Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 28: I'm so tired of procrastinating, I need to fight faster

Everyone was talking in a few words, but Song Zhi walked towards this side step by step, getting closer and closer.

"Hey, is this the owner of that supermarket? We didn't go there, so why did she come over by herself?"

"No need to ask, he must have been frightened by us and got on the pole to beg for mercy."

Everyone in the team said something to each other, not paying any attention to the little girl coming towards them.

It seems that winning the supermarket is a sure thing.

"Come on, surround her."

Qi Er waved his hand and gave the order.

Rather than sending the opponent to his door, he prefers to take the initiative and catch the opponent off guard.

"Brothers, charge!"

"Come on!"

Qi Er gave an order, and all the people behind rushed forward, rushed forward two hundred meters, and surrounded Song Zhi.

Song Zhi originally only planned to go here, but when he saw the other party rushing up, he was very satisfied.

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, revealing a faint smile.

"Oh, why did Boss Song rush up on his own? There are so many people on the other side, how could he possibly defeat him!"

Guo Xiong lay in front of the hotel window, watching all this anxiously.

When he saw Song Zhi surrounded by people, his breathing stopped.

Help, what's the difference between this and dying directly?

"Dad, calm down first. Didn't the beautiful sister ask you to come back and wait? Since she said so, there will definitely be a solution. Don't worry."

Guo Leshan's little head was pressed against Guo Xiong's, looking out together.

But he was much calmer.

Although he only met the beautiful sister once yesterday, for some reason, he firmly felt in his heart that the beautiful sister was not an ordinary person.

There is even an illusion that all those people together would not be a match for the beautiful sister.

Song Zhi: Boy, you have revealed the truth!

Over there, Song Zhi was surrounded by people, and his progress finally stopped.

She raised her eyes and glanced around, then said calmly.

"Such a big movement, is this because you haven't given up since you left last time?"

Song Zhi's tone was casual, and her expression with a slight smile made her say this with a sense of ridicule.

Oh, it’s already here, why are you still pretending? Let me see how long you can be proud of.

Qin Mingyue cursed secretly in her heart.

She didn't say anything on the surface, because someone was more anxious than her.

When Qi'er saw Song Zhi's indifferent expression, an invisible anger emerged in his heart, and it was completely ignited at this moment.

"Oh, you are still talking so hard even when you are about to die!" Qi'er walked through the crowd and came to Song Zhi with a harsh tone.

Song Zhi looked at him, tilted his head slightly and pretended to be confused: "Is death imminent?"

Chir: "It's now this time, so don't act stupid. To tell you the truth, we came here just for that supermarket. If you know how to behave, leave quickly and don't argue with us. If you don't know what we mean..."

Chir glanced at the people behind him, and they all showed off their weapons and abilities, ready to go.

It seemed that as long as Qi Er gave an order, those people would step forward without hesitation and tear her to pieces.

But Song Zhi was not scared.

What's more... those people are not her opponents.

Song Zhi raised his hand to tidy up the broken hair in front of his forehead, speaking in a lazy tone.

"That supermarket belongs to me, and you knew it last time. Did you do this because you knew it? Do you want to rob it?"

Although everyone has become egoistic in the end of the world, no one talks about robbing.

It's all in good name, to survive for oneself.

So as soon as the word "rob" came out, Qi Er's expression suddenly changed.

Qin Mingyue was watching from the side, and when she heard Song Zhi's words, she suddenly had a plan in mind.

He took a step forward and came to Qier's side, then gave him a reassuring look.

Song Zhi wanted to see what shocking words this person would say again, and he raised his eyebrows at her thoughtfully, signaling for her to say it.

Qin Mingyue was stiffened by Song Zhi's action, and her expression turned ugly. She always felt that she had been provoked.

She scolded Song Zhi a few more times in her mind, and after a few seconds, she spoke calmly.

"This is not a robbery. It's obvious that you occupied the supermarket that originally belonged to the Beiyuan base. You are the one who robbed it. Now, we are only getting back things that belong to the base. How can we talk about robbery?"

Song Zhi: "?"


When everyone in the system heard her words, they all raised a question mark in their minds in a tacit understanding.

Especially Song Zhi.

Even though I had been prepared before, I was still shocked by her words.

Could it be that she didn't get enough rest and was hearing hallucinations?

Does this person want to listen to what she is saying.

The supermarket originally belonged to them, but she was the one who took it away?

"Huh?" Song Zhi didn't stop again.

I thought that the people around me would also be confused, but they responded sentence by sentence as if they had discussed it in advance.

"You're such a bold gangster. You even robbed things from our Beiyuan base. Do you think you don't take us seriously?"

"That's right. Obviously the supermarket belongs to our Beiyuan base. Don't think that just because you are so eloquent, you can confuse right and wrong."

"You, a girl, don't really think about how to live in the apocalypse, but you think about these sneaky things, bah!"

"Bah! Come on, everyone, grab what belongs to us, ah no... take it back!"

"Come on! Come on."

Song Zhi was amused by these people's acting-like actions, and slowly said one word.


Qin Mingyue saw that everyone cooperated well, and continued to light the fire.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"It's not easy for everyone to live in the end times. You stole things from the base, and we don't blame you. We just asked you to return them, and you can still live in the base after you return.

I didn't expect you to be so greedy and refused to return the stolen things. In this case, don't blame us."

Qin Mingyue said it very seriously, and it seemed that even she believed it.

The people around were the same.

You can never wake up those who pretend to sleep.

These people are clearly trying to bully the minority with their numbers.

I think she alone is not as convincing as what they say.

In fact, Song Zhi thinks they are doing something unnecessary.

If you want to rob, just do it directly. Why are you hesitating and talking for a long time just to whitewash yourself?

Song Zhi suddenly had a bad impression of the Beiyuan Base, which he had never met before.

When those people took action, Song Zhi no longer hesitated.

The figure moved, and the whole person disappeared from the spot.

Before disappearing, she said something.

"Please don't talk so much nonsense next time you rob, it will make you look very unprofessional!"

Not as professional as the five people who robbed the supermarket before.

They wrote "robbery" directly on their foreheads, and they didn't mean to whitewash it at all.

"Sharp-tongued! Go to hell!"

The spear in Qi'er's hand was instantly covered with a layer of white light, and it crackled.

He is a thunder-type mutant, and his ability is to attach lightning effects to the weapons he uses, and the damage is directly increased by more than five times.

The spear in his hand kept spinning, and the white light was even stronger.

But the next second, the target in front of him disappeared, and then there were wails one after another in his ears.

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