BTTH: Myriad Realms Mall

Chapter 436 The Emperor Will Never Suffer!

God Mo Yuan, aren't you lying?

Looking at the Heavenly Devil thunder from the Magical Beasts, the Celestial Clan soldiers turned pale in shock and wanted to fly away, but they saw that all the people who took the lead in the sky were all sucked in by the Donghuang Bell, which was madly exuding suction. I don't dare to take the empty road anymore, one by one, like ordinary people, they are scattered, and the one who runs is called fast!

"Dammit, what kind of monster is this, it can actually shoot black thunder and break the barrier of the Celestial Clan?" Pulling Bai Qian, Xiao Yan flew across the ground. Because of the Eastern Emperor Bell, the surrounding space was completely destroyed It was blocked, so he couldn't tear open the space to escape.

He wanted to communicate with Jiemen and hide in China Mall, but Mo Yuan threw Bai Qian to himself. Bai Qian was not selected by Jiemen and could not enter Dou Qi Continent. One leg escaped.

If I hadn't worshipped Mo Yuan as my teacher, I wouldn't have cared about this woman who is overly capable. This woman is a pit, and after pitting Donghuang, she will pit me again.

"Get out of the way, Eight Poles Collapsing Blast!"

With one punch, it shattered a group of wing soldiers who were blocking the way in front of him. Xiao Yan was merciless. He knew that this was the biggest crisis in his life, and he couldn't tolerate any delay.

I didn't see Donghuang Shiqiu sitting there and didn't dare to move, the dark boss Qing Cang was there pretending to be dead, that blue transparent man was so fierce, he couldn't resist at all.

Even if he didn't participate in the war, he was just playing soy sauce, but standing with those Celestial Clan people could easily be injured by accident, or even kill him, alas, it's not easy to play tricks in other worlds these days!


"The soldiers are in danger!"

"The magic thunder must be stopped!"

Seeing that Magical Beasts actually said that they would do it if they did, they would still move towards the Celestial Clan soldiers who were low on the Cultivation Base, and the three of Mo Yuan were anxious.

Hurry up and cast spells on the Celestial Clan army below to set up a barrier again. The previous barrier was set up by Mo Yuan alone, but now three people are casting spells together, with a total of three layers of barrier.

boom! boom! boom……

The continuous magic thunder struck the barrier, splitting the two barriers like a broken bamboo, but encountered obstacles on the last one. Although it still made it fluctuate and weak, it was weakened by the previous two barriers. The power is so powerful that it cannot be split!

Running relatively slowly, the Celestial Clan soldiers who still stayed in the camp were lucky and survived. Those who run faster than rabbits are also capable of avoiding disaster. But the group of those who were neither fast nor slow were unlucky. They didn't run away, and they left the camp again. There was no enchantment, and they were immediately reduced to ashes under the magic thunder of Magical Beasts!

"Oh, what a pity!"

Ye Shiqiu also laid a barrier on this side. All the people with Cultivation Base above the fifth rank worked together to lay it down. Looking at the countless Celestial Clan soldiers who were scattered under the magic thunder, Hun Tiandi sighed and looked distressed.

How much soul body is wasted, you can kill it, why is it so vicious, so that the family can't even be a ghost?

Hearing this melancholy sound, Ye Shiqiu, who was recovering from his injuries, turned his head to look at Hun Tiandi, who was delivering Dou Qi to the enchantment while sighing, as if he had found a bosom friend, and also sighed.

"Yeah, it's really a pity. If they use their divine blood to sacrifice to the Son of Heaven Sword, maybe the Sword of the Son of Heaven can be advanced to S-rank!"

other people:"……"

Who are these two people? The soul of the family is gone. It's a pity that it's just this, not the life of the family. This is really, really, really the same people!

"Huh? Two times, I killed you today, nourished my blue spirit beads with your blood, and then went to find justice and settle accounts!" Seeing that the three of Mo Yuan actually possessed Magic power no weaker than those of the four gods, Magical Beasts raised his eyebrows, and immediately revealed a dark smile.

