked in the summoning book. All rights of interpretation belong to Honkai Game Console. I wish you a happy game."

Pink Fairy: "??!"

After Gracie became the God of Magical Girls, the former civilization where the pink fairy lived had basically defeated the Honkai Impact. After dealing with some trivial matters, Alicia, a planeswalker, embarked on a new journey.

It is undoubtedly torture for her to stay alone in one place for a long time, looking at the same scenery. After all, there are many lovely girls in the outside world waiting for her to meet.

Moreover, she also wanted to find the world where Mo Yi was during the journey, so after saying goodbye to Eden, Aponya and others, she continued the journey through her magical girl ability and returned to the continent of Teyvat.

The last time I left was Inazuma. After some hard work, she, Yingmei, Paimon and others defeated the autistic otaku Lei Momo, allowing the other party to change——

Yingmei, Paimon: The three of us are too strong, we are killing each other.jpg!

When the pink fairy comes to the Teyvat continent again, she will join Yingmei and Paimon and prepare to go to Xumi to start a new adventure.

The Yingmei's purpose is to find her brother Long, who seems to have turned black, while the Pink Fairy simply takes risks and collects new Erica along the way (by convincing others to sign a contract with her through physical means, and she can borrow others' when needed) Power, and even counter-summon them to her side). During the adventure, Ai Li has collected all the interesting characters of Mondstadt, Liyue, and Daozi. The goal is to collect all the character cards of the Seven Kingdoms. Just ask and collect them. Card obsessive-compulsive disorder, no matter whether it is easy to use or not, it must be in the card book.

The Yingmei and the Pink Fairy were about to bid farewell to the empty-nest homegirl Lei Momo and set out on their journey to Xumi, when a voice that was familiar to Alicia suddenly appeared in their mind -

Isn't this Gratio's voice? !

Pink Fairy: I have a hunch that something big is coming.

"Ying, did you hear that?"

Alicia asked the girl next to her to confirm whether it was an illusion or whether she was the only one who could hear it.

"Can you hear it too?"

The Yingmei and the pink fairy looked at each other and said something, which showed that it was not an illusion.

On the side, Inazuma’s version of Yazong Lei’s movie with a three-color dumpling in her mouth: “…”

Wait, Alicia, why don't you ask me?

You were so enthusiastic when we met, but now you ignore me after signing a contract with you. Is this the scumbag mentioned in the light novel Shenzi gave me?

Alicia: Shadow, I think you don’t understand at all. You are also a sprout, so naturally you have to collect them all. But without the red ghost horns, you are missing the internal flavor. Although your milk-scented sword is great, but now I I just want to touch Nasita's milky onions as soon as possible. I can't stay with this wife for even a minute!

Yes, after learning from Lei Movie that Xumi was the territory where her old friend Nasida was, Alicia's heart immediately flew over. After all, she might be able to find information about the hot man Mo Yi from the other party. Even if If she can't find him, as long as she turns the other person into a new Erica, the pink fairy can wait and wait. As long as the other person finds Nasida, she can also catch a greedy and tired man.


Lei Qianqiu, who was sitting, coughed slightly, and then said seriously:

"Yes, I heard it too."

The pink fairy turned to look at the shadow of the ink. She, who was a terrorist in Sheniu, suddenly understood. So she moved forward, stretched out her finger and touched the corner of the shadow's mouth, touched the remaining dumplings from the corner of the other person's mouth, and then placed it in her own mouth. Li Yihan said with a smile:

"Hmm?~ Don't worry about this, Ying, you didn't wipe the corners of your mouth clean~ It's a very sweet dumpling."


Stop it, Alicia, are you worthy of Qin and Barbara who are waiting for you to return from Mondstadt, and the clear sunshine and sweet rain of Liyue?

Damn it!

