Brother I Will Never Take Drugs

Chapter 52: Treasure House

Injuring one's own race is a grave sin.

Especially when it comes to the Golden Core Realm, the nature of the matter becomes more serious.

If ordinary clansmen, even in Jindan realm, are in order to maintain clan rules, there is no possibility of excusing them.

However, the situation is a little different in the same family as the head of the family.

For several days, the clan elders have been making a lot of trouble over this matter.

There are those who insist on abolishing their cultivation and expelling their clan, and there are those who open up the net and let them face the wall and think about it.

There are also many clan elders who believe that small punishments and big admonitions are enough.

As the news spread, the clan elders who were close to each other also returned and joined this war of words.

"Fourth brother, the third elder is back, let you go see him."

The third brother, Chen Shaojie, who came back from outside, said to Chen Shaoan.

It's just a strange look on his face.

He hesitated a little, but didn't say much.

"What did the third elder say?" Chen Shaoan noticed the abnormality of the third brother. Obviously, there are other factors in it.

It just seemed that the third brother wanted to hide it.

The third brother hesitated and said, "The clan elders will be noisy. The third elder means that the main thing is to follow your ideas."

"If you don't want to forgive, then deal with it directly according to the rules of the family. If you think you can talk, they are willing to provide enough resources for you to choose."

Chen Shaoan shrugged and said indifferently, "Tell me, third brother."

This household's words are a bit inexplicable, but the third brother, Chen Shaojie, can understand the meaning very well.

After a little struggle, he said: "The owner is on the capital's side, there is a chance, if you agree not to pursue Chen Shaoyun's fault, he is willing to use this opportunity to help the eldest brother and fight for the position of the commander of the Fusi Division. ."

Having said this, the third brother paused slightly and said, "Or, the patriarch is also willing to agree to let you be a monk, and let you get the right to take one more treasure from the family treasure house."

Hearing this, Chen Shaoan asked, "Can I have both."

this time,

It left the third brother speechless.

With a smile, Chen Shaoan said: "Third brother, don't forget, my practice is 'not pretentious'. Naturally, the future of the eldest brother is the most important, and there is nothing to think about."


The backyard of the clan, where the clan elders reside.

Chen Shaoan followed the servants who led the way, all the way to the courtyard where the third elder was.

This time I came here, but it was much more lively than the last time. There were elders everywhere on the roadside, looking at Chen Shaoan with a smile.

After the three elders dealt with Chen Shaoan's affairs, they did not choose to disclose the soul talent to the clan.

Therefore, the family still retains the original impression of Chen Shaoan.

Until this time, the clan elder order of the third elder appeared.

The situation was reversed.

In terms of status, the clan elder is the real helm of the Chen family, but ordinary things are basically governed by the head of the family.

But when it comes to right and wrong, especially the observance of clan rules, it is up to the clan elders to have the final say.

Therefore, in a sense, the current status of Chen Shaoan is beyond imagination.

Clan elders are also human beings, and they even require more and higher resources.

Under the circumstance that cultivation has a large number of lifespans, the competition between them is even more outrageous and more direct than normal people imagine.

The matters of the juniors are not out of control, but mainly because they have no time or mind.

Chen Shaoan glanced at the past, and there were no familiar faces.

It's not that the original body is unfamiliar, in fact, most of them do.

It's just that Chen Shaoan needs to be retrieved from memory.

Now no matter who it is, just smile and bend over slightly to show respect.

The courtyard door opened, and Chen Shaoan walked in.

The servant carefully closed the door.

The courtyard on the clan elder's side seemed to be no more than two or three meters high. With the strength of the clan elders, it seemed as if it did not exist.

In fact, every clan elder's yard has a prohibition similar to partition and exploration, and the internal sound will also be blocked.

"Shao'an has seen Uncle Dong."

Seeing the third elder standing alone in the courtyard waiting for him, Chen Shaoan hurriedly bowed and saluted.

The third elder was as kind as always, looked at Chen Shaoan with a smile and said: "Good boy, I haven't seen you for half a month, and my cultivation has increased a lot."

Hearing this, Chen Shaoan was slightly embarrassed.

The daily practice is still quite hard, but without the help of external force, it is really water-grinding kung fu.

Several great realms sound simple, but in fact the process of cultivation is almost no different from Yugong moving mountains.

"Have you thought about it, how to choose." The third elder continued to ask.

He didn't say whether to punish Chen Shaoyun or not.

Strictly speaking, it was just a guise, a guise to explain to other clansmen.

The meaning is to tell everyone that even the direct son of the head of the family cannot escape the punishment of the clan rules and treat them equally.

Chen Shaoan's personality is actually relatively mild.

From the beginning to the end, there is no immortality there, and the means of struggle are limited to a certain range.

Touching me and killing all of Long Aotian's feeling is too extreme.

"Uncle Dong, I've made up my mind, help the elder brother wrestle with the commander of the Fusi Division." Chen Shaoan replied.

The third elder smiled, and there was no surprise in Chen Shaoan's choice.

Just a reminder: "It's just a help, it may not be successful, maybe you haven't seen the treasure in the treasure house, so you don't feel much."

