But even so, according to King Daci Shu's plan, it will take 251 seconds for the Star Cup to start.

"Do you need 251 more seconds?"

After listening to the calculation results of the Great Merciful Tree King in her mind, Nasida responded. She endured the physical fatigue and discomfort and entered Teresa's artificial collapse form again, evolving from the little Lucky Grass King into the ultimate body, the Great Mercy Tree King. form.

"Then I'll bet everything on me in 251 seconds, and I won't let them get close to Mo Yi!"

Although Nasida has no regrets after reaching this point, seeing Mo Yi again, resurrecting the Great Ci Tree King, and foreseeing the good days in the future, how could she and Mo Yi give up like this after working hard to get to this point?

There was no reason, she just wanted to prove that as long as she and Mo Yi were together, they would never lose.

If you don’t want to win, why bother playing cards.jpg!

King Daci Shu: “…”

At this point, the Great Ci Tree King had no choice but to support the other party and do what he could. After the taboo knowledge pollution was cleared, the Great Ci Tree King could once again use the power of the World Tree and the Void System at will. At this moment, All Sumeru people wearing the Void System heard the voice of the Great Merciful Tree King.

"All the people of Sumeru! I am the Great Merciful Tree King, the first grass god..."

King Daci Tree directly performed the same operation as when Nasida and Yingmei fought against the skirmishers of the God of Opportunity in the original plot, borrowing the power of all the people of Sumeru to use the "Mirror Flower, Water Moon" against the skirmishers.

But compared to Nasida, she can do more. After all, the void system was created by her power from the beginning to borrow the power of the people of Sumeru to fight against the pollution of forbidden knowledge.

After a concise speech, King Daci Shu finally convinced most of the people of Sumeru.

"Now raise your hands and lend your power to your gods. Let us work together to make Sumeru great again!"

While the Great Merciful Tree King was giving a speech, Nacida was being beaten severely by the pink goblin and the thunder movie.

In terms of hard power, Nasida is not as good as Raimo who got all the help from the cook. Now she has to resist the attack of the Airi Jinchuuriki Kanmonokage, and she also has to hinder the pink fairy who has been looking for opportunities to get close to Mo Yi. Now, if Nasita hadn't been blessed with a fairy body and super-mutable factors, she would have been beaten into a green light by Ganwuying.

"Give up, Buyer~ You have done your best in front of me."

Ganwuying looked at Nasida, who had been knocked down and stood up again, and began to persuade her. After all, everyone is the Seven Gods, and this is just a game. There is no need to abuse the spring simply for victory.

"You are nothing but a weakling now."

ps: Xier’s article (121):

"I, Anna Shaniat, and Mo Yi are in love with each other. We are both talented and beautiful. How can we tolerate the slander of an ignorant guy like you!"

Facing the attack of the stupid goose, Anna did not retreat at all. Even though it was already daytime, she was no longer the incomparable Moon Goddess under the moonlight, but a weak and powerless Herrscher of Ice. But even so, she We must also be tough to the end.

A certain pink vixen once said that people become extremely powerful when they protect what they love!

Anna: Now, it’s time to practice my way of the Valkyrie!

Dumb Goose: "..."

What, you actually said that I don’t understand people’s hearts?

I think Anna, you just don’t understand me at all. I am a knight-errant character who will never go out of style!

"Humph, that's nonsense."

Naturally, the silly goose would not give up if Anna grabbed her hand, and the two of them started wrestling with each other.

It's a pity that wrestling with Kaslana is just like being unable to wrestle with a bull. Wrestling with Kaslana is also a stupid act. The Shaniyat bloodline, which is obviously a mage's talent, is not as good as Kaslana's natural power. Anna's hand was beaten by a silly goose. Little by little, the atmosphere at the scene became more and more anxious.

"Mo Yi is obviously my fiancé. Anna, your girlfriend wants to become a wife. You have to think about it before you go through this!"

Anna: "..."

This weird girl...but I won't admit defeat.

Watch carefully, this is how the power of Ice Law is used——

Smash Varudo!

Chapter 321: King Daci Shu: Nasida, you know me——

"We are the weak! But the weak also have a weak way of survival. We have always been the weak who bite the throat of the strong! Weak people to be proud of! We will live like a weak, fight like a weak, and act like a weak Destroy the strong!"

After seeing Nasida being knocked down by Gan Wuying again and mocking him for being weak, Mo Yi couldn't bear it and directly used his mouth escape to fight back.

"It was like this in the past, and it will be like this in the future! Admit it! Just because we are weak! Just because we are born with nothing, so we can have everything, so be proud of being weak!"