Considering the new map behind Sumeru, and the big boss Pink Fairy leading her to kill, Yingmei had to tolerate it. Fortunately, she could become Ayaka Kamisato's dog to comfort her fragile heart. As expected, she was so single. There are not many pushers left, Mond is pushing Yura alone, Liyue is pushing Ningguang alone, Inazuma is pushing Ayaka Kamisato and so on.


Gan Wuying snorted coldly, looked at the pink fairy and said:

“But there are more important things now, so we’ll postpone that matter for a while.”

Pink Fairy: "···"

Shadow, your tough talk reminds me of my old friend Dr. Mebius, but you're not even close.

Then the three of them started doing serious business, researching what the so-called "Seven Saints Summons" was all about——

This was naturally a good thing for Mo Yi to do. Just as Mo Yi thought, when he started the new game "Summon of the Seven Saints", he came to the Teyvat continent where Nasida was, and then held a Holy Grail War there. Game, the winner can get the chance to make a wish...

It’s not quite right to say it’s the Holy Grail War. In fact, it should be called “Magical Little Prodigy Nasida (Kashu)”. The game is about the mode collapse game console searching for fifty summoners in the Teyvat continent, and then the summoner can get a This 'Summoning Technique (Magic Book)' allows you to sign contracts with others through the Magic Book, allowing others to become familiars, fighting side by side with the familiars, and fighting other summoners. Simply put, it is the Teyvat version of one hundred people. PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Every time you defeat someone, you can get a point. With the points, you can make a wish on the summoning book. According to different wishes, the points required are different. After making a wish, the points will be consumed, but you can continue by eliminating others. Gain points, but if you are defeated before making a wish, the summoning book will disappear and the points will be taken by the winner. Of course, even if no one defeats a summoner, you will get a basic point. Use the points in time to achieve this. Wish, it is better to keep points. Making a wish that you really want depends on personal considerations. This is the same as whether Ghost should hold back 3800 to produce Saint's Relics, or directly produce other low-priced equipment.

But as the final winner, if the chicken game is successful, both the summoner and the familiar can obtain an unlimited wish. (It is said to be unlimited, but actually there are limits. It is only considered unlimited on the continent of Teyvat.)

The extent to which a point can be made to wish can be exchanged for a Herrscher-level meal, but the more accumulated, the effect will increase exponentially.

For example, Yingmei quietly asked on her golden summoning book how many points she would need to send Brother Long, who has good pua, to her and ask her to obey her and follow her. The answer was 10.

Ganmonokage secretly asked, how many points are needed to resurrect her sister Raiden Jin and her friends. The answer is 30 points. This is very difficult, which means she needs to kill thirty groups of players by herself. Of course, she will grab it. Other people's points are fine, but you have to consider whether others will use up their points to make wishes in advance. After all, there are still people who know how to stop losses in time. Betting on dogs is not that easy.

The resurrection of the dead is something that violates the rules of the world. As a god, Mikimonokage can only say "nothing can be done" in the face of life and death. Otherwise, he would not have locked himself in a pure land and been autistic for five hundred years.

Now that he hears the possibility of resurrecting his sister and others, even if it may be a lie, Ganmonokage will only choose to go all out and believe it again.

Besides, battles between summoners do not result in real death. The conditions for victory are to kill the opponent's summoner or familiar and to destroy the opponent's summons book.

After the winner is determined, any injuries or deaths suffered during the battle will disappear, at the cost of exiting the "Seven Saints Summons".

Thinking of the 30 points he needed to resurrect his sister and friends, Lei Movie suddenly transformed from the dry girl state to the Thor General form, and his eyes swept over the Yingmei and pink fairies present.

Shadow: Since they won’t die anyway, why don’t we get rid of them before they find their familiars? It’s not really death and injury anyway, it’s a necessary sacrifice.jpg? !

