"Ying, let me just say that Zhongli and I are very familiar with each other."

After saying that, the pink fairy turned her attention to Walnut who came over to say hello.

For Hu Tao, the pink fairy's favorability is naturally very high. After all, the cute girl's favorability will not be low here, and the other party seems to know her. Through the conversation with Hutao, the pink fairy is I learned a lot of useful future information.

For example, she will definitely meet Mo Yi in the future, and her travels and efforts will not be in vain. In this case, she only needs to continue traveling and taking risks in a happy mood.

In addition, the pink fairy can also know the situation on Mo Yi's side through Hu Tao, and prepare in advance to know which enemies she will have in the future, what their personality traits will be, and think of countermeasures in advance.

After Zhongli, Hutao met with the pink fairy and Gan Wuying, they didn't waste any time and chose to go to Xumi City together.

Hutao: Isn’t this wallet here?

Pink Fairy: Isn't this a human shield that can lay down a gun for you and attract firepower? With the emperor's shield, there is nothing to be afraid of.


As soon as it dawned, Mo Yi took Nasida to Xumi City for breakfast, and then walked around and had some fun.

Nasida originally had to be a civil servant with no affection, but with the Queen of the Great Ci Tree, she could hand over the control of the three thousand wooden figures to the King of the Great Ci Tree. All she had to do was provide the energy, so that she could interact with Mo Let's take a walk around.

You know, she herself has never visited Xumi City in person. In the past, she used the void system to connect with others and use a third-person perspective to observe her own perspective. She has long wanted to go there in person and have a good look at Xumi City.

For the first time, I used my own body to see Xumi City with my own eyes, and I had someone I liked accompanying me. The two joys overlapped each other, and this double joy brought more and more joy. This was very important to Nasida. Said, nature is like a dreamlike happy time, until.

After Mo Yi and Nasida finished breakfast, they walked around on the street, eating snacks they saw they liked and buying interesting gadgets.

Nasida, also known as the True Monarch with Dirty Hands, naturally does not worry too much. She holds a piece of sweet date cake in her left hand and a bunch of candied haws in her right hand. With the authority of the sealed Grass God, she can easily conceal her identity and manipulate Consciousness is Nasida's specialty. When ordinary Sumeru people see Nasida, they will only think that this is a cute white-haired lolita, and will not remember that this is their beloved little auspicious grass king.

Nasida looked at a mask on the stall set up by Mrs. Dao and became very interested. She pulled Mo Yi, pointed at one of the masks, jumped up and down and said coquettishly:

"Mr. Assassin~ I want that~ buy it for me~"

The title Mr. Assassin was something Mo Yi asked Nasida to call him not long ago, saying it was more interesting.

These familiar lines, combined with Nasida's appearance and voice, automatically brought to Mo Yi's mind the image of being unable to do anything but watch her die again and again. Nasida, what are you going to say next? :

"If it were you, you would definitely find a way...save the Huang Empire...save Rita...save me...I still remember what you and I said at that time..."See you again in that distant future. So, please take me to the real future where I can meet you... I leave it to you, Mr. Assassin..."

Seeing that Mo Yi had something wrong on his face and transformed into the King of Destruction, Nasida also calmed down from her excitement and looked at Mo Yi with concern.

"What's wrong, Mo Yi? Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, I just think of some distant memories~"

Mo Yi also came back from his memories. This is Nasida, not some dwarf looking at the sky. Although there is also a reincarnation plot, the matter of the Great Mercy Tree King has been solved, and the conspiracy of the Fools has been exposed. These sad things It won't happen to her again.

In this way, his appearance is finally meaningful.

"Nacida, do you want this mask?"

Mo Yi stretched out his hand, ready to take off the mask that Nasida was interested in, but before his hand touched the mask, a white and plump hand took off the mask first.

"Hmm?~ But I also like this mask, so what should I do, Mr. Assassin?"

Mo Yi: "..."

shut up! You're not Teresa's kind, don't call her Mr. Assassin!

ps: Xier’s article (113):


Mo Yi believes Anna's words. The other party has no reason to lie to him. Mo Yi, who has just come to this world, is worth nothing. What is worthy of being deceived by a fair and beautiful woman like Anna? This is why Mo Yi believed in Xi'er and Qiana before. The reasons for the words of , Yaya, Duoge and others.

In addition, Mo Yi could feel the affection and sadness in Anna's affectionate confession. Without any reason, Mo Yi believed her in his heart.

Don't want to make this girl sad and cry.


Mo Yi thought of Xi'er. No matter what, he had already agreed to Xi'er's confession, so how could he just accompany her to fly away like this?

"I believe you...but I can't leave like this."

