Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 23 The Hotel at the End of the World

"Well, there's no point worrying about it anymore. It's getting dark, so let's find a place to rest quickly. Zombies are especially active at night."

Guo Xiong raised his eyes and looked at the sky. It was almost dark.

"Yes, but there is nowhere to live around here."

Shi Shuwan felt worried.

They have lived there for so many years and know the situation around the base better than anyone else.

Guo Xiong often goes out to collect supplies, and he knows this too.

Guo Xiong frowned and quickly listed in his mind the places around where his family of three could rest.


Suddenly, a place popped up in Guo Xiong's head.

Shi Shuwan: "Have you thought of it?"

"Well, although it's outside, it's safe," Guo Xiong nodded.

"Let's go, walk faster, I think we can make it before it closes."

As Guo Xiong spoke, he picked up the suitcases on both sides and walked in one direction with determination.

The place he wants to go is the supermarket.

Thinking about the first time he encountered that supermarket, he also rested in front of the supermarket that night.

That night, he had obviously seen zombies coming not far away, and was ready to call the shop owner inside at any time to escape together.

But he didn't know what was going on with the zombie. It had obviously seen him and was coming towards him.

But about fifty meters away from him, he stopped blankly.

At that time, his breathing was so frightened that he almost couldn't breathe, and his eyes were fixed on the zombie.

But the zombie didn't make any move after that. He stood there and sniffed in confusion, then turned around and staggered away.

The next day, he saw the shopkeeper again. The shopkeeper looked as usual and didn't seem to care that there would be zombie attacks here at night.

Maybe that shopkeeper has special abilities.

That's what he thought at that time.

Now, he has nowhere to go with his wife and children. Maybe he can go to the supermarket and spend the night there.

The shopkeeper is a kind-hearted little girl and probably won't let them leave.

"Okay, let's go there quickly to avoid encountering zombies."

Shi Shuwan believed in her husband. Seeing that he had an idea in his mind, she didn't ask any questions. She tightened her luggage tightly and took Guo Leshan with her to keep up with Guo Xiong's pace.

It took the three of them two hours to get there after traveling more than ten miles.

Guo Xiong looked at the familiar lights and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

They were lucky and didn't encounter any zombies on the road.

"Dad, is that the supermarket you were talking about over there?" Guo Leshan's eyes were very good. Following Guo Xiong's gaze, he immediately noticed the shining sign.

The sign clearly says "Doomsday Supermarket".


Guo Leshan nodded, then pointed to the other side, "But what's that sign over there? Is it a hotel? But Dad, didn't you say that there is only one supermarket in this entire wasteland?"

Guo Leshan asked curiously.

He was underage and could only stay inside the base to do chores and could not get out, so he wrote down everything Guo Xiong said about the situation outside when he returned from his trip.

I'm just waiting for the day when I can go out and have a look.


Guo Xiong heard Guo Leshan's inquiry and turned to look over.

Only then did I realize that at some point, a five-story building had grown up next to the apocalyptic supermarket, and there was a sign in front of the building - "Apocalyptic Hotel".

"I don't know either, but maybe it was the supermarket owner who did it."

After all, he only slept one night last time, and when he went to the supermarket, the supermarket doubled in size.

"Let's go and take a look first. We still have some money. If the hotel is really owned by that owner, we won't have to sleep outside tonight."

Guo Xiong was vaguely looking forward to it, hoping that the hotel that appeared out of thin air in front of him was Song Zhi's.

This way.

Song Zhi was about to close the door when he heard movement outside.

Looking outside through the glass window, I found a familiar figure, but the familiar figure was accompanied by two strangers.

Normally, Guo Xiong takes people to the supermarket to buy supplies during the day. This is the first time he takes people here after dark at night.

As soon as he entered the door, Guo Xiong greeted Song Zhi warmly.

"Hello, Boss Song."

In the past few days, he and Song Zhi had become more familiar with each other, and it was no longer awkward to say hello.

"Okay, why are you here at this time?"

Song Zhi glanced at the sky outside and said.

Guo Xiong showed a wry smile and wanted to tell Song Zhi what happened in the base today, but after hesitating for a moment, he chose not to say anything.

"There was an accident." Guo Xiong shook his head.

"By the way, Boss Song, do you own that hotel outside? Can I check in there?"

Although Guo Xiong was asking, he had already subconsciously included that building in Song Zhi's possession.

Song Zhi nodded, seeing that Guo Xiong seemed to be interested in that hotel, and introduced it.

"I opened it. But because it just opened, there are only single rooms for the time being. You don't have to worry about zombies breaking in in the middle of the night. It's very safe, so the price will be higher, 1,000 Huaxia coins per night."

If ordinary people said that there is high security somewhere and there is no need to worry about zombies breaking in, Guo Xiong would not believe it.

But he saw with his own eyes that the zombie saw him, stopped 50 meters away from the supermarket, and then left.

So when he heard Song Zhi's words again, he immediately believed them.

"Can we move in now? There are three people here, but we need two rooms."

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Guo Xiong's eyes lit up.

Now that we have left the base, there is no place to make money anymore, so we need to spend the remaining money sparingly.

They are a family of three. He and his wife can share a room together, and his son can share a room by himself.


Song Zhi's eyes instantly lit up when he heard that Guo Xiong was moving in.

What a good day it is today. The task just released by the system can be completed so quickly?

"Let's go, I'll show you the room first."

Song Zhi stood up and took Guo Xiong out of the supermarket.

At the door, Shi Shuwan and Guo Leshan were standing there waiting. When they saw Song Zhi coming out first, they were a little stunned.

Who is this?

The supermarket owner in the wasteland that dad mentioned before?

So young?

Still so... so beautiful?

Guo Leshan blushed suddenly and moved his eyes downward, not daring to look at Song Zhi.

"Boss Song, this is my lover, Shi Shuwan, and this is my son, Guo Leshan."

Guo Xiong came out from behind Song Zhi and introduced Song Zhi one by one.

"Hello, my name is Song Zhi."

Song Zhi nodded slightly and smiled kindly at them.

They are all her future clients.



Guo Leshan and Shi Shuwan stepped forward to greet Song Zhi one by one.

"Okay, since you are together, then come with us, just to see the accommodation environment."

Song Zhi took Guo Xiong's family of three and walked towards the Doomsday Hotel a hundred meters away.

The night was thick, and the signboard of the Doomsday Hotel stood out.

It was obviously a colorful and flamboyant light, but at this moment, it seemed particularly reassuring.

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