Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 677 Don’T Be Timid, Let Your Dreams Bloom In The Strong Wind! Because Of The Bond Between Yo

This is the first time that video and song are paired together!

The content is a patchwork of images, but it matches the lyrics and rhythm of the song surprisingly well.

In the video, the young Uzumaki Naruto pushed aside the indifferent Konoha Villagers and ran forward, and his figure changed from a child to a teenager to a young man.

【"The dream is Hayate Nisaki! The dream is flying in the east!"】

(Don’t be timid, let your dreams bloom in the strong wind!)

Nine-Tails Chakra Mode's Seventh Hokage battle against Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, Japan's hand patted his shoulder.

The golden Chakra Nine Tails immediately put on the lavender Susanoo. With a flick of his hand, Flame Control formed a purple long sword. Kurama handsomely cut the enemy in half!

This is the first time the world has seen the image of Shuzuo and Shuming teaming up to fight Momoshi. The three mini Nine Tails were so proud of the image that they saw their little chests puffed up, and their dislike of Uchiha dropped by one. A little bit.

【"Pu Huan's trip♂ disappears in Hachiu Xiaofang..."】

(Because of the bond between you and me from beginning to end...

"Don't be timid, because your partner is always by your side? The lyrics and the image match perfectly!" Everyone looked at Xiao Huya and asked: "But why are it always Naruto and Sasuke! Can't they show more handsome images of us?! !”

Shino: "Even if Naruto and Sasuke aren't shown, it probably won't be your turn. If you ask why..."

No one noticed Shino speaking, they were all looking at the video of the teenage Anbu Kakashi with sad eyes and stroking the scar on his left eye.

The scene turned, and the silver-haired young ninja was standing in the rainstorm, confessing lonely to the memorial tablet.

【"The injured person touches the stone, comforts the repentance in front of the stele"】

(Touch the scars and confess in front of the memorial tablet)

["The motto of "Twenty-nine small squares and pre-surgery died in Qi Yuan"]

(In every battle from now on, let me remember your motto)

Catering to the artistic conception in the lyrics, the scene changes to Kakashi, who has left Anbu and became Konoha Elite Jōnin, carrying three carrot heads on a mission to the Land of Waves.

Facing the powerful enemy Zabuza, Kakashi changed his usual lazy and careless appearance and vowed that he would never let any of his companions die in front of his eyes again.

Obito was sweating while watching the movie. He always felt that Kakashi's habit of sacrifice was all caused by himself?!

【"Pain, confusion"】

(pain, confusion)

The scene in the video switched to a dark cave, where black shadows gathered, discussing the organization's next course of action, collecting all the tailed beasts, and making the world feel pain.

Xiao organized everyone during the movie:

Nagato's awkward smile was still a little shy.

Yahiko has the same voice and face as Pain, but has a carefree personality, which really took the members of the Akatsuki organization a long time to adapt.

【"The truth of the world lies in seeing Yuanduo"】

(Can’t see the truth of the world)

In the image, Pain raised his arms high above Konoha, starting to bring pain to the world from here.

The members of the Akatsuki organization who were watching the movie in Konoha looked back at Pain in the video. I don’t know what happened, but Rouran was a little uncomfortable with Pain in that video!

Deidara: "I remember the scene where the white-haired Hokage was forced to imitate Boss Pain's destruction of Konoha, huh."

Hidan: "Yes, yes! I thought it was real or fake at the time? He definitely wouldn't do it! I didn't expect that guy actually imitated it for the reward! Hahahaha!"

Shut up, it's noisy. /It’s so noisy, you two. "Xiao and Kakuzu said almost at the same time.

Izuna and Madara laughed hard, and Tobirama was forced by his eldest brother to calm down his temper that was about to explode.

Mirror and others felt sorry for Mr. Tobirama.