Hearing Mo Yi's unsurprising answer, Anna subconsciously grabbed Mo Yi with strength.

Mo Yi: "..."

Anna, it hurts, my shoulder is going to be broken!

"Ahem... Anna, calm down first."

"I'm calm now."

Anna muttered reluctantly.

"Although I only have two days, I can't leave without saying goodbye because of how well Xi'er and the others took care of me."

"I know, of course I understand. I guessed that you would answer like this from the beginning~"

Anna released the weight that was holding down Mo Yi, used her backhand to lift Mo Yi up from the chair with a princess hug, and said:

"In this case, I will forcefully take you away. When you get home, you can call them and tell them. This is not considered leaving without saying goodbye."

Chapter 313: Ai Li: Since we pursue excitement, we must carry it out to the end!

After Alicia met Zhongli and Hutao, they went to Xumi together and found a place to stay. After taking a good rest, they went out for a walk early.

Every time she goes to a new country, the pink fairy likes to walk around alone, enjoying being immersed in a foreign country and encountering all kinds of unknown and wonderful surprises.

After finishing a journey, he will write a travel diary about the interesting experiences he encountered during his travels. The name is Pink Fairy's Travel Diary, or Witch's Journey.jpg for short.

After returning to the pre-civilization, he shared his travel diary with friends such as Eden, Aponia, Snake, and Gratius, allowing them to appreciate the beauty of the other world.

Pink Fairy: I don’t know how many diaries were already filled when I met Mo Yi. At that time, as punishment for having to work so hard to find him, I had to make him read his travel diary word for word. If you score less than 90% on the exam, you have to re-read it and take the exam again.

She, Alicia, is not a devil. Ninety percent is enough, and she has not asked for one hundred percent.

“Boss, give me a bunch of candied haws~”

The pink fairy didn't expect to see such familiar snacks in another world, so she bought a bunch. As soon as she took a bite, she heard a voice from the crowd that she would never forget again——

‘Yes, yes, yes, I’ll buy them all for you. ’

"I can't take it. Give this to you, Mr. Assassin."

Pink Fairy: "···"

Mr. Assassin, this is clearly Mo Yi's voice. Could it be that there is such a similar voice in this world? But even though his and Ying's voices are similar, the tone and intonation of their words are very different, Kuu Ya!

Tan Aili: But no matter whether it is true or not, you still have to take a look~

So the pink fairy once again evolved into the special form of the "Pink Sweetheart Agent" when she sneaked into Snake's office to steal the badge. Although she was a little plump, Kaili was like a mermaid flying in the sea in the dense sea of ​​people, easily pushing away the crowd at the same time. , approaching the direction of the human voice at high speed.


The pink fairy seemed to hear the sound of drums in her mind. Is this really Mo Yi?

I didn’t expect the reunion to be so ‘without any precautions or worries, you just appeared in my world and brought me surprises, I couldn’t help myself?’~

And this time, I, Alicia, will never let you "disappear quietly without me knowing it. There is no news from my world, and all that is left is just memories?"~

At this moment, Alicia had the urge to sing a song on the spot, a passion that even "Boruto" couldn't extinguish.

Then she saw Nasida next to Mo Yi. At this time, she put the pastry she had not finished eating to Mo Yi's mouth and asked her to eat it for her, so that she could get the candied haws that Mo Yi bought newly.

At this moment, the candied haws in the pink fairy's hand suddenly lost its sweetness. She looked at the trash can next to her and threw it in, then asked Mo Yi to buy her a candied haws...

But she was Alicia after all, and she would not waste food, so she ate the whole bunch of candied haws in two mouthfuls and threw away the bamboo sticks so that she could ask Mo Yi to buy her candied haws later.

As for eating too much and getting fat?

She is the super-mutable factor of the merging and final-level Honkai Beast. How could the original Herrscher gain weight because of excess sugar in crickets?

Pink Fairy: Impossible, absolutely impossible.! A truly beautiful girl can even control her own weight.jpg!

Because she recognized the guy next to Mo Yi as her old friend Nasida, the pink fairy resisted the idea of ​​​​jumping out to start a group. After all, Nasida, with her as beautiful as a flying flower, could only say that the future was promising. Wife Zhenjun is not a big threat.

So Ai Li chose to follow Mo Yi and Na Xida, collect more "dirty information" about Mo Yi, then jump out and give Mo Yi a surprise, and then ask the other party to repay her and enjoy Na Xida's treatment. , not too much, right?

Pink Fairy: It’s such a happy decision!

After following it for a while, and feeling that it was about the same, the pink fairy finally decided to appear like a villain, and directly stretched out her hand to get the rice wife horn-shaped mask that Mo Yi wanted to buy:

"Hmm?~ But I also like this mask, so what should I do, Mr. Assassin?"

