Brother I Will Never Take Drugs

Chapter 6: The Great Terror

The thing of bloodline talent, Chen Shaoan recalled the memory of the original body, and gradually became clear.

The memory of the original body is a bit special. It is like an archive, and it can only be called from it if there is a connection. Under normal conditions, I did not expect that those memories are like sealed.

The bloodline talent comes from some ancient humanoid races, and it is very complicated. There are thousands and tens of thousands of species recorded alone.

There are more that are not recorded.

Now the ancient tribes have basically disappeared, except for some ancient, ancient, and even desolate ancient ruins, there are still some remnants, and they have long disappeared in the mainland of China.

However, it may be a humanoid relationship. Some of the human races living in Shenzhou have a blood relationship with the ancients. Among the descendants, occasionally there will be a talent awakening.

People who can have bloodline talent, no matter how high or low the talent is, their aptitude must be unique.

Normally, most of them have bloodline talent, or even reach the concept of supernatural powers, basically after the big clan.

Even the descendants of the aristocratic families, at least their ancestors were rich.

"I've also heard about the bloodline talent, but in my case, except for the trance, there is no other change. It doesn't seem to be unusual."

Although bloodline talent is a good pretense, Chen Shaoan still raised his doubts.

The third brother, Chen Shaojie, shook his head and said, "There are some things that the fourth brother doesn't know. Among the ancestors of the Chen family, there were indeed ancestors who had awakened the talents of the Nether Clan about five or six thousand years ago."

"Bloodline talent is a conventional statement. Strictly speaking, the inheritance of talent belongs to the commonality of bloodline spirits. Some divine abilities, secret techniques, and talents related to spirits are extremely secretive, and hardly remain on the record."

"The mysterious changes in the talent of the soul are completely unknown to outsiders. Even if only a few words are circulated, it gives people a feeling of paradox and obscurity."

"The fourth brother said that at that time, it was just a trance, and then there was a change. In fact, the spirit of the soul has been thought for a thousand years, and there is no such thing as a time. Perhaps at that time, the essence of the fourth brother's soul has undergone tremendous changes."

Speaking of this, Chen Shaojie recalled a little and continued: "I have seen in the classics that there is an ancient clan called the Shenyou clan, whose appearance is no different from ordinary people."

"And their souls are gifted with supernatural powers, and they have the ability to travel around the world. They often have a dream for a lifetime. When they wake up, they don't know the reality of the dream, and they don't recognize the true self. They regard the life in the dream as real and the real life as false."

Hearing this, Chen Shaoan felt chills, like falling into an ice cellar.

Could it be that what he awakened was the talent of this ancient wandering tribe, the various past lives, and the more than 20 years of life, just a thought in that trance?

Looking back at the beginning, my own home capture was very strange, there was no resistance at all, and it was very easy.

It's like it should belong to this body in the first place, and the emotion and personality of the original body seem to be no different from itself.

Some of the responses, practices, and even possible thoughts of past events in memory are very in sync.

If I had lived in this world since I was a child, it would be like this all the way down.

Thinking of this, Chen Shaoan began to feel a negative feeling about himself.

Surrounded by a huge sense of fear.

But it didn't last long, the third brother's light laughter pulled it back:

"Fourth brother, just listen to these. The ancient immortals only existed before the Jedi Tiantong. At that time, the barrier of the immortals was weak. Of course, at least the great powers above the scattered immortals had the ability to break the barrier."

"Even the emperor of the ancient immortal race must at least cultivate to the half-immortal realm before he can have such power."

"Thousands of years ago, foreign evil invaded, and the various clans of immortals, Buddhas, demons, gods, and demons were forced to unite, and the battle was shattered. This is worthy of expelling their evils."

"The war led to chaos, and the passage of heaven and earth was completely destroyed. Since then, Jedi Tiantong,

There is no communication between heaven and earth. "

"It is said that before this, only the land of Shenzhou was originally, and the other three continents were shattered due to the war 10,000 years ago."

"Without the intervention of the gods and gods, the era of sects has passed, and this is the reason why the major dynasties are suppressing the world today."

Chen Shaojie did not notice the change of the fourth brother, and his mind sank into the vicissitudes of life in the torrent of history.

In the great world of cultivation ten thousand years ago, there was nothing about the human race. It was extremely difficult for the human race to reproduce, let alone dominate the current world. It was almost a plaything of the great race.

Many human races have cultivated to a certain level, and they can only choose to transform their races into other races.

Heavenly Dao has fallen, and the realm of God Transformation has reached its peak. With the advantage of its ethnic group, the human race has expanded wildly. In just a thousand years, it has achieved great prosperity for humanity.

Since then, the leaders of the major human races have established dynasties and ruled the world.

This world has become the world of the human race.

Even the great sects had to obey the imperial orders.

After listening to it, Chen Shao'an looked resentful: he was almost ruined by the third brother.

