Broken Shinobi Exam

Chapter 696-4 Zhu Fei Brothers Flying Thunder God·Flower World Tree! Tandem Paper Bombs Make Deidara


"Alas..." Sighing, Second Hokage agreed.

All the Konoha Shinobi looked at the legendary ninja god as happy as a child, and the Second Hokage

Tobirama-sama, you actually want to fight alongside Hashirama-sama, right?

Why not be more candid?

Do you have to act like you can't do anything about your brother? Are you trying to get into trouble?!!

"Wood Style·The flower world tree is coming!!"

Hashirama took the lead and used the flower world tree to circle the battle area and wrap up those members of the Ōtsutsuki clan.

Then, several Flying Thunder God kunai stabbed one of the Ōtsutsuki invaders!

That Ōtsutsuki seemed to know the famous technique of Second Hokage, so he hurriedly got out of the way!!

"Too naive." Senju Tobirama shook his head.

"Huh?!" Those Ōtsutsuki were stunned for a moment, but they were already finished! What the Flying Thunder God wanted to bring was not Senju Tobirama, but the flower world tree that Hashirama had placed around before!!

The dense woods that originally surrounded the battlefield were instantly compressed into a small space. The airtightness and strong gravity caused many Ōtsutsuki to be severely injured at once!! Then the flower world trees continued to grow, crushing them over and over again like a hydraulic press. Follow them!

"Water Style·Wave Riding Strike!"

The surrounding environment becomes a sea of ​​​​Wang Yang.

Mizukage wiped the cold sweat that had not appeared on his forehead, thinking that if he didn't ask Three Tails to give him blessings later, he might really be defeated by ten Hokage's Water Styles.

Senju Tobirama's water and earth chakra made Wood Style's vitality more vigorous, almost growing into a tree as big as a sacred tree!

"Water Style·Heavenly Cry!"

The upward impact of the water column continued to hit Ōtsutsuki. After a moment of tranquility, the rain of secrets stabbed the ground!!

The Ōtsutsuki wanted to use Hashirama's Wood Style to block these water needles, and even used their own abilities to make the tree bigger and thicker!!


"Hey!" Hashirama clasped his hands together!

The flower world tree blooms, emitting a foul-smelling toxic gas, and at the same time the trunk loses its camouflage...

"That's..." Ninja Alliance Yahiko looked at the pieces of white paper covering the tree trunk.

Konan: "I'm familiar with this. It's the detonating talisman."

Deidara is so excited!!

I didn’t know before that Sister Konan knows so much about art and that Second Hokage is worth getting to know!!!

The Flying Thunder God mark on Hashirama's armor glowed, and Tobirama returned to his brother's side.

"That's no ordinary detonating charm."

At this time, the detonating talisman entered the state of explosion, and four new detonating talismans appeared after one explosion! The four detonating talisman exploded again, and sixteen detonating talismans appeared!!

Sixteen detonating symbols exploded....

"Sixteen times four, shouldn't it be multiplied by eight? I can't figure it out anymore!!"

Tobirama's occupational disease of explaining the principles to his juniors broke out again. He carefully explained Tandem Paper Bombs to Naruto and explained the arithmetic method of geometric multiplication.

However, Naruto is not good at this aspect. Listening to the Second Generation program makes people faint.

Shikamaru, who still understood him better, gave him an example using Shadow Clone to make him understand.

Sasuke can still calculate 256 by multiplying 16 by 16, but in the next step, multiplying 256 by 256 cannot be reflected immediately.

Shisui and Itachi said at the same time: "65536."

The crushing of two high-IQ brothers almost made the arrogant and bratty boy Sasuke angry to death as he carried three tons of idol baggage.

However, 65536 doubled again! That number is already close to 600 billion!!!

Especially in the future, the growth rate will become faster and faster!

The scale of the explosion is really not much smaller than the 600 billion detonating talisman!!

Ninjas from other Ninja Villages:""

"We can't just let Konoha take the limelight!!"

I don't know who shouted something. Seeing Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki, Ipshiki, Urashiki, who were beaten to almost one bar of blood but could not die, the ninjas in each village became energetic!


"Brother! Lariat!!" "Oh!"

Fourth Raikage and Eight Tails Jinchūriki, Lariat by Brother Abby!


"Mist Shinobi can't lose the battle!"

"Boil Style·Qiao Mist Technique!" Terumi Mei strikes first! She spits out high-heat mist from her mouth!

There is also a combination of Lightning Water Dragon Bomb and Water Style·Water Dragon Bomb!

Final call...

"Although it's a pity, you should melt it for me!"

The sexy beauty blew a kiss to the Ōtsutsuki!

—— Lava Style·Monster-melting Technique!!

The viscous and highly corrosive acid, a strong acid and alkali that can even dissolve Susanoo, is above the Ōtsutsuki family!!


