Mo Yi always seeks truth from facts.

"Okay ヾ(??▽?)ノ"

Since she couldn't resist, Maomao chose to enjoy it. Since the other party said that food and wages would be included, she, Padofelis, had no friends who hesitated.

Just swear allegiance.jpg!

"Boss, if you don't mind, you can come and stay at my house."

"Huh? Whatever you call me boss, you already told me to call me brother Mo Yi."

"Okay, Brother Mo Yi~"

Maomao rubbed his hands happily, thinking in his heart, in this way, at least he doesn't have to worry about those guys he bought from coming to trouble him. With Brother Mo Yi, this isn't just a one-punch-a-whisper monster. ?

Maybe the other party will soon become the new king of Twilight Street. In this case, she, Padofelis, will have to find one of the four major cadres.

Beautiful tomorrow, so happy, meow~

Mo Yi looked at Pado, who was leading the way and giggling as he didn't know what he was thinking. He couldn't help but reflect, could it be that he had over-intimidated the child just now and scared the child silly?

"This is my home."

Maomao pointed to a nursing home where no one was sealed off and introduced it proudly.

ps: Xier’s article (127):

The silly goose, ducky duck, rice cooker and the real heroine Xi'er who were forcibly removed from the wedding scene naturally would not give up. It doesn't matter what the wedding is. Who here hasn't had a wedding with Mo Yi?

Xi'er: Hey... It seems to be me? !

"Anna, you can't let people do whatever they want!"

It was rare for the cook who usually had a gentle personality to get angry. The last person who made her angry had already been beaten on the rooftop of Qianyu Academy until she opened her mouth and closed her eyes.

"Ah, yes, yes -"

Chongchong quickly nodded in agreement.

"But the plan will work out——"

At this time, Duo Ge missed Sister Tazi, who she sent to attract the Shaniyat people who were chasing them. If the other party was there, then she wouldn't have to use her brain to think.

"Forget it about the wedding, but tonight's wedding night will definitely not let Anna get what she wants!"

YaYa said decisively:

"People tend to be careless when they are about to succeed. Tonight's wedding night is a good opportunity for us to take action."

"Ah, yes, yes -"

Chongchong nodded quickly, saying that he was also thinking hard and was a good teammate for everyone.

"Kiana, what do you think?"

Dull Goose asked.

"Ah, yes, yes -"

That's it.

"Kiana is a paramecium. Bronya feels that simply ignoring her thoughts and being a thug is the best use of her."


Chongchong waited angrily like a duck.

Chongchong: Ridiculous Bronya, you have no idea that our current conversation has been passed on to Anna through the ultimate ability...

Humph, just work hard and fight, and then I can take the opportunity to take Mo Yi away.

That's right, the real heroine of the new world is me, Kiana Kaslana!

Chapter 328: Mo Yi: Cats like you are born to be eaten.

"This aura is... Honkaimon?"

In the Ninth Herrscher incident, because Kevin was unwilling to take risks, he decided to let Hen step forward due to the power of two evils. In the end, the Ninth Herrscher died, and Mo Yi's father-in-law Yihen also died.

Even the Herrscher has the opportunity to leave his own body, but Hen...

This made Kosma, who had always regarded Hen as a respected senior, confused, disillusioned, and deeply angry.

This anger made him overweight and super-transformed, and he became the first among all fusion warriors to enter a man-made collapse. He was then beaten back to consciousness by the ancestor Kevin and a group of friends.

The young, immature young man who pursued "the best of both worlds" ended up "getting the best of both worlds", which made Kosmo hate himself and doubt himself even more.

In the end, Cosmo, who thought he had become a monster, left behind the badge of life that he once regarded as life, and left the Fire Moth without saying goodbye. According to the original development, Cosmo should have hid in an abandoned building in a wasteland, leaving some traces on the way. Download the story of "The Demonic Swarm".

Until the snake Mebius found him and promised to treat him and control his power, in fact, he asked Kos Demon to eat Honkaimon to upgrade the super-mutable factor 'Pishnu' in his body to the final level of Honkaimon.

Kosma, who hid his whole body with a cloak, was looking for a suitable place to hide and think about life, but he felt the fluctuations of the collapse halfway. As a partner of justice, even though he has been scarred by the justice in his heart , and also the first time to choose to rescue and eliminate Honkai.

Unfortunately, when he rushed to the scene, he saw the tank-class Honkaimon that had indeed begun to dissipate and the traces of the battle.

"Did the Fire Chaser take action? No -"

Kosmo quickly denied his speculation. After he left without saying goodbye, although he wandered aimlessly, he relied on his rich experience as a Fire Chaser Moth warrior to avoid the Fire Chaser Moth.

One is the guilt in his heart. Not long ago, he turned into a demon and attacked his former comrades. Although he was stopped by Kevin in time, he had a strong sense of justice and could not forgive himself. The other was that he could not control his behavior well. The power of collapse is just like Siegfried in the Second Honkai War. After waking up from the complete state of man-made collapse, there are still huge side effects. In addition to the horns of the demon dragon on his head, half of the Kos Demon The body is also covered with Honkaimon's silicon-based armor, and his right hand and right foot look like Honkaimon's claws.

