Is it because he took something from 'his', so he was trapped by 'him'?

Chen Shaoan picked up the Mongolian school reading material in his hand and checked it carefully.

Very ordinary books, like this kind of books, can be bought in bookstores without even a coin or two.

It is a teaching material for children aged three to five years old.

When you pinch it, the paper is also very ordinary paper, and it can be torn to pieces if you just pull it.

Resist the urge to tear off a few sheets.

If the real problem arises in this Mongolian school book, if I tore it up and return it, I am afraid that something will happen unexpectedly.

Now is not the time to study these, the most critical issue still has to go out first.

Walking into the house, Chen Shaoan came to the study again.

On the bookshelf are books neatly arranged.

There are not only Mongolian reading books, but also many classics about these worlds.

I picked up a few books and flipped through them. They were all very ordinary books, most of which were published by the imperial court.

At this moment, Chen Shaoan's perception was fully opened, and then slowly and gently, he put the Mongolian reading book on the original position of the bookshelf.

no change.

In Chen Shaoan's perception, there is no change.

Maybe get out of this house?

When he came to the door, Chen Shaoan deliberately stepped on the threshold with half of his foot, his head was turned to the side, and the corner of the light kept staring at the house.

Slowly withdrew the foot that was stepping on the house.

His eyes widened, he didn't even blink, and stared at him.

At the moment of retracting the foot.

The room seemed to have experienced decades of time in an instant. In an instant, the dust was dense, the walls became mottled, and the cobwebs were dense.

At the same time, a voice came from Chen Shaoan's ear.

Insects chirping, birds chirping.

The breeze blows, the rustling of leaves.

If you listen more carefully, you can still hear the chatter of the clansmen in the distant courtyard.

At this moment, Chen Shaoan can confirm that he is back.

back to the real world.

After a little hesitation, Chen Shaoan took out a stack of Lingshi bills from his arms and counted them. Thirty, not less than one.

The first thought that came to my mind was: Chen Shaoxin was prostituted by me for nothing?

At this moment, the sky outside is already a little dark.

Chen Shaoan put aside his mind and went to cook first.

And halfway up the mountain, a gaze was fixed on Chen Shaoan, until he was completely invisible, and then he took it back with a little doubt.

"This guy has been in the house for more than an hour, what is he doing?"

"Can he see?"


Qingzhou County City, the mansion of the city owner.

"Reporting to the state lord, the Seven Star Sect has submitted a document requesting a joint exploration of the bluestone monuments with the Five Spirit Sect."

? Above the huge hall, a soldier in full armor knelt on one knee and told the middle-aged man above.

? Sitting above, it is the Qingzhou state master.

?Dagan Dynasty ruled thirteen states, set up twelve states, and where Huangzhou was located, was Kyoto.

?The vassal officials are not enough to describe the authority of the state lord.

?Somewhat similar to the feeling of enfeoffing princes, but not hereditary.

? Hearing the report of the soldiers below, the governor frowned: "Let's go first."

"Follow the order."

? Not long after, a slightly thin man walked in, dressed as a scholar.

Zuo Yi said: "I have seen the state master."

The state lord nodded: "You have already heard what you said just now. Tell me, did the Seven Star Sect suddenly join forces with the Five Spirit Sect, did they discover something?"

The Confucian scholar frowned and said: "The bluestone ruins, the state master has planned for many years, and now it has been fully arranged, just wait for those evil demons to enter the urn, and they will definitely be wiped out.


"Whether it is the Five Spirit Sect or the Seven Star Sect, even if you know the mystery, you should not participate in it."

"The bluestone ruins are just a ruin that has long been swept away. If it wasn't for the fact that the state lord secretly released false news, no one would have cared."

The state lord took a deep look at the Confucian scholar and said, "What this Master has released is not fake news."

"It has really existed, but there is no blood inheritance, so it cannot be opened."

The scholar smiled and said nothing more.

These days, if you want to deceive others, only nine points are true and one point is false.

The bluestone ruins are indeed very important, but all of this has been inquired long ago, and there are too many broken inheritances in Shenzhou Continent.

After the dark ages, no one can find out.

"The meaning of the state lord is to let the Five Spirit Sect and the Seven Star Sect avoid this time."

"The meaning of the dark line is probably to give some new students the chance to become familiar with the relics. After all, even the smallest relics and unfamiliar people can easily die."

"Or just give them a new relic, so as not to delay the state lord's major event."

The scholar said with a smile.

The state master took a deep look at the Confucian scholar and said, "Forget it, since our dark lines can all know about it, obviously they didn't plan to hide it."

"Those people in the cult can hide deeper than ours, and if they suddenly change the ruins, they will startle the snakes."

"Naturally they want to get together, so let's get together. It is also a test for the true inheritance of the new generation."

"As for how many can survive, that's none of my business."


The next day, Chen Shaoan stopped Uncle Zhang from sending someone to clean the house.

? When it comes to weird things, try to avoid too much action. Those scenes feel a bit similar to the scene when Konoki Kamezun was flying.

If one is not good, there may be a big problem in the entire Chen family.

The current family, I am afraid that it will be affected, resulting in an accident and loss of all memories.

Not long in the morning, the third brother came over with a happy smile:

"Fourth brother, I have already communicated with the clan elders, and they have agreed to the fourth brother to go to the family treasure house."

"Just five days later, the third elder will bring the fourth brother with him when he returns."

Chen Shaoan couldn't help but ask: "Where did the third elder go, haven't you come back yet?"

The third brother shook his head: "I don't know. I thought it was in the family. It was said that I went out a few days ago, and I haven't come back yet."

"The elders of the clan contacted them with the voice transmission i within the clan, and said that it would be enough to wait for five days."

?Chen Shaoan thought for a while and asked, "Which room is the elder of the clan elders meeting today, does the third brother know?"

The third brother replied: "It's not a direct descendant, it's an elder from a concubine."

?Chen Shaoan thought for a while and asked, "What is the relationship between this elder and the first line of the family, does the third brother understand?"

Hearing this, the third brother asked incredulously, "What does the fourth brother mean, tell them about the clan elders?"?

Chen Shaoan nodded: "Yes, they secretly attacked us before, but they wanted to suppress us, and even tried every means to cancel my chance to enter the treasure house."

"If that's the case, then why are we hiding it and piercing it directly."

The third brother hesitated: "but we have no evidence."

Chen Shaoan sneered: "If there is no evidence, then fabricate the evidence. Only they are allowed to do it secretly, and we are not allowed to spread rumors and slander?"

"Besides, with the strength of the clan elders, some of their previous actions can definitely be traced."

"Let's just make things bigger, the bigger the better, and he will know it all over the city."

"At that time, the big house lineage will be closely monitored by the clan elders, and there will be no energy to deal with us, at most a few battles of words."

Hearing how the fourth brother broke the game, the third brother opened his mouth slightly.

The main reason is that this angle is too novel, and ordinary people can't think of doing this.

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