Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 446 The Fourth Question Of Horror Questions And Answers! What Is The Purpose Of Establishing


Everyone was shocked!!

Before the Second Hokage and Uzumaki Mito can open the barrier of words, the Uzumaki Naruto of this world has already answered the question!!

It was the first time for other Uzumaki Naruto to experience the feeling of being turned blue by his own unexpectedness.


Namikaze Minato watched in horror as the son of this world instantly turned into a pool of blood mist!

If Second Generation and Mito hadn't activated the sealing technique later, I'm afraid someone would have violated the 'rules' of the horror quiz by screaming at this time.

However, in the next second, there was another "bang!"

The blood mist turned into smoke.

Naruto here is a Shadow Clone?!

At this moment, Uzumaki Naruto, who was in front of the masked man, suddenly had the memory of a Shadow Clone, and he was shocked!

Kakashi is still obsessed with the fact that the masked man is Obito.

Might Guy looked at Naruto and asked him: "What's wrong?! Naruto!"

Uzumaki Naruto was still digesting these memories.

After a moment, he shook his head and said, "The strange question killed a Shadow Clone in me! How strange! I actually saw my dad alive, another teacher Kakashi and me as a child! There is also a great friend over there. The Chūnin exam venue is several times bigger! Oh, by the way, Obito! There seem to be two Obitos over there, and they all seem to know that they were deceived by Madara!

Might Guy: "Can you make it simpler and more straightforward?!"

Uzumaki Naruto: "It's already very simple! The situation over there is much more complicated than what I said! The images from all over the world are the questions raised by the questions over there! Just speaking will be regarded as answering the question, and wrong answers will be punished Killed directly like my Shadow Clone!!"

On the opposite side, Uchiha Obito was curious about what Naruto said about Uchiha Madara. He looked at the paused video and said, "I'm no longer interested in such boring content. Let's go directly to that place."

Kakashi nodded blankly, Killer Bee followed him throughout, and the group of five people rushed towards Madara and the Chūnin exam venue that suddenly appeared.

At this time, in the desert war zone, Namikaze Minato, who knew the answer from the heroic spirit First Generation, once again answered the question correctly——

"It's to protect Second Generation Me-sama and Uchiha Izuna!" Namikaze Minato answered: "Both of them are trying to protect their last brother!"

【"correct answer………"】

The ninja coalition, especially Konoha Shinobi, were stunned.

Isn’t that how it’s written in the Ninja School textbooks?

What ignites the fire of peace in the world, Uzumaki Naruto's answer is the correct one?!

"Ju, you are actually trying to protect your younger brother? 々~!"

"It's unimaginable."

"So Shodai came up with the idea of ​​building a village to protect Second Generation?!"

Senju Tobirama closed his eyes and said nothing.

Uchiha Izuna looked at the filthy Uchiha Madara beside him, and saw that he turned his head slightly, but did not deny it, and suddenly felt heartbroken.

While silently apologizing to his brother in his heart, the video started playing again.

At the same time, they don't know that the Uchiha Obito of this world is about to arrive here.

In the image, young Hashirama and young Madara are sitting on a rock, looking at the forest below.

Madara: "Oh, this is the place.

Hashirama: "Oh oh oh! I miss you so much!!"

The heroic spirit Hashirama and the heroic spirit Madara fell apart later, so they just looked at the images and recalled their childhood in silence.

The boy in the video, Uchiha Madara, almost said that he had a Sharingan, but due to family rules, he choked back mid-sentence.

["Forget it, I'm not that powerful, otherwise my brothers wouldn't have died."]

The topic suddenly became serious, and the boy Hashirama also recalled the time when his two younger brothers died one after another. He then asked Madara if she didn't have a brother anymore. Madara told him that she still had one last brother.

["I only have this younger brother, no matter what happens! I will definitely protect him!!"]

Uchiha Izuna pursed his lips, filled with guilt and pain: "..."

["I only have one younger brother," young Hashirama said: "I have the consciousness to protect him at all costs!!"]


Senju Tobirama lowered his head slightly and was as quiet as Uchiha Izuna.

The boy Madara and the boy Hashirama in the video see each other's unwavering will in each other's eyes, and they understand how important this last brother is to themselves and each other.

There is that nostalgic background music in the image again.



【"Let's build a village of ours here!"】

In the video, Senju Hashirama's excited voice and his open hands gesticulating towards the forest below suddenly made the Konoha Village ninjas who were watching the video from all over the world suddenly realize -

"Konoha..., it's Konohagakure!!"

"Then where the two of them are sitting..."

"It's Hokage Rock!! It's on top of Hokage Rock!!"

[Hashirama as a boy said excitedly: "In the village we built, children from any family will not have to fight with each other! We can build a school to train them, so that they can grow up safely and become strong. Go on a mission!!"]

["Choose tasks based on everyone's strength. In this case, tasks need to be divided into levels, right?"]

["Anyway! That should be a good village where you don't have to send the children out to fight for their lives!"]

At this moment, everyone watching the movie had a mixed emotion under the guidance of the background music and image content. No matter which village, they all followed the example after the establishment of the village in Konoha and the establishment of the ninja school in Konoha.

It will not be mentioned in any history books that the original intention of creating the Ninja Village was because the two children were afraid that their last brother would die in the war, so they sat on the rocks and kept thinking about ways to break the current situation.

Shisui whispered to Itachi beside him: "We were like this back then. After practicing together, we thought about how to integrate the family into the village.

Itachi: "`" Yes, although it was difficult at the time, I felt happy because there were like-minded people working together. "

Nagato and Konan thought of Yahiko and Hatosuke, and the image question cards placed in their underwear flashed slightly.

Dirty Earth Uchiha Madara and the Heroic Spirit Uchiha Madara stared at Hashirama in the image with a slight forgetfulness. He was obviously saying the stupidest words of that era, but he was full of determination that made people want to place their dreams on him.

The music with memories and nostalgia in the video reaches an emotional climax.

The teenage Uchiha Madara in the video said:

["That's great! If this village is really built, I will definitely put my brother in it! Protect it well!!"]

Having seen the future images many times, people from the Chūnin exams have long known that Uchiha Madara's younger brother died before the village was built.

They looked at the filthy Uchiha Madara...

All Hashirama-sama's ideas came true.

Build a village, protect your younger brother, break the deadlock of the ninja world in the Sengoku era, and lead the younger generations to gradually bring peace to the world.

As if as his control group, Uchiha Madara could accomplish almost nothing.

His younger brother died before the village was built. After the village was built, his character gradually became distorted (Zhao Nuo's). It may be that Black Zetsu gave some guidance for his own purposes. Uchiha Madara was established as Konoha Shinobi Village. He was the first to rebel against Ninja and left the village to travel alone.

Then he was killed by the First Generation when he led Nine Tails to attack Konoha. He then hid in a dark cave and planned until the end of his life to use the young Uchiha Obito to serve Project Tsuki no Me. However, it was all a scam...

Through the image, looking at the rock where the two teenagers are sitting, the rock turns into several human heads, protecting the village and passing on the will of fire to future generations, regardless of life or death.

That's Konohagakure.

However, it is a pity that the good times did not last long.

As soon as the screen changed, the music in the video became cold and terrifying!

Both Madara and Heroic Spirit Madara stood in Hashirama's perspective for the first time. After their father and younger brother discovered the meeting between the two of them, they were scrutinized and forced to do so by their father who was the leader of the clan...

It was as if he had already guessed Hashirama's identity.

Hashirama back then also guessed that his last name was Uchiha.

Today’s update (1/ Senju Hashirama’s medical ninjutsu)

Please give me a request for flowers every day~Mua~.

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