Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 665 Watching Uzumaki The Moment Naruto Was Healed By Maternal Love. Your Dream Is The Contin

While everyone was wondering why Naruto had two different 'center' puzzle pieces in his hands...

[Reward: Uzumaki Kushina’s fragments, current number of fragments (3/9). 】

[Reward: Gariuro's fragments, current number of fragments (1/9). 】

Naruto thought the name sounded familiar, but couldn't remember where he had heard it before.

Next to them, the three siblings Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and their leader Jōnin Yashamaru all opened their eyes in disbelief!

Nara Shikamaru couldn't help laughing and scolding that it was getting more and more troublesome, but it could be heard from his tone that they wouldn't mind if this trouble came more.

Iruka-sensei has been getting along well with Yashamaru recently.

The eldest sister, Temari, and her two younger brothers came over to solemnly thank Naruto.

Remembering that Garuro is the name of Gaara's mother, Naruto was of course sincerely happy for Gaara.

"But then don't you have to endure the same pain as me of collecting pieces to exchange for my mother?" Naruto was worried and happy at the same time, the two emotions were mixed together and almost tortured him to death.

Now there is Gaara accompanying him, just like their status as Jinchūriki.

Sasuke's expression was subtle, he always felt that all his specialness would be robbed by that sandstorm panda.

He is obviously the older brother!

Whether it is the relationship between his mother and his mother, or the reincarnation of Indra and Ashura!!

It seems that Sasuke is unusually persistent when it comes to being an older brother.

The stopped image resumes playback again.

[In the video, Captain Yamato and Killer Bee, who were helping Naruto train, also found that Naruto had been deprived of his will by Nine Tails and stood still in shock. 】

[It was Kushina who told Nine Tails to be honest before chatting slowly with her son. 】

[In the dark golden space, Nine Tails clamored to kill Naruto, venting his resentment towards humans. Naruto, who was sitting on the ground, looked exhausted and was no longer a match for Nine Tails. At this moment, a sharp golden chain emerged from Naruto's body!!】


Sasuke08 has seen it! It was the Adamantine Sealing Chains that Uzumaki Mito used to help him seal Orochimaru's curse seal in his body!!

"Did Naruto inherit that power too?!!" he wanted Uzumaki Mito to ask.

Mito shook his head, "That should be Kushina's Chakra." Kushina was the last Uzumaki she found before she died...

As the former Hime of the Uzumaki clan, she was unable to protect Kushina, and entrusted her with the responsibility and pain of becoming the Jinchūriki Seal Nine Tails, causing the enthusiastic and lovely child to pass away before she could see her own child.

Naruto stared at the image, it was something he had never seen before, the limit of his mother's blood inheritance?!

"Don't underestimate your mother. She gave me all my sealing skills!" Minato's voice sounded very proud. Being able to see Kushina's Adamantine Sealing Chains again, the shock was still the same as before. .

[The golden chains that emerged from Naruto's body grew to hundreds of meters in an instant, wrapping around his whole body at a speed that even Nine Tails couldn't react to! The chains were sharper than giant kunai "Boom! Boom! Boom!" !" inserted into the floor, then emerged from the floor and wrapped around Nine Tails!]

"It's like sewing Nine Tails to the ground!!"

Uzumaki, who received his surname and became a Konoha Shinobi, admired him very much: "Is that the power of Naruto's mother?!! It's so powerful!!" Uzumaki, who is also a red-haired man, hopes to become such a ninja in the future!

"Ah!" Little Naruto was excited after watching the video. He picked up his father's god robe and asked him if he also had blood inheritance boundaries like Sasuke, but he hadn't awakened yet?!

Namikaze Minato looked at his son's golden hair and blue eyes, and couldn't help but sigh at the powerful genes of his Namikaze family. At the same time, he apologized to his son: "I don't know if I can awaken Uzumaki's blood lineage, but there is nothing decent on my father's side. I'm really sorry about the line between blood inheritance...

Senju Tobirama glanced at his father and son, thinking that the line of succession between him and his son might be "naturally stupid".