"Well, I'll take you to the family treasure house first, and it's not too late to make a decision when you get there."

Chen Shaoan bowed and said, "Thanks to Uncle Dong for his kindness, but Shaoan doesn't need to do this if he wants to come."

The third elder took a serious look at Chen Shaoan. In fact, in his heart, he did not intend to test.

"Okay, since that's the case, then I won't say more, just follow me to the family treasure house."

Chen Shaoan nodded.

It's just that after the third elder finished speaking, he didn't intend to move.

I was about to ask.

All the sights suddenly became blurred due to the sight.

Even with consciousness, there is a strong sense of trance.

Immediately afterwards, there was an extreme sense of weightlessness, as if it was already in a rapid movement.

It's like riding a roller coaster for more than ten times, and the body produces a lot of discomfort.

Several feelings came over at the same moment. If it wasn't for Chen Shaoan's foundation and transformation, his physical fitness was not bad, he would have vomited a lot at this moment.


The body shook subconsciously, and then it got a little better, and then there was a strong sense of coldness, and goose bumps came out.

It's like being in a cold cellar.

When he looked up, he found that he was in a dark ancestral hall.

Outside the window, it was not the sunny day as before, but it was late at night.

The swaying shadow of the leaves, reflected in the paper-pasted window, swayed with the wind.

The house was filled with red candles.

The seat made of mahogany, neatly visited, has a thick coating on it, and if you look closely, it is also dark red, like the manifestation of dried blood.

In the center of the ancestral hall, a wall full of spiritual tablets is enshrined.

It is engraved with the names of the ancestors of the Chen family.

What made Chen Shaoan feel a little hairy was that in front of these spirit cards, there was a censer.

There are three sticks of incense sticks on the incense burner.

At first glance, it looks normal, but with a little concentration, you can see that the incense burning in front of each spirit card burns faster from left to right and slower in the middle.

People taboo three long and two shorts, and incense taboos two shorts and one long.

This is not a good sign.

On the contrary, wicked!

Immediately, Chen Shaoan's eyes were attracted by the burning fragrance.

The fragrant mist in front of the spirit cards was condensed but not dispersed, and floated rhythmically towards the top.

Looking up, on the upper beam, there is a simple and old bell hanging from the hemp rope.

And these fragrant mists are all around the bells, as if they are spiritually wrapped.

It's just that the fragrant mist continues to superimpose, and the surrounding of the bell does not become thick, and there is not much or little for a long time.

When he came back to his senses, Chen Shaoan subconsciously looked at the three elders in front of him.

I saw the three elders staring at him with a smile, and did not mean to urge.

"This is the first time to enter the ruins. The place where you are now can be said to be our Chen family ancestral hall, and it is also the family treasure house and the entrance to the ruins."

The three elders introduced with a smile.

Chen Shaoan looked at the moonlight outside and couldn't help asking; "Uncle Dong, are we still in Qingzhou now?"

The three elders explained: "The ruins are self-contained, and belong to Qingzhou, but they do not belong to Qingzhou."

"The place where we are now is also the ancestral hall within the clan, or on the other side of the ancestral hall."

"But see what I mean?"

Chen Shaoan nodded.

This is not difficult for him to understand. In some words from the previous life, it is like the existence of a subspace.

Just for some reason, Chen Shaoan had a strange sense of familiarity.

According to the words of the third elder, this is not the family treasure house, but an entrance.

It's just a single room, and there's no entrance to it. Could it be a secret passage hidden in the wall?

"Uncle Dong, what's the matter with these fragrance mists and the bells above?"

Chen Shaoan asked curiously.

Obviously, as far as the ancestral hall is concerned, the most special place is the fragrant mist bell.

Hearing this, the third elder's complexion became serious, but he did not mean to pretend to be mysterious.

"There are 108 spiritual cards here, which are the 108 ancestors of my Chen family."

"They're not dying, they're not fighting people, or they're dying in battle."

"Instead, he voluntarily offered his soul to forbid the refining method, and was imprisoned in this incense burner."

"The incense you see is a soul burning incense, and what burns is the spirits of the ancestors in the incense burner."

Chen Shaoan sucked in a breath of cold air, only to feel his scalp tingling.

Using fire as a guide, burning the soul and burning the soul, this is such a cruel torture, even more evil than demons.

If the consciousness of the soul is still there, what is the difference between entering the eighteen layers of hell.

Xu Shi saw Chen Shaoan's thoughts, and the third elder explained: "Before imprisoning the incense burner, the spirit of the ancestors has been wiped out, and there is no need to endure this hardship."

Hearing this, Chen Shaoan felt a little better, otherwise he would still feel a sense of suffocation and be speechless.

The three elders continued to explain: "The Ruins Cave has two floors. We are now on the first floor, which is equivalent to the entrance."

"It's very small and it's very big. Where we are now is a relatively safe place."

Having said that, the third elder looked outside: "Outside the door is the real vicious place. Many unknown horrors are wandering outside."

"Some even if they encounter a god-turning situation, they will die without life. This is the understanding that countless ancestors have exchanged for their lives for thousands of years."

