Broken Night

Chapter 176: ——The **** battle returns to the ruins

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Six - Bloody Battle Returns to the Ruins

Today is indeed an extraordinary day. .

As soon as the genius came up, the entire Nanhuang City had a special smell.

Perhaps it was because the mansions of major families and the mansions of civil and military officials all had their chariots ready; perhaps it was because the gates of the Quanqing Palace had opened, indicating that the emperor was on a tour; Ready to go.

No one knows what happened.

Except for the heads of the aristocratic families and the real bigwigs.

Because today is a day when a big man will return to the ruins.

His life, if he wants to write a book, can become a legend. But he disdains it, and doesn't think he's done something big. So about his life, only the family tree of that family will be able to see in the future.

But at least in this era, he is an existence that cannot be forgotten.

In the eyes of the civil servants, he is a cunning old fox; in the eyes of the military officers, he is a general with a hundred battles; A terrifying **** of death, a cold-blooded executioner.

No matter what others think of him, his existence is irreplaceable.

He is Zuo Xuezhan, once his name could represent a man of an era.

His name is in the north, which can stop babies from crying at night; his name is in the south, which makes countless Chinese people feel at ease.

But he lived long enough.

He did not come out of the world like those strong men, but cared about state affairs. There are even rumors that one of the seven disciples of Yunfu commented on Zuo Xuezhen: "If Mr. Zuo can concentrate on his cultivation, there is a 50% chance of breaking through the five palaces."

And such a generation of powerhouses will return to the ruins, no matter who loves him or hates him, they will secretly sympathize with him.


Today's Zuofu is also in a condensed atmosphere.

As I said just now, Zuo Xue Zhan is one of the strongest patriarchs in the history of the Zuo family. This so-called strongest does not refer to strength. Seriously speaking, the Zuo family has even been a strong man in the fifth palace, but that one devoted himself to cultivation and did not take care of the affairs of the Zuo family. .

The strength of the left **** battle is reflected in the almighty.

In terms of strength, Zuo Xue Zhan is recognized as the most powerful Four Palace Realm powerhouse except Xie Zhen in the south. One form [Blood Fighting Fist], even Xie Zhen didn't dare to take it hard;

In terms of dispatching troops, he has guarded the **** front for more than 50 years, from a young cook to the position of general. Its ability, looking at the entire South, is unparalleled by no one;

In terms of intelligence, he devoted himself to the officialdom in the second half of his life, confronting the Blue Emperor and the Manchu civil and military in the early morning, and even managed the Zuo family in an orderly and prosperous manner.

So in this short half month, Zuo Xuezhan has done a lot of things. In addition to the moment when he left the customs, he set the position of the head of the family and took care of the family affairs with lightning speed, and even made a contract with Xu Yan, which was unknown to outsiders, to determine the future direction of the family.

The Zuo family, which was originally separated because of Zuo Xuezhen's physical illness, reunited in just half a month.

Today, every man in the Zuo family, all wearing black armor, stands in two rows on the left and right of the gate of the Zuo mansion to the main courtyard.

Black armor is Zuojia's standard armor.

The entire Zuofu has a chilling meaning. It's just that in this chill, there are bursts of sadness.

Those who are qualified to walk on this path lined up by the children of the Zuo family are all real bigwigs.

Among them, there is naturally the current Blue Emperor—Blue Town.


Xu Yan also stood aside, his identity was extremely special, no one knew why he was qualified to stand here. Only Zuo Chengzhe, Zuo Zhenping and Zuo Canghai really knew the reason. When Zuo Canghai learned about some of Xu Yan's abilities, his expression was exciting enough.

After the Zuo Xue War decided that Xu Yan would join the Zuo family with the pattern of the stone sect in the future, the fate of Xu Yan and the Zuo family had almost been linked together.

"Patriarch Huang is here."

A low voice sounded.

Then an equally pale old man walked in, leaning on a dark wooden staff, taller than him. Xu Yan had just casually glanced at it, but he couldn't turn his eyes away.

"That turned out to be... Naihemu! A hundred! At least a thousand years of Naihemu! Oh my god!"

The old man felt something, and made eye contact with Xu Yan.

Perhaps because Xu Yan is a little baby, the old man just smiled gently, then looked away and looked at the main courtyard of the Zuofu, his eyes were extremely complicated.

Zuo Chengzhe, who was on the side, noticed this scene, and when he saw that the old man just smiled gently, he breathed a sigh of relief, and whispered from Xu Yan's ear: "That old man is the head of the Crazy Tiger Huang Family - Huang Bei. The Huang family and our Zuo family have always been hostile in the imperial court. It is said that this old man Huang has fought with his grandfather many times. I didn’t expect him to come to see his grandfather on his last journey.”

What kind of character is Zuo Xue Zhan, who is qualified to be an opponent of Zuo Xue Zhan, and can already represent his ability and status.

In addition to the Zuo family and the Huang family, there are also the An family and the Li family. These four families are one of the most powerful families in the South today. The power mentioned in this is the real military power. Because of the system of the Southern Dynasty, there were four generals who directly obeyed the Blue Emperor.

Among them, the most powerful is the Zuojia. When Zuo Xue Zhan was still strong, the other three of the four generals needed to form a group together to be able to resist the arrogant and powerful sweeping trend of Zuo Xue Zhan.

Except for Mr. Huang Beihuang, neither the head of the An family nor the Li family came. But they also sent people of sufficient status. A woman in a robe was the daughter of the current Li family's head, Li Xian'er.

And the home is an old woman. This old woman is the wife of the current Anjia Patriarch, Hu's Hu Hua.


In addition, there was another person standing on the left of the Blue Emperor, taking a step back.

The man looked young, and in fact he was young too, only in his forties.

In his forties, he is indeed very young in the world of tattooists.

But for him, it was middle age.

Because this person is not a cultivator, just an ordinary person.

This person is the current prime minister—Xu Xun.

He is also the head of the Heluo Xu family.

It is said that with the permission of the Blue Emperor, Xu Xun used the teleportation pattern array every morning, and all the treasures and resources needed were paid by the Quanqing Palace.

Therefore, he is qualified to stand in the position closest to the Blue Emperor.

"Jin Xing is here."

As soon as this voice sounded, the big people present and the children of the Zuo family all looked at each other with a strange look on their faces.

Logically speaking, non-ordinary people can walk into Zuo Mansion to see the last journey of Zuo Xue and Zuo Laozi. Identity and status are the main reasons. Strength is also the main reason. However, because Zuo Xuezhan devoted his life to officialdom and did not communicate with some masters, most of the people who came were from the court.

And Jin Xing is an exception.

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