Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 329 Ignite! The Fourth Ninja War! Hashirama: My Brother And Mito Are Both Moving Away From M

"Wai, could it be Mito-sama?!"

Xiang Ling saw Uzumaki Mito, who was about the same age as him and could already come as a messenger to the Senju clan to convey the intentions of the Uzumaki clan leader, and said in surprise.

Uzumaki Mito looked this way.

He was also slightly surprised.

"You are... from the Uzumaki clan!"

The unique Chakra perception of the Uzumaki clan not only allowed Mito to immediately recognize Uzumaki Mito, but also made Mito immediately confirm that the red-haired girl in front of him was the ninja of their Uzumaki clan.

Looking at the Konoha forehead protector on Xiang Lian's forehead.

Mito couldn't figure out what happened for a while.

"That forehead protector......"

Isn’t it the forehead protector called Konohagakure Ninja in the video?

"Are you Konoha ninjas?"

Uzumaki Mito is a little confused. She can understand that the Senju clan and the Uchiha clan have temporarily suspended the war due to the content of the video.

But these ninjas, who were in the middle of the two groups and wore the forehead protectors of the Konoha Addict Village in the image, made her realize that the situation might develop more bizarrely than she imagined.

After respectfully handing over the Uzumaki clan's souvenir and scroll to Senju Butsuma.

Uzumaki Mito greeted the Second Hokage Senju Tobirama who seemed to be the leader politely and somewhat respectfully.


She keenly discovered that when she said hello, the other party's Chakra obviously fluctuated?

Second Generation Tobirama didn't dare to say anything and nodded curtly as a greeting.

Heroic Spirit Senju Hashirama laughed loudly, "810" "It's Mito when he was a child! And is that Tsunade in the video?! Hey, he has really grown into a big kid!"

"I really miss it. It feels like all the familiar people are here!"

"Speaking of which, Tsuna was still young when I died. He could already follow me to avoid Tobirama and Mito's perception, and secretly ran away to the gambling house! Hahahaha!!"

Other souls: "..."

This time, let alone Minato and Fugaku, even Madara has six points.

The young Hashirama saw that the messenger of the Uzumaki clan was a female ninja who was not two years older than him, so he took the initiative to take his younger brother to say hello.

By the way, tell her about Naruto and others coming from the future.

At the same time, he was also assigned the task of entertaining the Uzumaki envoy well by Senju Butsuma.

Considering the 'Tailed Beast' thing just now, it's okay to give it for free. ’, Senju Butsuma had to give one more instruction and ask Tobirama to assist Hashirama.

Mito looked at the soft little baby, and then at the Second Generation Tobirama over there, with surprise written all over his face.

The video continues to play.

Uzumaki Mito was also visibly stunned when he saw that the beautiful blond beauty in the image had one of the secret arts on her forehead - Hundred Healings Mark - one of the secret arts of the Uzumaki clan.

The touching scene (?) between the grandfather and grandson made Mito have some questions.

"Did that black-haired man also use Hundred Healings Mark? Why is he as young as his granddaughter?"

Second Generation Tobirama: "That was Reanimation Jutsu, and the elder brother had been dead for many years at that time."

Mito looked at the boy Hashirama, and then at the First Hokage in the video.

I can't connect the mature and steady (?) man in the image with the little girl in front of me.

Naruto came over and interjected, "Let me tell you, Granny Tsunade is not young at all, she is an old woman in her fifties.

Mito noticed the blond boy.


Naruto straightened his forehead protector, "Uzumaki Naruto, the man who will become Hokage in the future!!"

"That blond Uzumaki in the video?!!"

At this moment, the video was showing Tsunade Hime, who was in her fifties, apologizing like a little girl in front of Senju Hashirama. Naruto shook his head and complained softly: "It's obviously said by a mother-in-law who is over five years old."

[Hashirama: "It is my incompetence that has left Madara's problems to future generations."]

Heroic Spirit Madara:…………”

[Tsunade: "No, it's not just those. Grandpa's beliefs and dreams continue to our generation!"]

In the image was Naruto's application figure rushing forward.

["That is the will of fire that continues on us and the future!"]


[Onoki regained his fighting spirit with Rock Shinobi: "No matter how big that thing called the sacred tree is, it is tiny compared to this earth! And we! Are friends of the earth!! Come on!!"]

【"oh oh!!!!"】

【"Come on!!!"】

The ninjas of the Earth Kingdom in the Sengoku era looked at the images and could find many members of their own family through their appearance and ninjutsu secrets.

"I didn't expect that we would actually form a village with guys from 'that clan'."

"It's incredible to see guys from 'that tribe' saving our children and grandchildren."

.... Can hatred really be gradually eliminated?"

"As long as we, as long as we make some sacrifices in our generation."

[‘Ninjas cannot bow their heads easily. Ninjas should abide by their strength and mobility. This is what the Fourth Raikage in the image originally thought. 】

Hundreds of clans in the ninja world think so too.

Once you lower your head, you will be looked down upon.

Once they are looked down upon, they lose.

You must become stronger, continue to be stronger, and let other ninjas know that you are invincible!

Only in this way can we protect the honor of our clan, our important people and the things we cherish.

Protect, lose, revenge, lose again…………

The ninja world has entered an elusive and difficult to break cycle.



No, it was two ninjas who broke the cycle!!

They lowered their heads, knelt down, buried their heads in the snow, and buried their foreheads on the table to beg and entreat others.