Killing God is his favorite!

"The monster is Luo, the monster is everywhere!"

With a wave of the arm holding the Lan Lingzhu, a large black gas burst out from the front of the Magical Beasts. The scale was like a tsunami. The most terrifying thing was that there were countless bones mixed in the black gas.

"Those are the bones of the gods!" Ye Shiqiu exclaimed in surprise when he saw the black Qi Sea howling from the Magical Beasts.

Because he accepted Doulou Continent's sun god, he is still more sensitive to the breath of the gods. He can feel the divinity of those bones scattered in the black air. Magical Beasts is really worthy of this place. It's an ancient demon who actually killed so many gods!

"Those are the bones of the Celestial Clan!" Mo Yuan and the other three also felt the divinity in the bones, and their eyes were filled with endless anger.

No one has ever dared to be so daring to actually use the Celestial Clan to take the Cultivation magic power, never, this bastard!

"Mo Yuan, I will fight with you!" The world was destroyed by the Karmic Red Lotus Flame, and the East Emperor Bell kept sucking and strangling people. Now the world is at a critical moment of life and death. Jun also didn't care about any etiquette, and decided to go to the battlefield in person, and go on a personal expedition!

"Okay, the three of us join forces to protect the four seas and eight wastes together!" Emperor Donghua also took out his own immortal sword, and he, the former co-lord of heaven and earth, will also take action.

"Okay, but Mo Yuan is disrespectful to join forces with the two of you!" Mo Yuan nodded in agreement with the proposal of the two. Although God of War's dignity made him reluctant to join forces with others, now is a very important time, and he should do it very well. thing.

He would never tell anyone that he agreed to join forces with Tianjun because he knew that the strength of the person in front of him was absolutely superior to him.

"Oh, join forces?" Hearing the words of the three, the Magical Beasts couldn't help it, and burst into laughter.

These gods really can't change their way of eating shit. Back then, they couldn't beat themselves, so they joined forces to seal this seat. Now that he has just been freed, they are actually teaming up again, so can't they have a chance, one-on-one, to stand up and fight this seat one-on-one?

"Hey, there are probably no gods with backbone in this world!" With a hint of sarcasm, Earth Magical Beasts sighed deliberately, and then his eyes froze for a moment, stepping directly into the black air, and controlling the black who was ready. Qi Sea roared and hit them.

"God to die!"

"Guard the Celestial Clan, kill!"

Feeling the terror of the Black Sea, Mo Yuan shouted to strengthen his courage, and then flew in with the Xuanyuan sword in his hand. Tianjun and Donghua Emperor followed closely behind, and flew towards the Magical Beasts, which was sweeping the sky. .


Seeing that, the four Magical Beasts finally fought. Ji held the Yixi sword, excited and nervous, and turned to Ye Shiqiu and shouted loudly!

"Ah!" As soon as the four of them fought, Ye Shiqiu immediately stood up from the ground, pulled out two divine swords, and pointed them at the Eastern Emperor Bell.

"It's still one Ten Thousand Years early for this emperor to lose money. Mo Yuan is unreliable, so this emperor will come in person. Today I have to take it down. I will kill anyone who dares to stop me!"

"Disciples from all walks of life obey the order, follow me to kill the Eastern Emperor Bell, kill!" Holding the Emperor's Sword and the Sun God Sword, Ye Shiqiu's sun god outfit is attached, blazing flames on his body, and eight wings spread out behind him. , turned into a meteor, and shot towards the Donghuang Bell, which was releasing terrifying pressure.

"Capture the Eastern Emperor Bell, go up!" Wuliangshoufo, Sha Qianmo, Heavenly Dao of Dou Qi Continent, Qi, Shan Chunqiu, Guanyin, Hun Tiandi... All the powerhouses above the fifth rank jumped out and followed the night. behind autumn.

For a time, on the shore of Luoshui Lake, more than a dozen meteors pierced the sky, and bright rays of light shone on the earth...

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