Feeling Mo Yi's gaze on her, a series of changes from surprise, to surprise, to ecstasy, and finally to (???), the pink fairy couldn't help but laugh, feeling the joy of finally seeing you again. , and after teasing Mo Yi for a long time, the other party showed embarrassment and then joy. Her beautiful eyebrows were curved because of her smile, which made Ai Li a little more cute and cunning.

Sister Yu is obviously in her twenties, so the word cute is not at all awkward when used on her.


When the pink fairy appeared like this, Mo Yi had various feelings in his heart, but in the final analysis, they were all indescribable joy. Then he remembered the 'surprise' that the other party told him before he left.

It turned out to be such a surprise. I didn't expect that the other party could not bear to tell me this in order to surprise me. But suddenly I thought about it, this is indeed Alicia's style, just like a child, she can't help herself. I share my favorite candies with my good friends, but in order to see their expressions, I don’t tell them what flavor the candies are.

"That's right?~ I won, Mo Yi."

Mo Yi: "???"

Seeing the puzzled expression on Mo Yi's face, the pink fairy tilted slightly and came in front of Mo Yi, then stretched out her index finger, tapped the tip of Mo Yi's nose, and said proudly:

"I said that if I get impatient, I will take the initiative to find you... Let's see if I find you first."


Hearing Alicia's words, Mo Yi remembered the agreement they made when they parted, and the previous scene reappeared in his mind.

"You win, Ellie."

"As expected of me~"

The pink fairy happily put her hands on her hips, looking like she was about to praise me.

There is no reward for winning, but the pink fairy is a beautiful girl who will be overjoyed by such a thing.

"You can like me more and I will be very happy."

"Ah~ Ellie, you are awesome (?o?o)??~"

As she wished, Mo Yi praised him like a stick figure, but the pink fairy didn't care about Mo Yi's mischievous translation tone at all. Instead, the curvature of his arms akimbo and chest raised became more and more prominent, looking at the 'forgotten' ones aside. Nacida has the idea of ​​​​opening the Thousand-Armed Buddha Gundam and then using a thousand hands to crush the pink fairy.

Nacida: Ah, no~ How could I have such an idea... Alicia is my good friend.

For the first time, I found someone I liked, and then met a friend I thought I would never see again. The two joys overlapped each other. This double joy brought more and more joy. I should have achieved dreamlike happiness. Time···

But, why did it become like this?


Just when Nasida puffed up her face and was about to lose control of the dream-shattering sword intent that overflowed from her body, she used a void terminal to surf the Internet. By the way, the Great Ci Tree King, who was controlling the three thousand wooden men building Sumeru, sensed a terrifying murderous intention. Fluctuation', naturally asked.

"What happened to you? Why do you have a very special... martial arts in your body?"

King Daci Shu: "???"

What the hell is this? The factory settings when I pinched Nasita were clearly based on the template of my God of Wisdom. How could she still exude such terrifying martial arts will? If I didn’t know better, I would have thought she was the God of War or the God of War. The baby of Inazuma Raijin's sister next door.

Before Nasida had time to answer, the Great Ci Tree King saw the situation ahead through Nasida's eyes. A hot man named Mo Yi was hugging an unknown pink-haired woman, and the two of them had extremely bright expressions on their faces. His smile was as if the people around him didn't exist, and he was immersed in a world that belonged to the two of them.

King Daci Shu: Let me just say that Liyue, who speaks with the accent of Dao Wife, is too popular. Naxida, you can’t grasp it, and you have to have her, King Daci Tree, to grasp it.

Can this be tolerated?

If you endure it any longer, this white hair with green highlights will turn completely green!

Sure enough, I, the Great Cishu King, need to take action.

"King Daci Shu, you still have many things to deal with, and you can't rest now~"

Before the Great Ci Tree King could say anything, Nasida used her higher authority over the body to bounce him back into the depths of his body.

"Buyer, what are you doing, Buyer?"

"Escape will not solve the problem. You will only regret it——"

The unwilling voice of the Daci Tree King came from his mind, but it was of no use.

Nasida: I'm sorry~ But now I am the Grass God, the Great Merciful Tree King!

Just when Nasida and the Great Mercy Tree King finished their exchange, the considerate pink fairy did not pester Mo Yi for too long. After all, she still remembered Nasida who was standing aside silently. It was not good to treat him coldly all the time. This is not the character of a pink fairy. She is the kind of social worker who will try to take care of everyone at a party.

"Nacida, long time no see~"

The pink fairy walked to Nasida, then put the mask she grabbed from Mo Yi on the side of Nasida's face, and praised:

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