It should have been an act of weakness, but it conveyed a kind of strength!

The power to unite people's hearts.

【"That boy! He will become an excellent Hokage!"】

It’s unimaginable! A young man who once had nothing, was cruelly treated by the world, and is most qualified to be blackened...

Hold on to your dreams.

Not only did he become the hero of Ninja Village, he was recognized by everyone in the village.

Even the shadows of other villages”!

They are all expecting him to become Hokage!! Become an equal to them, and they are even willing to listen to that boy's prayer!!!

【"Follow me! Brothers of Cloud Shinobi Village!!!"】

[Compared to: "OK! BROTHER!"]


Naruto covered his chest and felt it beating so fast!

The whole body will be evaporated by the temperature of the blood to the point of sweating!!

[ Terumi Mei: "Ninjas of Kirigakure! Don't be slow just because you are a woman! Everyone! Follow me and fight!!!"]

【"Yes! Follow Mizukage's figure!!"】

【"Go for it!!!"】

Hundreds of ninja clans watching the movie

"What should I do if my blood boils?!"

"I really want to have a battle with such unity!!"

“The future is really promising!!”

"With such juniors, we can finally let go."

In the video, the boy with the big word "love" on his forehead looked at the back of Naruto fighting on the front line.

Coincidentally, Gaara, who was watching the movie here, happened to be a little behind Naruto. It did not prevent him from looking at Naruto's back while watching the movie.


Ino: "Needless to say, I guess Gaara's social death is about to begin again."

The others nodded, couldn't agree more.

Only Gaara, who was full of "I have friends", didn't care.

["It was you who made me become Kazekage."]

Minato: "Why does this sound familiar?" seems to be what I said to Kushina back then...

Shut your head! Stop it! Don’t think too deeply!!!

["It was you who changed me, who was once just a killing machine."]

【"You saved me time and time again."】

["You are the power of sacrifice just like me, and now you have been recognized by the whole world and have become an indispensable existence in this world."]

Shikamaru:..." When the company killed him just now, he was saying that Naruto would become an indispensable figure in Konohagakure... Well, Gaara will directly upgrade to full world.

Although it's not wrong.

Naruto is indeed a big trouble, trouble that people can't let go of.

[Gaara: "Naruto, you are me and our ideal character. You have to stay like this and save the world!!"]

[‘And I will be your friend, standing behind you and always supporting you. ’]

["Comrades of Sunagakure!" Gaara said to the Sand Shinobi ninjas beside and behind him: "Everyone, come with me! Help me!!!"]

【"Oh oh oh!! Follow Lord Gaara!!"】

["Yes! Kazekage-sama! Let's go!!"]

"It's unbelievable..."

The hundreds of ninja people watching the movie murmured.

Through these few images, they already know what "shadow" means to the future ninja world!

That is the head of a whole family who leads a country!!!


"Has this situation formed?!"


"The leader of the Ninja Village! The 'shadows'! They are following that boy's footsteps!!!"

"Follow him!"

Look at the image.

Uzumaki Mito looked at the blond boy next to him and his own race with shocked eyes.

"Are you...really that Uzumaki Naruto?" She pointed at the image.

Naruto looked at the red-haired Uzumaki Mito with some intimacy, "It's not the Uzumaki Naruto in the video, I can't explain it clearly now, but 'Speak directly and do what you say' will always be the case no matter where you are. My tolerance is very good!"

"And I will never change my dream of Hokage!!"

Mito has a crush on the blond Uzumaki for no reason, and even thinks that this silly-looking boy is a bit of a master?

Look at the appreciative look in the girl Mito's eyes at Naruto.

Heroic Spirit Senju Hashirama: "...

Hashirama wanted to ask for comfort, but Madara snorted and ignored him.

Unlike Hashirama who plays tricks here, Hashirama on the battlefield is still very trustworthy.

As the First Hokage, he recognized Naruto.

['Through the connection, we can understand your past...]

Ya: "It is the voice of the First Generation people!!"

"It seems that not only the future Tobirama, but also the future me are very convinced of you!!" The young Hashirama rushed to Naruto and patted his shoulder.

[Senju Hashirama in the video thought: 'Uzumaki Naruto, you are the one uniting everyone at this moment. It is your bumpy, bumpy and turbulent life that made you who you are in 1.1. 】

While watching the movie, Naruto silently thought of his childhood and the bonds he had collected bit by bit in the image, and his heart was full of admiration for himself in the image.

[First Hokage: ‘Naruto, your attitude in dealing with people gives everyone something called ‘hope’. Even I am affected by your state of mind...]

The filthy Senju Hashirama in the image suddenly burst out with powerful Chakra!!

"Pursuing the steps of hope!! Let's go!!!"]

Responding to the call of each village's "shadow"!

And the ‘shadows’ of each village follow the footsteps of hope!!

Everyone is using their own little power to fight against the enemies of this world.

——Sacred tree.

as well as...….…

Uchiha · Six Paths · Obito.

The blood stains on his body were washed away by the rain just now.

The boy Uchiha Obito squatted on the ground, his face full of fear.

It’s true that he wants to be Hokage, not Hokage’s enemy!!!

How could he, who belonged to the future in the image, accidentally become the enemy of the world?!!!!

It’s really terrible!!

Lin and Kakashi are still by his side, letting them see him like that...

The boy Obito wants stupid Kakashi to do an Earth Style and bury himself alive!!!

Today’s update (2/Crying, can you upload it today?)

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