[In the video, Nine Tails recognized Kushina’s Chakra. Naruto's spirit also entered Kushina's deep psychology, a gentle and beautiful golden space. 】

[Kushina told Naruto that in order to help him control the Chakra of Nine Tails, Minato had planned it 16 years ago, so the Chakra of the couple was also sealed in Naruto's body. 】

Whether it was the sixteen-year-old Naruto or the 12-year-old Naruto who was watching the movie at the moment, although their experiences were different, they were still the same person. The two of them couldn't stop giggling while looking at their mother.

【"It's great that my mother is a beauty!"】

["The hair and eye color follow Minato's, but I'm sorry that the face looks like me."]

"Eh? Why did mom have to apologize?!"

"Uh..." Minato remembered that Kushina often said that she was more delicate and beautiful than girls like him, and she prayed silently in her heart, hoping that Kushina would never tell Naruto this!!

[Naruto in the video also asked the same question as little Naruto, and said that he looked like his mother, wouldn't he be a handsome guy? He also imagined what he would look like if he had more Uzumaki blood - Naruto with straight red hair is still There are three fox whiskers. 】

"Pfft, it's kind of cute!" Minato couldn't help but laugh out loud, and told Naruto: "Actually, my father and mother had a conversation about whose unborn child would look more like him.

"Eh?! What did you say then?!"

"Well... Kushina insists that the first child must be a boy, so we said it is best to be a boy from the Uzumaki clan. He has more power and can protect the second child's sister, so the sister may be like me. a bit more?"

Naruto was shocked, "Then I took away the color of my sister's hair?!" He muttered in a low voice, "Actually, I also prefer red hair, more like my mother. It's great, and there are Bloodline boundaries. ....."

Minato stiffened on the spot, imitating First Hokage and stepped aside to become depressed.

"Indeed, the red-haired Naruto is pretty good too," Konan said with a smile, "It seems like Nagato has a younger brother."

Nagato nodded and whispered: "There is a younger brother with a personality like Yahiko~"

"Hey, hey! I'm the eldest brother, okay!" He narrowed his eyes and said in dissatisfaction, and then he laughed out loud along with the two of them.

"What a wonderful world we have."

Yahiko lamented that he could return to Nagato and Konan to protect them. They did not follow the path of the world in the image. No matter what, it was like a gift.

["You are the second one to praise my handsome red-haired man."]

【"What about the first one?"】

【"Your father, Minato."】

"Oh! I've seen this video before! Dad heroically saves the beauty under the moon! It's so handsome!!"

Nawaki came closer to Naruto: "So let me tell you, Minato has been very good at flirting with girls since he was a child. Even my elder brother is ashamed!"

Minato touched his head and smiled stupidly, asking Nawaki-senpai to save him some face in front of his son. Besides, he was such a serious person and he didn't flirt with girls.

"It's scary to flirt with girls passively!" After Jiraiya commented, he and Nawaki nodded together, "Yeah, yeah!"

["That! That!! I have a question that I would definitely like to ask my mother if I see her!!"]


【"Where is Mom and Dad falling in love?!!"】

【"General, I always feel very embarrassed to have to feel guilty!"】

"No, you're not going to tell me about my love history with Kushina again, are you?" Minato touched his head and smiled stiffly, deeply touched by the tender image of mother and son meeting in the video.

Then, as expected

["When I first met Minato, I thought he was like a fake! He has no masculinity at all!!"]


"Pfft hahaha!"

"S-I'm sorry, Fourth Generation-sama!"

"Excuse me, Fourth Generation-sama, are you the leader..." Sai didn't finish what he said, but the letter muffled his words, "I'm sorry, Fourth Generation-sama, my brother doesn't mean any harm.

Namikaze Minato waved his hands with slumped shoulders, knowing that the image would not let him go!

Just unexpected...

Ōtsutsuki Hagoromo, who is the future Sage of Six Paths, can actually laugh so hard that his brother turned around!!


"First Generation-sama, Second Generation-sama, there is no need for you two to accompany me in depression." Minato said.

Senju Tobirama didn't say anything. Hashirama said, "Maybe this is Uzumaki's characteristic. When Tobirama and I were young, Mito said we had a girlish head and a baby face.

"Pfft——! Sister head! Baby face!!"

Izuna and Madara Akatsuki were particularly loud.

