"I don't know about this either. I've only been here once before, but seeing how calm she is, I guess she has her own tricks."

Guo Xiong also followed Li Pu's gaze, looked at Song Zhi who was sitting in front of the cashier, and shook his head.

He had only come here to buy things before, and he knew almost nothing about the store manager.

"I guess so. Without extraordinary tricks, who would open a store in the end times?" Li Pu nodded, agreeing with Guo Xiong's words.

In the end times, there is almost no production industry, and the more materials are used, the less they are.

Who doesn't want to stock up as much as possible and hold all the materials firmly in their own hands.

Even if you open a store, you just take out the things you don't need to exchange.

This is the first time that materials are sold directly for money, and they are sold so cheaply.

"Forget it, don't worry about it. Hurry up and buy things and go back to the base, otherwise it will be more dangerous after dark."

"That's right."

After Guo Xiong's reminder, Li Pu felt that it made sense, and stopped talking to Guo Xiong, but focused on choosing what he wanted.

The food in the store is rich in variety and well preserved. Looking at the date carefully, it is still from the past few days.

Li Pu was puzzled.

In the end times, the land is seriously polluted, and the things grown are rare and mutated directly. It is impossible for food processing factories to exist.

But the date of this bread is from the past few days...

Forget it, this bread feels soft and doesn't look hairy. He can eat unpalatable nutrition blocks, so what's this.

Not to mention the price, which is not even one-tenth of the price of the nutrition fast sold in the base.

He will eat it even if it is expired!

With this realization, Li Pu took the products he wanted from the shelves one after another.

Guo Xiong saw his friend's actions, thought about it, and walked towards the cashier.

"What's wrong? Didn't you find what you want?"

Song Zhi looked up and asked when he saw Guo Xiong coming.

It shouldn't be... Food is the most scarce in the end times. Even if there is no shortage of food, there are so many kinds of daily necessities that it is not impossible that there is no one to use.

"No... no." Guo Xiong hurriedly shook his head, and hesitated for a long time before he stammered.

"Well, I want to ask, can I promote your place in our base? Otherwise, we buy so many things and take them back... it's hard to explain."

The last time he brought it back to the base, he didn't tell anyone except his wife and children.

The base has strict material control. All materials brought back from outside must be handed in to the base and then distributed uniformly by the base. Even if you buy it yourself outside, it's not allowed.

The food he brought back last time was enough for his family of three to eat for three days.

But on the fourth day, when he wanted to go out to buy again, the base was attacked by zombies, and he sprained his leg when fighting the zombies.

There are more zombies outside.

So this time he thought about taking his good brothers with him, buying more food and trying not to go out if there is nothing to do.

And if the food he brought back was discovered by the people in the base, he could tell the supermarket about it.

The things sold in the supermarket are not expensive, and other people in the base can also come to the supermarket to buy things by themselves, so that his things don’t have to be collected.

I just don’t know if the boss here is willing.

Opening a supermarket in the wilderness, probably because he doesn’t want to contact too many people...

Guo Xiong couldn’t make up his mind, so he decided to ask the boss here in person.


Song Zhi thought Guo Xiong was going to say something, but who knew that a person hesitated for a long time just to say this.

“Yes.” Guo Xiong nodded, “I know that many people may come here, which will bring inconvenience to you...”

“Okay.” Song Zhi interrupted Guo Xiong and answered calmly.

In fact, Song Zhi wanted to say that there was such a good thing.

But after thinking about it, he decided to be calmer.

Guo Xiong went back to promote, there would be more customers, and the system upgrade could be faster.

After getting Song Zhi’s clear affirmation, Guo Xiong was no longer worried. After thanking Song Zhi again and again, he immediately ran to the shelf and started today’s shopping.

With Song Zhi’s affirmation, Guo Xiong bought a lot of things at once.

Most of them are food, and some are daily necessities, such as soap and tissues.

When checking out, Song Zhi even found that he had bought a few packs of sanitary napkins.

"This... this is for my wife. The current situation is difficult, and she has a hard time during those days every month. I saw that the price is cheap, so..."

Guo Xiong said, his face blushing unconsciously.

Song Zhi was a little surprised. I didn't expect that this man would really care about his wife.

Women's menstrual period in the end times can be said to be a multiple torture.

In the previous life, she didn't have sanitary napkins during her menstrual period, and relied on some strips of cloth from clothes. Hey, it's uncomfortable to think about it.

Song Zhi shook his head and cleared that feeling out of his mind.

Guo Xiong spent a total of 10,000 Chinese yuan, while his companion spent 8,000 Chinese yuan.

Although Li Pu wanted to buy every food and daily necessities here, he was single and lived alone. If there was too much food, he couldn't finish it, and it would easily go bad. He only needed to buy some daily necessities that he just needed, and he didn't need so much.

Moreover, neither he nor Guo Xiong had special abilities, unlike others who could store supplies in their own space.

The base was still more than ten miles away, and it would be difficult to carry too many supplies.

"New task, receive 30 guests, currently 0. Reward for completing the task: unlock the wealth value mall and expand the supermarket area to 150 square meters."

"Note: The wealth value mall can be exchanged for props that are beneficial to the host, as well as other functional cards."

When Song Zhi was about to check out, the system quickly came out to issue the task.

"Little system, this time it is very timely!" Song Zhi praised generously.

The system was very happy to be praised, "Hehe, this is what this system should do, and it is my task to serve the host."


"How do you two pay? This store can use Huaxia currency or crystal core payment. If you have crystal core, you can exchange it at the machine over there."

When checking out, Song Zhi handed over their bills.

"I have a card, the one from last time."

Guo Xiong chose to use the points card he got last time.

"I will just pay with Huaxia currency." Li Pu took out the paper bag in his arms and poured out the Huaxia currency inside.

Of course, he had to keep the crystal core.

If he met a superpower person who needed it that day, he might be able to trade for something better.


Two minutes later, Song Zhi settled the bill for the two and gave them several bags to hold the supplies.

Before leaving, Song Zhi did not forget to call Guo Xiong, "Remember to go back to the base to promote it."

"Of course, of course." Guo Xiong replied with a smile.

If the boss doesn't mind, it would actually be more beneficial for him to promote more people in the base to buy supplies.

"Current task progress: 2/30 of the number of guests received (in progress)."

"Current accumulated wealth value: 3089 points."

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