Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 505 Public Execution Uchiha Obito, Yahiko! Both The Self-Proclaimed Savior And The Self-Proc

"You have a point.

Senju Hashirama sighed: "The Valley of the End is the place left over when I fought with Madara. I killed my Apocalypse there..."

He looked at Uzumaki Naruto, "And you fought with Uchiha Sasuke twice in the Valley of the End, both with the idea of ​​leaving him behind even if you both died together. Without your persistence, the child named Sasuke would have gone to the end of the world. Maybe it’s the same path as Madara.”

The God of Ninja's deep voice didn't know whether it was regret or helplessness, or maybe there was envy that Naruto could keep Sasuke.

Tobirama: "Brother..."

Izuna whispered unhappily: "You know how to talk nice, and I'm telling you Senju Hashirama, you won't just let go of killing my brother!"

Madara: " can't beat Hashirama."

Izuna: "Although it's true, it's so harsh."

Tobirama was secretly happy because he was not the only one who caused the trouble. On the surface, he changed the subject righteously: "Our time has passed, and the future should be left to the younger generations to explore.

"Yes, Madara." Hashirama said as he followed his brother's path. He looked at the image in which although Jiraiya returned to Konoha, Yahiko, Nagato, and Konan inherited his belief in pursuing peace, and said: "Although the world of ninjas There's still darkness, but it's not all pain, is it?"

Uchiha Madara looked up at the image and sneered coldly: "It's ridiculous, did your head turn into wood after using Wood Style? Wasn't the image that just destroyed Konoha just because of their hatred for Konoha's existence?"

Hashirama found that his eloquence was really inferior to that of the next reincarnation of 08 Ashura. He didn't know how to refute Madara. He was about to feel depressed when his image suddenly stopped.

This time, before the word "question" appeared, Tobirama sighed inwardly and stretched out two fingers to open the sealing technique.

Yahiko was about to quietly ask Nagato and Konan what happened, how could he dare to destroy the place of Konoha Shinobi Village all of a sudden?

After all, it’s Jiraiya-sensei’s village!!

And the white-haired masked man who was killed by him in the video also seemed to be very arrogant backstage. He desperately wanted to know how much trouble he had gotten into, but found that he could not speak out?!


["Question 1: Who does the man who indirectly caused Yahiko's death and reformed 'Dawn' into 'Zhu Yue' claim to be?"]

Yahiko: "?!!!"

Although he didn't know who this weird metallic sound belonged to, as soon as this question came up, Yahiko's mind came to the figure of a short man with only one right eye visible from his whole body.

Yes, just like the white-haired man he killed in the video, his long face revealed one eye.

Kakashi didn't know that his reputation was being persecuted again because of Obito, and he wondered why the man named Yahiko looked at him like this.

But the answer to this question is undoubtedly Obito. Thinking that he may be publicly executed via video later, Kakashi felt a little uneasy.


["1. This question can only be answered by the image owner, and there is only one chance."]

["2. Other life forms cannot answer and cannot tell the image owner the correct answer."]


Hearing these two rules was enough, Senju Tobirama opened the sealing barrier, looked at Uchiha Madara and said:

*[Beep——————!](Silence), the really ridiculous person is you, if you were not used by Black Zetsu, and then designed and guided the Uchiha boy who originally had the Hokage dream to complete it for you, no, for Black Zetsu What Project Tsuki no Me, how could they hate Konoha and the world so much?!"

Hashirama: "Tobirama, don't say that. Danzo is also responsible for this."

Senju Tobirama was so pissed off that he was speaking for him, but he turned around and blamed himself for his friend?!

Uchiha Kagami was worried that Tobirama was really angry and vomited blood, so he quickly reminded Nagato: "Teacher Tobirama has already laid out all the questions, and the answers are obvious. Please answer the questions as soon as possible."

Nagato nodded: "He calls himself Uchiha Madara..."

"Sure enough, it's that guy!!" Before Horror Questions and Answers could make a judgment, Yahiko had already yelled: "Didn't I tell you not to have contact with that guy?! He doesn't look like a good person at first glance. It's just for your eyes, Nagato. Want to take advantage of us!!"

Yahiko hates iron and treats the first and second leaders of the Akatsuki organization as younger brothers and sisters. Kisame and others don't know whether they should take care of this matter or not.

