Outside the kitchen, except for Gu Si who couldn't help but drool at the sight, the other residents who passed by couldn't help but stop.

"It smells so good. I didn't expect that Wang Xiang is really a chef. I still don't believe what he said before. I hope he won't care and let me try his cooking in the future."

"It's just you. I think you don't want to think about it. Even if Wang Xiang is willing to cook it for you, where do you get the ingredients? These fresh vegetables are not sold in the supermarket."

"That's right. Alas, it would be great if I could eat fresh vegetables once again in this life. Even if I die, I won't have any regrets..."

In the ten years since the end of the world, almost everyone has been living on nutritional supplements with various synthetic flavors.

It was only this time that I came to the north because of my escape and accidentally stayed in this hotel, and I had the opportunity to eat food other than all kinds of unpalatable nutritious nuggets.

Unexpectedly, the food here is not only that, but also has such precious fresh vegetables.

Almost everyone who passes by the kitchen will stand there and wait for a moment to smell more of the smell coming from the kitchen.

“It’s actually not impossible for everyone to want to eat vegetables.”

Shi Shuwan came over at this time, heard the words of the onlookers, and spoke softly.

"Sister Shi! Sister Shi, are you telling the truth? Can we also have such a meal?"

Someone saw Shi Shuwan coming and quickly moved a position for Shi Shuwan so that she could enter the kitchen.

Shi Shuwan walked over from where the man was moving away and nodded slightly at him, "Well, Boss Song said that if Wang Xiang can cook, he will consider opening a restaurant around the hotel. Then everyone will You can eat fresh food like this.”

Shi Shuwan smiled and told everyone what Song Zhi had just told her.

Anyway, regardless of whether Wang Xiang has the ability to be the chef, this restaurant Song Zhi will definitely open.

The worst case scenario is to create an open kitchen, allowing everyone to go to the farm to pick food, and then go to the restaurant to cook it themselves.

Song Zhi will definitely make this money.

So before the restaurant opened, Song Zhi asked Shi Shuwan and the guests to reveal some information so that they could be prepared.


"Can we get fresh vegetables?"

"Sister Shi, you couldn't be more jealous of us and deliberately tell jokes to deceive us."

When everyone onlookers heard Shi Shuwan's words, they immediately exploded and started talking in all directions.

Shi Shuwan nodded firmly at them, "It's true. Boss Song told me this personally. How can it be false? Anyway, you will know by then."

After Shi Shuwan finished speaking, some people believed it and began to look forward to it, but some people did not believe it and wanted to chase after Shi Shuwan and continue to ask for clarification.

Ask when the restaurant will open and what are the conditions for entering and spending money.

But Shi Shuwan did not look back, but walked forward into the kitchen.

Pay attention to the point in everything.

Just tell them part of it and let them see the rest for themselves.

She first went to see how the food was being cooked in the kitchen.


In the kitchen.

Everything went smoothly.

"Sister Shi, why are you here? I'll be fine soon."

Wang Xiang was putting a prepared dish on a plate when he saw Shi Shuwan coming in. His heart tightened subconsciously, thinking that she was here to urge him.

"Don't worry, just take your time. I'm just here to see where you've done and if you need any help. Although I'm an average cook, I've also studied desserts and am considered a half-chef. Maybe there's someone who can It helps you.”

As soon as Shi Shuwan walked in, she saw several dishes on the table that had been cooked.

Good dishes are full of color, flavor and flavor. This was the first time Shi Shuwan realized that this was true.

Just looking at it makes people drool, not to mention the scent.

"No, I can take care of myself. There are only a few more dishes to finish."

Wang Xiang kept moving his hands, and while talking, he had already started cooking the next dish.

"Okay, can I watch and learn from the sidelines? I also like to study food on weekdays."

Shi Shuwan saw Wang Xiang's movements in an orderly manner and knew that her joining might disrupt Wang Xiang's original plan, so she stopped insisting.

But she didn't want to leave here either. A highly skilled chef was cooking carefully. She also wanted to watch and learn from the sidelines.

See why the same dish tastes so delicious in other people's hands, but it's different in her hands.

"Okay, I saw the dishes that Sister Shi cooks every day, and I think you are a person who likes to study food. There is a stool over there, you can sit there and watch."

Wang Xiang's eyes lit up.

There was no suspicion that Shi Shuwan was stealing from her master.

On the contrary, he was extremely happy. During the cooking process, he would also focus on explaining why he did this and what impact other methods would have on the taste of the dish.

Shi Shuwan felt like she had found a treasure, silently keeping it all in her heart.

About an hour and a half later.

All the dishes are done.

Shi Shuwan helped carry it out, and asked Guo Leshan to ask Song Zhi and others to eat.

"It smells so good. It looks delicious. I feel like I can finish it all by myself! Let me help serve it. Chef, you have worked hard cooking. Go and take a rest."

Gu Si's eyes were shining as he watched the fragrant dishes being brought out.

Very active, he ran to the front to help serve the food.

Wang Xiang didn't know this person, but he didn't stop him when he saw him talking and laughing with Shi Shuwan.

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"Okay, the dishes are all on the table in the kitchen. Some may be hot, so be careful."

"Okay, I'll do it, don't worry."

Gu Si happily went to the front to serve the dishes.

When the dishes were served, Song Zhi and others also arrived.

Because there were two more people eating this time, they moved to another larger table in the restaurant.

"Master Wang, why don't you eat with us? You've worked so hard to cook for so long."

Song Zhi saw Wang Xiang taking off his apron and standing aside without sitting down, and said.

She was not picky, anyway, there were enough dishes to eat, so it didn't matter if they were together.

"No, no, Boss Song, you guys can eat, I'm just going to go back and take a rest, so, I'll leave first."

Wang Xiang said, fearing that Song Zhi would insist, he took the apron in his hand and went upstairs.

He was very satisfied to have this opportunity to cook.

I just hope that his cooking skills are not rusty, and Boss Song can hire him as the chef of the restaurant.

Wang Xiang ran very fast and soon disappeared.

Song Zhi sighed helplessly and had to give up.

The meal ended in laughter.

Everyone's topic in the middle was almost only about one thing.

"Oh my God, familiar and strange taste, really delicious, woo woo woo."

"Yes, Boss Song, where did you find this master? This dish is so authentic."

"Delicious! Delicious."

Almost everyone praised the food, and Song Zhi himself thought that the dishes were well cooked, so he decided to hire Wang Xiang as the chef of the future restaurant.

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