Of course, Ying was just thinking about it. After becoming a summoner, she felt that the power in her body was greatly restricted, and she directly changed from the full-life Thor in the plot to the zero-life Thor in the hands of the player. This is also the "Seven Saints Summoning" Not only the summoner himself, but also the familiar will be restricted. If you want to unlock the restrictions, you have to use skill points to unlock your own destiny. Each summoner has one skill point. After defeating a summoner, you can Obtain new skill points and use them on the familiar to unlock the life seat and release your own power step by step. A total of seven skill points are required.

Of course, unlocking one's own life zodiac will only have an advantage for those who have powerful power such as Lei Movie and Zhongli. For those who don't even have the Eye of God, Honkai Game Console also has other options, which is to choose a talent template, such as Shadow For familiars, there are two talent templates to choose from, the 'Two Pillars Uchiha Sasuke Template' or the 'Herrscher of Rice - Raiden Mei Template', which also require seven skill points to fully unlock.

After selecting your own zodiac sign or a new talent template, you need to point seven skill points to fully unlock it. Only then can you use the newly acquired skill points to unlock your own zodiac sign or new talent template.

After all, the game still pays attention to balance. Otherwise, it would be unfair for the Seven Gods like Thunder Movie and Zhongli to kill randomly at the beginning, whether as summoners or familiars. And Mo Yi came to Tivar Continent only for three thing——

Fair, fair, or so fair.jpg!

Therefore, Mo Yi himself has also had his skills and attributes locked, and can only participate in this competition with the stigmata of "Rock King Diji Noelle"——

Mo Yi: Fairness is a good thing. It starts with you and others, but includes yourself. Don’t do this kind of thing!

"Ahem, I have something to do and want to take the first step."

Probably after guessing that Gan Wuying wanted to penetrate herself into the statue, Yingmei wanted to escape directly, but now they are all in the "One Heart Pure Land" in the consciousness space of Lei Movie. How can they run away?

The reason why Ganwuying didn't take action was probably because he didn't know whether he could beat Yingmei and Alicia. After all, she was beaten to pieces not long ago, and now everyone is restricted to zero life, it's even harder to say. , although she does not have the power of the God of Thunder and is very strong in martial arts alone, Yingmei and Alicia are not bad either.

"Shadow, let's unite~"

As for the pink fairy and Ganwu Ying, they looked at each other for a few seconds, then smiled and expressed their thoughts.


"Points are limited."

It is not easy to unite, and the maximum points are 50 points. If Gan Wuying wants to resurrect his sister and friends, he needs to gain 30 points, or obtain the final victory and succeed in the chicken game.

If there is a union, how should the scores be distributed?

"It doesn't matter. My wish can only be fulfilled if I win the final victory. As for the points and so on, if you need them, just take them all."

This is the truth. Alicia has already asked how many points are needed to find Mo Yi, and the answer is to obtain the final victory. (Stars Gratius: As long as you don’t stop and win, you will definitely meet Mo Yi, the pink fairy, and then Tata will open, so I didn’t lie!)

But to Gan Wuying's ears, this was the 'lie' Alicia told to coax her. Even a god like her couldn't resist the temptation of wishes, so how could the other party not have wishes?

Alicia: I'm sorry, my only wish now is to find a hot man, and joining forces with Ying Qiang is the best choice——

Never had such a wonderful start;jpg!


Gan Monokage was really ‘touched’ this time.

"From now on, thunder will always be at your disposal."

This is probably the heaviest promise that Gan Wuying can think of.

Alicia's so-called alliance does not mean that the two formed an offensive and defensive alliance, but that one of them really chose to give up the summons book, and one of them became a familiar, because according to the battle rules of "Seven Saints Summons", the relationship between summoners They are all 1vs1. The barrier will be opened at the beginning of the battle. Others cannot interfere. After the winner is determined, others can attack the winning summoner. There is no righteous group fight. After all, "Seven Saints Summons" is played by two people. A battle game, not a free-for-all.

Combining in this way also has advantages, that is, Alicia + Kanmonokage can obtain three times the basic points compared to others.

