Build a doomsday base, starting from the infinite supermarket

Chapter 51 People in Beiyuan Base prefer robbery?

Although the short-haired man felt it was not necessary, according to what Li Yuan said, he could get a lot of supplies for free, and he would still get the advantage, so he didn't insist.

There are a lot of supplies in the supermarket, and each of them wants to take them. After a while, they can no longer hold them in their arms.


Li Yuan glanced at them, curled his lips, and had some confidence in his eyes.

Originally, they had agreed to confidently take out the things from the supermarket without spending any money, but when it came time to become a free prostitute, they still felt a little inexplicable fear in their hearts.

Li Yuan's look just gave them confidence.

Everyone's backs were straightened, and their eyes were much firmer.

"Just come here to check out."

Guo Xiong saw that they had already chosen and greeted them with a smile.

He's going to work!

But those people didn't seem to listen to his words. Instead, they seemed to ignore him.

Li Yuan ignored Guo Xiong's words and walked towards the supermarket entrance holding the supplies in his hands.

The people behind also followed, and no one paid attention to Guo Xiong's words.

Even though Guo Xiong was slow to react, when he saw their actions, he understood that they were going to have sex for free.

Guo Xiong was angry at that time.

He slammed his hands on the table and shouted at them loudly.

"You guys haven't checked out yet, so you can't leave. Please come to my place to check out!"

Guo Xiong is 1.8 meters tall and relatively strong, making it hard to ignore.

Li Yuan and others paused before leaving and looked towards him.

Because no one knew each other's details, when they saw Guo Xiong, they subconsciously stopped in fear.

The rest of the people, centered on Li Yuan, stopped and looked at her, hoping that she could explain.

It's all useless stuff.

Li Yuan glanced at them and cursed secretly in his heart.

It was useless for them, the grown men, to stand in the back without saying a word, waiting for her to meet again in front.

Li Yuan cleared his throat and looked at Guo Xiong.

Her expression was innocent and unbelievable, "Checkout? What kind of bill?"

Guo Xiong was angered by Li Yuan's expression of pretending to be confused. He lost his good tone before, and his tone became angry and serious.

"We are a supermarket, not a poverty relief center. If you take something from our store, of course you have to pay. Otherwise, what is the difference between this and robbery?"

Guo Xiong could not help but roll his eyes at her.

Who is this person? He is not young at all. Why can't he understand human speech? Although it is the end of the world and education has been temporarily put on hold, this is common sense in life.

Anyone who goes out to buy things without giving them money is a pure robber!

But Guo Xiong obviously underestimated Li Yuan's shamelessness.

After listening to Guo Xiong's words carefully, she still had no intention of paying her and continued to deal with her verbally.

"Our Beiyuan base came here to fetch water. The commander of our base spent 50 million to rent the right to use the lake for one month. The lake is obviously naturally formed, but your boss shamelessly said that it is privately owned by her.

The money has been spent, and we don’t care. If we take something from you, you still have the nerve to ask us for money? "

Li Yuan said it seriously, and he treated Guo Xiong well.

Because Li Yuan's long speech was so emotional, everyone standing around her believed it and jumped out to agree.

"That's right, your boss has collected so much money from our base, and we are only getting some supplies now, but you still have the nerve to accept the money? If you have the ability, return the money that the base gave to your boss before!"

"Yes, it's clear that you took advantage. We just took a little bit of your stuff, but you are still so arrogant about whether you still want to cooperate with our base in the future!"

"Our commander-in-chief is innocent, so your boss used sweet talk to get so much money out of her. The lake is right there, how can she prove that it belongs to her!"


They said something to each other, but the more they talked, the more excited they became.

Guo Xiong couldn't find a place to intervene and stop this farce.


It’s not that these people are mentally ill, what kind of logic is this?

If your commander pays, that is also a matter at the base. It has nothing to do with you people, and there is no such clause in the transaction.

"Why are you guys so confused when shopping? You buy when you can, and leave when you can't. What's the difference between doing this and robbing someone in person? Have you forgotten what happened to Commander Qier a while ago?"

Li Pu saw that Guo Xiong was unable to insert his mouth, so he couldn't help but speak from the side.

Li Yuan saw someone coming out and glanced at Li Pu. After seeing that the person was the one who was on the same team as her to fetch water, she spoke angrily.

"Li Pu! You are from the base, why are you talking to outsiders? Are you receiving any benefits behind our back?" Li Yuan insisted.

Li Pu was speechless. He didn't understand how this man could wrongfully accuse others.

"Li Yuan, are you okay? I'm just standing on the side of a passerby. What you did was wrong in the first place, so let's not let anyone talk about it."

Li Pu became more and more angry as he spoke, and continued, "I have a message for you. Your heart is dirty, and everything you look at is dirty. I think you are the one who took advantage of some people and came out to be used as a gunman!"

Hearing this, Li Yuan felt guilty for a moment.

But then he thought of his sweetheart Liang Yan, and the guilty feeling disappeared instantly.

No, Liang Yan can't stand this supermarket owner, so she must not let this supermarket owner have an easy time.

"Don't talk nonsense! Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you. I'll say this today. I want to take this thing, but I won't give you any money. If you have the ability, stop me!"

Li Yuan raised his chin proudly and looked at Guo Xiong and the others with disdain.

She is also a superpower and good at fighting. If they really fight, who is better?

When others heard Li Yuan's words, they also showed their attitudes.

"Hehe, we just don't give money, what can you do to us!"

"We have received so much money from us, so we should take these things. I advise you not to make a big deal, otherwise, if it doesn't end well, don't blame us for being rude!"


Guo Xiong was immediately furious when he saw Li Yuan's arrogant look.

He rolled up his sleeves and wanted to go forward to compete with the other party, but when he saw the other party showing his superpowers, Guo Xiong instantly wilted.

How to fight? There is no way to win!

In the end times.

The difference in ability between superpowers and non-superpowers is huge. If a person without superpowers fights with a person with superpowers, it is no different from seeking death.

Li Pu also has no superpowers, at best he can only fight with strength.

Seeing that the other party showed his superpowers, he stayed where he was and did not dare to move.

Li Yuan saw that the two of them did not dare to move, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise.

Haha, I thought they were very capable, but I didn't expect them to be two trash without superpowers.

Just when Li Yuan wanted to leave with the people behind him, a female voice suddenly came from behind.

"Do the people in your Beiyuan base prefer robbery?"

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