Song Zhi didn't want to go at first, but seeing Luo Xi agreeing and Si Qing's persistence, she didn't say much.

Following Si Qing and Luo Xi, they went to the base building.

On the way, Si Qing thanked Song Zhi.

"I'm sorry, Boss Song. You saved me last time, but I never found a chance to thank you."

Ever since he could get out of bed, he had been busy with various things in the base and never found a chance to go there in person.

I could only choose one gift and let Gu Si deliver it to me.

"It doesn't matter. Besides, you gave Gu Si a pistol as a gift last time and asked Gu Si to hand it over to me." Song Zhi waved his hand and didn't care.

She saved people just because she didn't want to lose a future partner.

"Boss Song, you're welcome. When I finish my work, I will find a gift that Boss Song will like." Si Qing said in a sincere tone.

Song Zhi looked at Si Qing and said lightly, "Anything is fine."

If you insist on giving her a gift, that's not impossible. It would be best if it was a gift like a crystal core.

While talking, the three of them quickly arrived at Si Qing's office.

Once inside.

Si Qing closed the office door.

This door has very good sound insulation and is made of special materials. Even if you shout inside, no one outside will hear you.

"Boss Song, please sit down first." Si Qing directed Song Zhi to sit on the sofa on the other side of the office.


Song Zhi nodded in agreement and said nothing more.

This was mainly because Si Qing and Luo Xi were talking about things, and she was just listening.

Luo Xi glanced at the closed door, and then at Song Zhi, who was sitting on the sofa with a happy face.

In the end, he stopped worrying about anything and spoke to Si Qing.

"Si Qing, I suspect there is a plague in the base."

Luo Xi's expression was serious and his tone was solemn. When he said the last two words, his expression was even extremely painful.

"What! Plague? Roche, are you sure, it's not some other disease, but...plague."

Before that, even though Si Qing had guessed a little about what Luo Xi would say next, but now that he heard it with his own ears, he still stood up in shock.


Si Qing went back and forth in the base to check for dangerous places and met many people in the base.

Compared with before, Si Qing made a strange discovery. Some people's condition was much worse than before.

The whole person looked gray and moved slowly. Occasionally he would squat on the spot or rest against the wall.

Even if the weather outside is hot, they will still stay in place at any time and stop moving.

When their bodies were soaked with sweat, they would stand up unsteadily and walk weakly towards the shade.

At first, Si Qing thought they were slow in action due to heatstroke due to the hot weather, so he asked the people below to distribute medicine to relieve heatstroke.

But, here's where things get bad.

Some of the people who went to distribute the medicine had the same symptoms when they came back.

The whole person was extremely weak, dehydrated, vomited, and had a high fever. They experienced almost all the uncomfortable symptoms.

From that moment on, Si Qing began to wonder if everyone was infected with a virus.

But at that time, he thought it was a virus, but today Luo Xi said that they were infected with the plague.

"Plague", as long as these two words appear, no matter which dynasty they are in, a large wave of casualties cannot be avoided.

Especially now in the last days.

There is no place to escape for life, and there is no place to go in isolation.

"I checked it carefully and concluded that it was plague, not some other viral or bacterial infection." Luo Xi continued.

"It is said that there will be a major epidemic after a natural disaster. The weather outside continues to be abnormal, and it is only a matter of time before a plague appears. But I didn't expect that the plague would come so fast. I have confirmed that the number of people diagnosed has reached 200."

"I temporarily isolated them in the hospital and did not let them go home."

Si Qing's face became darker and darker as he listened.

"So have you developed any medicine for treatment now?"

If a therapeutic drug is developed, there is still hope.


Luo Xi shook his head helplessly and showed a wry smile.

"There are very few medicines left in the base, and my abilities are limited. Let alone special medicines, even relief medicines may not be available."

"What's more, the plague spreads very quickly. It won't be long before the entire base will fall."

Luo Xi looked heartbroken, but still had to tell this cruel fact.

There are times in history when plagues appear, and a city or a province can easily fall.

But now this is just a small base, so there is no confidence that it can survive.

"Is there no other way?" Si Qing didn't know much about curing diseases and saving people, so he could only continue to ask Luo Xi.

Luo Xi didn't know either. He shook his head, then suddenly thought of something and said.

"The only thing that's good to see is that the plague doesn't seem to have much effect on people with super powers. Those who are suffering from the plague now are also people without super powers."

Si Qing listened quietly, his black eyes wishing they could gloomily drip with ink.

The news of the plague cannot be released directly, otherwise everyone will panic and run away, which will not be helpful in controlling the plague.

"So, first form a temporary special power team, check the people who have been infected with the plague in the base one by one, and isolate them for the time being. Then disinfect the entire base. Don't tell the outside world that it's a plague, just find another excuse."

As expected of Si Qing.

He has been used to making decisions for many years, and soon came up with a plan.

"Okay, then I'll go down and prepare the disinfection drugs first, and I'll leave the people to you."

Luo Xi said, and was about to go down to prepare.

At this time, Song Zhi, who had not interrupted from beginning to end, suddenly spoke.

"That... I'm presumptuous to ask, do you need my help?" Song Zhi spoke in a relaxed tone.

It seemed that what Si Qing and Luo Xi were talking about just now was not a plague, but a sudden cold.

"Boss Song, do you have a way?"

Si Qing heard this, his eyes lit up, and he stood up and stopped his steps to leave.

Since Song Zhi was able to save him from the dying, maybe he really has a way.

"Si Qing, what nonsense are you talking about? Are you expecting a supermarket owner to have a solution?"

Luo Xi felt that Si Qing was simply crazy. He didn't go down quickly to arrange for people to isolate those who had already contracted the plague, and he was still in the mood to chat with Song Zhi here.

This Song Zhi is just a supermarket owner, with more supplies.

But what the base lacks now is not supplies, but medicines that can treat the plague.

This kind of thing is not something that ordinary people can have.

She asked if she needed help, but did she really have the ability to help?

Luo Xi didn't believe that the young girl in front of him would have such ability, and just thought that what she said just now was bragging.

"Luo Xi, I know you are very anxious, but please be nicer to Boss Song." Si Qing's slightly unhappy voice sounded.

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