BTTH: Myriad Realms Mall

Chapter 131 I'm Not A Narrow-Minded Wolf

"Hehe, someone is really coming here. After waiting for so long, this king can finally show his great figure in front of the world!" Putting the telescope down, he put the coquettish posture of Superman's hands raised to the right. He laughed wildly.

"Doctor, look at the two chasing teams, the one in front seems to be from Jianan Academy!" The guard said respectfully to Big Wolf while observing each other with his binoculars. He saw through the binoculars that the team being chased in front were wearing blue and white school uniforms only for Jianan Academy students.

"It doesn't matter if you add Nan or Bei!" Gray Wolf, who didn't know what Jianan Academy was, waved his hand casually, touched his chin, and said sharply: "What is so-called is that they broke into the king's territory, and Ben The king just wants to use them to promote the reputation of my big wolf king!"

"Uh." The guard was speechless.

"The three armies obey the order, set up a battle, and let them see the mighty army of my Great Grey Wolf Army!" The little red flag reappeared, and the little Grey Wolf shouted loudly to the thousands of soldiers behind him who were all over 1.8 meters tall.

"Yes, Doctor!" They saluted, and the soldiers hurriedly performed their duties, clenching the laser guns in their hands, adjusting the position of the laser guns, and aiming them at the person who came.

"This is obviously my Eastern District City Guard Army, when did it become the Great Wolf King's Army! Woohoo!" At this time, the defender finally understood the pain of Xiao Feng's being overthrown.

A pair of black sunglasses that came from nowhere, Gray Wolf put it on and combed the gray fur on the top of his head. He opened his right hand and shouted boldly.

"Where's the cape?"

"Here is the cape!" An unknown soldier bowed and handed it over.

"Okay, wait for this king to meet him for a while!" Grabbing the cloak, Big Wolf leaped forward, jumped directly onto the white cloud sprayed with solidified cloud gas, and flew quickly in the direction of the two teams.

"Doctor! Sigh! The air force will go out to battle, and the general will protect the doctor comprehensively!" After giving the order to the air force on the dozens of bombers behind him, he immediately cast Dou Qi's wings and chased after the Big Wolf.


"Han Yue Junior School Sister, how long will it take to get to Tianbei City? Those from the Hong family are faster than us, and it won't take long for us to be caught up by them!" The handsome young man asked the woman beside him who was also running hard. There was a trace of tension in his expression.

The woman's face was quite glamorous, with a silver dress and long silver hair, like an iceberg beauty, people couldn't stop falling for her. It was the eldest lady of the Han family in Tianbei City and Han Yue from the inner courtyard of Jianan Academy.

The woman turned her head slightly to look at the Hong family's children who were chasing after her not far away, and then looked at the breathless and exhausted Jianan Academy students beside her. Han Yue sighed and said, "I didn't expect that this time the Hong family agreed to marry Hong Chen in order to force me to submit. They would actually send someone to intercept me on my way back to Tianbei City, intending to kidnap me. This time, it was I who implicated everyone! I also ask everyone to persevere. We will reach Tianbei City after a while, and when we reach Tianbei City, we will be safe. Although the Hong family is powerful, my Han family is not weak in Tianbei City!"

"What did Han Yue Junior School Sister say? You kindly invited us to be a guest in Tianbei City. This is a good intention. Who would have known that the shameless Hong family would actually send someone to intercept them, and they were all classmates, saying what they said to be implicated!" I heard Leng Yan woman's slightly apologetic words, another black-haired man said immediately, with a look of righteousness and anger towards the Hong family.

"Yes, Senior Sister Han Yue. It's alright, we can all persevere. If it really doesn't work, even if I fight for my life, Zhou Hai, I will definitely protect you, and I will definitely help your Han family. It will let you fall into the hands of that villain named Hong Chen!" Behind the woman, a burly, simple-looking young man patted his chest and said to the woman with a look of death.

"Senior Zhou Hai really values ​​love and righteousness. He has a good background, good talent, and treats people well. He is really a good man who deserves to be entrusted for life!" Some female students who were invited by Han Yue looked at them with peach blossoms Man, that spring heart is very charming.

"Che, who doesn't know that your Zhou family is the family of the city lord of Linxuan City. Even if you are caught without your hands, the Hong family will not do anything to you. Why are you fighting for your life! Shame!" Contrary to those female students, a All the men were very sad.