While he was talking, a strange screaming sound suddenly sounded outside.

It sounds far away, yet feels very close, like a child crying, like the wind blowing through the jungle, with a rustling sound.

As soon as I heard this sound, I felt a strong sense of disgust in my heart.

It was unbearable like a fingernail on glass.

The third elder said at the right time: "Although it is safe here, we can't stay for too long. If we stay for a long time, the 'dirty things' outside will smell."

"Once they are found, there is almost no chance of life."

Having said that, the third elder did not mean to be anxious or nervous at all, and he was obviously very familiar with the 'rules' here.

Chen Shaoan listened quietly. After the third elder's constant explanation, he also had a lot of guesses in his heart.

The third elder continued: "If you want to leave here, whether it is going out or going down, there is only one way, and that is to find the key."

"The bell you see is the key."

"And finding the key is the hardest part."

"The reason why you can see the existence of the bell now is because the soul-burning incense is constantly wrapped around it, forcing it to show its traces."

"In other ruins, all the 'keys' have a common special, that is, they cannot be perceived, touched, or seen."

"This 'key', even if it is placed in front of you, you can't see or touch it. It's not the feeling of being invisible, but even if you touch it, you don't know you've touched it."

Hearing this, Chen Shaoan's eyes gradually became strange.

The third elder did not notice, but continued to sigh: "Every cave has a cave's rules, and every time the cave is discovered, it means the fall of a large number of monks."

"The 'key' will show some traces that can be found only when it comes into contact with the blood essence, so often at this time, a large number of monks will kill each other."

"Show the traces with the blood of others. Someone once thought of using a more peaceful method, such as preparing blood essence in advance and splashing it everywhere."

"Unfortunately, the 'key' can only be perceived by being contaminated with the blood of living people."

"And at the bottom of every cave, there may be huge wealth, and all the forces are crazy about it. Perhaps objects in a certain cave can make a new force rise."

Speaking of this, the third elder sighed leisurely: "Our ancestors of the Chen family made their fortunes based on this."

Only then did Chen Shaoan know.

It turned out that the dark red stains on the ground, the seats, the desks, and even the pillars and walls.

It was stained with real blood.

It is conceivable that in this ancestral hall of less than 200 square meters, how many people have to die before every place here is covered with blood.

No wonder, the incense on the incense burner is all two short and one long.

With such a big resentment, it is no wonder that when I first came in, there was a feeling of yin and swish.

Suddenly, I only felt a pain in the middle finger of my right hand, and when I looked down, a small mouth was cut open in the middle finger, and a drop of blood was sucked out of thin air.

This is naturally the method of the three elders.

I saw this drop of blood flew out of thin air and landed on the bell above.

Afterwards, Chen Shaoan felt a strange sense of connection.

Through this link, he saw a semi-illusory door appearing in the middle of the ancestral hall.

It was an ordinary door, made of ordinary wood, tightly closed.

There are some rotten and mottled traces of time on the door, and the smell of trees on the wood seems to have a strange rhythm.

Although it is very old, it is very clean, without the slightest dust, as if someone often wipes it.

"Let's go, open this door, and behind it is the family treasure house, which is also the real cave of ruins."

"It's almost the hour, and I can't hold back any longer."

The third elder seemed to be able to see it without having to drop blood, and the door opened automatically as he spoke.

A thick fog emanated from the door, and nothing could be seen clearly.

Just as the third elder's voice fell, the strange sound outside seemed to be constantly approaching.

The wind was whistling, and the leaves reflected on the windows swayed more violently under the strong wind.

The third elder grabbed Chen Shao'an's hand and walked in just like that.

The moment he stepped into the door, Chen Shaoan felt a brief blur of consciousness.

It's very slight, if it wasn't for Chen Shaoan who has experienced it many times, he might not have noticed it.

When he reacted again, he had come to a cave.

Before he could feel the surrounding scene, the bronze gate dozens of meters high in front of him had already attracted Chen Shaoan's eyes.

The quaint bronze door seems to be made of rough craftsmanship. It is covered with rust and dust, and there are no runes, reliefs, or other decorations.

It is a flat two-page bronze portal.

Above the door, there is no handle.

Standing in front of the tens of meters high bronze gate, Chen Shaoan and the third elder were as small as ants.

Without further ado, Chen Shaoan immediately felt that a very strong spiritual sense, undisguised, swept over him domineeringly like a prisoner.

After a brief glance at the past, the divine sense was already withdrawn, and then there was a 'bang'.

The bronze portal began to vibrate, the surrounding dust splashed, and a hole slowly appeared.

Like the wooden door of the ancestral hall just now, there is a thick fog coming out.

The third elder did not rush in, but took out a cloth bag from his body and threw it away.

He explained to Chen Shaoan: "The treasure house has unique 'rules'. Anything with the attributes of the universe will be squeezed and broken."

"Many ruins also have such 'rules', so when you go out to practice in the future, when you enter the ruins, remember not to carry the treasures of the universe."

After speaking, the third elder walked in first, followed by Chen Shaoan.

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