BTTH: Myriad Realms Mall

Chapter 252 Can No Soul Be Resurrected?


"The Demonic Demon Girl, hurry up and capture it!"

Seeing the person coming, Xiao Yicai suddenly pulled out his saber, pointed at her and shouted loudly, his words were full of inconsistencies between right and wrong.


He had been staring at the girl walking out of the gate, but a loud shout suddenly came from behind, which startled Ye Shiqiu. After hearing Xiao Yicai's words clearly, Ye Shiqiu looked down at the man lying quietly in his arms. Lan Lingzhu, thought with some uncertainty.

"My Blue Spirit Orb seems to belong to... Demon World, right?"

"Magic Sect?" He took out his ears, glanced at Xiao Yicai who was yelling, then looked at the Yixi sword on his waist, and looked at Bi Yao, who was frowned by Xiao Yicai in front of Jiemen. Heart murmured.

"The original owner of this Lord's Yixi Sword seems to be the Holy Monarch of Devil Race. Is this Little Missy from that Moon Dynasty?"

"Xiao Yicai..." He originally expected to find a way to save Mother in this mysterious Huaxia mall, but he didn't expect to see Xiao Yicai, a hypocrite, and was scolded as a demon girl. Bi Yao pouted, and his mood suddenly changed. not good.

Name: Bi Yao

From: Zhu Xian World

Strength: Tier 3

Seeing that this demonic demon girl saw that she not only captured her without her hands, but pouted her mouth to tempt people, Xiao Yicai opened her eyes and rushed up with her sword to fight her.

"Get back, you bastard!" With a backhand slap on his sword, Ye Shiqiu's powerful Dou Qi general Xiao Yicai was instantly stunned.

"You idiot, why did you talk to the guests? Is this how we, Dahuaxia, treat our parents?" Ye Shiqiu pointed at Xiao Yicai, whose head was stunned, and said with some hatred.

"Don't mess with me here, kid, call me the ambassador, Lin Pingzhi, there are guests!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Hearing Ye Shiqiu's order, someone immediately went to the women's clothing store to inform model Lin Pingzhi.

"Ahem, Miss Bi Yao, welcome to Huaxia Mall, my lord Donghuang Shiqiu."

Because it was the first customer who came to Dou Qi Continent and Huaxia Mall after opening the gate, Ye Shiqiu was very enthusiastic and stepped forward to smile at the bluish girl who laughed happily when she saw Xiao Yicai being beaten. road.

"Ghost King Zong Bi Yao, I have seen His Majesty the East Emperor."

Some basic information about Huaxia Mall had already appeared in her mind when Jiemen gave Bi Yao permission to pass, so Bi Yao hurriedly leaned over and saluted after hearing the introduction of the man in front of her.

"You're welcome." Xu gave her a hand, Ye Shiqiu was very happy to see the smart girl in front of him.

Bi Yao, but a rich girl, sad flower, acacia bell, these are all magic weapons that make people greedy.

"Miss Bi Yao is the first to be selected by Jiemen. It's really good luck. Miss must have a wish to fulfill, right?" Ye Shiqiu smiled slightly at the girl who was excited and hesitant before meeting, as if she could understand it. , palm slightly raised.

Huh, a golden light flashed from the Storage Ring on the finger, and several large counters appeared out of thin air in the square.

"Originally, customers should go to various shopping malls to choose products, but Miss Bi Yao was the first customer who arrived after the emperor opened the gate, so the emperor came to introduce you personally." Ye Shiqiu was enthusiastic at Bi Yao said.

"No, Your Majesty, I want to ask now..."

"Bi Yao, do you want to improve your strength? No problem, here is the Devil Fruit, you can have super powers after taking it. There is also the Alchemy Pill used by Dou Qi Continent to improve the Cultivation Base, eat one per Realm, There will be no side effects..."

"This is Dou Qi Continent's unique Dou Technique, which is different from Taoism, but it can also be used with mana, and it is very powerful."

Although what Ye Shiqiu introduced was new and attractive to her, Bi Yao still didn't forget that what she hoped most was that Mother could return to her side.

"Your Majesty the Eastern Emperor."

Seeing that Ye Shiqiu was still talking, Bi Yao hesitated for a while, and said in a low voice with some fear.

"Why, Bi Yao, aren't you satisfied with these? It's alright, I sell everything in Huaxia mall, and there are magic weapons. Which one do you like?"

Hearing Bi Yao calling himself, Ye Shiqiu looked back at her, smiled, and asked in confusion.

"Your Majesty..." Seeing that Ye Shiqiu is not as scary as he imagined, Bi Yao, who was alive at first, gradually became more courageous and asked nervously.

"Your Majesty, does Huaxia Mall have... the ability to revive the dead?"

After finishing speaking, Bi Yao stared at Ye Shiqiu nervously, be sure to have it, this is the only possibility for her mother to come back to her.

"Of course there is, it's very simple." Hearing Bi Yao's question, Ye Shiqiu waved his hand without hesitation, arrogantly.

Resurrect the dead? What a simple matter, prepare a strong body that matches the strength of the previous life, then exercise with the special Alchemy Pill flame, and then implant the soul body into it.

In the original work, the power of Xingyun Pavilion can revive Yao Lao, an old man who has been dead for many years, not to mention that he is dignified and Huaxia, there are not many of them. The gentleman is waiting in line.


Hearing Ye Shiqiu's unhesitating words, Bi Yao, who was nervous at first, was instantly ecstatic. It was her life's most distant dream to bring Mother back to her. She never thought that this dream would actually become a reality.

"Of course." Nodding with a smile, Ye Shiqiu said calmly.

"Wait when you go back and bring your Mother's body. After all, it's best to be able to resurrect with your own body."

"Ah?" Hearing this, Bi Yao said with some embarrassment: "Your Majesty, my mother has been buried for many years, I'm afraid she has already..."

After so many years, I am afraid they have turned into ashes. How can I bring them here?


"Your Majesty, can't the body be revived if the body is not complete?" Bi Yao looked at Ye Shiqiu with tears in his eyes, and the hope that he had just woken up was dashed.

"Of course not. Didn't I say that I brought it to you just because my body is more suitable? It's fine if I don't. I definitely have a body that fits your mother's Culture Base, so don't worry." Seeing Bi Yao's eyes turning red , Ye Shiqiu quickly waved his hand and said.

"Wait and bring your mother's soul body, and I'll have her resurrected. You don't have to worry about anything else. As for the cost of resurrecting your mother, let me see..."

Ye Shiqiu didn't forget about the fee, he hurriedly communicated the calculation function of the system, this is the first pot of gold in Zhu Xian World, and he is very excited!

"That, Your Majesty..." Seeing Ye Shiqiu closing his eyes with joy and not knowing what he was doing, Bi Yao said a little embarrassedly.

"Where is my mother's soul, I don't know."


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