The base consumes a lot of water every day, and it is getting hotter day by day. Everyone is thirsty again just after drinking water every day.

So every day there are people coming to the base to fetch water.

In the later stage, in addition to the more than 100 people arranged by the base to fetch water, there were other people who were willing to follow, just to drink more water and fetch some water to take home.

The North Lake near the base has completely dried up. Even if you walk to the center of the lake, you can't see any water.

Everyone complained endlessly.

Fortunately, there is a place to fetch water at the supermarket.

Moreover, when they are fetching water, they can also go to the supermarket to buy some daily necessities, among which food is the most purchased.

Song Zhi was also happy.

Hundreds of people come to the supermarket to buy supplies every day. In the past few days, her wealth has grown rapidly.

It was just that she and Guo Xiong were the only two people watching in the supermarket, and they were a little too busy.

On this day, Song Zhi planned to ask Guo Xiong and wanted to recruit another employee to help in the supermarket.

"Boss Song!" Guo Xiong was holding the small cake Shi Shuwan made for lunch. When he saw Song Zhi, he hurriedly walked over.

Shi Shuwan's job was to look after the hotel, and someone came to take him to check in.

But in the past few days, I don't know whether it was because of the hot weather outside, but there was not a single guest in the hotel.

Yan Bohou's family moved in just a few days ago.

So, when Shi Shuwan had nothing to do, she went to Guo Xiong to buy some ingredients for making cakes in the supermarket.

Shi Shuwan opened a cake shop before the end of the world and could make almost all types of cakes on the market.

The recipes are also remembered in my mind, so even if there is no recipe, I can still restore it perfectly.

Song Zhi saw that she was going to make a cake and expressed her happiness. She might not have eaten a freshly made cake for a long time.

After all, she had experienced the apocalyptic ten years before, and now it was happening again, and it still wasn't over.

Immediately, Song Zhi selected a set of cake-making tools from the system and sent them, including an oven and other arrangements.

When Shi Shuwan saw those utensils, her face burst into laughter.

I keep repeating it, and when it is ready, I must give some to Song Zhi to try.

Song Zhi readily agreed.

Because making cakes is rare in the apocalypse, Shen Ling had never seen it before, so she curiously walked over and followed Shi Shuwan to help.

Shi Shuwan liked children very much, and Shen Ling was very good, so she took her to do it together.

After looking at the hotel, she left it to her son Guo Leshan.

"Mom, I also want to make a cake with you." Guo Leshan was dissatisfied with Shi Shuwan's allocation and immediately protested.

"The protest is invalid, just watch carefully."

Shi Shuwan refused ruthlessly, took Shen Ling's hand, and entered the kitchen.

When Shen Ling left, she did not forget to turn her head and glance at Guo Leshan, giving him a proud look.

Guo Leshan looked at it and said he was unwilling, but he still compromised in his heart. And while looking in front, I was looking forward to what the cake would taste like for a while.

Shi Shuwan and Shen Ling were busy from morning to noon.

After lunch, Guo Xiong took the newly baked cake to find Song Zhi.

"I'm here."

Song Zhi said, coming out from behind the last row of shelves in the store, seeing the cake in Guo Xiong's hand, and took a deep sip.

"Wow, is this the cake you made? It smells so delicious."

The sweet aroma of the cake suddenly filled the entire space, mixed with the caramel aroma after being baked at high temperature. Song Zhi couldn't wait to eat it in his mouth right away.

"Yes, my wife hasn't done it for many years and her skills may be a bit rusty. Please don't dislike it, Boss Song."

Guo Xiong smiled and handed over the cake in his hand.

Song Zhi reached out to take it, then suddenly thought of something and spoke.

"By the way, do you know that friend in the base who you think is reliable?"

"Friend?" Guo Xiong looked at Song Zhi doubtfully, not understanding what she meant.

"Yes, the supermarket has been very busy these days. I'm afraid it won't be too busy for just the two of us. I want to hold an event in a few days. Thinking that you have lived in the base for so long and there are so many people inside, I want to do it again. Just recruit an employee from the base."

Song Zhi told Guo Xiong her inner thoughts.

Guo Xiong thought seriously, and after a few seconds, excitement flashed in his eyes.

He couldn't wait to introduce it to Song Zhi.

"Well, Boss Song, to tell you the truth, I have a brother, the same one who came to the store last time. He is very honest, can endure hardships, and has great strength. You can see if he can do it or wait until he comes next time. Are you looking at it in person?"

Guo Xiong said, his eyes always staring at Song Zhi, with great expectation in his heart.

If possible, he would like Li Pu to work in the store.

The last time he came to tell him, he was not having a good time at the base.

Just because he criticized Li Yuan when he was in the store last time, after returning home, Li Yuan was exempted from the job of fetching water near the supermarket, and he felt angry inside.

He would find Li Pu every once in a while and make trouble, which made him feel extremely irritable for a while.

You can't beat him. An ordinary person, no matter how powerful he is, can't beat a superpower.

After all, he can't quarrel with a woman all day long, it will have a bad influence.

So he could only endure it.

"Li Pu?" Song Zhi said, trying to search for the existence of this person in his head.

She seemed to have some impression of this person, and felt that he was a pretty good person.

As for the rest, it wouldn't be too late to wait until he got to the store to see them.

If she is not qualified, she is very experienced in chasing people away in the supermarket.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content!

"Okay, then you can contact him as soon as possible. If possible, the welfare standard is the same as yours, including food and accommodation, and some extra bonuses will be given every month. The specific amount of the bonus is to be determined."

As long as the supermarket has enough revenue, she doesn't mind paying them more wages.

Song Zhi: dbq, she is a black-hearted businessman. There must be revenue to pay wages!

System: It doesn't matter, host, I support your decision. Only in this way can you make more money.

Song Zhi: ...

I thought I was black-hearted enough, but I didn't expect you to be the one who hides the deepest.

"Really? Then I will contact him now, oh no, after I get off work."

Guo Xiong breathed a sigh of relief, looking overjoyed.

He couldn't wait to share this joy with his good brother.

Before, his family lived here, and he was worried about his good brother's life alone in the base. Now it would be great if he could move in together.

They seemed to be neighbors.

"Well, go get busy." Seeing his bright smile, Song Zhi waved his hand and asked him to go down to work.

It must be said that today's supermarket is so busy.

Compared with yesterday, the number of customers seems to be twice as much.

Many people are not from the water-drawing team. They came here with the large team under the scorching sun just to buy supplies in Song Zhi's supermarket.

Although the weather is hot now, there is still a risk of being attacked by zombies.

A few days ago, on the way back, the water-drawing team encountered several groups of zombies in a row. Fortunately, there were superpowers inside, so no casualties were caused.

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