Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 668 The People Of Konoha Village Have Long Been Angry But Dare Not Speak Out—Why Not Execute

Naruto stared at Anbu Obito angrily, "It's so despicable to threaten a child's parents!!"

Anbu Obito feels guilty. If he sees the following content, Naruto and Minato-sensei, Lin and Kakashi will scold him to death.

But when he was upset, the boy Obito responded to Naruto's words: "Yes! It's so despicable!! Taking advantage of Kushina-san and Minato's child to be born, he took action

The young Obito grabbed Anbu Obito's clothes: "Hey! Send me back quickly! I want to go back to Konoha to protect the children of Teacher Minato and Sister Kushina!" He also muttered in a low voice: What is stupid Kakashi doing? As expected, there is no me Uchiha Obito-sama is totally incompetent!"

Hearing the boy Obito agree with him, Naruto didn't know how to be angry.


He crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked at the image angrily.

And the boy Uchiha Obito still thinks he is sick, right? Why is he suddenly in such a mood?

In the image——

["Hurry up and leave Jinchūriki, or do you not care about this child's life or death?"]

[Minato: "Wait! Calm down!"]

["Haha, I'm much calmer than you."]

[The baby was thrown into the sky by the masked man, and kunai stabbed him randomly! But the golden light flashed quickly, and the infant Naruto was snatched back by Namikaze Minato with the Flying Thunder God!]

[But then Minato discovered that the baby was affixed with several detonating charms! 】

The ninja world once again realized the speed of Konoha's Fourth Hokage!

In the blink of an eye, Namikaze "Zero Seven Seven" Minato has instantaneously cast Flying Thunder God three times. It was the first time to catch the child! It was the second time to take off Naruto's swaddling clothes in the no-man's land! He escaped before the detonator exploded, and the explosion splashed The sparks fired did not touch the ground, and Namikaze Minato had activated Flying Thunder God three times and left!

"As expected of the golden sparkle!" Fourth Raikage praised.

Far away in Iwagakure, Third Tsuchikage's eyes darkened, and he said to the ninja beside him: "But when it comes to a newborn child, that guy is still careless."

"Being transferred away from the mountain, Fourth Hokage." Fourth Mizukage Yagura knew this masked man better than anyone else.

It was this man in the orange tiger Madara mask who sealed off Kirigakure with the power of the Sharingan controlling him.

Originally, he wanted to change the policies left by the Third Mizukage and change the Blood Mist, but under the instruction of the masked man, he remained unchanged, causing him to succeed Mizukage for more than ten years.

Do nothing.

【"what are you up to?"】

【"Pull out Nine Tails and destroy Konoha."】

[In the dark cave, if the masked man forcibly eliminates the Nine Tails, even the Uzumaki clan, which has stronger vitality, will only face death after Jinchūriki is extracted from the tailed beast.


At this moment, looking at such an image, with heavy background music, Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Naruto, as ninjas of Konoha, and as Kushina's husband and son, are extremely angry and hate the masked man in the image, that is, Uchiha Obito.

Anbu Obito suffers from invisible anger, resentment, and accusations, not only from Minato and his son, but also from the relatives of those ninjas who died in the Nine Tails Rebellion twelve years ago.

It’s okay if you didn’t see this video, but if you did, how could you forget the pain?

Even if they know that he was also used by Uchiha Madara, but even if Uchiha Obito was just the real murderer with a knife, the relatives of the deceased will hate the owner of the knife and the knife.

Kakashi and Lin didn't speak. They couldn't stop others from hating Obito. All they could do was stand by his side and bear with him, and find ways to work hard to help him repay these crimes.

Ironically, the boy Uchiha Obito, who doesn't know the truth, is still clamoring for the bastard masked man in the video to let go of Kushina, otherwise he, Master Uchiha Obito, will definitely go back and teach him a lesson.

