Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 510 ŌTsutsuki Kaguya Vs. Horror Quiz’S Infinite Tsukuyomi 24-Hour Experience Volume? !

There are two questions, one is answered correctly by Nagato himself, and the other is answered correctly by Uchiha Obito.

The rewards given by Horror Quiz are random.

In other words, Uzumaki Naruto has played slot machine draws countless times.

Nagato didn't expect that he would also have the opportunity to play the lottery, because Rain Shinobi Village is not wealthy, and it rains all year round, which limits the entertainment options of Rain Shinobi Village.

It has been regarded as a battlefield for great powers, and there are few places like Tanshu Street. As a result, Nagato, Konan, and Yahiko, the founders of the Akatsuki organization, and minors like Naruto Sasuke, have never even been to a pachinko shop. .

Yahiko looked at the slot machine that suddenly appeared, his eyes narrowed with curiosity. After hearing Konan tell him what rewards Uzumaki Naruto had drawn before, he almost looked at the slot machine with bright eyes.

Nagato chuckled softly and walked to the slot machine with the little one in his arms. "Don't have too much hope. After all, not everyone can have the luck of the prophecy child."

"I strongly agree with this." Uchiha Obito of Anbu costume finally stopped talking, used his voice, turned his arms and walked towards his slot machine.

Lin: "Come on! Obito!! Hurry! Kakashi is here to help Obito!"

Kakashi was a little embarrassed, "No,'s not enough to cheer for the lottery, and I've always had bad luck. Cheering for Obito might make me angry, and it might have a bad effect... ..”

"Really..." Lin's expression was a little tangled: "Kakashi needs to be more confident."

Obito turned his head and gave Kakashi a middle finger, "Until you turn back to the stupid Kakashi you were before, I will call you a fake Kakashi!"

..." Kakashi was speechless.

Nagato and Obito pressed the levers of the two slot machines almost at the same time.

Various awards are rotating rapidly. Even with Sharingan, Obito is too lazy to check what awards he can get. It all depends on luck.

After more than ten seconds, the reward group of Nagato's slot machine finally stopped on a picture of Kaguya? Naruto looked back at Kaguya's mother-in-law and saw her frowning slightly.

In the photo, Kaguya's smile is more ferocious and evil, the red Samsara Sharingan on his forehead overlaps with the moon, and his open arms seem to take the whole world into his bag.

Feeling familiar, Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment, and immediately remembered where he had seen this picture...

"It's Infinite Tsukuyomi!!!"

That's right! It's the Kaguya who appeared in the sky when Six Paths Madara broke off the horns on her forehead and cast the Infinite Tsukuyomi Eye Technique on the moon in the previous video!

That ferocious, evil, omnipotent ancestor of Chakra!!!

["Congratulations on getting: 24-hour Infinite Tsukuyomi experience card."]

["Everyone will enter after 10 seconds of countdown!"]

Although the reward belongs to Nagato, the concept of Infinite Tsukuyomi itself is to launch an indiscriminate genjutsu attack on the whole world!!

The sky and the earth suddenly changed color! Morning turned into night, and Rinnegan's lines appeared on the crimson moon! The shadow of Ōtsutsuki Kaguya spread out with the moon as the center, and the crimson moon was the eye planted on her forehead!!

【"Light up the world, Infinite Tsukuyomi!"】

The voices of Uchiha Madara and Ōtsutsuki Kaguya overlap in the void, as if the world is ending!

Everyone was shocked!

The only one who can resist this power is...


Obito was the first to react, completely reverting his body to the state of the Ōtsutsuki clan, and used Susanoo! Half of the huge light blue Susanoo's face has the same spiral scar as Obito, and the left half of his face has the same scar as Kakashi's. A stab wound from the forehead through the left eyelid to the cheek!

"Complete body..."

Before most people could react, they were already wrapped in the spread wings of Obito's complete Susana.

At this moment, there are only two people who own the Rinnegan and can use Susana, one is the atavized Uchiha Obito, and the other is the newly resurrected Uchiha Madara.

Madara's dark blue Susan also appeared in a complete form, but compared to Obito, although his Susan was equally huge, it only enveloped a few people.

You don’t need to guess, Izuna, Hashirama, Hashirama who was reluctantly brought along, and several Uchiha clan members who were reluctantly brought along...

All of this was completed in an instant. When the countdown reached five seconds, a new situation occurred! That is Obito's reward——

["Congratulations on getting: Parallel World Travel Voucher"]

【"Please be prepared and set off immediately."】


Obito watched helplessly as his body fell into another time and space. Time became like a glimpse of Ten Thousand Years, every second was so clear.

The light blue Susana lost the Chakra supply and was dissipating rapidly, Kakashi, Lin, Naruto, Minato-sensei...

The familiar look of horror on his face reflected in Obito's eyes, as the only thing he could see after entering the darkness.


Likewise, Kakashi and Lin also saw extreme panic on Obito's face. Kakashi even heard Oidei shouting his name before he finished...

There is only one second left in the countdown, and Kakashi thinks that the last thing Obito wants to say must be for him to protect Lin no matter what!

This time, no matter what, I have to...

At the same time that the thought flashed in the silver-haired Jōnin's mind, he had already pressed on Naruto's shoulder and relied on the power of a single Sharingan to forcefully borrow Chakra. He left his left eye with blood and forced himself to open Susanoo with one eye!!

Uchiha Shisui could do it back then, and he should be able to do it if he puts in a desperate shot!

Fortunately, Kurama in Naruto's body stood with them and successfully released the Chakra!

There is only one second left!


The left half of Kakashi's face was covered in blood from his eyes. Lin reached out to help him heal with Healing Jutsu, but it had little effect. 500

at this time--

"The Royal Center of Heaven!!"

In the blink of an eye, the world changed, and it was the last moment of the Fourth Ninja War in the video, where Konoha's Class 7, or Kakashi Class, fought against Kaguya!!

Including Obito, they all ignored the silent Kaguya!

As the founder of Chakra and the first person on earth to lay eyes on Infinite Tsukuyomi, how could she, who possesses the Reincarnation Sharingan, be pulled into Infinite Tsukuyomi by the same power as herself?!!

The moment their feet touched the ground, everyone who was included in the Origin Space felt relieved. There was no moon here, so there was no need to worry about entering Infinite Tsukuyomi.

The light blue Susana who had not yet fully formed dissipated, and Kakashi knelt on one knee as if Naruto had stopped breathing. Lin was so frightened that she quickly helped him heal and get medical treatment.

Uchiha Madara also dispersed his dark blue Susanoo.

Sasuke, who was training eye skills with Uchiha Fugaku at the training ground, ran over. Even the residents of Konoha Village who were not in the movie viewing area didn't know why he appeared in this place.

Yahiko looked at Kaguya, who was behind him as his junior brother, and said in shock: "It's so, so awesome! You can even switch time and space?! By the way, Nagato, what's the reward you got? Everyone seems to be facing a formidable enemy?" And the guy who deceived Nagato and Konan, what does parallel world mean?

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