BTTH: Myriad Realms Mall

Chapter 215 Demon Phoenix Mountains


It was not until Roja left for a long time that there was a sound of swallowing saliva from the warship.

At this time, someone finally woke up from the shock, and subconsciously walked to the front of the deck, leaned on the railing, looked at the sea that was dyed the blueberry color, and then looked at the floating on the sea. A moving sea king corpse.

There was still a bit of shock in his eyes, and he couldn't help but murmured subconsciously.

"What kind of power is this..."

"Is this the strength of Major General Roja?!"

The scene just now is still reverberating in everyone's minds, and their eyes are full of deep awe. This time, there is no contempt because Roja is young, it is completely from the heart. , deep awe of the strong!

"It's completely disproportionate to age... So young, he has such terrifying power, and the future of Major General Roja is probably far more than that."

I don't know who said a word, and the others buzzed in their hearts, their minds went blank, and it took some time before they recovered.


Encountering sea kings at close range is just an accidental event. Even if there are many sea kings in the windless belt, on the next road, we will not encounter the same situation as before.

Occasionally separated by a long distance, I found a large group of sea kings, and turned to avoid it, and safely left the windless belt.

The location of the first branch of the West Sea is close to the entrance of the great route, and starting from the naval headquarters at the end of the first half of the great route to the first branch of the West Sea is undoubtedly a long journey.

Even with the power of a warship, moving forward at full speed and unimpeded along the way, it is still a long voyage, passing through some islands in the middle, and you need to replenish resources such as water and food.

There are many islands in the West Sea.

In this world, the size of islands is simply divided into three categories, small islands, medium islands, and large islands.

A small island is an island that has a complete ecosystem and will not lack water, food and other essential materials for life.

Medium-sized islands are much larger than small islands. On medium-sized islands, there must be at least a few small towns, and there is usually a large town in the center.

As for large islands... Islands that can accommodate a country are large islands, such as Alabasta, Dressrosa, these islands are generally ruled by the country's regime, and the navy will not be stationed to avoid power disputes.

On medium-sized islands, a small naval branch is generally established, and the highest commander of the branch is a colonel. The jurisdiction of such a branch is the island and the surrounding waters.

As for naval bases managed by the Rear Admiral Base Commander, they are built on small islands.

In other words, it is to build the entire small island into a naval base, and the jurisdiction covers a dozen or even dozens of small and medium-sized islands nearby.

The whole world is obviously a very complete system.

In Roja's previous life, he only had a general understanding of all kinds of information in this world, but now, in this world, he understands more clearly and comprehensively.

The world government with more than 170 allied countries, coupled with the navy that spreads in almost any corner of the world, controls almost every area of ​​the world, with the naval headquarters and the Holy Land Mary Joa as the center, forming a complete circle.

The Great Passage is the only exception.

On the Great Route, especially the second half of the Great Route, where the Four Emperors were separated, even the forces of the World Government had to give in, and they were reluctant to easily conflict with the Four Emperors.

Inside the highest cabin of a warship.

Roja was sitting cross-legged, entering an ethereal state without distractions, placing Yanyue on his knees, while groping for the deeper realm of swordsmanship, while exercising his arrogance.


Roja opened his eyes.

And just as Roja opened his eyes, there was a knock on the door outside the cabin.

"Come in."

Roja gently put away Yanyue and stood up.

The next moment, a lieutenant colonel pushed open the door, walked into Roja's room, and reported to Roja.

"Sir, I just received information that two groups of forces are fighting on Kronoa Island, which is about to arrive ahead. One is a pirate, and the other seems to be an underground killer group."

Cronoa Island is a medium-sized island and the next planned island to replenish fresh water and food.

"I see."

Hearing such news, Roja nodded casually with a calm expression.

Along the way, I have received a lot of information about pirates. Since this warship is carrying out a transport mission, you can choose to ignore it or ignore it and leave it to other naval units to deal with it.

And because Roja was relatively boring, he received some news about the pirate group appearing nearby, but he did not ignore it, so along the way, he still suppressed a few pirate groups.

It's just that the highest reward is only 10 to 10,000, and it can only be said that little is better than nothing.

Seeing Roja's very casual attitude, the lieutenant colonel clearly understood Roja's meaning. Since Roja did not express the intention to avoid it, that is to say, drive directly.

Along the way, there were more than one or two pirate groups that were destroyed under Roja's hands, and almost all of them were destroyed in an instant. Roja's terrifying strength made them awe from their hearts. Of course, the meaning of Roja There will be no doubts.

With a terrifying major general like Roja, what would happen if there were ten pirate groups fighting on the island in front of them, all of them would be suppressed.

After the lieutenant colonel saluted Roja respectfully, he turned and exited Roja's room.


Cronoa Island.

This is a medium-sized island with nearly ten small towns distributed on the island, and in the center of the island, there is a fairly prosperous town.

But at this time, the town was filled with gunpowder smoke.

The two forces are fighting here, and the entire town seems to have become a battlefield. The Pirates have a large number of members, with hundreds of people, while the other group of underground killers has a much smaller number, only a few dozen people.

But there are dozens of people, but they are inseparable from the hundreds of people on the pirate side, and the situation is chaotic.

"Damn, we must let these pirates know how powerful we are!"

"To provoke this uncle and kill these bastards for me!"

The people of the two forces are fighting in the town. Why they fought, the reason is no longer known, and now the two forces have been killed, and they just want to destroy the other side.

on one of the streets.

About seven or eight pirates surrounded a girl with black shawl-haired hair, and they all showed fierce expressions.

"This woman belongs to their group too, kill her!"

I don't know who shouted, and everyone rushed up fiercely with weapons in hand.


In the face of so many pirates, the girl's beautiful eyes were calm and calm, her face was extremely calm and calm, and her two jade hands suddenly lifted up slightly and met in front of her chest.

"Thirty rounds of flowers bloom... hooking claw!"

Click! !

I saw those pirates who rushed over suddenly grew many arms, twisted their necks, and then slammed them hard, making a tooth-stinging sound, and then everyone fell on the ground. land.

"The movement is a bit too loud. It's not good to go on like this. The navy will come sooner or later. It's better to leave here early."

The black-haired girl pondered for a while with a calm expression on her face, then turned and walked towards the other street.

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