Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 503 Unbelievable! It Was Akamaru Who Helped Nagato Answer The Question At The Critical Momen

According to previous experience, only when the image card disappears does it mean that the image of the card owner is completely over.

The image card held by Nagato was slightly covered with a layer of light fluorescence, signaling to Jiraiya and several Hokages that the questions and answers about him were not over yet.

But you can rest assured that the question is not difficult, after all, Nagato himself is here.


["1. This question can only be answered by the image owner, and there is only one chance."]

[2. Other living beings cannot answer and cannot tell the image owner the correct answer. ”]

【3. You can get rewards for correct answers, and you will be randomly punished for wrong answers. ”]

["4. Answers are limited to 60 seconds, and the countdown will begin after the rewards are announced."]

["Please answer the questions carefully."]

After hearing these rules, Senju Tobirama was a little relieved. The damn horrible question and answer finally didn't bother him again.

Looking over there, the trio created by the Akatsuki organization seemed to have an alternative answer. Second Hokage raised his hand to remove the sealing barrier and waited for Nagato to answer the question.


["Reward: Resurrect it."]

"Resurrection again?"

The sealing barrier is opened, and everyone in the viewing area can speak freely except Nagato himself.

The rewards for several consecutive times are resurrections. Thinking from the perspective of their ninjas, it is definitely a great thing to erase regrets. No matter how many times they are rewarded with resurrections, they will never get bored. If I have to say it, I am a little worried. Who is the person behind the horror quiz? Is it really okay to resurrect the dead so unscrupulously?

["The countdown begins. 1



Although Nara Shikamaru found it troublesome verbally, he couldn't help but think about it: "The reward is also part of the prompt, which means that the owner of this name is dead or at least has died."

Everyone in the viewing area focused their attention on Nagato. Nagato, who is of red Uzumaki origin, recovered his health by restoring Chakra, and with the blessing of the powerful vitality of the Uzumaki clan, "he actually looked several years younger than Konan and Yahiko.

The answer I had prepared was suddenly rethought due to the content of the reward.

Nagato pursed his lips and was confused in his mind. Since the concept of 'deviation value' appeared in the last question and answer question, answering multiple names at once is no longer necessarily advisable.

Uzumaki Naruto also followed Nara Shikamaru's analysis: "That shouldn't be Konan sister. Konan sister hasn't been killed by Obito yet... So the answer is Payne?! But Payne has been resurrected by the guy from Second Generation... ..." As he was deep in thought, the scene of Pain and the target brother of Second Generation launching the Shinra Tensei to attack Konoha at the same time appeared in his mind, which made him tremble in fear.



Shikamaru lazily reminded Naruto: "Since you can name the two names Konan and Pain, it proves that the answer is not them, idiot.

"Ah! Yes!!"

"Stop guessing, it could be someone we don't know."

Yahiko pointed to his nose and asked: "As mentioned in the video just now, does the guy named Payne refer to me? In fact, my real name is Yahiko, and I am a ninja from Rain Shinobi Village.

The Red Sand Scorpion reminded behind him: "He is now the rebel ninja of Rain Shinobi Village."

Kakuzu: "Yes, Akatsuki is now the largest rebel ninja organization in the ninja world."

Hidan poked the scythe that had not been stained with blood for a long time on the ground, swiped it down and pulled his legs and complained: "'s almost becoming a security group directly under Konoha..."



The countdown gradually shortened, Nagato's eyelids jumped, and the question that he thought was very simple suddenly became complicated and confusing.

The names Konan, Yahiko, and even Pain were all crossed out from the answers. Hatosuke and the others also met Yahiko and Konan after meeting them. Nagato really couldn't think of any other answers.




The countdown sound of the last ten seconds was extremely clear. Nagato, Yahiko, Konan and Jiraiya, who was unable to help but was in a hurry, blocked out the miscellaneous sounds around them and only heard the time chimes near the end...

"..., right? Akamaru!" Kiba, Shino, and Hinata of Yuhihi's Benedictine class don't know what they are discussing. Inuzuka Kiba always likes to ask Akamaru above him after finishing speaking, from his closest companion. Get confirmation there.

Akamaru also said "Woof woof!!" twice every time.

It was this childish barking that made Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan flash through a scene from their childhood...



At the last second of the countdown, the three of them shouted out a name at the same time——

"Little one!"

"[Beep——!]" (silenced)


The picture in my mind is exactly the time when three children who were helpless in the war were trying to make a living in Rain Shinobi Village before meeting Mr. Jiraiya. As the eldest brother, Yahiko deployed the battle plan. It was not legitimate to use stealing as a source of food. It was indeed the only way for them to survive at that time. Holding the stolen food, the three of them and one dog fled through the alleys of the Land of Rain. Amidst the laughter, there was also the dog that followed them and barked...

0......Please give me flowers......


["Correct. 1

The unreal feeling of Yahiko's resurrection, and the fact that he and Mr. Jiraiya did not go to the opposite side of eternal death, and re-see the road to peace in front of them...

All of this, at the moment of returning to nature, was sore and numb due to the swelling of the inner stuffing.

After more than twenty years, the scent of the three people has never been forgotten. The puppy named Tiny rushed towards the Akatsuki leader who had the power to destroy a ninja village with one blow.

What was lost and recovered was not only the lost companions, but also the faith full of hope.


Just like when they were running on the river in Rain Shinobi Village...



["Give our organization a name."]


The dawn of dawn illuminated the river with sparkling light, seeming to illuminate a peaceful path to their tender dreams.

["Then, let's call it -'Xiao'!"]

Holding the hungry and scrawny yellow puppy, the three of them gathered together to pick up the lost things again. The red-haired Uzumaki boy, who has been thoughtful since he was a child, could not restrain himself. Yahiko, who was affected by him, also started to choke and sob. On the contrary, Konan, the only woman among the three, hugged the two of them and comforted them silently.

Jiraiya looked up at the sky, and the hard sniffing action revealed his mood at this time, "Oh, I can't read these things when I get older! I'm inspired by the new book again!!"

Namikaze Minato patted her teacher on the back and smiled: "That's great, Mr. Jiraiya.

"I was shocked. I was more nervous than I was when I answered the question. I said, I thought you couldn't answer the question!" Naruto stretched out, "Anyway, it's gratifying! It's gratifying!!"

Kiba rummaged through his ninja bag, "You call him a little one, right? He looks malnourished at first glance! I should have the Inuzuka clan's special dog food with me."

The same goes for every time a quiz question comes up.

A huge image appears again in front of Konoha Shinobi School

The image is of Rain Shinobi Village during the Second Ninja War. The misjudgment of the trapped leaf ninja caused the young Nagato to lose his parents.

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