"Ah...well, long time no see, Boss Song.

Yan Wushuang suddenly came back to her senses and stumbled back.

Song Zhi glanced behind him, but didn't see the familiar little guy.

But she was not sure yet, so she continued to ask patiently.

"Where's Shen Ling?"

She didn't want to waste too much time with Yan Wushuang and went straight to the topic.

This time, when coming to the southern base, Song Zhi's ultimate goal was Shen Ling.

Along the way, every time she took a break, she would dream of Shen Ling being alone, abandoned among the zombies, and helpless.

At that time, Song Zhi comforted himself that dreams were all the opposite.

In reality, Shen Ling must be living a good life.

But when she saw Yan Wushuang and others being surrounded by zombies, Song Zhi began to panic inexplicably.

But she wasn't sure yet.

Now, the results will be known immediately.

Shen Ling said that Yan Wushuang was the person closest to her, so Yan Wushuang must know the news about Shen Ling.

But Yan Wushuang's reaction made Song Zhi's heart gradually grow cold.

When Yan Wushuang heard the word "Shen Ling", her whole body trembled uncontrollably, her raised head suddenly dropped, and her whole body was filled with sadness.

"What's wrong with Shen Ling?" Song Zhi asked, seeing something was wrong.


Yan Wushuang spoke very hard, but when the words came to her lips, she just couldn't say them out.

The few people standing next to Yan Wushuang spoke lightly.

"Shen Ling? You're talking about that monster. It covered our retreat a few days ago. Now it's probably been eaten by zombies until not even the dregs are left."

"But she is really powerful. In the zombie siege, she can tear a way out for us with her bare hands. This can be regarded as completing her mission."

"But what is your relationship with Shen Ling? Why are you looking for her? Judging from your appearance, you should not be from our base."

The people next to them talked to each other, getting more and more excited as they talked, completely unaware of Song Zhi's increasingly gloomy face.

"That's enough." Yan Wushuang interrupted them and glanced at them with warning eyes.

When they saw this, they all fell silent and did not dare to say anything more.

It's just that Yan Wushuang looked at them with fierce eyes, but when he turned back to Song Zhi, he felt guilty again.

"Boss Song, Shen... Shen Ling..."

Yan Wushuang was stumbling when speaking, trying hard to say the word, but she still couldn't.

"Answer my question directly, where is Shen Ling?"

From the conversation between those people just now, Song Zhi had pieced together a rough idea.

But she didn't want to believe it. She could only tell it from the mouth of someone Shen Ling trusted very much.

Song Zhi's momentum suddenly increased and he slowly approached.

Yan Wushuang was startled by Song Zhi's aura, and finally, as if he had made some kind of determination, he unspeakably told the truth.

"Shen Ling, she came out from the zombie crowd to protect us and fought against the zombies alone. Now, she may be... dead."

Shen Ling is dead.

Even if he didn't see it with his own eyes, facing so many zombies, she couldn't escape by herself, no matter how powerful she was.

Even if she was really lucky and escaped with her life, she gave him all the supplies and food she had. She could starve to death on the road alone.

Therefore, she has only one ending, and that is death.

Yan Wushuang used all his strength to say this. After saying this, he collapsed to the ground without warning.


Song Zhi sneered, as if he had guessed the result in advance.

"Dead? Did he die protecting you?"

Song Zhi raised his eyes and slowly scanned the people around Yan Wushuang, his eyes cold.

She didn't see any guilt on these people's faces, and there were even a few who were gloating about their misfortune.

Song Zhi wrote down all their faces.

These people were saved by Shen Ling. If Shen Ling was still alive, then she would let them go for the time being. But if Shen Ling died, then they would all have to go down and be buried with Shen Ling.

They looked like this, not worth saving by Shen Ling.

"Where did you leave Shen Ling?" Song Zhi asked coldly.

She wanted to find her, alive or dead, to see her body.

Yan Wushuang didn't know why Song Zhi asked.

But he still handed Song Zhi the map and route there.

"Which base are you from? I will look for you in the future." Before leaving, Song Zhi asked one more question.

Yan Wushuang: "Sky base."

Song Zhi said goodbye to Si Qing and others, saying that he was going out to find someone.

Si Qing persuaded: "Why don't we go to the sky base first? That way we can send people from the base to look for them. There are more people and more power."

Song Zhi rejected Si Qing's kindness.

"No need, the road is dangerous, and the person I'm looking for has a special status. However, when I finish here, I will also go to the sky base, and we can meet there then."

It turns out that Si Qing and the others' destination is also Sky Base, which is a coincidence.

"Okay, then Boss Song, please be careful and pay attention to safety along the way."

Si Qing knew that once Song Zhi decided something, it could not be changed, so he said no more, gave her a few words, and drove away.

Song Zhi embarked on the road to find Shen Ling alone.


One month later, Sky Base.

In one week, the southern base exchange meeting will begin.

Now, many superpowers from bases around the world have gathered in the sky base.

Some of them wore gorgeous clothes, spent lavishly, and spent lavishly in the sky base, while others wore neat uniforms, were serious, and stayed in the hotel every day except for going out to buy supplies...

"Captain, do you think Boss Song can still catch up with this exchange meeting? What if she hasn't found this place after the exchange meeting, do we have to go back?"

Gu Si and his group walked on the road, looking at the increasingly lively base, he couldn't help but start to worry.

Since Song Zhi left a month ago, they have not heard from Song Zhi again.

Although he has witnessed Boss Song's strength more than once, he is really worried about not hearing from him for such a long time.

Si Qing shook his head, pretending to be relaxed.

"I don't know. With Boss Song's strength, she shouldn't be in danger of life alone. I just don't know if she has found the person she wants to find."

Gu Si turned his head and looked at Si Qing. From his melancholy eyes, he accurately guessed what Si Qing was thinking now.

"Captain, you are obviously worried, but why do you still talk as if you don't care? Are you saying one thing and thinking another?"

"Are you looking for a fight?" Si Qing was a little embarrassed when his thoughts were exposed, and he showed his fist.

Gu Si hurriedly begged for mercy: "No, no, Captain. I heard that a new restaurant has opened in front, and the ingredients are fresh vegetables. Let's go and have a look!"

Si Qing: "No, you guys go, I still need to prepare some materials for the exchange meeting in a week."

Gu Si felt a little regretful, "Okay, then sister, let's go."

Gu Si was very interested in the new restaurant. Even if Si Qing didn't go, he would go anyway.

Alas, he hasn't eaten fresh vegetables since Boss Song left, and he doesn't know if the dishes in that restaurant are expensive.

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