The matter of time travel should not be faked. Although I don't know if it is related to this immortal tribe, I am definitely not a native of this world.

But now, Chen Shaoan is relieved.

According to what the third brother said now, it is roughly the awakening of the ancient clan that once existed, and some kind of special soul talent, but there is no record.

Logically it makes more sense.

It seems that there is not a problem with this world, or a problem with his own soul.

Chen Shao'an guessed that it might be the change that occurred under the fusion of spirit and soul when he crossed over.

With similar personalities, it is very likely that the essence of the soul is very close, so he will travel to the original body that is almost the same as himself.

After clarifying these ideas, Chen Shaoan's mouth became more bitter.

"Third brother, you are already a true inheritor, and you know many secrets, but you know that apart from opening the spirit dew to build a foundation and transform, is there any way to cultivate?"

"This Kailing Dew, I really can't drink it."

Even if Chen Shaoan wants to eat, his body is extremely resistant. As long as he reaches his mouth, his stomach will cramp and react violently.

Kailinglu does not mean to drink it, just eat it.

After entering the body, it is necessary to supplement the spirit-opening secret method to adjust the breath to complete the foundation building.

And Kailing itself has a certain chance of failure, not just once.

It's just that it's not too particular about opening the spirit. For normal people, it's two times if it doesn't work once. Anyway, it can always be opened a few times.

And the more times it is opened, the greater the chance of success. There is basically no impact on the practice after foundation establishment.

This is rather conscientious.

The third brother shook his head and said, "The reason why the human race was able to win a thousand years ago was probably because there was a short dark age."

"After the war, all methods were shattered, and any living race lost the ability to practice spiritual power. Some great powers became a sieve, and the spiritual energy could not be retained arbitrarily."

"Until Kailinglu is discovered, this can be practiced again."

"It's not just the human race, it's the same for other living beings. For thousands of years, although there have been people who have tried to avoid the spirit dew and find other ways, they have never succeeded."

The third brother said with a little pity: "If it's disgusting, it will be disgusting. Just get through it."

Then with a touch of expectation: "With your talent, there must be a bright future. Maybe the third brother, the eldest brother, the second sister, and even the family will all be blessed by you."

When the words came to this point, Chen Shaoan could only respond with a wry smile.

Ma Dan, if you are nauseated, you will be nauseated. If you vomit a few more times, you will always be able to bear it.

As long as you pass the level of foundation building, the sea is wide and the fish is leaping, and the sky is high and the bird is flying.

Heaven will assign great responsibilities to the people, and they must first suffer their minds and wills, labor their muscles and bones, and starve their bodies and skin. …

"I will send a letter to the Hui clan and tell the clan elders and the elders of the fourth brother's spiritual talent."

"Fourth brother, remember, no matter who asks, it must be the talent of the soul."

"Even if it can't be determined, as long as this is possible, the family's resources will be left to the fourth brother to request."

"You have to know that I have been waiting for the Chen family, and I have been suffering from the top ranks for a long time. The fourth brother is the hope of breaking the game, and it is not."

Maybe it felt too serious, the third brother smiled and said: "Don't worry too much about the fourth brother, for now, that's basically the case. I have been there before the headmaster came, and he estimates that the fourth brother's situation is probably the same. It's possible."

"After two days of clan elders come to investigate, the fourth brother will be on the rise."

"First of all, let's be clear, the third brother has owed a lot of foreign debts during this period of time, and the fourth brother has to help pay them off."

Chen Shaoan also knew that Kailinglu was valuable. Although he almost starved himself to death, it was for himself after all.

No wonder the third brother.

Even if there is no such thing as the awakening of the soul, Chen Shaoan will take over the debt.

"Thank you third brother." Chen Shaoan said seriously.

The third brother waved his hand: "My brother, don't say these polite words, it seems like an outsider."

"By the way, third brother, my family was hollowed out by you. In a few days, Shaofeng will reach the age of going up the mountain. I can't control his cultivation resources."

Chen Shaoan immediately assured: "Third brother, rest assured, third brother has worked so hard for so many years. Since brother has the ability, he will naturally take up this responsibility. At that time, the affairs of Shaolong and Shaofeng will be covered by me."

Chen Shaolong and Chen Shaofeng are the three-year-old twins of Xiao Chen Shaoan.

Thinking of some interesting things before going up the mountain, even if it was the memory of the original body, Chen Shaoan couldn't help but smile.

However, the next sentence of the third brother made Chen Shaoan feel creepy.

"Who is Shaolong?"

Chen Shaoan was stunned and said, "It's the fifth brother."

The third brother frowned and said, "What nonsense is the fourth brother talking about, we have always only had five brothers and sisters in the second room. How can there be five brothers, Shaolong, and only five sisters, Shaofeng."

Chen Shaoan felt cold in his hands and feet, surrounded by a huge terror, and his whole body was a little cold.

Gulu, after subconsciously swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he said in a trembling voice:

"Third brother, don't be kidding."

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