["Strong and tough for all to see◇Old and Amanjin hope to be in Sakiyo Ishimitsu"]

(And your stubborn eyes are the light that makes hope bloom in the darkness)

Although the song is sonorous and powerful, what is shown in this section is that the boy Uchiha Obito was smashed under a boulder and asked Nohara Rin to give his Sharingan will to Kakashi.

This really shocked Obito, the boy who was brought to this world by Anbu Obito, who merged with White Zetsu and had pure white skin and hair. He probably knew what happened to himself in the other world.

"So you didn't get smashed to death?"

"You should say - this way 'I' won't be smashed to death! Brat! We are both Uchiha Obito!"

"It's different! My brain is normal than yours!"

"That's because you haven't opened the Mangekyō Sharingan yet!"

Hearing the conversation between the two Obitos, Uchiha present wanted to punch Anbu Obito. What does it mean to open Mangekyō's brain? Is there anyone who scolds his own clan like this?!!

【"I think it's a good match 5"】

(True companions always appreciate each other)

Catering to the rhythm of the song and the content of the lyrics.

In the image, young Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama sit on what will become Hokage Rock, looking at the forest below.

They talked freely about changing the world of ninjas, and everyone confessed their dreams of drinking the bonding wine and becoming brothers.

"How many times do we have to replay this stupid thing from childhood!" Madara was unhappy and stood arrogantly in the corner of the crowd of moviegoers. Except for a few people who were familiar with him, there was a vacuum around him.

Hashirama lowered his shoulders and lowered his head and complained softly: "How can this be called a stupid thing? That is proof that we recognize each other!"

Before he could say 'Madara, you are my apocalypse!!', Senju Tobirama shouted out in time: "Shut up! Brother!!"

First Hokage: "..." depressed.

["The dog with eyes left the world, fighting with all his strength in front of the right posture"]

(I can’t take my eyes away, you are fighting with all your strength)

The image is from the Fourth Ninja War, when Hashirama arrived on the battlefield, Madara jumped over with a flame fan and shouted: "I've been waiting for you for a long time, Hashirama!!" and Hashirama responded: You wait first! Deal with Ten Tails first. "

Looking at Madara's embarrassed expression in the video, Hashirama covered her mouth and smiled secretly: "Madara is still as fun as when she was a kid~"

"Are you looking for a fight?! Hashirama!!"

Madara became angry, Izuna followed up with a knife, and Tobirama wanted the three of them to be quiet, but each of these three people was more difficult to control than the last.

Senju Tobirama once again made his plan clear - after this Chūnin exam, he will definitely betray the village, bah, he will definitely leave the village [retire!

Live the life of Sixth Hokage after Seventh Hokage takes office!!

The video also quickly switched to Sasuke and Naruto joining forces to fight against the enemy. After performing a beautiful combination of skills, the two changed their bad habit of quarreling at every turn and exchanged punches. They saw the firm trust in each other's eyes.

And when Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui were young, they swore to each other never to betray each other, practicing in a shallow stream under the moonlight and facing off against the enemy.

And at that time...

Shisui playfully teased Itachi's pigtails while he was drinking water, causing Itachi who had not yet graduated from ninja school to choke on the water. There was also a scene where two people fought off Danzo's men, pretending to be Anbu Itachi, who sprained his ankle and was carried home by Shang Shui.


Itachi saw in the video that when he was a child, he was so angry that he had a puffy face because of what Shisui said. He was so surprised and embarrassed that he coughed several times in succession to stop his embarrassment.

But these coughs focused other people's attention on him.

Loquat Juzo and Gansaki Kisame had a conversation:

"I didn't expect that kid to be so cute, but he always had a paralyzed face when he was in a team with me.

"It's the same when you team up with me, but it's good to have such a teammate. At least it's not too troublesome. You shouldn't have the feeling of being forced to be a babysitter like Kakuzu and Scorpion."

Kisame's words stung Deidara and Hidan, but Kakuzu and Xie suddenly realized that their team was composed of one elder and one younger child. They didn't know how the boss assigned them back then. It wasn't a development game. Could it be that the boss wanted to Are they more energetic?

