Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 422: Four War Criminals Come To Konoha In Person! The Seventh Hokage Cloak Brings Back Memor

Seventh Hokage Naruto: "!!"

Shuzuo: "Really... you want to resurrect that Uchiha Obito?!!" He just thought that if it was the one at the end of the crane, he would really want Shiro and Obito to be resurrected, but he didn't expect that the horror question and answer actually brought this to life. Both are resurrected?!!

Kakashi and Lin couldn't help but become nervous, and Anbu Obito at this moment didn't know how to meet Obito, who was a war criminal in the Fourth Ninja World War in another world.

But he will soon learn that compared to the incompatibility of water and fire, fire and fire are truly unable to coexist.

When the familiar wooden coffin rises from the ground.

They all stared nervously.

At this time, the third Chūnin exam venue seemed a little quiet and tense.

Bai, who had just been resurrected, was still a little confused about the situation.

It was the sound of coffin boards hitting the ground.

Kakashi was shocked when he saw the person in the coffin.

Just like in the video, it was the man he saw in the Second Generation project! He had white hair, half of his face was covered in scars, and he also had supplements on his body that did not resemble human substances.

It was the Uchiha Obito who had experienced more and endured more than the Obito next to him, and finally returned to the right path under Naruto's persuasion!!

The huge Chakra leans on top of the wooden coffin.

There are no green leaves visible on the dead trees, but there are large vermilion flowers blooming directly on the branches.

Ino: "No way! Hibiscus flower is a bulbous plant!!"

It is indeed strange. The flowers blooming on the dead trees are very huge, and the petals are as slender as silk. The flowers that symbolize the world of death bloom wonderfully.

The man wearing only a pair of pants in the coffin opened his eyes.

He first looked at his hand, made a fist and felt it, 573 "It's not Impure World Reincarnation?" Then he raised his head and saw it at first glance...


Having seen many images of him, Lin felt angry, but also felt pity and sadness for this Obito.

It feels like no matter which world she is in, she owes Obito in any world:

"I'm sorry, Obito."

If she had waited at that time, Obito and Kakashi could have avoided nearly twenty years of pain.

Obito was stunned when he heard Lin's apology.

"Apologise for, why?"

He looked around, "Minato-sensei?! Wait, isn't it Impure World Reincarnation?! Where is this? Am I dead?! Hey! Kakashi, explain to me!"

Wherever he saw, there were Nagato and Konan who was originally killed by him, as well as Deidara, Scorpion, Hidan, Kakuzu, and Kisame from the Akatsuki organization?!

There are even Second Hokage, Third Hokage, and Hyuga Neji who was killed in the Fourth Ninja War in order to defeat Naruto mentally...

Battle 4 Obito was completely confused.

"Lin, Kaka————

He choked back what he didn't finish, because across from him was a man wearing a Konoha Anbu uniform and a Konoha Anbu mask...

Rub rub rub.

Moved in front of Lin and Kakashi, blocking him and Lin and Kakashi?

For no reason, Obito was particularly unhappy during the fourth battle.

Who?! That Anbu!!

Wearing the same style but opposite color mask as Kakashi?! So blind?! Can’t you see that you are reminiscing with your old classmates?!!

Obito of this world: I just want to block it when I see it! Idiot!! This is my Lin, my stupid Kakashi!!

Two pairs of dark eyes looked at each other from afar, with a faint murderous intention hidden inside.

"Hey, hey! Don't fight each other as soon as you two meet!"

Genin Naruto was afraid that if no one spoke up, the two of them would really start to fight. Looking at the video, we know that Uchiha Obito is a ruthless person. The Obito in their world was too eccentric before, making them forget that this guy is a guy who is so fierce that he can even chop himself.

Fourth Battle Obito: "Have you got it...?"

He looked towards the 12 year old Genin Uzumaki Naruto who was speaking.

He is still a skinny little kid, half a head shorter than Haruno Sakura next to him, and a very energetic blond kid.


For him, who lost consciousness when he went to the Pure Land with Lin, it seemed that he was still the shabby 16-year-old Naruto who led the listed ninja coalition to fight him to the death in the blink of an eye.

And after a blink of an eye...

Staring at the twelve-year-old Uzumaki Naruto in front of him, the big boss of the Fourth Ninja War was speechless.


"Huh?" Obito looked at the tall man over there, with short blond hair close to his scalp and the same eye color as Uzumaki Naruto.

Look at Minato-sensei, look at twelve-year-old Naruto, look at this door and not see a man who is at least ten years old...

Here comes the problem.

