Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 512 Horror Q&A: Will Hidan’S Wish Come True? ! Kakuzu: I Can’T Favor One Over The Other, I W

Unknowingly, 13 years have passed since the end of the Third Ninja War in Konoha 47.

After the war, population and fertility rate became one of the core issues in the major ninja villages.

Konoha spent the past thirteen years working hard on population, construction, sports, and productivity. Compared to the era when the Sengoku era had just ended and there were not many families living in Konoha, there were not too many children here.

After all, there are only a small number of children who are too young to grasp the "ceiling" to study. Most of them will find more reliable ninjas to study.

As the mentor of the new Sannin and the future teacher of the Sixth Hokage and Seventh Generation, Kakashi is not visited too many times, and many of them are even visited by parents bringing their children to get familiar with him.

Lin was laughing next to her like a soft bell. Kakashi's face was so wrapped that only one eye was exposed. He still couldn't hide his embarrassment. He could only introduce the unforgettable ones to his contemporaries such as Mitarashi Anko, Shiranui Genma, Gekko Hayate, and Morino. Ibiki and others...

If that's not enough, then there are my former Anbu colleagues.

Inadvertently, many Anbu found their way back after retiring. It was like a large-scale experience activity. At that moment, Anbu had the urge to resign and take care of students.

However, there are still some people who are impatient here, such as the rebellious ninjas of the Akatsuki organization, and many ordinary people and merchants who do not live in Konoha as ninjas.

Hidan poked the sickle and leaned against Kakuzu and yawned, "It's better to go out and dream. If it doesn't work, you can just watch a short movie."


A clear metallic sound appeared in Hidan's ears, frightening him.

She was counting money and looked at him impatiently: "What are you doing? Don't interrupt me counting money."

"Hey! Did you hear the voice of the quiz just now?!!" Hidan waved his hand and asked loudly, which attracted not only Kakuzu, but others also looked at him and asked: "You mean the one that looks like White Zetsu and looks like metal? Sound? I didn’t hear it.”

Deidara: "Don't tell me you heard it, I won't believe it, huh."

"I really heard it! If you question it again, I will sacrifice you to the evil god! Idiot brat!!"

"Who are you calling an idiot kid?! I'll blow you up!!"

"Stop making noise, that thing has appeared."

"Scorpion's Danna?"

Following Scorpion's line of sight, Deidara Hidan and others saw the image screen where the 'thing' in Scorpion's mouth had appeared countless times.

Nagato asked Hidan: "Tell me what you heard 'it' say just now."

Hidan was innocent and confused: "It just said two words - arrangement."


Hidan held the necklace on his chest, looking like a devout believer, "I should do a ceremony to thank the evil god for letting that thing hear my wish.

Yahiko: "What did you wish for?"

Although the opponent was in Pain's face and making Second Hokage's voice, (aieb), the natural affinity of First Hokage and Uzumaki Naruto made Hidan not afraid of Yahiko at all, and even a little familiar with her. "Didn't you hear me just now?! I said it's boring here, so I might as well go out and dream or watch a movie, but that thing was arranged directly for me!" Hidan, a talker, laughed loudly: "Really or not? That one Things are becoming more and more obedient?!"

Kakuzu decided to give it a try: "Give me money, lots and lots of money."


A moment passed without any response, causing other members of the organization to laugh wildly.

Kakuzu: "MDZZ..."

What no one expected was that in Kaguya's space, the image was not just a huge image screen as usual.

The images arranged this time are more like the Genjutsu Narakumi Technique!

The sudden appearance of the ninja coalition forces around them made many people think that they were in the Fourth Ninja War again.

However, someone soon pointed out: "No! Those are all false images!! They can't see us! We can also pass through these false images.

The person who spoke was Yahiko. He was shuttled through a place shown as a rock in the image, and was dangling in front of an Iwagakure ninja coalition, but the other party did not react at all.

【"Let the earth shine! Infinite Tsukuyomi!!"】

The voice reflected in the eardrums is that of Uchiha Madara himself! Looking up, Six Paths Madara is flying in the air, and the blood-red Rinnegan in his forehead shines on the moon!

Then, the moon was changed by Infinite Tsukuyomi into the form of his Rinnegan, and Kaguya's ferocious smile appeared in the sky!!

