Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 622 Let’S Call The New Book Uzumaki Naruto Story!

"Heroic Immortal!!"

Payne's final blow was like the answer to the question, and the white-haired Toad Sage sank into the deep sea.

Tsunade bit her lip and looked away. If she was like this, what would happen to the Fifth Hokage who personally assigned the task to Jiraiya in the future?

Orochimaru's face dropped like water.

Although Nagato knew the outcome, he never thought that if he followed the original destiny line, he would kill his mentor so decisively in three years.

The video was shown publicly to the entire ninja world.

There was no intention to target Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan on their side, but they were simply angry at everything they saw in the video——

"He shouldn't have come out of the water just now!" Civilians don't understand how high the sacrifice rate is for ninjas who first detect information, let alone how many lives of their companions will be saved by seemingly useless information.

It's just that anyone who sees this kind of influence can't help but tell, demand, and order the Jiraiya in the image to stop here, that's enough, and leave the rest to others.

"That's your mentor!" Someone in the audience actually cried, "Damn it!"

"I took care of you like a father during those three years! Bastard!!" someone yelled.

Some people stared at the image closely and noticed——


Speechless, one arm cut off, black sticks on his back that hindered the movement of the Chakra, and his heart stopped beating for a time! Jiraiya was already dead and sank into the deep sea...

"Why are you laughing?"

【‘Jiraiya’s Heroic Story...that ends here...】

[In the image, Jiraiya's eyes are the light on the sea that is gradually fading away. Once again, he is caught up in memories and still thinks of the three 430 children back then. So far, he still doesn't know what Nagato and Konan have gone through to make that happen. The gentle ones became 'Pen' of the Akatsuki organization. 】


People in various viewing areas were either excited and hoping that there was still room for change, or they were in tears and were infected by the plot and atmosphere, or there were ninjas who took on the role of the content in the video and felt the same way.

Without exception, they once again saw Jiraiya's self-deprecating smile before his death.


[In the video, Jiraiya laughs at himself: "Then, Pen, you will be my pen! It may be perfect for me, Jiraiya, to write the final chapter of "Jiraiya's Heroic Story"..." 】


Nagato couldn't control his emotions while watching the video.

If there were no questions that happened in the Chūnin exam, then he would have followed the original destiny line and embarked on the path of murdering his master!!

['Final Chapter - The frog in the well is finally buried in the scroll of the sea!']

【‘This is a little bit like it, isn’t it……..】

Tsunade: "Jiraiya!"

Namikaze Minato: "Jiraiya-sensei!"

Naruto: "What are you talking about?! The Magnificent Immortal!!!"

Yahiko three: "Teacher!"

None of them disagreed with Jiraiya's overly belittling description of himself.

Senju Tobirama also complained that he and the toad named Toad Ken belong to the same sect.

Jiraiya looked at the way he died in the future impact. To be honest, he was quite happy, and he thought his death was well deserved and worthwhile. (aiba)

"This way I can put down my pen with peace of mind. At least I have sent the information back to Konoha before I die, hahahaha." That choice should be the right one, guiding the Son of Prophecy on the right path...

"Speaking of it, I must have been infected by Naruto's spirit in another world." Even if he suffers more neglect and injustice, he still believes in the future and insists on his tolerance and true intention.

Something that even Nagato, Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Madara can't do...

As Jiraiya who watched the movie said, in the video, Jiraiya, who entrusted everything to his last disciple, changed his self-deprecating smile and replaced it with a sincere smile that finally allowed him to pass away——


【‘What’s a good title for the sequel? 】


In the image, Jiraiya falls into the deep sea, and the darkness swallows his figure, but his relaxed voice touches people's hearts...

["Just call..."]

【"————Uzumaki Naruto Story!"]

["Well, this name is great..."]

Watching the movie, Naruto's eyes suddenly opened wide!

This kind of unremitting and sincere trust is the recognition he has longed for since he was a child in this warm and cold village.

Recognize his existence and his success.

It was like talking to the Fourth Hokage for the first time, and the trust that even surpassed that conversation made his heart warm, but at the same time, he felt empty because of the sacrifice of the heroic immortal. The feeling of being intertwined between the two emotions made him feel It was terribly uncomfortable.