Minato-sensei looks to be in his early twenties, Naruto is in his early teens, and Naruto is Minato-sensei's son.

Well, this man looks to be in his early thirties, and Mr. Minato is in his early twenties. Could it be that this man is...

Kakashi: "Your idea is very dangerous, I advise you to be careful." Just looking at Obito's eyes and unpredictable expressions as he wandered between Naruto, Minato-sensei and future Naruto in the fourth battle, he still didn't know who the other party was. What are you thinking?!

"Hey, hey, you're so serious." Seventh Hokage Naruto was speechless, "I feel like if you take off the mask, your brain will become as inoperable as mine."

Fourth Battle Obito: "What did you say——"

When Seventh Hokage Naruto turned around, when Obito saw the big words "Seventh Hokage" behind the white cloak, he instantly remembered...

— Naruto, you must become a Hokage.

-I just said that Naruto must become a Hokage, but that was referring to the Seventh Generation project. The Sixth Generation project is you, Kakashi.

Obito, who suddenly became mute in the middle of speaking, stared at "Seventh Hokage" and murmured his name——

"Naruto?! You became a Hokage!!"

Seventh Hokage: "Ah!"

This was the case back then. The moment before Obito's clone was shattered into ashes, he said 'Ah!' and agreed to the words 'Naruto, you must become a Hokage!'.

The two crane tail sounds have a little vibrato, a 'Hokage', which is full of Obito's too many obsessions, misses, and losses...

It also contains Naruto's hard work, persistence, and honesty.


The Obito of this world is not very happy, and he wishes he could throw the four-war Obito back to the future world right now!

However, in the fourth battle, Obito was completely fine. Even if he was wearing a mask, Konoha Anbu was not very pleasing to his eyes.

He sighed to Seventh Hokage Naruto: "You defeated Kaguya and saved the world from her..."

"Naruto, I have always owed you an apology. Although even an apology will not help in this matter, I am really sorry. Regarding the matter between Minato-sensei and Kushina-san, I... am very sorry.

Obito of this world: "..." These are the words he wants to say, but he never knows how to say them, and these are not the kinds of hatred that can be forgiven by apologizing.

Seventh Hokage Naruto: "That thing, to be honest, it is really impossible to forgive, and Neji's hatred. But like I said, if the hatred continues, it will only bring more hatred.

He told Obito: "After you left, the uncle of First Generation once said————We are ninjas and may die at any time. If there is a way for both of us to survive, then we will be honest with each other. Resolve hatred and become brothers after drinking the bonding wine..."

Fourth Battle Obito was stunned for a moment, and then blamed himself.

Heroic Spirit Hashirama: "It seems I didn't say those words."

Heroic Spirit Uchiha Madara: "It's me! I said it!!" At this moment, Uchiha Madara felt Uzumaki Naruto's rounding ability, and Senju Tobirama's helplessness.

——I can Shadow Clone, so Shadow Clone is mine, and my dad can Flying Thunder God, so Flying Thunder God is my dad’s!

Battle 4 Obito was silent for a moment and asked: "What is the current situation and why is everyone resurrected?"

"First of all, this should be another world. There is something called the 'Horror Quiz', which resurrects many dead people. Sasuke and I were pulled from another world as rewards. "

Battle 4 Obito followed his words and looked at his uncle, catching a glimpse of the empty sleeve.

"It seems that a lot of things happened to you after I died."

Seventh Hokage Naruto shook his right arm, allowing Obito to see that it was a prosthetic arm.

"Well, I have a very difficult best friend who gave me a big gift on my birthday."

Uncle Zuo: "Hey! Crane tail! There is no need to mention this kind of thing, right?!"

"Hahaha, sorry, sorry, I just saw what happened."

Fourth Battle Obito: "Speaking of which, what is the horror question and answer you are talking about?"

【"it's me."】

The metallic sound made Obito, the fourth battler, suddenly alert.

The others also stood still for a moment because of his response.

Horror Q&A…………

Are you smart enough to have normal conversations with them?

["Announced below, reward 2——"]

"what sound?!"

This kind of sound is similar to Black White Zetsu, but closer to metal control. Obito has never heard it before.

However, what surprised him even more was what Horror Q&A said next:

["Reward 2: The life form that appeared in the resurrection image."]

["Extra point questions, the reward is doubled——"]

["The life form that appeared in the resurrection image——random"]

["Please note that the owner of the image: Uchiha Obito, please draw and reward 2 resurrection personnel within sixty seconds. It will be invalid after timeout."]

Today’s update (1/Fourth War Criminals)

Please give me a request for flowers every day~Mua~.

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