Unlike the imagined dilapidated appearance of the basement, the underground lights are bright.

The walls around are all paved with waterproof marble tiles, clean and tidy, without a trace of dust.

The air below is also very dry, and the temperature is even higher than the ground. Everyone walking in the corridor feels relaxed all over, looking around and curiously.

After passing through the corridor, Shen Fengwang led everyone down another flight of stairs, and more and more people came.

Many people greeted Shen Fengwang happily when they saw him, and Shen Fengwang responded politely.

"This is an empty room, you can live on both sides, you can rest here for a while, and I will call you again when it's time for dinner."

Shen Fengwang said, pointing to the rooms on both sides.

Song Ci thanked Shen Fengwang on behalf of everyone: "Okay, thank you for your help."

Shen Fengwang smiled and said: "Don't be polite to me. If it weren't for your help, we would have died outside."

"By the way, the underground activity space is on the second and third floors. If you are bored, you can come out and take a look."

Song Ci nodded: "Okay."

Shen Fengwang was still a little worried, and told everyone about some related matters before leaving.

After Shen Fengwang left.

Song Ci looked at everyone: "Everyone has worked hard all the way, so find a room to rest. The next action will be decided after Boss Song speaks."

Everyone replied: "Okay."


At the same time, on the other side.

Su Anhe led Song Zhi through the dilapidated building area and walked to an above-ground fortress.

There was a guard handle on each side of the fortress door. Seeing Du Anhe, both of them were stunned, and then they walked forward quickly with surprise on their faces.

"Sister Du, you're back!"


Duanhe responded, his face still cold, without any extra expression.

The two guards seemed to be used to Duanhe's expression, and the surprise on their faces remained.

"Is the commander in there?"

The guard nodded and replied: "Yes, the commander and the deputy commander are in there. Sister Du, you just came back and you want to find the commander, don't you need to rest?"

Duanhe shook his head and said: "No, I have something important to find the commander. Since the commander is here, I will go in and continue to guard the door."

Guard: "Yes!"

Duanhe took Song Zhi in.

Walking into the fortress, there were large tracts of farmland inside. The rice planted on the left half had sprouted, and the right half was planted with something unknown, and it grew in strange shapes.

Song Zhi looked around and was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that there was still a place to grow plants in the end of the world, and they grew... not bad?

After all, all the plants that could be used on the land outside were dead.

Duanhe noticed carefully and took the initiative to introduce it to Song Zhi.

"This is planted by the deputy commander of our base. His ability can catalyze plant growth. These seeds were left before the end of the world. The yield was good, but after generations of differentiation, it became what it is now."

The seeds left before the end of the world were planted in the ground. After they matured, some were kept as seeds and the rest were eaten. At the beginning, the yield was acceptable.

But later, the plants planted always had various problems, causing the deputy commander to work hard for a long time to see if he could get some stable seeds.

Song Zhi didn't know much about farming.

But in her previous life, when she was watching videos online, she saw that some seeds needed to be eliminated after a few generations. She didn't know the specific reasons, but it should be similar to what Duanhe said.

"Is your entire piece of soil uncontaminated?" Song Zhi raised a question.

Some bases have seeds, but they are useless because they don't have suitable soil for planting.

"Yes, maybe because of the remote location here, the soil pollution is not serious. After several experiments, it has been proved that it can be planted."

"Oh, that's also a kind of luck."

Song Zhi and Du Anhe chatted all the way.

There is a small house near the middle.

Du Anhe stepped forward and knocked on the door.

A voice came from inside the house: "Come in."

Du Anhe turned his head and said politely to Song Zhi: "Boss Song, please."

Song Zhi followed Du Anhe in, and there were two people inside, a man and a woman.

Du Anhe took Song Zhi forward and introduced them to the two people.

"This is Boss Song, the leader of the nearby doomsday base. She also led people to save us on the way. This time, she came to reach a cooperation with our base."

"Boss Song, this is the leader of our base, Xue Rong, and this is the deputy leader of our base, Murong Chuan."

Du Anhe finished introducing the two parties.

Song Zhi smiled and stepped forward, extending his hand to greet the two people.

"Hello, my name is Song Zhi."

"Hello, Xue Rong."

"Hello, Murong Chuan."

Both parties were very polite. After a few words of acquaintance, they sat down at a table to chat.

Xue Rong is the leader of the Crescent Base. She has shoulder-length hair, which makes her look capable and cold. Her ability is ice-based, which makes her feel unapproachable.

Murong Chuan is the deputy leader of the base. He is wearing muddy work clothes. When he sat down, he smiled at Song Zhi. His ability is not clearly divided, but it is related to plants.

In contrast to the two, Murong Chuan looks more approachable.

Xue Rong trusted Du Anhe very much and was not angry when he brought people to see her directly without permission.

Instead, she was secretly looking forward to what kind of cooperation the person coming this time would achieve with her.

"Then I'll tell you first?"

Song Zhi saw everyone sitting together and looking at each other. No one had the intention to speak first, so he simply went first.

"Well, okay." Xue Rong nodded.

"I am the commander of a nearby base. Because our base was recently built, I would like to discuss some cooperation with the surrounding bases. The main business is to sell supplies to external parties, including all kinds of food, daily necessities, etc."

"Selling supplies to external parties?" Xue Rong couldn't help but be surprised when he heard this sentence.

It's this day and age, but instead of keeping the supplies in the base well, they sell them to others?

Aren't you afraid that the supplies will be gone in the future and the base will suffer from the northwest wind?

This was not the first time Song Zhi saw this expression.

Almost every customer who just comes to the supermarket is like this.

Song Zhi had long been accustomed to it and began to explain: "Our base has sufficient supplies, so there is no need to worry about the future operation of the base after the sale. Oh, yes, the Beiyuan base is our largest customer for the time being."

Si Qing said that the Beiyuan base is the largest survival base in the north. By cooperating with such a super large base, the amount of materials sold can be estimated at a glance.

Sure enough, when he heard about Beiyuan Base, the expression on Xue Rong's face changed again.

"I can cooperate with Beiyuan Base, but I worry too much about the supplies."

Beiyuan Base has the largest number of survivors among all the northern bases, and they are still being collected. Moreover, the materials inside are rich in quantity and variety, and there is also the ability to build laboratories that meet regulations.

Their financial and material resources are incomparable to small bases like theirs.

"It's a bit embarrassing to say that our base also wanted to seek cooperation with Beiyuan Base before, but was rejected." Xue Rong smiled awkwardly.

The other party thought their base was too small, so they were rejected before they even started talking.

Song Zhi replied: "That's good. Cooperate with our base. Our base is very inclusive. Even if you only buy a little something, I will sell it!"

After Song Zhi finished speaking, he raised his eyebrows and smiled at Xuerong.

Xuerong was swayed by Song Zhi's smile. He didn't expect that as the commander of a base, he would have such a lively and real expression.

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