["Using the method of marking to move from one space to another. This is how the golden flash has super high movement speed." The masked man in the image reveals a scarlet Sharingan, with a fierce look in his eyes. He is determined to do what he says. 】

At this moment, seeing the close-up of the Sharingan, the teenage Uchiha Obito was shocked and angry!!

“Someone must have taken away Uchiha’s Sharingan and used it to blame Uchiha!!”

Fire Core thought so too. He looked at First Hokage to explain, but compared to the young Uchiha Obito, he obviously knew how to observe words and emotions...

It seems that everything that is wrong is concentrated on the Anbu behind the Fourth Hokage.

And if someone frames Uchiha, even if Madara-sama doesn’t care, Izuna-sama will definitely not let it go.

That person is indeed an Uchiha!

But even though the voice belongs to Madara-sama, Fire Core is sure! This guy who is shorter than Madara-sama is definitely not Uchiha Madara!!

And why does he know so much about the Fourth Hokage...?

["You also have the mark of Namikaze Minato on your body. He usually protects you, but now he has been transferred away from the mountain, and the seal of Nine Tails happened to be loose..." There was a strange excitement in the voice of the masked man: "This I have waited too long for this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!!"]

“Not only her voice, but also her demeanor, temperament, and way of thinking are probably in sync with Uchiha Madara.

Looking at the images from that year again, Minato was still so angry that his teeth itched.

If only he had known that under the mask was his student Uchiha Obito who was always late to help others...

But the gap was too big. Even if he looked at the image now, it was still difficult for him to connect the masked man with Obito. I'm afraid that Obito at that time accepted Madara's memories and thoughts and completely regarded himself as Madara.

When the video showed the masked man liberating Nine Tails, Kushina screamed in pain.

When the villagers of Konoha saw Nine Tails roared out "The dark red beast eyes were replaced by Uchiha's Sharingan.

When Naruto saw the guy controlling Nine Tails, he said contemptuously: "Then I'll let Nine Tails kill you!"

The resentment of the people of Konoha Village has almost reached the Ultimate level.

"I've long been dissatisfied! Why didn't Fourth Generation seal that guy and imprison him in a torture chamber?!"

"Why give him the identity of Anbu and let him act as he pleases?!"

"Have you forgotten that he killed you, killed your wife, and made Naruto an orphan?!"

"Fourth Generation! As a Hokage, you have to give me an explanation!!"

"Uchiha Obito! Are you still a human being?!!"

"That's the wife who appreciates you the most in the village! She even hopes that her son's personality will be like yours!!"

The boy Obito was confused. He could understand what the villagers were saying, but he seemed to be unable to understand them.

"What does it have to do with me?!"

The unreasonable panic in his heart made him very uneasy!

【"Naruto..." Kushina's voice was breathless, and she cried quietly while hugging her newly born son. Minato clenched her fists tightly, opened the closet and put on the god robe!!】

[The words "Fourth Hokage" burden him with responsibility, so he cannot lose at any time! 】

【"Will be back soon!"】

In the video, the residents of Konoha Village saw that night as the calm before the storm. They had no idea that danger was approaching.

Sasuke, who was slightly more than two months older than Naruto, was held in Itachi's arms and cried out as if feeling the wind of disaster. Because his parents were attending the clan meeting again, Itachi, who was responsible for taking care of his younger brother, skillfully coaxed Sasuke and told him No matter what happens to him, as an older brother, he will protect his younger brother.

Sasuke pursed his lips while watching the movie and said nothing.

It was a deep roar—

【"Summoning Technique!!"】

[With the roar of Nine Tails, the originally peaceful village was thrown into chaos!]

[The anger of being controlled by Sharingan several times, sealed by the Uzumaki clan, and the complete despair of mankind for thousands of years, made Nine Tails immediately begin to destroy wantonly after Summoning Konohagakure, venting their resentment!!]

[The background is tragic and intense music...]

