Although it was night, the weather outside was still hot and stuffy, making people feel a little breathless

But Yan Bohou felt a little cold around him at this time, and shivered and rubbed his arms.

Shen Ling's expression was still cold, and there was countless coldness in her eyes.

Yan Bohou saw her silent for two seconds, and then he still spoke with a stiff upper lip.

"Lingling, has anything happened to you during this period? Now that I have found you, I will definitely protect you, don't be afraid."

Yan Bohou's tone was sincere, but Shen Ling didn't believe it.

She raised her head and squinted her eyes in thought.

"Lingling, you have to believe Uncle Yan, I won't do anything bad to you, I will protect you, don't be afraid..."

Yan Bohou wanted to continue to say something, but was interrupted by Shen Ling.

Shen Ling raised a hand towards Yan Bohou and said to him.

"You should have kept that thing with you. Give it back to me."

Shen Ling's tone was firm, and her eyes were fixed on Yan Bohou, as if if Yan Bohou refused, she would immediately turn into a beast and pounce on him.

Yan Bohou's expression froze. He didn't expect Shen Ling to be so blunt.

But that thing is vital to the base, and it is related to the future survival of the entire human race. If it is handed over, it should be handed over to such a child...

Yan Bohou hesitated.

Shen Ling saw that he seemed unwilling, and changed her attitude.

Her tone softened, and her eyes turned red.

"Uncle Yan, you know how important that thing is to me. Since you have left the base, can you give it to me? Please."

Shen Ling's voice was soft and her expression changed to the cute look of her peers.

Yan Bohou seemed to be bewitched by something in an instant.

He stood there steadily, and his hands uncontrollably reached into his pockets.

His eyes met Shen Ling's deep blue pupils, but if you look closely, you can clearly see that the deep blue pupils gradually became lighter and turned towards pink.

"Hurry, give it to me. Uncle Yan treats me the best. He must not want me to be sad, right?"

Seeing Yan Bohou take action, Shen Ling continued to persuade him.

Everything went smoothly.

Yan Bohou took out a piece of transparent crystal from his pocket, and some metal gears were embedded in the crystal.

There was no external force, but the gears were still ticking.

Shen Ling's eyes lit up when she saw the transparent crystal. She couldn't wait to grab the transparent crystal.

When Shen Ling's fingertips touched the crystal, the gears on the crystal suddenly stopped moving, and the ticking sound disappeared instantly.

Yan Bohou's face turned pale when he saw this scene.

It's over!

This was the first thought that popped up in his mind.

He didn't understand where this idea came from, because he had watched Shen Ling grow up.

She was only twelve years old, and he was already over forty years old. In any aspect, he should not be afraid of such a little girl.

"Okay, I know that Uncle Yan loves me the most, so I will accept this as a gift for Uncle Yan and I to meet again!"

After getting the things, Shen Ling's tone became light.

The color of her pupils also turned back to the previous dark blue.

"Huh!" Yan Bohou, who had been losing control of his body, finally regained control at this moment and gasped for air.

"Lingling, you!" Yan Bohou wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

His expression was serious, as if he was facing a great enemy.

"Okay, Uncle Yan, let's stop here for today." Shen Ling ignored his expression and said in a relaxed tone.

"By the way, Uncle Yan, do you want to go to the supermarket to find Sister Song Zhi? I'll take you there. Nothing happened today. You must remember it."

After that, Shen Ling walked straight to the supermarket regardless of whether Yan Bohou agreed or not.

Yan Bohou naturally did not dare to neglect it.

That thing was back in her hands. Who else in the world could control her?

I was careless... I shouldn't have met her alone.

But if she really wanted to, could he really run away?

"Alas!" Yan Bohou sighed heavily, reorganized his mood, and followed him.

In a place that neither of them noticed.

Song Zhi saw everything on the monitor.

In the picture, little Shen Ling took Yan Bohou to the back of the supermarket, and the two knew each other.

But what Song Zhi didn't expect was that Shen Ling could actually speak, and speak so fluently.

The system was also shocked.

"Oh my god, host, this little Lingling, she... how can she speak! And speak so fluently, and with that look, oh my god, is this really the little Lingling we saw before?"

Before Guo Xiong's family arrived.

Song Zhi and Shen Ling lived here.

Song Zhi was slow to complete the system tasks, so the system was idle all day. So when there was nothing to do, Song Zhi would play with Shen Ling more, and it would watch the fun from the side.

It liked the cute little child who was a little autistic.

But it didn't expect that one day such a cute child would have a side that no one knew about.

Its world collapsed a little.

"Host, was she acting before? She wouldn't have any bad intentions towards the supermarket, right? Host, you have to be careful. You are so powerful, why don't you take the initiative to solve this potential danger?"

"You don't have to react so strongly."

Song Zhi was amused by the series of reactions of the system.

"Host, it is the end of the world now. Can you have a sense of crisis?" The system was disappointed.

"Sense of crisis?" Song Zhi asked back, "If you have a sense of crisis, why didn't you test her when she first came? It's been more than half a month now, and you just remembered this?"

The system felt that Song Zhi's words made sense and couldn't refute it.

Alas, it was just dazzled by the cute little dumpling before!

"Host...she..." The system wanted to insist, but couldn't think of words.

Song Zhi heard it and said.

"Okay, everyone has their own secrets, and if she wants to harm us, isn't more than half a month enough for her to plan?"

"Wait until she is willing to take the initiative to say it, then we'll talk about it."

Song Zhi stared at the monitor and said lightly.

Since the first time she saw Shen Ling, she felt that she was inexplicably familiar, and always felt that she had seen her somewhere before.

But Shen Ling couldn't speak at that time, so she could only think in her heart, where exactly had she seen her before.

But now Shen Ling can speak.

Then when she wants to confess in the future, she can still ask her.

Her origins, and whether she has seen her before.

Thinking of this, the door of the supermarket was pushed open, and Shen Ling came in first.

Song Zhi looked at her with a smile, and there was an indescribable feeling in his eyes.

Shen Ling had just done something wrong, and now she felt guilty. After meeting Song Zhi's eyes, she immediately looked away.

She ran to Song Zhi with a guilty conscience, took her arm, and pretended to look outside the door.

Tell her that someone is outside.

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