Song Zhi followed Gu Si and Gu Wanru back to the resting place of Beiyuan Base.

Si Qing was sitting in the hall, and Song Zhi saw him as soon as he entered the door.

"Boss Song."

Si Qing was very excited. He greeted him, and the documents in his hand fell to the ground.

Song Zhi walked over, nodded to him, and then bent down to pick up the documents that fell from his hand.

"Well, I'm back."

Si Qing looked Song Zhi up and down, and didn't see any injuries on her body, so he slowly breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm glad you're back safely."

In the following days, Song Zhi became very busy.

Base exchange conference.

The main focus is on the comprehensive strength of each base and the exchange and cooperation between bases.

But the former is crucial for the latter to proceed smoothly.

Everyone wants to trade with a base with strong comprehensive strength, and weak bases are not within their consideration.

With the blessing of the system supermarket, Song Zhi discussed many cooperations with Si Qing, which enhanced the comprehensive strength of many Beiyuan bases.

During this period, Song Zhi was not idle, and he had been secretly collecting information about the sky base.

I learned something about the laboratory and "weapons".

But the specific situation is a secret of the sky base, and few people know it. Those who know it keep silent, which makes Song Zhi a little headache.

The change happened the night before the exchange meeting.

Yan Wushuang found Song Zhi through some unknown means and asked her out.

The first sentence Song Zhi said when he saw Yan Wushuang.

"How do you want to die?"

Yan Wushuang was stunned for a moment, and then he thought it was normal.

Since the last meeting, Yan Wushuang has become more haggard, his clear eyes have become turbid, and the whole person is a little sloppy.

He slowly turned around and bowed to Song Zhi.

"I'm sorry, I know, I'm sorry to Shen Ling. But I want to tell you everything before I die. You are very good to Shen Ling, and Shen Ling likes you very much, so, in return, I will tell you everything you want to know, as a little repayment for Shen Ling's life-saving grace..."

Yan Wushuang spoke in a heavy and slow voice, and he had to stop and take a breath after saying a few words.

It seems that she really won't live for too long.

Song Zhi was unmoved by his appearance.

At the beginning, he took Shen Ling away and said that he would protect her well.

But in fact, when he was in danger, he pushed Shen Ling out. Not only that, those who were saved by Shen Ling were not grateful, but had great malice towards Shen Ling's existence.

She would not forgive these.

"Who is Shen Ling?" Song Zhi asked.

She didn't say who she was, because from what she had found out during this period, Shen Ling's existence was very special.

The people she saved called her a weapon.

In the sky base, no one knew her except those who were related to the laboratory.

Yan Wushuang sighed heavily, and his fists gradually clenched.

In Song Zhi's cold eyes, he finally spoke slowly.

"Shen Ling is actually... not a human, because her body has been transformed from the inside out. I don't know the specific content of the transformation, but one thing is that this transformation has strong side effects. She is one of the few successful test subjects..."

"Since it succeeded, why did you abandon her!" Song Zhi clenched his palms tightly, almost growling out.

She still couldn't accept Shen Ling's death, and the kind of abandonment.

It's hard to imagine that a little girl who is not yet an adult, alone, besieged by many zombies, and her teammates abandoned her without feeling sad at all.

"That's because her side effects began to take effect. The laboratory couldn't control it and issued an order to destroy her. I took her out to find a place for her. Who would have thought..."

Shen Ling was also a child he watched grow up. How could he bear to watch her die.

"What side effects?" Song Zhi continued to ask.

He didn't kill Yan Wushuang directly just to find out all the information about Shen Ling.

So even if Song Zhi was angry, he still held back.

Yan Wushuang told him everything he knew about Shen Ling.

Song Zhi listened quietly.

"I will not let any of those people I met that day go, and as for you... don't let me see you again, otherwise, it will be the same."

Song Zhi left after saying this.

The alley was dim, and Yan Wushuang looked at Song Zhi's back as he left, and the tears in his eyes could no longer be controlled.

Finally, he raised his right hand, gathered a ball of ice-blue superpower, and hit his heart hard.

"After so many days of suffering, I can finally be relieved, Lingling, uncle is coming down to accompany you, don't be afraid, I hope you won't blame uncle."


At the base exchange conference, Beiyuan Base shined.

Many bases came to cooperate with it, and even the sky base, which had always been high above, was willing to lower itself and cooperate after seeing Beiyuan Base take out so many precious materials that were only available before the end of the world.

Si Qing has been busy with these things these days.

Song Zhi had not appeared since he showed up at the first day's exchange meeting.

However, several bodies were found in front of the laboratory of the Sky Base every day.

The wounds on the bodies were the same, and it could be seen that they were all caused by one person.

But the Sky Base sent people to investigate for several days, but there was no clue. In addition, these people did not have a high status in the base, so they died.

Over time, no one took it seriously, and the matter passed.

Of course, there is another reason why no one mentioned this matter.

A new supermarket opened in the north city of the Sky Base.

The goods inside are dazzling, all of which are rare goods that only existed before the end of the world. Although the prices may be much higher, there are rich people here.

The supermarket is crowded every day.

Many people are very curious about this newly opened supermarket and want to know what kind of person the boss behind the supermarket is.

But the information of the boss behind is mysterious, and the clerks working in the supermarket are also silent. They have no source of information at all.

After a long time, everyone stopped exploring.

"Anyway, there will be new supplies here every day, just spend money to buy it, who cares about the boss!"

"That's right, the prices of the supplies here are clear, and they will not rashly increase prices for speculation. It is much better than the previous stores."

Song Zhi hid in the crowd, listened to their evaluation of the supermarket, and smiled with satisfaction.

It is still easy to make money in the southern base, and there are many stupid people with a lot of money.

"Little system, if you had set the address of the supermarket here, wouldn't the supermarket have been full of levels long ago?"

System: "Host, this initial landing point is not something I can determine, and you are already here, everything is getting better, isn't it?"

Song Zhi tilted his head and thought for a while, and seemed to think that the system's words made some sense.

"You are right."

The base exchange meeting lasted for more than half a month.

Si Qing's goal this time was successfully completed, and even exceeded the expected goal by a lot.

Before leaving, Song Zhi refused to go back with them.

"I will stay here for a while, the supermarket is profitable, I plan to find a few more bases and open a few more."

The level of the system supermarket was successfully upgraded to level three during this period.

Unlocked weapons, guns, machinery, bullets and explosives, a dazzling array.

But Song Zhi did not plan to sell these in the supermarket for the time being.

Si Qing also knew that Song Zhi opened a supermarket in the sky base.

So when Song Zhi said these words, he was not surprised.

Just nodded with a little regret.

Si Qing: "Okay, then we'll go back first. You're alone outside, so be careful."

"Yes." Song Zhi nodded in agreement.

"By the way, I have another thing to trouble you."

Si Qing's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly said: "What is it? Just tell me, I will do my best to do it."

"My supermarket, I hope you can go over and take a look. I've been out for so long, I'm a little worried."

Counting the days, she has been out for almost three months, and she doesn't know what the situation is at the supermarket.

But with systematic defense measures, there shouldn't be any big deal.

"No problem, just leave it to me. Before you come back, I will guard your supermarket for you." Si Qing said with a smile.

After Si Qing and others left, Song Zhi started her journey alone in the end times.

After all, this world now has nothing to worry about for her.

She just wants to use the power of the system to do something for this devastated world.

The world is beautiful, and life is also beautiful.

Even though there are dangers everywhere now, Song Zhi believes that one day the apocalypse will end and people will have a better life again.

I hope that this time, she can really see that day.

[End of full text]

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