Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 499 Who Will God Spare! Senju Tobirama Social Death - Feel The Pain! Shinra Tianzheng!

I found that since the rules were announced, Chakra cannot be used. The most it can do is form a seal to cancel the sealing barrier. In other words, Shadow Clone cannot be used to forcibly cancel the three opportunities to unlock the realm enchantment of the Horror Question and Answer, and this time there is no telling how many opportunities to answer the question...

Senju Tobirama had a severe headache. Not to mention that this question seemed to be tailor-made for him. He said that his voice was exactly the same as that of a corpse puppet. This joke has been played for a long time! Finally, Uzumaki Naruto stopped mentioning it. This time, is that damn horror question and answer game meant to be ruined?!!

He was having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart, and at the same time glanced at Uzumaki Naruto because he thought of him. Naruto saw the crimson eyes of the target brother of Second Generation looking at him, and immediately made a gesture of "Come on! I'm optimistic about you!!", which made Senju Tobirama even more angry.

As a dignified Second Hokage, why would he want to imitate a villain who is trying to destroy Konoha?! And was that slogan of extreme chuuni spoken by a human?! Who else could say such shameless words except the demonic Uchiha? !

Looking at Nagato's pair of purple Rinnegan, Senju Tobirama was convinced that it must not be the fault of the Uzumaki bloodline, but the fault lies in Madara's evil eyes! That's right! It must be the Rinnegan that violated Uzumaki. The brains of juniors!!

Although Senju Tobirama did not show any expression, everyone could see that Second Hokage was having a fierce ideological struggle in his heart. Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed in his heart, it was really embarrassing for Teacher Tobirama, such a serious person...

The thoughts in my mind were changing rapidly. In fact, it only took a moment from the announcement of the questions and rules. Before Senju Tobirama was ready to show off his old face and brew up the cynical emotions of the Akatsuki leader, The rewards for the horror quiz will be given first.


["Reward 1: A puppet of Tiandao Payne."]

Nagato, Konan, Jiraiya: "!!!"

The orange-haired man standing in the reward area has his eyes closed. He wears the forehead protector from the Rain Shinobi Village rebellious ninja on his forehead, and the black stick of Chakra inserted in his body. His clothes are still the Akatsuki organization's black-base red cloud style, and his nail polish is the same. It's dark red, but there's no 'zero' ring on the right thumb.

It is none other than Tendo Payne who is familiar to all members of the Akatsuki organization!

Ever since Tsunade healed Nagato's leg, Nagato has always appeared in front of everyone in his true form. Firstly, it was the fear of Tendo Payne in the video, and secondly, through the conversation between Nagato and Uzumaki Naruto in the video, Nagato realized earlier that his insistent way would not only fail to fulfill Yahiko's dream, but would also harm Konan. , against Yahiko’s last instructions.

After rethinking Yahiko's dream, Nagato, Konan and Teacher Jiraiya discussed and placed Yahiko's body in the shrine of white paper flowers.

So at this moment, when the three of them looked at the Payne puppet made from Yahiko's corpse, they never imagined that there was a second Heavenly Payne in the world.

Or maybe this was their Payne, and it was moved here to give to others?!

Regardless of considering the power of Tendo Payne or Yahiko's body, they will not give up this puppet to anyone!

["Reward 2: Randomly resurrect a deceased relative who is related to the person who answered the question."]

A wooden coffin appears in the reward area. It can be seen from the clan emblem carved on the coffin board that it is the double-insert symbol of the Senju clan.

Konoha Shinobi: "!!!"

Since he can't use Chakra, Byakugan can't see who is managing the wood. But the 10th Konoha Shinobi of the Second Generation song is undoubtedly the First Generation song Hashirama!

This relationship is good, Konoha's Hokage is about to gather a set, and tomorrow we will meet the people from other ninja villages. It's so respectable. We don't need other villages, our own kage is enough to hold a "Five Kage Talk" !!

In the crowd, Senju Itama and Senju Wama were shocked. They looked at their second brother Tobirama, with pleading eyes. Including Senju Tobirama, among the blood relatives that the three people can think of, there is no doubt that Senju Hashirama is the first. If not Hashirama, then there is only Senju Butsuma, the father of Sengoku era.

Thinking of Konoha, where the father of this world could see his and his eldest brother's achievements, Second Hokage felt somewhat proud and expectant in his heart.

Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Fugaku, and Nohara Lin sandwiched between Kakashi and Obito looked directly at the heroic spirit Hashirama. Hashirama was obviously a little surprised by this reward, but he was also embarrassed to leave Madara alone.

Here, Senju Tobirama sighed secretly in his heart, it seemed that the sky could not penetrate him.

After doing enough mental construction, taking three deep breaths, and for some reason cursing in his mind, 'Big brother is a big idiot!!', he formed the seal and released the seal on himself.

Today's Second Generation head-sama did not wear the Konoha Mamoru who sealed his appearance, and did not wear the blue armor. He only wore Konoha's basic dark corseted ninja outfit, but he did not forget to put on the snow-white fur collar. . White and soft hair hangs down in front of his forehead. His skin is slightly fairer than that of ordinary men. He has three streaks of paint of the same color as his pupils, and his slender eye tails are slightly raised.

An appearance that is completely unrelated to Tendou Payne, but it reminds people of the scene in the video where the Second Generation sat on the Shodai table and single-handedly prevented Uchiha Madara from becoming the First Hokage.

Just a little bit...

Shut your head! I can’t think about it any more!!!

Under the expectant and indescribable expressions of everyone in the viewing area

"Accept the pain." Who am I.

"Know the pain." Where am I.

"Those who do not understand pain cannot understand true peace!" Imagine yourself as an Uchiha, dancing for world nuclear peace!

He, Senju Tobirama, was once the second-in-command of the Senju clan, and is now the Second Hokage of Konoha. He raised his hands and imitated the tone of Pain he had seen in the video:

"From here..." For Konoha...

"Let the world feel pain!" This sacrifice is nothing!

"——-Shinra Tenzheng!!!"————Idiot big brother!!!

Just a few sentences in total...

Second Hokage, who had no expression on his face and was actually digging his toes into the ground with embarrassment, put his hands in front of his chest again and returned to his signature move - holding his arms with his arms, his lower lip moved slightly forward to let the man next to him Senju Hashirama knew that his suspiciously overweight brother was having a tantrum again

At least every time the two brothers quarrel because of Uchiha's problem, they almost always turn their heads and ignore each other.

Within the silent viewing area of ​​Yaque——

The elders beat their chests and sighed inwardly that Teacher Tobirama had been wronged.

At this moment, no one knows whether they feel pain or not, but the shock is really felt!!

In order to avoid embarrassment, Senju Tobirama turned his back to the video and shouted Tendo Payne's slogan, so he didn't know that the moment he opened his mouth, the video had started to play automatically in silent mode.

Because I didn’t say a word, I felt like I was complaining in my heart. As a result, not only the voice and expression, but also the tone and rhythm have achieved a synchronized effect, making Second Hokage seem to be dubbing the world-class villain leader in the video, or it is not an exaggeration to say that he Senju Tobirama is Tendo Payne!!

The shocking scene and the strong sense of dissonance can be imagined!

Not to mention the Third Hokage and the ninjas of the Konoha Shinobi Village who were holding their hearts, even the members of the Akatsuki organization had a bad taste when they looked at Konoha's Second Hokage!!

["Correct answer! Synchronization rate 100%!!"]

The realm barrier of Horror Q&A disappears.


A huge Easter egg appeared in the void and exploded on Second Hokage's head. Colorful laser-like paper pieces and ribbons slowly fell on the white hair and snow-white fur collar. The joy...

4.1 Uchiha Izuna almost fell to the ground laughing after Uzumaki Mito unsealed everyone.

"Hahahaha!" He leaned against a pillar, holding his stomach and laughing out into tears, "Too, pfft, hahahaha! No, no, let me laugh for a while, hahahahaha! What if?

It would be great if Fu could see this! Hahahaha!"

Senju Tobirama immediately roared: "What's so funny!!! Shut up! Uchiha Izuna!!"

Uchiha Izuna covered his stomach with one hand and pointed in another direction, "Didn't you see that your brother is laughing? You look so funny, hahahaha." Following the direction of Uchiha Izuna's finger, the tile room and the board I saw the sharp eyes of my second brother looking over, and immediately stood up straight and pretended that nothing happened.

Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fugaku secretly sighed. Fortunately, Mr. Second Generation couldn't see Shodai. Otherwise, if he saw Shodai lying on the ground laughing, he would have couldn't help but lecture him in front of so many people...

Award receiving session

Tiandao Payne took a few steps forward and came to Qianli Hujian.

Ask for tickets, flowers, and custom QQ.

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