The people of Konoha Village who had experienced those pains almost came together to attack! The people who lost their loved ones in the Nine Tails Rebellion twelve years ago set the pace and led the people's anger. The anger burned Uchiha Obito and also burned Uchiha Madara. On your body!

"And First Generation-sama too!"

"Why are you letting that Uchiha Madara act in the village?! He is the one who brought Nine Tails to Konoha, isn't he?!!"

The fire even has a tendency to continue to burn the Uchiha clan......

At this moment, Obito felt guilty, Madara sneered and said nothing, Izuna and Sasuke were furious and about to get angry, but unexpectedly, the person who stood up and spoke was...

One thing I hate most about Uchiha is Senju Tobirama?!

Second Hokage certainly doesn't undo what Obito and Madara have done.

But at the moment, his words, as a person who has been vigilantly observing the Uchiha clan, thought that Hokage was more fair than what he said as a close friend of his class and Fourth Generation Shin, who was Obito's teacher.

"Now that I have seen so many images, I even know the truth about ancient times! Do you still only have room for hatred in your mind? Think carefully about why the question appears! Why does it have to be once? For the first time, let the entire ninja world see what happened in the past, present, and future! The images of the past that have been avoided by this world!"

The scene became quiet, but most of the people were there because Second Hokage spoke with a very strong tone.

It’s unclear how many people took his words seriously.

However, those ninjas who have a certain status in the village and have experienced more ups and downs have not participated in the hustle and bustle of ordinary villagers. At this moment, they really started to think after hearing Second Hokage's words.

Hatake Sakumo, the father of the copy ninja Kakashi, who is known as Konoha's White Fang, groped his chin and thought: "That guy seems to be erasing our hatred? Resurrection of the once dead, so that all ninjas can The world has seen the history and future of ninjas, and it is also helping us avoid some mistakes."

Namikaze Minato is currently the closest person to the truth of the horror quiz. He understands the thoughts and meanings of Lord Second Generation.

Rubbing his face to adjust his mood, he said: "Second Generation-sama is right. In the long history of the ninja world, how many companions have been sacrificed in each village besides the Tailed Beast Rebellion? We need to think about the root of the mistake. It’s like using a single value to determine whether the world is good or bad, it’s totally meaningless!!”

Using a single value to settle the good and bad of a world was the biggest mistake Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito ever made.

Orochimaru smiled and said nothing, seemingly agreeing with Namikaze Minato's last sentence.

Bei Liuhu, who was under their supervision at this moment, stood up and said: "I haven't seen the previous images, but I have already read the set of books you took away.

As soon as these words in 4.3 came out, Minato and Senju Tobirama's expressions changed slightly, and their nervous expressions made Orochimaru a little confused at first, and he immediately raised the corners of his mouth to catch the trace, showing an expression of interest in the truth.

"Although there are more stories about the boy named Naruto, I can see his growth from the stories..." Beiruhu recalled that when he was a child, he was just like Naruto, and if he was like Naruto for If you work hard to become stronger instead of abandoning your friends just to become stronger, is there a broader path to take?

“Speak out what you say, do what you say, and insist on never doing anything in your dreams.


"I think this is the belief that the question wants us to remember.

As soon as Beilihu finished speaking, Jiraiya immediately answered:

"That's right!"

"Remember the question I asked before, what is his purpose?" Jiraiya looked directly at Namikaze Minato and the masked man whose true identity was Uchiha Obito in the video.

The battle between those.

"The answer he gave was..."

"Create a peaceful world without regrets.

It has been repeatedly confirmed many times that Mist Shinobi already had the title of Blood Mist before Lin died.

Yagura's character setting (gentleman, more serious) doesn't seem like a type that would engage in tyranny, so there are only two possibilities. The first possibility: before Obito, Uchiha Madara had

After controlling the Third Generation or the Fourth Generation, the guarantee was implemented. The second possibility: the Third Mizukage implemented tyranny for some reason out of personal ideas. .

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