After others sign a familiar, they only have 1 point and 1 skill point at the beginning, while Alicia + Ganmonokage have 3 points and 3 skill points, which can unlock the power of Thor to the three-life constellation form from the beginning. .

The advantage in the early stage is very huge. As long as you seize the time to snowball, you can suppress others forever. After unlocking your own thunder god power, you can also unlock the talent templates of the two pillars and the Herrscher of Rice. At that time, you will really start killing people. .

Yes, after the two of them united, Ganmonokage consciously became Alicia's familiar. After all, the responsibilities of the summoner and the familiar were obvious. The familiar was responsible for fighting, while the summoner was responsible for command and strategy, and Target during battle——

After all, the summoner's power is limited, and he can't defeat the upgraded familiars or the opponent's familiars, so just deal with the players. This also gives the game more variables, playability and balance, rather than simply numerical game.

Otherwise, Qian Wuying will just kill people all the way with his leading level. How can others play?

Adding the 'Summoner', a humanoid mobile base, is equivalent to giving the weak the opportunity to steal your home. No matter how strong you are, once your home is successfully stolen, you will only be punished on the spot.

After the pink fairy and Ganwuying reached a dirty py deal, the pressure suddenly came to Yingmei and Paimon, and both of them looked at Yingmei.

Ganmonokage didn't even act anymore, he just took out the "Dream Isshin" and persuaded the young girl to hand over her summons obediently and let her try to see whether her milk-scented sword was good or not.

"Wait, aren't we good friends, Alicia?"

The young girl who was once cast out of the shadow of a thunder movie can only focus on the pink fairy. She likes her so that she can take care of herself.

"Why are you just watching?"

Facing the approaching Ganwuying, Yingmei was so panicked that she stepped back step by step, and finally opened her hands and said loudly:

"Answer me! Alicia!"

Pink Fairy: "??!"

"Okay, Ying, don't be scared."

Although the pink fairy is becoming more and more disdainful, she is still very principled. It is indeed unreasonable to directly defeat Yingmei. After this incident is over, she will have to take risks with the other party and just persecute her a little, otherwise it will really happen. I will sadly lose my good friend.

Mikimonokage looked back at Alicia, his eyes seeming to say:

"So you were joking?"

"We are friends~"

The pink fairy used her eyes to convince Mikimonokage. Since he had made a contract with Alicia, he would be responsible for fighting and the other party would be responsible for thinking. Mikimonokage, who was originally a Kagemusha player, although he did not agree with it very much, he still chose to give up thinking and listen to the other party's opinions. , after all, compared to Yingmei’s 1 point, the tacit understanding between the two of them is more important. If there is a disagreement from the beginning, there will definitely be big problems later.

"Ying, I allow you to leave Yixin Pure Land alive."

Yingmei: "??!"

Wait, do you really think I'm a paramecium? The same words fooled me for the second time!

"As soon as I leave the Pure Land of Isshin, you will immediately use Wuxiang Yida on me from behind, right?"

Gan Wuying looked at Yingmei in surprise, seeming to say——

You actually discovered my unparalleled conspiracy?

Yingmei: "..."

Good guy, I really think so!


After Mikimonokage and the pink fairy looked at each other for two seconds, they reluctantly continued:

"I promise that I won't take action against you until you get a familiar."

No matter what, Ganwuying is the God of Thunder, but Yingmei still believes in his credibility, so after Ganwuying opened the exit of Isshin Pure Land, Yingmei took Paimon and ran away.

"I was scared to death. I thought Ellie and Lord Thor were going to take action before we got the familiar."

After coming outside, Paimon breathed a sigh of relief and kept complaining from his chest:

"Obviously I want to use my points to wish for an endless delicious meal."

Yingmei: "..."

Wait, these are my points, what becomes ours?

And for such a precious thing, you wonder if the endless feast can have some pattern, such as making the world feel pain or something.

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