Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 42 Are you the only one who is playing tricks in front of the steamed food? Are you trying t

Si Qing watched Song Zhi's movements and saw her smile, and the tip of his ear was inexplicably stained with a few blushes.

So, he squatted down in a panic, followed Song Zhi's example, scooped up a handful of water, and washed his face.

So cool! So clear!

The moment Si Qing was touched by the cold lake water, he felt that the heat around him faded a little, and his mind became much clearer.

"How is it? The quality of this water is good, right?"

Song Zhi had already stood up at this time, and saw Si Qing's face full of enjoyment, and spoke proudly.

The system's farm is really good. When she is free, she must come here to farm and have fun!

"Hehe, host, I actually have more good places. When you walk slowly backwards, you can discover them bit by bit."

The system sensed Song Zhi's heart and came out happily waiting to be praised.

"Okay, then you should publish more tasks that are easy to complete in the future, so that we can make progress together!"

Song Zhi narrowed her almond eyes and smiled brightly.

The system could not wait to agree: "Okay!"

After a while, the system slowly realized that it seemed to have fallen into someone's text trap.

What do you mean by releasing more easy-to-complete tasks in the future? This task is random, random! ! !

The system wanted to argue with Song Zhi, but it was too late. It could only remember it silently and planned to make it clear to Song Zhi next time.

"The water quality is very good, even higher than that of the North Lake near the base. That's it. I will send someone to send the money after I return to the base, and I will arrange for the base to come here to get water tomorrow."

"Okay, it's a deal."

Song Zhi and Si Qing clapped their hands to swear.

After that, Song Zhi took Si Qing around the lake again, and he memorized the terrain around the lake.

In order to choose a suitable location when he returned, he arranged for them to fetch water.

After the matter was finalized, Si Qing did not stay for long and said goodbye.

Before leaving, Song Zhi stopped him and brought him a bottle of iced drink.

"Here, to quench your thirst on the way."

"Okay, thank you."




Si Qing was lucky and arranged all the water for the future.

But Qi Er on the other side was not so lucky.

He led a team of his men to check around the base first.

After finding nothing, he led them to explore ten kilometers away from the base.

During this time, the sun above was getting hotter and hotter.

Soon, the water they had on them was gone.

"Boss, why don't we go back to the base first? It doesn't look like there is water around here."

One person was so thirsty that he couldn't help but speak.

With his words, the others also agreed.

"Yeah, boss, look at the soil here. I dug so deep and didn't feel any moisture. I guess there's no water source nearby."

"Yeah, I've finished all the water I brought with me. If anyone has any left, can you give me a sip?"

"No, I'm saving it. I only have one sip left. I can't share it with you."

"I'll just drink a little. You can give me a few drops!"

"I said no, so it's no, you...ah!"

As the two talked, they suddenly wrestled with each other.

The thirsty man finally won and drank all the remaining water of the other man, leaving not a drop.

The other man was so angry that he got up from the ground with an angry face and rushed up with his fist raised.

"Damn it, you're robbing me openly! Don't think I can't beat you. If we really fight, who knows who will win!"

"Hehe, you're just a defeated general, and you're still so shameless? Fight me, who's afraid of who!"

The weather was dry and the two were angry, and neither of them would spare the other.

For a while, those who were fighting, those who were trying to stop the fight, and those who were taking the opportunity to steal other people's water were all mixed together in a mess.

The situation was out of control for a while.

Qi'er was already upset because he couldn't find a water source, and who would have thought that the people below were also not easy to worry about.

Because a few sips of water could cause a fight.

He was just about to use force to separate the two people who were wrestling in front of him, but he caught a glimpse of a sneaky figure from the corner of his eye.

The man moved towards his backpack little by little, and carefully opened the zipper of the backpack, picked up the remaining half bottle of water in it and drank it in big gulps.


Whose things do you dare to touch?

If he doesn't teach him a lesson today, won't this person be able to ride on his head in the future?

Qi'er couldn't bear it anymore, clenched his fists and rushed up.

"Whose things do you dare to touch?"

Now, the only leader who could stop all this also joined the battle, and the situation was completely out of control.

In the evening.

The sun set.

A team with bruised faces returned to the base.

The guard didn't recognize who was leading the team at first glance, and he picked up a random person and joked.

"What happened to you? It looks like you didn't encounter zombies... Otherwise, you are probably all mutated, so what happened to you? Oh! Yes, you didn't go to rob another territory and got beaten out!"

Since the last time Qi'er took more than a hundred superpowers out, all of them came back with bruises.

Everyone in the base knew about this.

They knew that Qi'er had taken a fancy to the supplies in a supermarket, and he vowed to take a team to rob, but was defeated by the supermarket owner alone!

1v100+, killed instantly.

After this, there were always people in the base who would joke about this and use it as a metaphor.

For example.

"Look at your swollen face. If you don't know, you might as well have failed in the robbery."

"Yo, yo, yo, look how strong you are. If you have the guts, go fight the supermarket owner in the wasteland. If you win, I'll take your last name!"

"Tsk, don't brag about how powerful your superpowers are every day. If you go to that supermarket owner, you'll still be killed."

But everyone was joking, and none of them were fatal.

Only this guard made a hell joke, and made it to the steaming pot.

When the person being teased heard the guard's words, his body stiffened all of a sudden, and his legs that were originally taking steps were firmly fixed in place.

He looked at the guard with a look of horror, and winked at him behind him.

The person being teased: Oh my God, do you want to listen to what you are saying? Please open your two big eyes and look behind you. Who is behind you... Are you going to die if you say that?

But the guard seemed to have misunderstood his meaning and thought he was provoking.

"Oh, could it be that I was right, you really went to rob, and then were beaten out...ah!"

He was halfway through his words.

The man in front of him couldn't stand it anymore, and raised his hand and punched him in the stomach.

At the same time, Qier, with a black face, walked out of the team.

"Since when did the guards of the base gossip so much? Is this how Si Qing manages his subordinates?"

The guard was frightened when he saw the person coming.

He opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word.

Oh my god, Commander Qier?

Help, why did Commander Qier appear in this team!

Looking at how dark his face was, it's not possible that Commander Qier heard what he just said.

It's over...I'm tired, let's destroy it.

Mom, my son won't go back for dinner tonight, and my son may die at his post...

Seeing that he was so scared that he couldn't say a word, Qier snorted coldly and left with his sleeves.

Damn it, you dead woman, don’t let me catch you, I will definitely kill you!

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