Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 449: Watching Konoha Village Building, The True Meaning Of Hokage And Konoha Is Actually...

The Four War Ninja Alliance in front of Uchiha Madara in the Dirty Land was still a little restrained because the person involved was here. The ninjas in other viewing areas had already raised their weapons and shouted for First Hokage to listen to his brother and kill Uchiha Madara quickly.

"Obviously the loser!"

"You actually made such an unreasonable request!"

"Didn't I say that in the previous image?! The First Hokage also has the consciousness to protect his brother at all costs! It is absolutely impossible to kill his own brother!"

Senju Tobirama in the video also said that Madara is nonsense.

However, Senju Hashirama actually stretched out his hand to tell his brother to shut up. This undoubtedly made the people in the October viewing area look at Second Hokage with two eyes.

Akamichi Chodie: “Oh, I feel like Second Generation-sama is just a supporting character.

Uzumaki Boruto: "This is probably the role of the tool man in the game, right?"

Yamanaka: "After all, Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama "853" are brothers with a stronger bond from a certain point of view, right? They have not let each other go through multiple reincarnations. In fact, they just want to be recognized by both parties." "

Yuno Iwabe and Metal didn't know whether to be moved by the brotherhood of Shodai and Madara, or sad for the brotherhood of Shodai and Nidaime. In short, the look in Mr. Second Generation's eyes revealed a feeling of distress.

This made Second Hokage almost go berserk, "Shut up for God's sake and watch the video quietly!"

Everyone is one in their hearts

'Ah, he's angry.


Even the filthy Uchiha Madara glanced in the direction of Senju Tobirama, and he refused to pay attention to those talkative brats.

In the video, Hashirama actually took off his armor, took out a kunai, and prepared to kill himself as Madara said?! And he asked not to attack Uchiha after he died?!

Xiang Phosphorus: “I don’t know how to evaluate Shodai…”

Haruno Sakura: "I feel like Konoha was not given as a gift by Shodai to others. Second Generation-sama must have done his best."

Chōji: "It seems like you rarely hear the name of the Senju clan anymore."

Shikamaru: "It seems like it was already before Uchiha..."

Naruto: "Then only mother-in-law is left?!"

The heroic spirit Hashirama, who was staying behind Naruto in the heroic spirit form at the moment, became depressed again when he heard everyone's comments about him.

The critical hit was Second Hokage's indescribable and meaningful sigh.

Just like what happened back then, in the video, Uchiha Madara stopped Hashirama at the last moment. But looking back at this video now, Uchiha Madara can't accept it.

Can Senju Hashirama, who cannot be killed by his Susanoo, really be killed by a kunai?

Especially since he just watched the video of his childhood dozens of minutes ago, Hashirama seems to be the best at lying to him, but he always falls for it every time!!

Heroic Spirit Madara: "I'm really unhappy! I should drag you to a fight now!!"

Heroic Spirit Hashirama: “???” Why is Madara suddenly unhappy again? It’s too hard to guess what she’s thinking?!

In any case, in the image, the Uchiha Madara of that year believed it, and he prevented Senju Hashirama from committing suicide.

The Senju and Uchiha clans also successfully formed an alliance.

Come to think of it, that memory has never faded in First Hokage's mind for decades or hundreds of years.

The two men just held each other's hands, symbolizing that the hatred had ended, the former enemies had become companions, the children did not have to go to the battlefield to die, and the war was over.

Naruto watched Konohagakure being built from a forest to a village bit by bit, his eyes glistening with excitement: "This music must be the same as Gaara's speech in Cloud Shinobi Village!"

Gaara: "Well, yes." I didn't expect that in less than two months, from that initial image, they would all change so much.

Senju Hashirama’s voice in the video speaks as a narration——

["After that, we successfully joined forces with the Fire Nation to create a system of equal coexistence of one country and one village, creating a peaceful country."]

Boyhood Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama sat on a rock looking at the woods below and talking about a future that was unimaginable at that time.

However, more than ten years later, as the two stood on the rock and looked at the village below, their dream came true...

This before-and-after comparison makes moviegoers think of the idea that where there is a will, there is a way.

Little Sakura: "Wow... Is this Konoha more than fifty years ago? It has changed a lot from now and is even more prosperous now!"

Naruto squinted his eyes and looked for it: "But why don't you see Ichiraku ramen?"

Sasuke: "Idiot! I'm afraid the hand-beating uncle wasn't even born at that time!"

Senju Tobirama: "I remember that when the elder brother told it, it was not so complicated. Has he also shown his memory?"

Ino: "Ah! It's my flower shop! Didn't you think it existed so many years ago?"

Little Sakura: "Wow——, that little girl who gave flowers to First Generation-sama is........."

Ino calculated her age, "It should be when my grandmother was a child, right?"

Shisui: "It's not wrong to say that Shodai is the ninja god who lit the fire of peace. If a peaceful village had not been established, children of that age would have been sent to the battlefield..."

In the video, First Hokage and Uchiha Madara are enjoying the peace of the village together. When they see a little girl fall, the intimidating Uchiha Madara actually picks her up faster?!

This image was already shocking at first, but then the scene of Uchiha Madara’s face scared the little girl to tears...

Heroic Spirit Hashirama: "Hahahaha, let me just say that Madara is a very gentle man, right?!"

Uchiha Izuna stared at the image and cursed angrily: "Is that girl blind?! My brother is obviously prettier than Senju Hashirama, right?! Why does my brother cry when he sees him and laughs when he sees Hashirama?!! That bastard Senju Hashirama is You can do this kind of superficiality to win people over!!!"

Seeing Izuna full of energy and wanting to go back to that era to help her, Madara and Madara's hearts, or souls, were being repaired little by little without their knowledge.

Senju Tobirama: "Be quiet Uchiha Izuna, it doesn't matter if this one looks good or not?! Look at Madara's frighteningly dark face touching your conscience and speaking!"

Uchiha Izuna: "Look, who is guilty, your brother or mine?! You are the one who should speak with your conscience!!"


Is this really the strictly forbidden Second Hokage and the legendary second head of the Uchiha clan? How can he be like the stupid younger brother of the two brothers next to him? 1.4 Itachi simply saw the shadow of Sasuke's childhood in them, and was speechless.

At this time, it would be unreasonable for Madara to not come out to occupy the stage for her younger brother.

Uchiha Madara: "Senju Tobirama, you are no match for me."

Senju Tobirama was speechless.

The heroic spirit next to him, Hashirama, hated that he had no body and only had a soul following Naruto.

In the viewing area, since three of the four parties were present, most of the ninjas of Light and Shadow were more restrained. On the contrary, the group of people who had passed the Chūnin exam were more cheerful and showed off their superiority in the future.

The images of other viewers in the viewing area had a new understanding of the origin of the names Konoha and Hokage, and were speechless...

Today’s update (2/Hokage of Konoha)

Please give me a request for flowers every day~Mua~.

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