Seeing this appearance, if this person hadn't been Kosmo himself, he would have chosen to take action without hesitation.

"Who is that?"

Kosmo had doubts in his heart. After all, the most difficult thing about Honkai is not its destructive power, but its latent and contagious nature. When ordinary people face Honkai, even if they really explode and defeat it, as long as they are injured by it, If you arrive, you are very likely to be infected by Honkai. At the beginning, it may be like an ordinary wound inflammation, but slowly it will be infected by Honkai and there is no way to save it. What is even more frightening is that the more powerful the guy is, the more powerful he is. The more infected you are, the more terrifying the 'monster' you turn into will be.

For example, as Kosma sees at this moment, people who can defeat tank-level Honkaimon become 'Dead Soldiers' or 'Humanoid Honkaimon'. In a city like Twilight Street with a mixed crowd and a huge flow of people, it is difficult to say that just one Resident Evil script.

There was nothing to hesitate. Kosmo chose to stay in Dusk Street temporarily, looking for the person who defeated the tank-level Honkaimon. After confirming the opponent's condition, he left here and found a deserted place to think about life.

Pishnu has the ability to evolve itself by swallowing Honkaimon. In theory, it can obtain the abilities of other Honkaimon. The human-shaped Kosma may not be able to use those swallowed abilities, but the current half-Honkaimon form He doesn't have such a problem, which is naturally the ability to track hunters based on the presence of their presence.


On the other side, Mo Yi also followed Padu to the home she mentioned. Looking at the nursing home that was sealed, the door was locked, and it looked uninhabited, Mo Yi instantly recognized this place. It is clearly the sanatorium of Abominian nun Aponia.

In the parallel world of magical girls, Mo Yike personally came here to invite Aponya and Qianjie to go to the Fire Chasing Moth and become magical girls together to save the world.

From the looks of it, this place should be abandoned. After all, without Mo Yi's intervention, this sanatorium would have broken out due to Aponya not knowing the truth and constantly taking in Honkai patients, resulting in a large number of Honkai energy being hit, and finally being executed. Sakura on the mission eliminated them, and in the end only Chijie and Aponya were left alive.

This place where Honkai energy once broke out still has Honkai energy, so it is naturally not suitable for ordinary people to live in, so it is easy to understand that it should be sealed up.

"This is obviously my home~"

Seeing Maomao familiarly finding a suitable spot to climb over the wall and jump in, Mo Yi followed and jumped over the wall and complained.

"Brother Mo Yi——"

Hearing Mo Yi's words, Maomao couldn't help showing an ugly look on his face, and he beeped for several seconds:

"You are indeed the man who will eventually become the King of Twilight Street."

Maomao thought that Mo Yi was going to take away her home and use it as a base to conquer Twilight Street. It was strange that her face was so good after her own home was taken away, but she also thought about Mo Yi punching and kicking Honkaiju. She had no choice but to endure it, after all, her life was still in Mo Yi's hands at the moment.

Paduo: If you think about it from another angle, you have become the other party’s little brother, and you are being taken care of by the other party. It doesn’t seem to make any difference whether you are the other party or yourself? Anyway, this nursing home is so big and has so many rooms. How difficult is it for the other party to live in all the places by himself? So this is no different from before.

After thinking about the problem from an optimistic perspective, Pado became cheerful again. After all, if she hadn't been like this, she would have become a psychopath long ago when she grew up on Twilight Street, instead of being the kind-hearted Pado cat she is now with a hobby of "purchasing goods". .

"Just... Brother Mo Yi, can you please not drive out the cats I raise?"

Pado's only hobby is raising cats. After getting the Albonya Sanatorium base, she was finally able to take care of stray cats who had not been able to adopt them in the past. Although it was more about providing a place for stray cats to live, they still had to provide food on their own. to solve.

The reason why Aponia Sanatorium has not been occupied by others is not because of the seal. You must know that this is Twilight Street where there are many talented people. How can anyone care about such a thing as a seal? The real reason is that this place is 'haunted'. The collapse can have a great impact on ordinary people.

Maomao was able to undergo super-transformation surgery and become a fusion warrior, and her natural resistance to Honkai energy was not bad, so she could stay here for a long time and be fine.

"I will take good care of them and not let them trouble you."

The cat really cried to death. At this time, he was thinking about his adopted cats.

"Pado, what do you mean? It sounds like I want to take away your home."

Mo Yi looked askance at people like a version of the God of War, looked at Padu Maomao, and started complaining.

"This is Aponia's sanatorium, right?"

"Huh? Brother Mo Yi, do you know Aponya?"

After hearing Aponya's name, Pado couldn't help but feel pleasantly surprised. She was a frequent visitor to this sanatorium at first and had lived in this sanatorium for a long time. When she grew up, she chose to give up her independence. In fact, she saw Aponya maintaining it alone. The nursing home was too difficult, and she ate too much as she grew up. Just like Pikachu, who was adopted by a marsupial, she chose to run away from home and come back to 'donate' when she earned money.

