Oppressed by this momentum, everyone in the spaceship became trembling.

“Speed me up, you have to land me to the ground in 30 seconds!”

“But King, if you forcibly land, the spaceship will not be able to withstand it!”

The cosmonaut in charge of piloting the spaceship spoke.

“Accelerate me to land immediately!”

The icy voice sounded, and a pair of blood-red eyes burst out with a cold cold light.


Under coercion, these cosmic people did not dare to refute it

Even if the spaceship disintegrates because of this, they can only do it!

Quickly entered commands into the control system

Nor does it matter if the spacecraft system is alerted due to overload.

“It’s here, it’s finally here! Gura! ”

Broly, who was fighting Shrag, suddenly raised his head and looked at the spaceship that was landing in the sky.

But there was an indescribable excitement in his heart, and Slug, who was fighting for his life in front of him, simply could not let him continue to be excited.

At this time, he did not even transform into mimicry, and he played very easily.

“Abominable little ghost! Fighting with labor and management still dare to be distracted and die! Super Qigong wave! ”

Shrag was furious at Broly’s attitude

Labor and management are fighting with you desperately, can you be serious.

A blinding white light erupted from Shrag’s mouth and slammed directly into Broly’s position.

“Wow, white light in the mouth! It’s disgusting! Give labor and management a bounce back! Huge number of meteors! ”

Broly was disgusted, raised his right hand, and an energy bomb rose.


After the energy bounced off the hand, it quickly became larger, and after a while, it turned into a light wave with a diameter of 5 meters.

“Zizi”, when the two collided, the whole planet began to shake.

However, Slug’s face became greener, and he even turned a little yellow.

The feet were constantly trembling, and it could be seen that under the huge number of meteors against Broly, the pressure was very great.

“Can you stand it? Look at you, the tongue is spitting out, and the face is all yellow, what a pitiful! I’ll help you! ”

Broly teased.

These words once again made Shrag’s heart bleed

Nima, can you be serious, I open my mouth to launch super qigong waves, naturally I will spit out my tongue.

But for the sake of fish meat, he can’t beat the imp on the opposite side, and he can only be ridiculed by him.

At this time, Shrag also did not care that Gula was coming, perhaps he hoped that Gula would come.

Then maybe he still has a glimmer of hope.

Broly didn’t keep his hand any longer, and the energy in his body burst out again

Directly entering the mimic Super Saiyan state, the original black hair also turned purple-black, constantly fluttering with the air flow on the body.

“Go! Die! ”

Broly’s right hand pressed down, and the huge meteor increased to ten meters again

Suddenly suppressed Shirag’s qigong waves.

“Ah! I won’t lose! ”

Shrag roared, now is the moment of life and death.


Shrag increased the output of energy, and he wondered if he would die immediately.

“Don’t measure your strength, your strength is too different, let you see what real power is!” Die! ”

With Broly’s roar, the energy wave that was originally ten meters increased to twenty meters again.

Completely suppressed the slag.



Shrag tried his best, but he couldn’t stop Broly’s huge meteor

A huge mushroom cloud rises into the sky.

The whole planet shook violently, and the Gula troops, who were originally landing, all shook.

“King Gula, due to the violent energy explosion on the ground, the spacecraft cannot land!”

“Waste! It’s all waste! And the king has to go out himself! ”

Gula was furious and stood up directly.

His eyes stared hotly at the spirit tree in front of him, and then he directly broke through the top of the spaceship and flew out.

At this time, it is outside the atmosphere of this nameless planet

The Kurdish king was staring coldly at the energy fluctuations below.

“King Kurdish, the energy fluctuations on the ground have reached … Reach 1… 100 million. ”

The cosmic man guarding the giant star probe said tremblingly, such energy is too terrifying.

“100 million? It seems that it was not my son who did it. But the stronger it is, the more pressure he is, the easier it is for me. ”

The Kurdish king showed a smug look on his face, this is better, you can consume more of the strength of the gulla.

“Although the Gula kid has disobeyed me so many times, this time it has brought me a good thing. Hahaha, the spirit tree fruit really seems to be a magical thing! ”

The Kurdish king squinted, lying on his side on the throne, holding a wine glass in his hand, and was in a very happy mood.

As long as he obtained those spirit tree fruits, his strength would be further improved.

At that time, not to mention the northern galaxy, even ruling the entire galaxy is no longer an illusion.

All will surrender to His feet.

The Kurdish king thought, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but show a pleasant smile.


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