Maybe Guo Xiong believed in Song Zhi so much that he slept particularly well that night.

When I woke up, it was already bright.

Toiletries were provided in the hotel. After Guo Xiong and his wife washed up, they dressed neatly and walked out.

Outside, Guo Leshan was already sitting in the rest area waiting.

"Dad, mom, morning."

Seeing Guo Xiong and Shi Shuwan coming out, Guo Leshan couldn't wait to say hello.

It can be seen from his excited tone and expression that he slept well last night.

He lived alone in a room last night. He was still a little uncomfortable with the unfamiliar environment, the closed space, and the fear that zombies would break in in the middle of the night.

But when he lay down on the soft and comfortable bed, all his worries disappeared.

It doesn’t matter if a zombie breaks in in the middle of the night, even if there is, he will die on this bed!

"Morning." Guo Xiong also greeted.

There are vending machines in the hotel that accept coins or point cards.

Guo Xiong chose three bottles of milk and three different flavors of bread as breakfast for a family of three.

Breakfast cost a total of 240 Chinese coins and 2.4 points.

(1 point is equivalent to 100 Chinese coins.)

After Guo Xiong swiped his card, the points in his card became 798.5.

“The food here is cheap, feel free to eat, don’t buy more if you don’t have enough.”

Guo Xiong shook the points card in his hand honestly and said to his wife behind him.

Shi Shuwan had heard about the cheap prices in supermarkets before, but when she saw it with her own eyes, she was still surprised.

"No matter how cheap the food here is, we still have to save some money. After all, we have no source of income now."

Shi Shuwan smiled and shook her head at Guo Xiong.

Life in the apocalypse was difficult, and she often didn't have enough to eat at the base, so Shi Shuwan developed a habit of frugality.

Guo Xiong listened to his wife's words and nodded sharply.

"Yes, yes, I didn't think well enough. I should be more careful."

After saying that, Guo Xiong stuffed the score card in his hand into his arms.

Guo Leshan, who was standing in front of the two of them, had long been accustomed to seeing this scene.

Guo Leshan: Alas, it’s another day of being bullied...

After breakfast, Guo Xiong decided to go find Song Zhi. He had not yet decided where to take his wife and children in the future, and planned to live here during this period.

So I have to find Song Zhi again to renew the room payment for a few days.

He still has some savings, so a family of three can live there for a few months.

It is safe here and has sufficient supplies. You don’t have to worry about food. It is a very good place to go.

"Do you want to extend your stay?"

Song Zhi heard Guo Xiong's appeal and raised his head to ask.

Guo Xiong: "Well, yes, if possible, I would like to extend my stay for another month, is that okay?"

Guo Xiong was afraid of Song Zhixian's troubles, so he was careful when speaking.


Hearing that Song Zhi directly agreed, Guo Xiong breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

"Well, Boss Song, if you need help with anything on weekdays, you can come to me. Although I don't have special powers, I can carry some heavy objects or help run errands. Don't mind it."

Seeing that Guo Xiong spoke sincerely, Song Zhi did not shirk and nodded in agreement.

Extending the stay is easy. Song Zhi only needs to enter the basic information of Guo Xiong's family of three at the front desk of the hotel, and then ask Guo Xiong to pay the money at once, and then he can stay.

"Okay, here's the new key. Take it, two rooms."

Song Zhi handed over the two keys again.

Guo Xiong took it solemnly, as if he had found a treasure.

Song Zhi usually stayed in the supermarket, so after checking in for Guo Xiong, he was about to leave.

Before leaving, Guo Xiong seemed to have suddenly thought of something and called out to Song Zhi.

"Boss Song, please stay."

Song Zhi paused when he heard this, turned around and looked over: "What? Are there any other questions?"

Could it be that you feel you paid too much money at one time and want to check out?

Song Zhi, who had just gained a large amount of wealth again, couldn't help but think so in his heart.

Guo Xiong immediately spoke: "Well... when I was at the base, I heard that the upper management of the base seemed to have ideas about your supermarket..."

"Speaking of this, I still feel sorry for you, Boss Song. If I hadn't brought other people from the base here to buy supplies, this supermarket would not have been discovered by the base's superiors, and they would not have made plans to come here... …”

Guo Xiong's voice became softer and softer, and his inner voice of guilt and self-blame became louder and louder.

It's all your fault. If you hadn't gone to the base to publicize it, you wouldn't have been discovered by the higher-ups of the base. This supermarket wouldn't have been discovered by those people.

Yes, it's all your fault! Okay, now, the supermarket owner is your lifesaver. Is this how you repay your benefactor? How shameless!

Guo Xiong's head was buried lower and lower, and his face became increasingly ugly.

"Boss Song, don't worry, this is my fault. If those people really come, I will definitely rush to the front to protect the supermarket!"

If those people want to attack the supermarket, they have to get past his body.

As Guo Xiong said, he raised a hand to his chest and made a cheering gesture towards Song Zhi.

His eyes were firm, and there was a bit of a look back at death.

It was as if he was about to die heroically the next second.


Song Zhi couldn't hold it any longer and finally burst out laughing.

I'm sorry, it's not that she is disrespectful and laughs in front of others.

It’s true that this picture is so funny.

The previous second, this man was still there with guilt and self-blame, recounting what he had done, and the next second, he was like he was going to die heroically, shouting slogans there.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

Guo Xiong: "?"

Was Boss Song too angry, so he was angry and laughed?

He really deserved to die!

Guo Xiong's cheeks flushed with anxiety, and he wanted to cut himself into pieces on the spot to atone for his sins.

Song Zhi couldn't bear to watch it anymore, and waved at him.

"Forget it, I thought it was a big deal."


"Isn't it just that you went to the base to promote the supermarket, and the supermarket was targeted?"

Guo Xiong nodded vigorously, and the guilt in his eyes was born again.

"In fact, it's not your fault in the end. After all, you asked for my opinion at the time, and I agreed."

If Guo Xiong hadn't been promoting the supermarket and brought so many people to buy supplies, her task would probably still be stuck at the third one, not to mention that she could unlock the hotel now.

Here I want to criticize the system. What a shitty place to choose! It's hard to complete the task.

System: Anonymous, don't QQ, thank you.

Guo Xiong listened carefully, but his brows did not relax, but became tighter and tighter.

"But in the end, it was because of me that the supermarket was targeted by the base. There are many superpowers in the base. If a fight really breaks out, I am not a match..."

Before he left, he heard his friend say that the base was gathering the superpowers that were sent out and said that there would be a big event.

This big event is probably related to the supermarket.

"It's okay. If a fight really breaks out, it's not certain who will win." Song Zhi replied subconsciously, and then met Guo Xiong's puzzled eyes and said.

"You don't have to think too much about this matter. If it really comes, you should stay in the hotel and don't go out. Leave the rest to me. So have a good rest, and go."

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