Uchiha · Doesn’t look like a good person at first glance · Obito: "..." Maybe you don’t know, but I’m here. work

Lin patted Obito and Kakashi, whose muscles were tense, and told them that with Teacher Minato here, they would be fine.

As the metallic sound informed——

【correct answer. 】

The still image starts to play again.

The distance between Konan and Yahiko is getting closer and closer. Although it is not stated clearly, there is actually one Konan among them. When Konan was bandaging Yahiko again, the two looked into each other's eyes, almost making viewers think that they were about to kiss. illusion.

"Wow!" Naruto exclaimed in amazement, and Namikaze Minato quickly covered her son's eyes.

The active-duty rebels of the Akatsuki organization looked at the image in embarrassment. Except for Deidara, they were all adults, "Dana? Scorpion's danna! Why are you covering my eyes?!"

Rin, girls like Sakura, Koso, and Ino prefer to watch this kind of romantic image instead of just fighting. She stared at the image with a red face.

This made Konan and the newly resurrected Yahiko look around in shame.

In the image, Yahiko stands in the heavy rain, blessing the two of them [smiling in the rain...093511208 Feilu 192332070]

At the same time, relying on the power of sympathy and mutual understanding, the rain country civil organization composed of Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato has grown in number and has become quite large.

On a dawn break that broke through the darkness of the night, Yahiko decided on the original name for the stop—


["Since wars continue in this world! Then I will become the god of this world! Redefine the rules of the world!!"]

Yahiko covered his face, oh my god, do you want to be executed in such a public way?! Looking at the stupid face of his youth, when he made such nonsense, he felt that he was so handsome in front of Konan and Nagato, but now he is seen in the entire Konoha Shinobi. Village, if you say this in front of the God of Ninja and several Hokage, you will be hit hard, okay?!!!

Kisame: "Does the real Pain have this kind of personality? It does have some similarities to that brat named Uzumaki Naruto."

Kakuzu: "It also looks very similar to the innocent First Hokage, and the voice is exactly the same as the Second Hokage. There is always a subtle feeling that the two of them are combined." After all, he is a monster who has lived from the First Generation period to the present, and Others know more about First Generation and Second Hokage than others.

Hearing Kakuzu say this, Hashirama's affection for Yahiko increased. Desire for peace, have ideals, dare to take action, care about companions, and have the same voice as Tobirama but not fierce


In the video, Yahiko enters his youth. As the leader of "Akatsuki", he leads a group of like-minded companions to stand in the pouring rain, which means that one man is worth a thousand.

[“This country is still crying as always, and it is suffering. I used to hate this country that only cried, but now I want to change it even more!!

["Because I 080 think so from the bottom of my heart."]

Standing on the tall buildings of the Land of Rain, the orange-haired young man's eyes were firm when he mentioned the word change, and when he mentioned his deepest wishes, his eyes were so soft that Nagato and Konan couldn't look away as if they were trapped in Uzumaki.

Senju Tobirama looked at the young man in the video who had a voice exactly like his own. Even though some elder brothers were stupid and stubborn on the road to peace, he was not annoying.

"Eh? Tobirama also admires that child!"

The elder brother's stupid face suddenly appeared next to him, and Tobirama pushed him away: "I don't want to talk to you now, shut up." As expected, the ninja god began to feel depressed again.

Yahiko secretly glanced at the two Hokage in Konoha. This brotherhood was also gone.

In addition, after listening to Second Hokage's voice, even he felt that if you didn't look at the face, they would be exactly the same...

After a small interlude, the guy who called himself Uchiha Madara finally appeared in the image. It's just that unlike when they met the man directly, the video first showed a fragment of the conversation between the man and a half-black and half-white monster——

[White Zetsu: "See that red-haired guy?"]

[Teenage voice: “Are those eyes the Rinnegan of ‘Madara’?”]

[White Zetsu: "These are Madara's real eyes! They were secretly transplanted when the child was very young~"]

[Black Zetsu: "Nagato is a descendant of Senju and Uzumaki. He is the only person besides Madara who can summon Gedo Statue, so first of all, Nagato must be included in the writing according to Madara's wishes."]

A boy with only one eye exposed from his whole body walked into Yahiko and the three of them. When asked who he was, the boy's temperament and voice completely changed into that of another person:

【"I am.........Uchiha Madara!!"】

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