Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 639 The Memories Of Shimura Danzō And Others - No One Must Know That You Are... Ninjas!

[A Tailed Beast Bomb hit the invisible barrier, and the ninjas of Cloud Shinobi's barrier class mobilized Chakra to quickly repair the scars on the barrier. 】

"He actually blocked the Tailed Beast Bomb!"

"Those guys at Cloud Shinobi really hide their secrets!!"

"Under the appearance of a bunch of reckless men, they actually have a delicate mind."

"Huh, delicate? It's better to just say it's cunning. Back then Hyuga——"

"Hey! Let's not mention the past hatred now!"

The people in the Konoha viewing area were waiting for Naruto to arrive on the battlefield. As the child of prophecy, they believed that the Naruto in the image could be invincible!!

[The Tailed Beast Bomb was stuck in the barrier, and its destructive power was basically the same as the Cloud Shinobi ninja's repair speed, resulting in a stalemate!!]

[Killer Bee gave up his consciousness to Eight Tails. He has been brainwashed by Killer Bee's spirit for many years. Eight Tails' words also sound like rap, "I will break the barrier! Naruto is responsible for pushing my Tailed Beast Bomb!!"

What follows is like how people once described Namikaze Minato's fight.

——Only for a moment!

"Seven Nine Three" [Eight Tails punched the barrier, cracks appeared in the barrier, and the barrier team had no time to repair it. Naruto had already pushed the huge Tailed Beast Bomb and directly smashed the barrier!! 1

["The first layer of barrier! Broken!!"]

"Hey, why?..."

At this moment, half of the barrier class at Cloud Shinobi Village in the Land of Thunder were dumbfounded.

[The huge dark red tailed beast punched the barrier to create cracks and retreated, followed by Naruto pushing the Tailed Beast Bomb to strike the cracks with another fatal blow!]

["Second layer of barrier! Broken!!"]

【"Keep going! Let's do it!!" Gyūki is like a husky that has escaped the reins, and he cooperates extremely well with Jinchūriki from Nine Tails behind him!

Next is...

【"Bang! Bang!"】

["The third layer of barrier! Broken!!"]

【"Bang! Bang!"】

["The fourth layer of barrier! Broken!!"]


"Hey, hey, that guy Gyūki is not stable at all." He split a little chakra and transformed into Matatabi, the size of a ninja cat, holding a small fish in his mouth.

"Who says it's not?" Kurama couldn't be more satisfied with a mouthful of tofu skin sushi and a mouthful of sake.

["No! It's too late for the barrier to regenerate!!"]

["The speed of destruction is too fast! It has reached the twenty-first floor!!"]

【"Captain! What to do?!"】

The Kingdom of Thunder was silent while watching the movie...

No one dared to challenge Raikage's anger at this time.

"Idiot, bastard! Tailed beast combination! The strongest!!"

There are holes in the walls of Raikage Building every day!

"Q-Master Killer Bee flew out..."

“While I was flying out, I didn’t forget to compose lyrics, shoot and create non-stop.

"It's a bit pity for the barrier class..."

The Cloud Shinobi ninja looked at the barrier class member over there who was so depressed that he was biting his clothes, and felt a little sad.

I am not afraid of opponents who are like gods, but I am afraid that my DPS is actually from the other camp...

How to fight this?!

["Captain, how should I reply to the headquarters?"]

【"mission failed!!"】

["Bang!" Raikage in the video smashed a wooden desk. 】

Cloud Shinobi Village Ninja: "Why doesn't our village have a Wood Style user?"

Minato couldn't help but laugh when he looked at the image. The only person who could make Raikage angry like this was his younger brother Killer Bee.

["Bang! Bang!" "The thirty-second layer of barrier! Broken!!"]

【"The thirty-third layer of barrier is broken!"】

["The thirty-fourth level barrier is also..." The voice of the Cloud Shinobi Village ninja sounded like he had given up resistance. 】

【"Thirty-fifth floor..."】

["The thirty-sixth floor, the barrier is broken..."]