"Papa ヽ(*.\u003eд\u003c\u003e

After hearing this, the pink fairy felt like she was on fire and clapped vigorously, but subconsciously, no matter how well she said it, it was useless, and if she couldn't beat him, she just couldn't beat him.

"Nascida has fallen. You will be next."

The pink fairy pointed at Mo Yi with a smile on her face.

"The real battle begins now."

The grass is the most ordinary, any gust of wind or anything can knock it down, but it is also the most tenacious. No matter what the environment is, it will grasp every skill, try hard to think of the direction of the sun, stretch out the leaves with all its strength, and only grasp More light.

As the God of grass, Nasida shows the characteristics of the grass element at this moment, just like the freedom and randomness of the Wind God Wendy, the solidity and immobility of the Rock God, and Nasida at this moment is as tenacious and tenacious as grass——

Nasida began to struggle.jpg!

It's a pity that the Teyvat continent has not been changed into a game world by Mo Yi, otherwise Nacida would give up her old friend the Electronic Terminator Dragon in the next second, and then launch a fatal five-hit combo.

Nasida is now standing up, but she still has no way to withstand Thunder Movie's strong attack. At the same time, she also has to prevent the pink goblin from getting close to Mo Yi. In order to stop the pink goblin, she can only continue to take a lot of damage.

"Buyer, you can also rely on my power a little more."

At this time, the Great Merciful Tree King finally connected the people who had gone to Sumeru through the void system, and then passed this power originally used to fight against forbidden knowledge to Nasida.

"This feeling is like the moon lotus finding the lotus leaf, or the coral pearl finding the shell."

After all, Nasida is the God of Wisdom, so she can't say the same thing as Chongchong at this time——

What is this?

Or maybe I am super Nasita now.

"Thank you, King Daci Shu."

King Daci Tree: Now you finally know how powerful I am, right? Take a good look at Nasida, this is the correct way to unleash the power of the Grass God. Using green onions to chop people is not in line with the elegance of the God of Wisdom, Kouga!

"This time, I will fight alongside you, Buyer."

"King of the Great Merciful Tree?"

At this time, both Thunder Movie and the pink fairy could see the shadow of the Great Ci Tree King behind Nasida, as if the other party had inherited the other's will and glowed with dazzling light.

"Something has changed."

Although the pink fairy failed to see through everything in front of her, her combat intuition was very keen and she noticed that things seemed to be developing in a direction she did not want.

"Shadow, attack with all your strength."


After receiving the order from the trainer Pink Fairy, Ganmonokage wiped her face with one hand, put on the rice cooker's helmet, and then started her Vergil's subject output, such as dimensional slash, fancy combos, and finally accepted " The cook cuts the fruits, and the output in one meal is as fierce as a tiger's.

Nacida couldn't resist at all. When she fell to the ground, she probably still owed the opponent several tubes of health bars.


"Shadow, attack with all your strength."

The pink fairy said this line again, making Mikimokage full of fire.


This time the pink fairy finally noticed something was wrong. The sense of déjà vu was so strong that she seemed to have repeated these words several times.

"We seem to have repeated this kind of thing many times... Power, is this a grass god power attack?!"

The pink fairy looked at Mikimonokage and asked for his opinion?

Lei Movie: "···"

I don’t know this, Kuoya! When did you start to have the illusion that I didn’t use the power of the grass god, Mirror Flower, Water Moon?

Nasida, King Daci Shu:

Is the grass god's power an illusion? Shouldn't it be the previous moves of manipulating trees and flying Gundam?

Nasida has never stopped fighting. Unfortunately, even the strongest senjutsu, Wood Release, True Thousand Hands, and Top Blossom are just iron hanhan with a bigger target in front of Airi Jinchuuriki. In the end, the rice-cooking woman will The form is still very powerful. Nasida and the Great Ci Tree King verified it through the void system and cooperated with the dream power of the Grass God. After countless failures, they were unable to calculate the formula for victory like they could against the God of Opportunity, Skirmisher.

But even so, she finally captured the future she wanted in these 251 seconds!

"Shadow, the target of this attack is the space in front of you."

Kanmonokage directly shakes the source of power and wields a series of slashes that can cut off reality. Then the world in front of him quickly shatters like a mirror. Unlike the previous target of Nacida, Nacida can no longer quickly repair the cracked dream. world.


After the mirror is broken, the pink fairy and the dry shadow return to reality, and the memories of multiple reincarnations are unlocked.

"I didn't expect that you would still plot against me——"

The pink fairy looked at Nasida who was panting hard and the shadow of the Great Mercy Tree King behind her, and couldn't help but praise her.

"In terms of illusion, I, Alicia, would like to call you the strongest!"