For Pado, Aponya is a 'guy' that she cannot afford to mess with. Although Maomao thinks Aponya is scary and annoying, she has started to inquire about his whereabouts since he disappeared overnight.

The result is naturally that they are all dead.

After that night, the surrounding areas of the sanatorium were ruined by the battle between Sakura and Qianjie. Only the sanatorium was well protected by Qianjie, but even so, those who were disturbed by Honkai were dead, and the remaining living Ren Qianjie and Aponya were both captured by the Fire Chaser Moth.

The timid Pado Cat would choose to stay in this "haunted" nursing home, waiting for news from Apponia and others.

Now, after hearing the name 'Aponya' from others again, Maomao jumped to Mo Yi's side excitedly, grabbed Mo Yi's arm and asked.

"My relationship with Aponya can only be said to be due to certain reasons, otherwise our children would all be in trouble."

"It's a couple's business"

Mo Yi couldn't help but think of the memory fragments in the dream world where he was disturbed by the ethics committee member Aponia. He could only say that the dream world could not support such a thing as 'pregnancy', otherwise after so many years, he and Aponia would Ya has already had a child, and the other person is not some clever doll that can't get pregnant. Ye Ye knows everything about school day and night.

Maomao: "??!"

Maomao, who grew up on Twilight Street, was naturally not a novice who knew everything, so she looked at Mo Yi with suspicion and pity, and asked in a low voice:

"Brother Mo Yi, is this your problem?"

Mo Yi: "..."

The fist is hard!

Cricket, a Padu cat would actually doubt me about this kind of thing?

If it weren't for the dream world, you would have given birth to countless litters of kittens!

Cats like you are born to be poked out.

Mo Yi's fist hit Maomao's head directly, causing him to cover his head and squat on the ground. Of course, this head-banging skill learned from Chong Chong can not only judge by the sound of the head-banging. Not only does he have a healthy head, but he can also control the intensity perfectly, so that he can cause pain to the other party without actually being harmed.

"Can't it be Apponia's problem?"

"Gu~ But one look at Apponia shows that she is very capable of giving birth to children."

In Maomao's mind, the image of Aponya showing off her breasts was revealed, and she subconsciously retorted. Even she herself didn't realize it. According to her usual character, even if she was rescued by Mo Yi, she wouldn't. Chatting with Mo Yi so casually, without enough vigilance, Pado would have been unable to survive in this twilight street.

"Pado, you said it well, you said it well!"

Then Pado was knocked over again by Mo Yi and his brain collapsed, and he squatted back on the ground.

"But don't say that next time."


Under Mo Yi's violent suppression, the cat can only choose to obey, and the pet girl cannot eat the owner's mouth.

"Boss Mo Yi..."

"What's the matter?"

Maomao endured the heat for a while, occasionally looking up at Mo Yi who was cleaning up and then quickly lowering his head. After repeating this several times, he finally couldn't help but ask about the whereabouts of Aponya.

"How is Aponya doing now?"

Maomao: If Brother Mo Yi didn't lie... Well, the other party can name Aponya, so he probably really knows him. Otherwise, how can ordinary people know someone who has been missing for many days? Even if the other party wants to There is no need for any reason to take away the base of your sanatorium. After all, if the opponent punches you, he will have to kneel down and beg you not to die.

"I guess it's not good——"

Mo Yi's expression changed. Thinking of what happened to Aponya at this time, according to his understanding, after Aponya was captured by the Fire Chaser Moth, he was immediately locked up in the deepest place, because there was no evidence to prove that this collapse was Aponia can be made, so he sent Aponia to be Snake's guinea pig to undergo super-transformation surgery, thinking that it would be just right if he died, and it would not be a loss if he succeeded.

At that time, the success rate of super-transformation surgery was still very low, and most people died on the spot.

However, Aponia miraculously succeeded, and also obtained the 'commandments' to manipulate people's hearts and the special ability to 'see through fate'. In this way, even the largest prison of the Fire Chasing Moth in the deepest place cannot imprison Aponia.

As long as Aponya wanted to, she had countless ways to leave the deepest place, but she didn't, because she felt that the collapse of the sanatorium was her fault. In order to atone for her sins, she chose to self-imprison. Of course, she still 'made trouble' Because they saw a bad future, they chose to change the future in various ways, which then led to all kinds of even worse futures.

Until the end, after witnessing Alicia's self-sacrifice, she was disheartened and chose to merge with the paradise of the past, which can also be regarded as self-destruction, and in this way protect the last paradise of mankind.

Then, she went to the dream world and became the disciplinary committee member of Qianyu Academy. When she met Mo Yi, a guy who always violated the disciplinary rules, Aponia, as the disciplinary committee member, naturally tried her best to correct bad students like Mo Yi. Even if you use physical means to break the curse, you must make the other person change his ways.

All I can say is that Aponya is so gentle, Mo Yi is almost exhausted.

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