Song Zhi didn't know what kind of indelible impression her brutal methods had left on the people on the opposite side.

So she narrowed her eyes in suspicion.

This expression frightened the people on the opposite side to their knees.

"Really, Miss Ancestor, we can swear to heaven that we really don't have any bad intentions this time, we just want to buy some supplies."

"Yeah, yeah."

The others nodded to show that the bearded man was right.

"Well... then you can come in and pick."

Song Zhi continued to stare at them for a long time, until they were about to give up, then nodded and let them in.

With Song Zhi's permission.

Those people got up from the ground with a look of surprise, and then seemed to think of something, and the five people lined up and went in in an orderly manner.

As soon as they entered the supermarket, they found that this place seemed to be a circle larger than the last time they came.

They looked at each other and knew what the other was thinking.

But they didn't say it, they were just shocked secretly.

The owner of this supermarket is really amazing, and I don't know where he got these supplies from.

There were five of them, all of them were superpowers, so they needed more food.

In addition, they were always on the road, so they needed more daily necessities.

"Boss, there are fans here. Why don't we buy one and install it in the car? The air conditioner in the car is broken, and it's getting hotter and hotter these days."

"Well, okay, you can choose."

The bearded man turned his head and took a look, and agreed.

The weather has been getting hotter and hotter recently, and I don't know what's going on.

The five people scattered in the store and carefully selected.

Most of them picked food, and only a small part of daily necessities, batteries, fans, and some paper towels.

Because there was another woman in the team, she also bought a year's worth of sanitary napkins to take with her.

Wen Li was a space superpower. After paying the bill, she put all the things into her portable space.

"Okay, thank you, boss."

Wen Li felt a little embarrassed when she saw Song Zhi at first, but when she saw that Song Zhi didn't mention the previous things, she finally plucked up the courage to thank her.

"Well, take care, welcome back next time!"

Song Zhi was also in a good mood, and smiled and waved to her.

She has no pursuit now, just wants to work hard to complete the system's tasks and quickly enter a wonderful retirement life.

She doesn't care too much about guests like this who can give her money.

Anyway, they can't beat her, so it won't cause any damage to her.

But it must be said that this robber is richer than ordinary people.

Five people spent a total of about one million.

"Current accumulated wealth value: points."

Adding the wealth value of this group of people, there are actually 10,000 more points.

"Host, you can now unlock the Doomsday Hotel!"

The system also noticed the increase in wealth and hurried out to remind.

"Well, unlock it."

Song Zhi nodded, found the card of the primary hotel in the system mall, and then clicked to exchange.

The next second, a dialog box popped up in the system.

"Congratulations to the host, the exchange is completed, and the Doomsday Hotel (primary) (subsequent upgrade) is obtained. Do you want to place it now?"

Song Zhi clicked the option to place it.

After that, a huge change occurred in front of her eyes.

The mall she had just seen disappeared, replaced by a 3D model. From the main building inside, it can be seen that it is the supermarket where she is now.

There is a condition for placing the Doomsday Hotel, that is, it cannot be too far away from the Doomsday Supermarket.

Song Zhi tried the maximum limit, just 100 meters away from the Doomsday Supermarket. If it is farther away, it cannot be placed.

Thinking of the reward for completing the task, the defense system range is increased to 100 meters around the building, and Song Zhi also thinks it is reasonable.

Zombies can't appear between the two buildings.

It would be bad if the guests were injured.

In the end, Song Zhi placed the Doomsday Hotel next to the supermarket, and the two were level.

On the bare wasteland, there is finally more than just the supermarket.

"Congratulations to the host, the task is completed. Get rewards: the defense system range is increased to 100 meters around the building, and the supermarket area is expanded to 180 square meters."

"Ding! It is detected that the host has unlocked the Doomsday Hotel, and the conditions for the initial construction of the base have been met. The system mall is upgraded, and more building types can be purchased later."

When Song Zhi placed the Doomsday Hotel, he received two system prompts.

Going to the system mall again, I found that the location of the original Doomsday Hotel has unlocked many new categories.

Like organic farms, organic ranches, Doomsday restaurants, Doomsday communities, gas stations, etc.

"Oh? It's a bit interesting..."

Song Zhi took a rough look and found that they were all buildings needed to build a base.

She continued to do the tasks issued by the system. She had a hunch that she seemed to be able to build a super base with abundant supplies.

The system looked proud: Of course, don't you see how good I am!

Song Zhi: OK, OK, you are the best, then dare you give me more easy tasks?

System: Ah? Host, what are you talking about? Why can't I hear it, Aba Aba...

Song Zhi: ...

The Doomsday Hotel appeared almost in an instant.

And this scene happened to be seen clearly by Shen Ling who was playing at the door.


Looking at the building that suddenly appeared in front of her, Shen Ling opened her mouth in surprise, her eyes staring like copper bells.

Turning her head to look at Song Zhi who was sitting in the supermarket, she found that her expression was normal, without any abnormality.

This chapter is not over yet, please click the next page to continue reading!

Is this what the beautiful sister did?

So cool!

Shen Ling ran into the supermarket step by step, stepped forward and grabbed Song Zhi's hand, pulling her out of the door.

She was a little curious about what was inside that building.

Song Zhi saw that the direction Shen Ling was trying to go was the Doomsday Hotel she had just placed, and understood what Shen Ling meant.

But she didn't want to admit that the sudden appearance of this hotel had anything to do with her.

She pretended to be surprised.

"Oh, how come there is suddenly an extra house here, let's go in and see what's inside!"

Shen Ling:...


Song Zhi:?

System: "Host, do you want to see how you look now? The traces of acting are so obvious. Even if the other party is a child, you should not be so perfunctory, who can't see it?"

Song Zhi retorted, "No way, I'm acting very seriously."

The system asked again: "Are you sure?"

"Yes... sure..."

Song Zhi suddenly felt guilty, lowered his head to see Shen Ling's confused expression, his small mouth slightly opened, and he looked shocked.

Uh... is it really so fake?

"Well... let's go, go and see, go and see." Song Zhi's voice became smaller and smaller, and he pulled Shen Ling towards it.

Shen Ling looked up at Song Zhi's chin while walking.

Humph! Sister is lying!

That building was obviously built by sister, and she pretended not to admit it!

Thanks to her previous study with the teacher, she saw that her sister was acting, otherwise she would have been deceived!

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