Indra glanced at Ashura beside him, then at the Hokage Rock of First Hokage in the distance and Uzumaki Naruto over there.

How could someone as smart as him not guess what all this means?

He had mixed feelings in his heart. He didn't know what he was angry about or what he was agitated about...

The last bubble emerging from the deep sea in the image is a symbol of Jiraiya's sacrifice.

This kind of sacrifice, under the description and infection of the image, drives people's sad mood.

They thought this uncomfortable image would finally end.

Who would have thought that the 'crittal attack' would come so unexpectedly.

The last scene of this video is Naruto, who is on a mission in the Land of Fire, running at full speed in the woods.

A hand in the void patted his shoulder...


It was his master who entrusted all his tolerance, beliefs, and wishes to him, to the son of prophecy, and to his disciples as the last stick.

Naruto felt this power and responsibility and looked back

Nothing at all.

Never again.

This critical attack made the originally infected people overwhelmed.

Minato was saddened by the sacrifice of Mr. Jiraiya in the video, and worried about Naruto at that time.

【On the other side in the video, at the same time, Tsunade has just made a decision.

["Happiness shouldn't be a man's pursuit, stop being cool that guy~" Tsunade is smiling in the video. 】

[The smile turned into worry again, "If he comes back during this mission...]

[Finally, I secretly made a bet for myself——]

["It's time to stop him from being cool."]

Jiraiya suddenly turned to Tsunade beside him: "Does this sentence apply to this world?! Tsunade!!"

"Of course it doesn't apply! Idiot!!!" Wiping the tears on her face, Princess Katsuyu only gave Jiraiya a million-ton punch.

Even though he knew it was Jiraiya who was teasing everyone to change their mood, Minato thought that it was no wonder that Teacher Jiraiya from another world was resurrected, and Seventh Hokage Naruto reacted so violently.

It must have been his companions in Konoha who helped him get out of that period of haze.

Tsunade and Jiraiya were fighting over there, Senju Tobirama sighed helplessly, and Orochimaru said in a low and smooth voice: "Tsunade, you really shouldn't be so kind as to place such a bet on yourself... Jiraiya's bad intentions killed himself. , your bad intentions can kill him."

Orochimaru's words are always so philosophical, but upon closer inspection...

"Madara, what does that guy mean?" Hashirama asked, bumping into his best friend's arm.

Uchiha Madara glanced sideways at Hashirama before saying slowly: "You said your granddaughter's gambling luck is as bad as yours."


Senju Hashirama was depressed, Mito and Tobirama sighed, and Tsunade punched Orochi!

"Pay attention to the environment of the venue, Tsunade." Orochimaru took the attack and smiled, "Or do you want to recall the situation during your Chūnin exam?"

"Hey, hey," Jiraiya didn't understand why the two of them were so irritable today. Jiraiya ran out to break up the fight, "We were in the same team during the public exam. You two really don't remember how you ruined the venue at that time. Teacher Sarutobi was so angry. My blood pressure has soared!"

Then the two turned their attention to Jiraiya and criticized him in unison: "You made Mr. Sarutobi so angry that his blood pressure soared. Aren't you the only one who was kicked off the scene?! Ét!!!"

Jiraiya wants to be like the First Generation master. He has always admired the legendary ninja god [presumably he in another world would not have had the opportunity to smell the real First Generation master's arrogant personality.

"The influence has disappeared, and the image of Mr. Jiraiya should end here." Namikaze Minato praised: "Sure enough, Mr. Jiraiya is a great and outstanding ninja, Kushina and I have always thought so!!"

"That's not the case..., Minato."

Jiraiya's sudden turn made the Fourth Hokage and everyone stunned.

Asking for tickets, flowers, and customized QVQ

I don’t know how many people have discovered that when Jiraiya says the word ‘pen’, it is ~> a Japanese loanword, which is pen.

The meaning of the name Payne has been named.

In addition, Kannabi Bridge also has the meaning of such a foreign word, guess. .

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