"Thank you Junior Brother Zhou Hai, I..." Although he understood that Zhou Hai was far from being as honest as he seemed, he was willing to come here and help, all because of his beauty, because he also wanted himself. But no matter what, people are a hundred times better than Hong Chen, and they have never forced themselves. So Han Yue still said thanks. It's just that before her words were finished, several figures passed over the heads of everyone and appeared in front of them.

"Oops, I was caught up!" Seeing this, Liu Xuan, the man who spoke first, secretly said.

"Zhuzhuzuan, Miss Han Yue, you really know how to run. We chased after us for so long. But it's not something we've caught up with, let's be honest, go back and get married with our little Patriarch, otherwise don't blame us. We are being rude!" The front was blocked and unable to pass, and the back chased after him. The disciples sent by the Hong family surrounded Han Yue and others.

"Hong Ming, your Hong family dares to send someone to intercept me, do you want to start a war with my Han family?" With no way out, Han Yue had no choice but to shout, but there was a bit of sternness in his aura.

"Going to war? Miss Han Yue, do you think your Han family still has this ability? To tell you the truth, our young master Hong Chen is already a cabinet disciple of Fenglei Pavilion. My Hong family has Fenglei Pavilion's backing, and your Han family is still qualified to be with you. Is my Hong family fighting?" Hearing the woman's words, the head of the Hong family put their hands around their waists and laughed arrogantly. Because they were sent out early in the morning with the intention of robbing the woman, they never returned to the city, so until now they don't know the news that the Hong family has been exterminated.

"What? Hong Chen became a cabinet disciple of Fenglei Pavilion?!" Hearing Hong Ming's words, Han Yue suddenly felt like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, and his whole person was not well. And everyone in Jianan Academy beside her was shocked by the news, and their expressions were a little different.

"So, go back with us obediently and accept our young master's pity, hahaha!" Satisfied with the woman's terrified expression, Hong Ming burst out laughing.


"What an ugly laughter, who the hell is making noise, stand up for the king, the king must educate him well, not to create noise pollution!" Just when Han Yue wanted to say something, he said A voice even more arrogant and arrogant than Hong Ming just now entered the ears of everyone.

"Who dares to be so rude, stand up for the uncle!" The laughter was interrupted, and Hong Ming looked around at the surrounded Jianan Academy people with an ugly face.

"Hey, what do you see? The king has been standing on top of your head and never hiding. You have eyes and no wolf. Also, how dare you call yourself a master in front of the king? I want the king to stand for you. Come out? You have enough guts!"

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the source of the sound, only to see a gray wolf in the sky wearing sunglasses, a scarf and a flamboyant cloak. looking down at the crowd.

"Foot, step on the void, fight, Dou Ancestor strong!" Seeing the gray wolf standing on the clouds, whether it was everyone from the Hong family or the students of Jianan Academy, their expressions changed drastically. Strong Dou Ancestor, this is a big man who completely surpasses them!

Taking everyone's expressions into his eyes, Gray Wolf nodded with satisfaction, and then said with a sharp and strange shape: "Yes, I am the Huaxia Empire, the first scientist, the king of the wolf clan, and the great gray wolf!"

"Uh." The fearful atmosphere created just now was instantly broken by Grey Wolf's own ridiculous actions.

"That, this lord, before..." Hong Ming took a few steps forward tremblingly, and cupped his hands nervously towards the gray wolf in the air.

"Don't, don't say anything!" Seeing the action of the person who was disrespectful to him, Hui Tailang opened his right palm to block him with a serious face: "How can I, the dignified two-foot male wolf, be so narrow-minded!"

"Huh, that's good, that's good!" He breathed a sigh of relief, and Hong Ming felt that he had walked through the gate of hell.

"This lord..." Seeing the Big Big Wolf appear, Han Yue wanted to say something, it was best to induce him to take action. But before she could finish her words, she saw that Big Wolf took something out of the Storage Ring and held it in his hand, facing Hong Ming.

"Take it, laser gun!" He pointed the laser gun at Hong Ming without changing his face, and Big Wolf snapped his fingers and said flatly.

"Hey!" A small and deep beam of light shot out from the black iron in Big Big Wolf's hand, aiming directly at - Hong Ming!

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