0......Please give me flowers......

But think about Payne’s face, which looks more like a zombie than anyone else

They must be overthinking it.

Sasuke never expected that Itachi would actually have that expression. He was so stunned by the scene in the video that he even forgot to confront Uchiha Shisui Mangekyō with Mangekyō.

Fortunately, my friend Uzumaki Naruto reminded me in time: "Open the Sharingan! Idiot Sasuke!" From now on, you will also have something to deal with Brother Itachi!!

Before he could scold Naruto for being a huge idiot, Sasuke immediately opened Sharingan to record the video. His copying skills seemed to be as good as Kakashi's.

Staring at Shisui who couldn't help laughing, Itachi looked helplessly at Sasuke and Naruto, thinking that he was not sorry, Naruto-kun. He usually called Itachi brother very affectionately, but at the critical moment, he helped Sasuke find a way to deal with him. Isn't it unfriendly?

【"Pu 俘俅 trip の仁 duel battle field flies out of the meeting ⊃!" 】

(We meet each other on the decisive battlefield because of our bond.)

The image flashed quickly to a scene of Naruto and Neji looking at each other on the duel battlefield during the Chūnin exam.

The picture flashed——Gaara and Naruto stood on the treetops of the Konoha Forest in the Konoha Collapse Plan, staring at each other with a Bunta Toad's Short Sword apart. One was fighting for himself, and the other was fighting for his companions. Both sides are determined to kill the other.


Flash forward to the first scene - Sasuke and Naruto have been shaking since childhood, and when they rush towards each other in the Valley of the End for the second time, it seems to show the epitome of their lives.

The screen flashes——Hashirama becomes the leader of the Senju clan, with Tobirama standing behind him. Madara became the leader of the Uchiha clan, with Izuna standing behind him. Yuhi's friend became a mortal enemy because of the family's grievances and interests.

The scene flashed - Indra and Ashura swore to each other that until the battle between the two ended, their souls would live forever.

"In fact, it's quite romantic in a sense?"

Mitarashi Anko suddenly commented on the reincarnation bond between the two brothers in the video. She held a skewer of glutinous rice balls and whispered to Yuhi Hong: "If this were a man and a woman, wouldn't it be a popular sad drama nowadays?"

Although they are ninjas, they occasionally go to the cinema to watch movies and catch up on dramas that ordinary people like. For example, the recently released "Princess of the Storm" is a movie that combines ninja themes.

Yuhi Kurenai didn't dare to comment too much on Anko's words. After all, she was a straight woman, and most importantly, she seemed to have seen Indra and Uchiha Madara looking this way just now.

Uchiha Madara is relatively okay.

But Indra, who has read the complete set of "NARATO" books, is not able to accept it.

Thinking of the KISS between Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto as depicted in the book, Indra felt extremely uncomfortable!

That was his and Ashura's reincarnation after all!!

Why did that kind of relationship develop?!!

The contents of the books in the Ninja Sect all emphasize the front and back responses. Could it be that it was this front call that led to their final reconciliation in this life?!!!

"Brother? What's wrong with you? You look very bad." Seeing that his brother's face was getting paler, Ashura leaned over to ask about his physical condition.



“Keep ten meters away from me from now on.

"Uh..." Ashura was confused. Does his brother already hate him to this extent?!!

He just asked his brother if he was feeling unwell!!!

The confused Second Hokage and Fourth Hokage looked at each other, thinking that less than seventy-two hours had passed, how could the relationship between these two brothers become more and more troublesome?!

Please vote, please flowers, please customize QvQ

Indra, Ashura, Madara, Hashirama: Our relationship with you is different.

Naruto and Sasuke struggled to explain that the ninja student who had been assisted by God wanted to shrink himself into the Planetary Devastation.

The song was written while listening to the Hokage mobile game Duel Arena Goodbye. It took me a long time to write the lyrics!

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