The mental attacks of the Herrscher of Knowledge and the virtual world of the Herrscher of Corrosion that Alicia had experienced were not as realistic as Nasida's dream world in terms of deception, and even she had been deceived so many times.

Praise is praise, the pink fairy and the dry thing shadow did not hesitate at all——

"A thoughtless stick."

"A thoughtless sword."

The two of them attacked Nasida with all their strength at the same time, but this time, a beam of starlight shone on Nasida. Mo Yi's figure appeared beside Nasida, stretched out his hand to the two of them, and said:

"God's Declaration,"

God said, it is impossible.jpg!

Then the pink fairy and Thunder Movie flew out directly under the rules of the world.

"Could it be that?"

Nacida looked at Mo Yi beside her, and the Star Cup was already floating above her head, and then turned into an illusory divine ring and integrated into Nacida's body.


Mo Yi looked at Nasida and celebrated with a smile:

"From now on, the continent of Teyvat will open a new chapter, and Nasida, you will become the god of the new world——"

"From this moment on, a new future will turn because of you."

Following Mo Yi's words, the beam of light covering Nasida instantly expanded, like the birth of a new universe, spreading to the entire Teyvat continent like an explosion, and the rules of the world changed as a result.

As the light that changed the new world dissipated, Enchan Nacida opened her eyes and saw the entire New Teyvat Continent. Her voice seemed to be in the ears of all creatures in the Teyvat Continent:

"I am Nasida, the god of games. I wish everyone a happy game."


New World, New Jingshan Palace, today is the birthday of the Flower God, which is also the birthday of Nasida, the Little Lucky Grass King.

In the past, even in Xumi City, this was a festival that was not taken seriously, but now that Nasida has become the God of Games in the new world, the value of this festival has suddenly changed, and it has directly become a festival of the nature of the entire Teyvat continent.

It is said to be a new world, but in fact the structure is still the previous model of the Seven Gods ruling the continent of Teyvat. The difference is that this has become a world where games and reality are combined. Everyone can freely link to the void system, Nasida's sacred Power links everyone.

Unreasonable rules like the law of wear and tear have disappeared. The Eye of God still exists, but it is no longer the only way for ordinary people to obtain power. Everyone has their own game board, and they can naturally learn skills through exercise. Becoming stronger or something.

The Eye of God is a special talent in the game panel, but it is no longer the only one. Everyone can choose a career development that suits them and learn professional skills, such as swordsman, mage, etc., and no longer have to be afraid of what they encounter in the wild. Danger.

But disputes between intelligent creatures still have to be decided by various 'games'. Mo Yi has contributed a lot of games, such as Yu-Gi-Oh!, Summon of the Seven Saints, Magic: The Gathering, Three Kingdoms, etc.

Sisters Zhongli, Wendy, and Thunder continued to serve as the Seven Gods and manage their respective kingdoms, while King Daci Shu became the new Sumeru Grass God, because Nasida now manages the entire Teyvat continent.

In order to complete the various rules of the new world, Nasida has been staying in the World Tree every day to explode the code. Although she has gradually turned this world into the beautiful world she wants, Nasida occasionally feels tired and Annoyances, such as Jingshan Palace, which was renovated with great difficulty, finally built a super luxurious toilet inside, and wanted to invite Mo Yi to go to the toilet together to fulfill the promise.

But in order to complete the update of the new version before the Flower Goddess's birthday, Nasida had no time to wander out and play with Mo Yi.

Nasida: She obviously wanted to win, and then she could play with Mo Yi, play all over Xumi, and share the streets of her most beloved country and all her good friends Lanaro with Mo Yi, but why now? Are you so busy that you don’t even have time to go to the bathroom?

In the past, Nacida did not go to the toilet for five hundred years because she was imprisoned in a cage by the sages. Today, Nacida does not go to the toilet because she is coding and testing bugs in the world tree. She even has to think about changing her working posture. Wait until you finish writing this code so that your inspiration will not be interrupted.

God of Games Nasida: I don’t care about the power of gods, nor do I care about the power to rule the entire continent of Teyvat. My happiest time was when I was trapped in the Jingshan Palace and was accidentally summoned by Mo Yi to destroy the world. , the time to follow each other to learn how to become a qualified god.jpg!

“Finally caught up~”

Nasida put her thin little hands away from the green void keyboard, stood up, stretched her hands back, and made the same armpit-exposed stretching posture as Yelan. Unfortunately, she was still in the form of a little auspicious grass king at this moment, and could not continue to do so. It doesn't matter if he keeps the appearance of the King of Man-made Collapse and the Great Merciful Tree, but he just hides in the World Tree and works.

Anyway, the only people who can see her in the future are King Dacishu and Mo Yi who has the permission.

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