Song Zhi and his group walked out of the base. Song Ci looked at the winding mountains outside and said slowly.

"Boss Song, let's count the days. We have been out for seven days. Do we need to continue to go out?"

It has been seven days. If we count the way back, this mission will take at least half a month.

If we continue to go out, the time will be extended.

Song Ci is not worried that the base will be captured by zombies, but he is worried about the people living in the base.

The human heart is the most difficult to estimate.

When Song Zhi was there, they might be forced to be obedient because of Song Zhi's force, but Song Zhi has been out for so long now, he is a little worried.

"No, let's go back first. This is the first time I have been out for so long. I am not very confident about the base."

Song Zhi shook her head. She and Song Ci thought of the same thing.

Song Ci: "Okay."

On the way back, they gained a lot.

On the way, Song Zhi and his group encountered some zombies one after another and successfully eliminated them.

During the break, Song Zhi would explore the surroundings again. Almost all the zombies within a five-kilometer range were eliminated by Song Zhi's team.

"I'm so lucky. I dropped a third-level crystal core."

Song Zhi raised her knife and a crystal core with a red glow fell into her hand, with a satisfied smile on her lips.

"We have a good harvest here, four second-level crystal cores and two first-level crystal cores."

Song Ci said, handing the cleaned crystal core to Song Zhi.

By the way, he also looked at the third-level zombie that had fallen to the ground behind Song Zhi.

Song Ci looked at the third-level zombie on the ground with a tragic death, and then looked at Song Zhi with a strange expression.

Song Zhi noticed his gaze and asked, "What's wrong?"

Song Ci immediately shook his head: "No, nothing, the zombies have been dealt with, I went over there to rest, um..."

Seeing Song Ci's back, he couldn't wait to leave, and pouted unhappily.

"You said you were fine, but it looks like you're in trouble."

Song Ci returned to the crowd, and everyone immediately surrounded him.

"How is it, Boss Song, are you okay?" The person who spoke was Pang Da, who was also curious about the situation on Song Zhi's side.

When they were cleaning up the zombies just now, a third-level zombie suddenly appeared inside.

The third-level zombies are extremely destructive and very agile. With their current abilities, they have no chance of winning at all.

Just when everyone thought it was over this time.

Song Zhi made a move.

The action was so fast that before they could see clearly, the third-level zombie flew out.

Then Boss Song said, "I'll take care of this zombie, you guys take care of the rest."

They were busy dealing with the low-level zombies in front of them, so they didn't go to see what was happening on Song Zhi's side at the first time.

One person fighting a third-level zombie alone, that scene is exciting to think about.

But unfortunately.

When they finished dealing with these zombies here, Song Zhi's side was also over.

The scene they wanted to see was not seen, and they could only rely on the corpses of the zombies to fill in the blanks.

Song Ci shook his head lightly and sighed.

This undoubtedly whetted everyone's appetite.

Situ Feng shouted anxiously: "Hey, Captain, when are you coming? You are still keeping us in suspense. Come on, come on."

Pang Da also echoed: "Yeah, I'm almost dying of anxiety. What's going on over there?"

Song Ci spread his hands: "Alas, I didn't see anything, just that zombie died a bit tragically, tut tut..."

Everyone sighed: "Tsk, you haven't seen anything, why are you keeping us in suspense!"

Song Ci smiled: "This is not to end the battle smoothly and ease the atmosphere for everyone. Can you not be so ruthless?"

"Go away, go away, you are so tired, and you still have the mood to joke!"

Pang Da pushed Song Ci away with great disdain and went to the side to prepare lunch.

Song Ci blinked his innocent big eyes and looked back at Fang Li.

Fang Li glanced at him and wanted to turn around to prepare lunch, but halfway through, she seemed a little unwilling.

She turned around again, and punched him hard in Song Ci's expectant eyes.

"Humph! Do you like to keep us in suspense?"

After saying that, she turned her head skillfully, deliberately avoiding Song Ci's aggrieved and shocked eyes.

Only his sad voice sounded from behind.

"Ali, I was wrong, Ali, don't be angry." Song Ci shouted loudly, and then quickly chased after him.

"Ali, are you going to start cooking? I'll help you... Ali, don't ignore me, please, I really know I was wrong."

After lunch, everyone rested for half an hour and continued on the road.


The return journey took eight days.

When everyone saw the familiar building again, they felt a little bitter in their hearts.

In fact, the length of time they lived in this base was different, but it occupied a lot of weight in the hearts of each of them.

Half a month of mission outside.

When everyone set foot on this familiar land again, they felt like a wanderer returning home.

"Huh, I'm finally back. I've been wandering around outside for the past half month. As soon as I get back to the base, I feel like crying for some reason."

Pang Da looked at the base so close in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

Lv Jialiang also had tears in his eyes: "Boss, wuwuwu, me too, this trip out, I feel like I've been wandering outside for a year..."

Pang Da: "No, let's take a good rest today and go to the restaurant for a big meal tomorrow!"

Lv Jialiang agreed very much: "Yeah, yeah, I think it's okay."

Although they were not treated badly during the mission, can sleeping in the open air be compared to having a good meal in a restaurant?

It is not comparable at all.

At this time, Shen Fengwang and Duanhe still did not understand why they were so excited.

Just looking at the wasteland in front of them, there were a few buildings standing alone, and there were no defensive buildings around.

"Is this the doomsday base you mentioned?"

Shen Fengwang could not help but wonder.

There were only a few buildings standing there, and there were no defensive buildings around. Aren't you worried that zombies would break in while you are sleeping?

This building looks like an ordinary building. Could it be that there is another mystery in it?

Shen Fengwang couldn't understand.

"Yes, this is our base. Don't think it looks unsafe, but it is actually safe."

Song Zhi walked over and patted Shen Fengwang on the shoulder.

Although these words came from Song Zhi's mouth, Shen Fengwang still remained skeptical.

This is unsafe no matter how you look at it.

But Song Zhi was not in a hurry. The two of them would stay in the base for a few days. During these days, she would let them fully understand the doomsday base.

During the half month that Song Zhi led the team to collect crystal cores, the base was peaceful.

Occasionally, there were a few minor frictions, which were stopped in time by Si Qing of Beiyuan Base, and no major chaos occurred.

When Guo Xiong reported the situation to Song Zhi, he was a little surprised to hear this.

"Commander Si, has he been here?"

It seemed that a long time had passed since he last saw Si Qing.

Guo Xiong nodded: "Yes, Commander Si also asked where you were and asked me to say hello to you when you came back."

"Okay, I know, you go ahead."

Song Zhi roughly understood everything.

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