Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 485: Ninja Allied Forces Watch The Movie Together - A Snake Transforms Into A Dragon, Yakush

"It seems that after my death, a lot of things happened in the ninja world.

Jiraiya rubbed Uzumaki Naruto's short blond hair: "It looks much more reliable than before. It gives me inspiration for a new book! Not bad!!"

Fourth Battle Naruto's eyes still had tears of joy, and he was severely laughed at by Jiraiya.

Having had enough of mocking the Fourth Hokage Naruto, Jiraiya focused her attention on the Seventh Hokage Naruto.

Seventh Hokage Naruto: "The heroic immortal..."

This sentence confirmed Jiraiya's thoughts. "Oh! It's you indeed. It's incredible that the same person from three different periods appears in one time and space at the same time." It seems

"The stinky, frizzy kid back then has grown into a wonderful man."

Hokage Naruto gave a thumbs up: "No matter what, I am still the Seventh Hokage!"

Seeing the 32-year-old Shu Ming turn around and read "Seventh Hokage" with a few majestic characters, Jiraiya was first shocked, then relieved and proud.

When the huge images of several war zones started to play again, the people who had just been resurrected were shocked and asked their companions what they were.

After being told that it might be the image of why Yakushi Kabuto saved Uchiha Sasuke, the person who had just been resurrected expressed his wonder, wasn't that guy in the same group as the masked man?

Did Konoha's Uchiha Sasuke also stand on the opposite side of the ninja world, or did Yakushi Kabuto betray the masked man?

"I can't explain it in just a few words, so let's take a look at what is going to be played in the video first."

Kabuto Orochi in the snake cave, and Yakushi Kabuto who was quietly hiding in the Chūnin examination arena were also watching the video at the same time.

In the image——

Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi found the snake cave where Kabuto Orochi was hiding.

The two brothers recalled hunting together as children. Although they used the same tactics to fight Kabuto, after many years, the two used Susanoo instead of bows and arrows and kunai.

The red Susanoo ignites the flames of Amaterasu, and the purple Susanoo uses Flame Control.

With such powerful destructive power, they were unable to do anything to that Yakushi Kabuto!!

In a certain movie viewing area, Ulusi saw the face of his younger brother Kabuto in the video, but that person was completely different from the one he knew!

Nara Shikamaru: "You look surprised too."

Ulusi was frightened by the image and said to himself: "What on earth happened to Kabuto in these years?!"

Battle 4 Sasuke: "Is this what will happen if my brother and I continue the chase?"

Uncle Zuo: "Yes, it is something I have actually experienced, so watch it carefully."

In the second round of the Chūnin exam, Sasuke, a young man who saw this video in the Forest of Death, found that this video had much more of Yakushi Kabuto's voice than the previous one.

Including his analysis of the battle situation between himself and his brother, including...

The video suddenly cut to a scene of the family's joy when Sasuke was born, and Uchiha Fugaku named the second son.

["Uchiha Sasuke." Orochimaru Kabuto: "Although I have belittled the name of the Uchiha clan in front of you, who was born into a noble family, but..."]

As the image changes, the picture changes from the happy and harmonious Uchiha clan's house to the picture of Yakushi Kabuto himself, who was hungry and cold as a child, walking alone and shivering in the cold rain.

["Actually, I envy you."]

Uchiha Sasuke, who had never seen Yakushi Kabuto in person before, looked at the video and had no idea that Yakushi Kabuto still had such thoughts.

Kabuto's voice continued to come from the video:

["Your family has given you a clear identity and belonging, and I..." There is only one sentence from Kabuto in the pure black picture: "There has been nothing from the beginning!!!"]

Urushi looked at the image and told Nara Shikamaru about Kabuto's situation: "My brother Kabuto..., he was an orphan from the Third Ninja War. When we saw him, he had lost all his memory. I can’t even remember who I am, which ninja country or which family I am from.”

In the video, as Yakushi Kabuto fights with the Uchiha brothers, many people in the ninja alliance are disgusted when he takes off his outer robe!

"What body is that?!"


Boy Naruto: "Why is there a big white snake growing on his belly?! His skin is also the same as Obito from Six Paths."

Ōtsutsuki Obito: "It's not similar at all!!"

Kakashi next to him: "I never imagined that Yakushi Kabuto, the insignificant spy back then, would become like this.

Might Guy: "No, Obito's thing shocked me more."

Obito: "At least I'm not as disgusting as him."

At this time, what was even more disgusting in the image was that countless tiny white snakes crawled out from under the chest of Orochimaru. They squirmed like a giant lump of maggots, causing the person who was throwing Bingliang Pills into his mouth to almost spit out. .

Little Sakura: "It looks like something is coming out of that pile of snakes!"

As soon as she finished speaking, the pile of wriggling white snakes gradually formed into a woman playing the flute! A moment later, the woman turned into a big fat man with a strange hairstyle, and then there was a conjoined brother!

Fourth Battle Sasuke: "They are Orochimaru's former subordinates!!"

The last head that emerged from the pile of snakes was just like a monster! But it also made people feel like they had seen it somewhere before...

"It's Orochimaru's true form!" Sasuke said.

Kimimaro during the Chūnin Examination glared at Kabuto in the video: "That bastard Kabuto actually betrayed Orochimaru Celestial Being!!"

Jiraiya was shocked and asked Orochimaru: "Original body?! What have you turned yourself into?!"

Before Orochimaru could answer, Sasuke in the image laughed coldly, used Susanoo to cut off the Orochimaru head growing out of Yakushi Kabuto's belly, and commented that Kabuto Orochimaru was nothing more than a useless snake like Orochimaru.

Then, the knife edge squirmed quickly, and the snake head that grew back opened its mouth...

"Is there something going to come out of the snake's mouth?!"

The ninja coalition felt a chill,

The unharmed Yakushi Kabuto emerged from the snake's mouth like a white snake shedding its skin...

【"You said it wrong, Sasuke-kun..."】

【"I am no longer a snake."】

Four battles Sasuke:

【"I have gained the power of a perfect immortal and shed my snake skin, and now I have become!!!"

After Kabuto the Orochi roared, the image entered Kabuto's memories along with the low music——

Yakushi Kabuto in the video fell into confusion after the death of Orochimaru647. After no one directed him, all the identities of the multiple agents were traced back to him. He did not know which identity was his real self...


Kabuto in the video says:

["For this reason, I can only become a stronger individual! Find my true self!!"]

Suffering endless pain, he integrated all the powerful individuals into himself, just like a spy with more identities is less likely to be discovered.

He even learned and further improved the ninjutsu Impure World Reincarnation!! developed by Second Hokage based on the research records left by Orochimaru!

A masked man wearing a black red cloud robe and an orange Uzumaki mask appears in the image.

"It's Madara!"

"No, it's Uchiha Obito!!"

Jiraiya, who had just been resurrected, looked at his disciple and got a look of confirmation from him, but it was still hard to imagine that when Minato happily introduced his student to him many years ago, that weird little Uchiha was wearing orange goggles on the forehead protector. It turns out to be what it looks like in the video.

Thinking of Konan and the others, Jiraiya fell silent.

It must have been caused by the war. I heard that the little girl named Lin had died a long time ago.

【"Impure World Reincarnation!!!"】

Under the glare of the ninja coalition, Orochimaru clasped his palms together and made a crisp sound of "pop!", and the sun-kou-kou grass sprouted from the ground!!

"Those are..."

The background music suddenly becomes exciting

Today’s update (the meaning of Impure World Reincarnation)

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