[The exhausted Cloud Shinobi Ninja Captain was all over the place and complained in frustration: "Who would have thought that two Jinchūriki would join forces? Who would have thought of such a thing~ I have never heard of two Jinchūriki joining forces~~ "】

That little voice was aggrieved, making other people watching the movie laugh like pigs, and felt very sympathetic to the captain of the sealing team. Naruto, one of the protagonists in the video, laughed cruelly

Iruka rubbed his head lovingly.

[At the end of the video, Eight Tails and Nine Tails escaped from the island together, and Black White Zetsu appeared to report the news to a masked man wearing purple Uchiha ancient costume. 】

【"Then, it's my turn to join the battle!"】

The voice belonged to Uchiha Madara, but at this moment, except Granny Setsuno, almost everyone knew that the guy in the image was Uchiha Obito.


Damn it, you didn’t forget to publicly execute him in the end. What kind of trouble is this?!!

People who are familiar with him look at him with ridicule or blame, and even worse, with expressions of complaint or even resentment and anger.

However, he refused to accept it and could only shrink his head and hold it in...

After the video, Namikaze Minato called away Sasuke and Naruto, followed of course by Kakashi and Obito. When we arrived at the Hokage Building, the Uchiha clan leader, brothers Second Hokage, Sage of Six Paths, Shikaku, Haiichi, and Shiwei were also there.

There's even an expressionless Ōtsutsuki Kaguya and a Black Zetsu who can't live without his mother.

Minato said: "Elder Danzo, Yamanaka Feng, and Aburame's memories have been sorted out." He motioned Nara Shikaku to tell everyone about the subsequent situation.

"Elder Danzo was brought to a certain world by 'that thing' with the purpose of collaborating with Danzo to control that world and everyone in that world..."

Yamanaka Feng and Aburame took the root and fought with it, so that Minato, Obito, Kakashi and others arrived at the root and found traces of the battle where Danzo was hiding...

"But the battle only happened halfway, and 'that thing' took them away by force using some special ability that was not a ninjutsu."

Obito interrupted Nara Shikaku and said: "The power of time and space? Could it be the pupil technique?"

Shikaku glanced at him, deliberately making Obito feel nervous before saying: "You can be lucky, he didn't use the pupil technique, and Yamanakafeng didn't sense Chakra. y

So 'that thing' shouldn't be little Obito from another world being swallowed by Black Zetsu. Obito finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Shikaku continued: "In the memories of Danzo and others, they have been lurking in that world for many years. Since the people there do not have Chakra, they can only use Danzo's method of cultivating root nin to brutally train certain leftovers from the war. orphans on a mission.”

"There was war in that world?" Obito went there twice, and the places he visited seemed much more peaceful than their world.

"Yes, and quite a few." Nara Shikaku: "It's just that they are concentrated in specific regions and countries. In Danzo's memory, the world's population and countries were far more complicated than ours. But these are not the point. , it has nothing to do with us, don’t interrupt me, I’ll continue.

After being glared at by Uchiha Fugaku, who said, "Why do you have so many problems?" Anbu Obito surrendered with both hands, indicating that he would not interrupt again.

"Danzo and others relied on Chakra and ninjutsu to rise rapidly in that world, but I don't know why 'that thing' gave Danzo two absolute orders."

"First of all, the guys who saw the looks and ninjutsu of the three of them must not be alive."

"Second, when issuing orders, you cannot leave any mark indicating that they are 'ninjas'."

Naruto has always been proud of being a ninja [He immediately questioned: "Why is this?! Why can't you even tell others about being a ninja?"

Sasuke, who knew very little about that world, also frowned.

"Because people in that world may know them." Kakashi said: "Don't forget that the description of that world in Horror Questions and Answers is - everyone knows you and Mr. Minato, but Mr. Minato and you don't know anyone in that world. .”

Obito added: "And some people in that world at least know me, Kakashi, Itachi and Shisui, and even the First Generation and the old man." Although the understanding is very strange!! And they understand their relationship. What a mess!

That is to say, maybe not everyone knows Shimura Danzō, but at least a large number of people know him, and maybe even know his specific situation?

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Guessed? Who is the enemy? .

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