Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 31: Let you make a request, not a wish

"Such a simple request is not enough. Then you ask me to make a request, but I can't do it.

Song Zhi shook his head with a hint of disappointment and looked at Si Qing with a pair of wet eyes, as if to say that she was so pitiful if she could not meet such a simple request.

Si Qing's expression froze, he looked away stiffly, cleared his throat and continued.

"The zombies have only reached the third stage of evolution now, and the dropped crystal cores are also of the third level. There are actually no seventh-level crystal cores. Do you want to change your request?"

Song Zhi: "Then I want 50 million Chinese coins!"

Fifty million Chinese coins are equivalent to 500,000 in wealth value, which is fine.

Si Qing's expression froze.

Qin Mingyue couldn't stand it anymore and scolded Song Zhi.

"Don't be a lion. I ask you to make demands, not to make you wish. If we don't fight you, don't think we are afraid of you!"

Although she looked down on Si Qing, it didn't stop her from recognizing Si Qing's strength.

If Si Qing also joins in, it's hard to say who will win.

Song Zhi looked over and moved his wrist towards Qin Mingyue.

As if to say, what, you want to give it a try with me?

Qin Mingyue trembled with fear and suddenly no longer dared to speak out.

A good man doesn't suffer the immediate consequences!

"Ahem, fifty million Chinese coins is too much. If you really need these, can I pay you in installments?"

Si Qing said with a serious face.

He really didn't want to quarrel with the woman in front of him. His instinct told him that it would not be of any benefit to him or the base, and it might even be detrimental to the base.

But it is not easy for Beiyuan Base to come up with 50 million at once.

He is just a guard now. If it were before, then he could agree to this request.

Now, if the person in front of him agrees to the installment, he can take out the salary he gets every month.


Song Zhi thought that the man in front of him would refuse directly, but unexpectedly he seriously proposed the installment plan.

Coupled with his slightly embarrassed expression, he is also inexplicably cute.

"Forget it, there's no need for installments."

"Miss, you don't have to worry about me being dishonest, I..."

Si Qing thought that Song Zhi would think that he was not keeping his word, so he anxiously explained, but was interrupted by Song Zhi.

"I changed my mind. Did you see that over there? I own a supermarket. Please bring more people to my supermarket to buy things from now on."


Si Qing looked over there, not expecting Song Zhi to make such a request.

Just let him take more people to the supermarket to buy things?

Are supplies still available for takeout these days?

It's probably some useless stuff, she just wants money.

Si Qing didn't know the specific situation in the supermarket over there, but he just felt that Song Zhi, a woman living in this wasteland, must have her own abilities, otherwise she would have died long ago.

After Song Zhi said this, he turned around and left regardless of whether Si Qingda agreed or not.

The system came out at this time and asked in confusion.

"Host, why didn't you agree to his installment plan, and why did you just let them go?"

Song Zhi: "Yes, otherwise, if their helpers come, how can I, a weak woman, defeat them?"


Who was that person who just beat a hundred people with one? Ghost?

It didn't believe that twenty more people had just arrived, so the host didn't dare to continue fighting.

But after that, no matter how the system asked, Song Zhi refused to say anything anymore, and the system could only give up when it saw this.

"By the way, the mission of defending the base is completed, don't forget to settle the rewards."

Song Zhi reminded kindly.

System: "Who is the system? How can anyone urge the system to do things like this!"

The system is incompetent and furious, but still obediently completes the task.

"Congratulations to the host, the mission is completed. As a reward, the supermarket area is expanded to 180 square meters, and the apocalyptic hotel is unlocked to the third floor."



After Song Zhi left, Si Qingyin came to Qi'er with a sullen face.

"Qier, you really went too far this time. Not only did you want to rob, but you also underestimated the strength of your opponent. Fortunately, she has no intention of killing, otherwise none of you would survive."

Survival in the last days is inherently difficult, and cannibalism is common.

But this is still rare on a large scale.

Who doesn’t want to work together to figure out how to better resist the zombie attack and try to survive?

How about getting on a pole to die?

Before he arrived, he saw the people at the base falling one by one. He didn't even see how the other party took action.

Such strength, so terrifying.

When he proposed compensation, he was always on a thread in his heart, thinking about how to deal with it if the other party did not agree and insisted on their death.

Song Zhi left, and Qi'er became hardened again, not remembering how embarrassed he was just now.

He raised his hand and pushed Si Qing unconvinced.

"Tch, mind your own business! Who do you think you are? I am doing this for the benefit of everyone at the base. Do you know how rich the supplies are in the supermarket?"

Si Qing was pushed and staggered back a few steps, but he was not angry.

He just replied with a cold voice.

"No matter how rich the supplies are inside, you can't just grab it. You are taking the lead in violating the regulations of the base alliance. If today's incident is known to the chief, I believe he will not let you off lightly. That's all I have to say."

After saying that, Si Qing patted himself on the shoulder and left with his team.

Chir was left standing alone, his face turning blue and red.

After a long time, he came to his senses angrily.

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"You losers, why don't you get up and go back to base!"

After saying that, he stormed away alone.

Although the others were dissatisfied with Chir's words, they still did not dare to refute. Three or two supported each other and moved towards the base step by step.

Qin Mingyue also came to Liang Yan, raised her hand and used her own powers to heal him, and then ran among other seriously injured people and used her powers to heal him briefly.

Make sure everyone regains their mobility.

"Thank you, Miss Qin. I feel much better."

"It is our great honor to have Miss Qin in our base."

"Yes, Miss Qin is a kind-hearted person. Compared with the black-hearted supermarket owner just now, she is simply not on the same level."

Song Zhi:? You praise people when you praise them, why do you still step on the ground with your support?

Listening to the compliments from the people around him, Qin Mingyue couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, and the emotion of the defeat just disappeared.

"Okay, I'm very happy to be able to help everyone. It's getting late, let's go back quickly."

Qin Mingyue said, raising a bright smile.

Most of the people here are men. Seeing this beauty smile, my heart trembles, and the dissatisfaction with Qi Er's words just now dissipates a lot.

Inside the hotel.

As soon as Song Zhi walked in, Shen Ling rushed forward impatiently and hugged Song Zhi tightly.

"Okay, don't worry, I'm fine."

Song Zhi spoke softly, raised his hand and touched Shen Ling's head to comfort her.

Suddenly, she noticed some strange sights. Looking up, she found that Guo Xiong and his family were all looking at her in shock.

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