Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 650 Don’T Be A Cannon, Lord Second Generation! Madara, Sasuke, And Indra Cannot Represent Al

["What I'm testing is not speed. It won't be too late to wait until Ashura comes back to make a decision."]

I don't know the answer to the question, but when many high-ranking ninjas in the ninja world heard this, they were basically certain that the successor chosen by Sage of Six Paths would not be Indra at least.

[However, one year after Indra returned, Ashura came back, bringing with him the people he had helped who wanted to understand the concept of 'Ninja Sect'. 】

[I heard that my brother has not succeeded to the throne of Ninja sect, which surprised Ashura. However, what was even more surprising was that my father passed on the position of Ninja Sect to myself who came back a year later!]

At the movie viewing scene, Indra's expression was gloomy, and Ashura asked the reason for the video.

I don't know if he heard Ashura's wish, but the image was born and released to the villagers where the two brothers arrived.

[Ashura's strength is relatively weak. Although he has enough mobility, his effect is insufficient. But he had a silly spirit that would not give up easily, and this silly spirit attracted the villagers who came one after another. From he and Tai Zang digging wells, the whole village was digging wells. 】

[Not only that, Ashura also shared Ninja and Chakra with the villagers. In this way, they have the power to dig out rocks themselves. 】

["If possible, teach us Ninja!"]

Aburame08 Shino pushed up the small black sunglasses on his face, "This is the origin of ninjutsu, if you want to ask why..." He looked at the villagers in the video who had learned medical ninjutsu or various escape techniques one after another, "They are already using Chakra."

[When Ashura heard the sound surging under the rock, he smashed the rock with a final blow. When turbid water mixed with mud flows out and gradually turns into rolling clear water

Naruto said: "Why do I feel that the Wind Style he uses looks so much like my dad's Rasengan?"

Minato also nodded.

Ashura rubbed the back of his head, "I only know this attribute, unlike my brother who can use both thunder and fire very well."

Senju Hashirama and Uzumaki Naruto said at the same time: "Madara/Sasuke is also the best at Lightning Style and Fire Style!"

This made the three generations of Indra look at each other, still disgusted.

Although everyone doesn't know how powerful Indra is, they have seen Sasuke's Kirin, Madara's Yin Release Thunder Style and Hao Huo Chun in the video, which are indeed amazing.

Naruto and Ashura briefly chatted about Wind Style, but Hashirama felt very lonely because he was good at Wood Style. In addition, Tobirama and the others had been discussing the topic of the Divine Tree and Six Paths Hashirama recently, which made him feel like It looks like a small self-propelled human-shaped sacred tree.

[In the video, there is the background music that is familiar to the ninja world again. Kanna, who has learned medical ninjutsu, and Ashura heal Kana's mother together, and people can finally destroy the sacred tree with confidence. 】

Seeing this scene, Indra, who was watching the movie, said nothing, and the voices of the discussion of the ninjas watching the movie around him were clearly heard in his ears.

"This is why teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish." Iruka did not forget to educate the students who couldn't help but run out of the ninja school to watch the movie.

Naruto didn't even know many idioms, let alone proverbs like this.

"What's wrong with thin fish but not fish? Teacher Iruka."

Sasuke called him a huge idiot and didn't bother to explain to him.

Obito told Naruto: "Probably just give people fish meat, why not teach them how to fish."

Seeing that Naruto was still a little ignorant, Kakashi gave Naruto an example: "During our mission to the Land of Waves... Naruto, you not only helped Inari defeat Cardo, his father-killing enemy, but more importantly, you Giving them the courage to resist and protect what’s important to them.”

Rubbing the head of Mr. Minato's son and his own student, Kakashi said: "Although I don't want you to get too carried away, the Naruto Bridge means the bridge of hope to the Land of Waves.

Hinata recalled the images she had seen before, "Sister Konan also said that Naruto-kun is the bridge of hope."

Konan, Yahiko, and Nagato had soft eyes, "Yes, if there really is such a bridge, we are willing to become the pillars supporting the bridge of spirit and hope, leading to peace."

Indra finally spoke, but as soon as he came up, he broke the cold water for everyone at this time.

"As long as Chakra exists, the war cannot end."

"Brother, brother..." Ashura is deeply worried about his brother's communication skills being the same as his father's. With his eyes that are more fierce than Kurama's and his communication method that always hits the pain points, he will definitely have no friends in the future. of!!!

No! I have almost no friends now!!!

That’s not right! Be more confident, he should remove the word “almost”!

Senju Tobirama asked: "It was mentioned in the video just now that you do not recognize the ninja sect founded by your father. So what are your plans if you succeed President Ren?"

Indra was not malicious at all, but Senju Tobirama asked, and he answered calmly: "Get back all the Chakra that my father gave to others, and then suppress the world with powerful power to achieve true peace! Worry-free! !”

The viewing area was silent for a few seconds, and then...


"Haha, hug, sorry, I didn't mean to laugh."

Listening to the suppressed laughter, Indra was inevitably a little angry: "What's so funny?!!"

Senju Tobirama sighed: "They are not laughing at you..."

Indra looked at him calmly, waiting for his explanation.

"It's just that before you, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Sasuke both said the same thing." Senju Tobirama looked at Madara: "You are really a family..."

Madara's face inevitably stinks, Uchiha and the others feel suffocated!

Don’t be a map cannon! Lord Second Generation!! These are the only three people with extreme ideas!!!

Setsuno's mother-in-law also boasted with a smile that her grandson had a Hokage dream and was very helpful, kind and honest, but it was a pity that he died too early.

Little did she know that as soon as she said these words, Uchiha's suffocation became more serious, so severe that it spread to the entire viewing area and made them feel suffocated.

Some people couldn't help but want to tell Granny Setsuno the truth, but a pair of cold Rinnegan glared at her through the black cat Anbu mask...

Withered. Withered.

The video shows Ashura and his father talking about their experiences this year.

Namikaze Minato and Senju Tobirama also guessed that the reconciliation between Indra and Ashura is definitely an important part of solving the mystery of the horror quiz.

He and Second Generation were fighting together, and said to Indra: 357 "Although I'm sorry, I don't agree with the idea that Chakra brought war to the ninja world."

"Huh?" Indra knew that this man must have a reason to refute her, and waited for him to continue.

Namikaze Minato: "In the other world we visited before, there was still a large-scale war in the world without Chakra at all. But according to my previous observations, those wars were basically concentrated in specific areas and specific countries. Although peaceful It cannot last forever, but as long as everyone yearns for peace, peace will surely come."

"This is just your wishful thinking." Indra was about to express his point of view when the image switched to the village where he was undergoing the trial...

[Almost the same as Ashura's experience, Indra also told the truth about the sacred tree to the villagers in the village where he was tested. When he was mistrusted, he did not retreat tactically like Ashura, but used the power of Ninja to suppress it. villagers and asked them to think calmly before giving him a reply. 】

[The villagers are hesitant, fearing Indra's power, fearing that they also know the truth about the sacred tree, and fearing that losing the sacred tree will also lead to death. 】

[They asked for a way out like Indra, and like Ashura, Indra dug wells for them and gave them water, and then destroyed the remains of the sacred tree. 】

"So what's the difference?!!" Indra's mood while watching the movie was slightly better than that of himself in the image, but it was almost the same image. The only difference was that he was stronger, quickly dug a well and returned to the Ninja Sect to resume his life. That’s all!

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