The ninja alliance illuminated by the moonlight gradually froze in place, and their eyes turned into purple Rinnegan styles. Only the dead of Impure World Reincarnation were not affected!!

At the same time, the ground bulged and cracked, and huge rhizomes emerged from beneath the surface.

Uchiha Madara: "Wood Style?!" That stem looks too much like the gradual Wood Style flower world tree coming. However, no, the rhizomes soared to high altitudes, and countless ribbon-like fibrous roots descended from the top, wrapping the ninja coalition who had been hit by Infinite Tsukuyomi and unable to react like silkworm cocoons, and dropped them on the top of the rhizomes!!

Kakashi: "It's the way to produce White Zetsu!" They have all seen it in the previous videos. Where the old Uchiha Madara once hid, there was something like this hanging ghost.

What emerged from the cocoon was the enemy that was a thorn in the side of the Ninja Alliance—White Zetsu!!

Shikamaru, Hinata, and even Fifth Hokage Tsunade who saw the future were dropped on the top of the tree without any struggle. The Hokages of the First Generation, Second Generation, Third Generation, and Fourth Generation from the Impure World Reincarnation tried to save them but to no avail. The future Falling into great despair...

Suddenly the surrounding environment changed again, and it was the peaceful Konohagakure of Ningqing.

Yahiko: "What is going on?! It was night just now, why did it suddenly turn into daytime?!"

Senju Tobirama: "I'm afraid the image shows us someone's dream in Infinite Tsukuyomi." He turned to look at Uchiha Madara, "Take a good look at what you call Infinite Tsukuyomi."

Uchiha Madara ignored him and wondered whose dream this was with interest.

Senju Hashirama's eyes wandered between Yahiko and Tobirama, "Tobirama, you two seem to be asking and answering questions together, don't you think?"

"I don't think so! Shut up, brother!!"

Seeing Hashirama sinking into depression, Madara gave Second Hokage a look and snorted: "What an unlovable brother."

"Uh——!" There were three black lines hanging under Tobirama's eyelids, "I don't want you to say that! Madara!"

Hashirama tried his best to sell it to his best friend: "Madara, Tobirama is actually very cute, let me tell you——"

Others turned to look at Second Hokage's face with embarrassment, doubt or disbelief...

"Shut up, HashiramaV Senjumu." Tobirama, Madara, and Senju shouted First Hokage. Wama and Jima: "Brother Hashirama and brother Tobirama are still the same..."

The Fourth Hokage yawned and appeared in front of everyone with disheveled hair. In a cozy room, a long-haired Uzumaki beauty is serving breakfast to her family

Namikaze Minato, who was watching the movie, struggled and said: "It's so illegal! Why is even the appearance of a person at home exposed to the public?!!" Jiraiya patted him on the shoulder, "Isn't this very close to the people?"

Little Naruto opened his eyes wide, "Isn't this my dream world?! My parents are both alive, haha, my dad looks the same as when I first woke up!"

"Super idiot!" Sasuke said: "Don't forget that I used Susanoo to wrap you up in the future, and you didn't even enter Infinite Tsukuyomi!!"

"We talked very late yesterday, has the problem been solved? Minato." Kushina asked. 】

[Namikaze Minato recalled coming out of the Uchiha clan with the Third Hokage last night: "It's great. The alliance between Uchiha and Senju created Konoha. From now on, this peace will continue."]

[Third Hokage: "Thank you for your hard work Minato, we finally have a good conversation with Fugaku, and Uchiha will try to integrate into the village in the future."]

Only the few remaining people in Uchiha looked at the image and sighed that the dream was indeed developing in the direction expected. If Uchiha and Konoha can merge during the Fourth Generation's reign, then Uchiha Fugaku, who is the clan leader, and Shisui and Itachi, who are melancholy about their relationship with the family and the Ninja Village, will have different endings, right?

Seeing this, even Sasuke himself suspected that this was the dream of the crane tail.

Although he didn't say it, Sasuke knew that if it were Naruto, he would definitely hope that not only he would be happy...

Feeling slightly moved in his heart, Sasuke accompanied Naruto and the people who were transferred here by Kaguya Tianzhong to watch the new video with a strong sense of substitution.

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