"Terumi Mei-sama!! That's amazing!!!"

"Mist Shinobi is so proud of us!"

"We're coming too!!"

Today, Terumi Mei is more popular than Yagura, and Merger intends to help her rise to the top after clearing the obstacles.

"Seven members of the Mist Ninja Ninja Sword!! Gather!"

Yagura summoned the reassembled seven people, Zabuza, Chojuro and several other ninjas, as well as Kisame and Hajujuzo who came to join in and stood together with their swords in their hands!

Because Zabuza also uses the decapitating sword, Juuzou Loquat uses the blasting sword · Momo instead!

First, the Thunder Saber Fang thrust through at the speed of one piece!

Then there’s the broadsword, the same shark slash! The dull knife, the pocket-cutting mace! The blasting knife, the droplet bombing! The long knife, the needle piercing! The double knife, the flounder, the cleaver!!

Finally! Kijin Zabuza ends it!

The evil spirit's red flames appeared behind him, and he slashed straight with the decapitating sword!!

"As expected of that demon Zabuza!"

Kakashi commented.

Obito snorted coldly, looking unhappy.

When he secretly manipulated Mizukage, he didn't even take that brat Zabuza seriously!

Lin grabbed the two of them, "Let's go too! Obito! Kakashi!!"


Lin pulled the two of them up.

When Kakashi and Obito were pulled by Lin to take steps, the two returned to their former appearance in Minato's class.

Kakashi wears a dark blue boy ninja outfit and carries the ninja sword White Fang on his back.

Obito is wearing a blue and orange sportswear, with a Konoha forehead protector and windshield on his forehead.

It’s the scene in the video! The moment when the three of them were pulled back to Minato’s class by Lin!!

Young Kakashi: "Come on! Obito, Lin!"

The Ninja Sword White Fang slashed at an unknown Ōtsutsuki. Obito used a kunai to pursue him. Lin turned over and kicked the enemy in the jaw before jumping back behind Obito and Kakashi to support them: "Come on!" 1

The boy Obito's face turned red and he wanted to show off. He pressed Kakashi's head and used the Phoenix Fire Technique on the enemy.

Kakashi also refused to admit defeat. After Obito used the Phoenix Fire Technique, he just jumped out to finish off the kill, which made Obito extremely frustrated.

Lin hugged their necks from behind, "Great! Kakashi, Obito!!"

After completing the combination of moves, Minato smiled slightly: "Don't forget me, teacher."

Obito: "Minato...teacher..."

New combos, perfect combos between Obito and Kakashi!

At the moment when the gold style was frozen, Obito's Phoenix Fire and Namikaze Minato's Flying Thunder God Kunai were fired together!!

Obito pushed away his goggles, revealing his eyes. Three Tomoe Sharingan, Kakashi drew his ninja sword and dived in!!

When White Fang slashed down from behind Jinshi, Obito hit Kakashi's back and kicked him horizontally!

Immediately afterwards, Kakashi's Raikiri has been completed, running through gold from bottom to top!!

The last attack of 443: Minato uses the Spiral Flash Super Rondo Roar Three Style, and cooperates with Kakashi and Obito, the three of them attack at the same time!!

"Lin, where's Lin?!"

Obito was the first to react!

At this time, the girl only heard a beast-like roar, and the huge tailed beast Three Tails appeared on the battlefield!!

Without saying a word, Isofu slapped Jinshiki to the ground with his paw, and directly condensed the Tailed Beast Bomb in his mouth...

This is the real finishing blow.

Lin, who has always been a medical ninja and has limited ability to protect herself on the battlefield, finally made up for her lack of combat power!!

Obito and Kakashi felt inexplicably happy.

The two boys, who still looked like teenagers, stood side by side. Obito reached out and pulled down the goggles on his forehead to block his eyes.



Obito did not speak anymore, but quietly extended his index and middle fingers together...

Kakashi suddenly remembered!

In the battle at the Cape, the two of them formed a seal of antagonism and almost died together.

But because of the mysterious interruption of the Horrible Question and Answer, neither of them died, the battle ended, and the seal of reconciliation was never sealed.

The outstretched fingers were slightly trembling. When he was so old, the silver-haired boy thought that he had lost two companions one after another, and he blamed himself for joining Anbu. Scenes from the past appeared in his mind until the two of them hooked their hands together. .

The Seal of Reconciliation was formed, and the hands of the two teenagers returned to their adult appearance. One was wearing black gloves, and Anbu's wrist armor could be seen on the wrist, and the other was wearing a Konoha-style half##... .

At the moment when the seal of reconciliation was formed, Obito suddenly had an idea!

It’s like an enlightenment!

He grabbed Kakashi's hand and said, "I have an idea!!!"

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