The other ninjas in the Ninja Village wanted to laugh but were afraid to laugh. They thought, what is going on with you Hokages?

No, it should be said that in comparison, all the ninjas of the Uzumaki clan are really stunning!

Izuna looked Senju Tobirama up and down: "You don't put oil paint on your face because you are called baby face, do you?"

"What do you think about me?! Uchiha Izuna!"

"Hey! That's a big opinion!"


Not wanting to get too entangled with the other party, Senju Tobirama stood with his arms crossed, turned around and continued to watch the video.

[The video tells the origin of Kushina’s nickname Blood Red Pepper, and the story of how Minato rescued her after the Uzumaki clan, the most suitable container for tailed beasts, was abducted by Cloud Shinobi. 】

[Kushina: "Why did you come to save me, an outsider?"]

["You live in Konoha, you are a companion of Konoha, you are not an outsider." Minato said with his usual gentle smile]

[Because of this action and Minato’s words, Namikaze Minato’s image as a transvestite became an outstanding ninja in Kushina’s eyes. 】

Minato felt aggrieved and whispered softly: "Even if you didn't think you were outstanding before, you shouldn't be a fake, right? I obviously dress very masculinely!"

As a good friend of Kushina, Mikoto kindly comforted Minato and said: "It probably means that among the male classmates at that time, you were more refined, and you had beautiful and eye-catching golden hair."

"But it's not my fault." Fourth Hokage doesn't have the frightening golden flash of the Third Ninja War. He is clearly just an ordinary young man who complains and misses his girlfriend.

Uchiha Fugaku blushed, not knowing whether he wanted to laugh or be speechless.

[In the image, under the full moon, blond hair and red hair are tangled in the wind. Kushina's voice monologues: "He changed me! This red hair that I once hated brought me the person in my destiny and became the red line of my destiny! From then on, I fell in love with myself hair, and fell in love with Minato. 1

Hearing Kushina's last words, Namikaze Minato's face suddenly showed an expression of accelerated heartbeat and a slight surge of blood, commonly known as blushing.

I have to say that the Uzumaki clan’s straight shots are too direct!

["For men who will praise my red hair, I have a blessing that is very precious to me and I want to give them... Will you accept it? Naruto."]

In the image and outside the influence, two Narutos of different ages were so excited that they shook their bodies and nodded desperately.

【"I love you"】

This love spell made the two Narutos open their eyes wide. The random glance in the image seemed to be covering up the sore eyes. The little Naruto watching the movie stared at the image and whispered in his heart that he loved his mother too.

【"The golden color of Konoha"

If glitter and blood red pepper are combined..."

【"The orange Hokage of Konoha must be mastered!!"】

"Hehehe" Naruto, who was watching the movie, rubbed his head and giggled, "I really hope my mom can see me become a Hokage."

Minato rubbed his head and said nothing.

The video showed Naruto in his infancy, and Minato and his wife hugging his family of three...


【"Your dream is the continuation of mine and Minato's dream."】

This touching scene was reflected in Naruto's eyes and was remembered in Naruto's heart in another world for the rest of his life.

Lin put her hands on her chest and her face turned pink: "There is also the story of Kushina-san and Minato-sensei falling in love! No matter how many times I have heard it, I still find it super romantic!!"

Obito's grandma touched Lin's head and said: "Xiao Lin is such an outstanding girl. There will definitely be many handsome boys pursuing you in the future. You have to keep your eyes peeled and choose the best one."


Lin wanted to tell Granny Setsuno that she now pays more attention to practicing hard and becoming an outstanding female ninja like Master Tsunade who is good at both medical treatment and combat.

But the image suddenly stopped.

"It didn't disappear! It means there are other problems!!"

Minato just finished speaking!


I don’t know why, Uchiha Obito felt his heart pounding and drumming with ten kinds of ominous premonitions...

["Question: How many Anbu were guarding the Second Generation Nine Tails Jinchūriki when she gave birth in Konoha?"]

The moment the question was asked, Obito thought he could feel relieved for the time being!

But follow closely!!


This time the rules did not appear in the form of words, but directly reflected in everyone's ears from the weird metallic sound!!

["1. This question can only be answered by Uchiha Obito."]

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