Brother I Will Never Take Drugs

Chapter 3: Do You Believe Me?

the next day.

Chen Shaoan was lying on the bed, quietly waiting for today's meal.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Chen."

Chen Shaoan still didn't speak, and the back door was pushed open, just like yesterday, Sima Xue came in with the food.

Hearing the sound, Chen Shaoan raised his head with difficulty, wanting to see what the food looked like, but he was too empty and had no strength at all. He just moved his head and turned back.

Sima Xue's expression was a little nervous, she forced herself to stabilize her mind, and then softly called out, "Senior Brother Chen."

When finished, put the meal on the table.

At this time, Chen Shao'an smelled the scent of the scent on the tip of his nose. This stimulation gave him a lot of strength, making him muster his last strength and turn his head to look at the table.

Finally, finally, that meal is finally normal.

The water is clear and visible, and the faint green tea leaves are floating, exuding a fragrance.

There are roast chicken, roast goose, rice, several varieties of vegetables, fruits, and even a bowl of soup.

Seeing this, Chen Shaoan couldn't help but burst into tears, and the tears kept falling from the corners of his eyes.

After nineteen days of hunger, he finally saw normal meals.

"Senior Brother Chen, what's wrong with you?"

Sima Xue was a little nervous at first, but when she saw Chen Shaoan crying, it became even more messy.

Chen Shaoan's mind was drawn back, but now he, let alone talk, has no strength to even lift his fingers.

And Sima Xue didn't seem to realize it, just sat beside Chen Shaoan anxiously.

Chen Shaoan rolled his eyes and used his eyes to constantly signal to Sima Xue to feed himself.

Sima Xue quickly read out the meaning.

But when Wei Wei turned his head to get the food, his body stagnated for a while.

Many thoughts flashed through my mind.

"Today, the third brother gathered some spirit stones from somewhere, and bought the Kailing Dew Liquid, but it's a waste to take it like this. If you put it on the meal, it will be invalid in less than two hours."

"I asked Bestone to prepare new meals in advance and collected all the spiritual fluids, but now Senior Brother Chen, it turned out that he wanted to eat mortal meals."

"According to Senior Brother Chen's physical condition, if he doesn't die today, he will die tomorrow."

"But after eating the food of mortals, I will definitely recover. If I am found, what should I do."

In Sima Xue's heart, she knew very well that if the third brother found out that he was stealing and exchanged for spiritual liquid, it would be a huge threat not only to herself, but to the entire Sima family.

And if Senior Brother Chen died directly, then this matter would be over.

While thinking about it, Sima Xue's footsteps became slower and slower.

When I picked up the tray of food, an idea flashed in my mind, let the food fall directly to the ground, so that Senior Brother Chen...

"Senior Brother Chen, you haven't eaten for a long time. Let's drink some soup first. I'll feed you."

Sima Xue did not do this in the end, put the tray aside, carefully filled a bowl of thick soup, and fed it to Chen Shaoan with a spoon.

Chen Shaoan's eyes were full of gratitude, and he opened his cracked lips, feeling the thick soup across his tongue, hot from his throat, and warm to his stomach.

An abundance of vitality emanated from the body, and at this moment, the dried-up body began to emit extremely hungry desires.

Looking at Senior Brother Chen's expectant eyes, Sima Xue put down the spoon and raised Senior Brother Chen's head, not caring that the stains were placed on his lap and leaned against him.

Then put the soup bowl directly to Senior Brother Chen's mouth.

Surrounded by the faint scent of the girl's body, Chen Shaoan didn't care about feeling it, he drank the soup in large gulps, and he drank it after a few sips.

Sima Xue hurriedly filled another bowl.

After a few more sips.

"Bowl..." Chen Shaoan said in a hoarse voice.

Sima Xue immediately understood, and picked up the soup and delivered it directly.

goo go go go go go...

Chen Shaoan buried his face directly in the soup pot, and at a speed visible to the naked eye, a large pot of soup was completely consumed.

After drinking the soup, Chen Shaoan did not rush to continue.

Instead, close your eyes and start breathing with a certain unique frequency.

With each breath, the whole body seemed to bulge slightly, the loose skin also began to become elastic, and blood gradually appeared on the face.

When Chen Shaoan opened his eyes again, the already cloudy eyes began to brighten up.

After all, he has perfected his body, and his body is already at the peak of mortals. As long as he eats, his resilience is amazing.

"Senior Brother Chen, are you feeling better?"

In Sima Xue's voice, there was a taste of great surprise.

Feeling the softness, Chen Shaoan replied slightly hoarsely: "I'm still hungry, help me up, I have to eat some."

Sima Xue picked up Chen Shao'an's head, placed it in front of him, and hugged him from behind so that he could lie down halfway, then lifted the tray with one hand and placed the meal in front of Senior Brother Chen.

The right hand intends to feed Senior Brother Chen.

Chen Shaoan felt the softness behind him, a touch in his heart, raised his hand to block Sima Xue's hand: "I'll do it myself."


There is fragrance in the breath, and the two are close at this moment, but Chen Shaoan can't think about it because of hunger. Obviously, the food in front of you is more pleasant.

Seeing Senior Brother Chen feasting in front of him, Sima Xue's eyes were complicated:

"Senior brother, you won't blame me, right? If you can't eat it anyway, it's all wasted."

"Instead of wasting it, it's better for me to exchange some resources. If your illness can't be cured, you can't let me stay in the door all the time."

"I can't do anything about it, the family is counting on me. When I got married to you, senior brother, you also promised to let me become a true disciple."

"In this situation, I am a weak woman, what else can I do?"

When Sima Xue's thoughts were flying, Chen Shaoan swept away all the meals with the wind and the clouds.

So fragrant!

As for the taste, there is not much feeling. For a person who is extremely hungry, the full feeling of fullness is the greatest happiness.

But this meal is only enough for Chen Shaoan to eat a quarter full, and that's it, it's completely enough.

He closed his eyes and began to digest.

Feeling the heat coming from her predecessor, Sima Xue's cheeks were a little blush. Although she had already been engaged, it involved Yuan Yin Yuan Yang.

After a long time, Chen Shaoan suddenly opened his eyes, and slowly exhaled a suffocating breath.

Looking at it again at this time, there is no feeling that half of the oil is exhausted. Even if the clothes on the body are dirty, it gives a very clean smell.

This is the perfect state of forging, the pinnacle of mortals.

After the body recovered, Chen Shaoan's brain also became flexible. After all, the movement of the brain required energy to maintain, and it was too weak before, causing the thinking to become rigid.

Feeling the change of Senior Brother Chen, Sima Xue, although shy, still clings to her tightly and has no intention of leaving.

And Chen Shaoan, who had reacted at this moment, had no need to dodge.

This is his fiancee, so what's so shy?

a long time,

This is slowly separating.

Sima Xue tidied up her appearance a little, and then asked curiously, "Senior brother, what did the sect master say? What is the current situation of brother's illness?"

After the previous investigation by the head, Chen Shaoan was already very weak, and he couldn't even speak.

Later, he refused to eat, and to this day even Sima Xue didn't know what was going on.

Even if he asked the third brother, he didn't say anything.

Chen Shaoan looked at Sima Xue seriously, hesitated for a moment and said, "Xue'er, do you believe me?"

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